12 March 2025 Civil/General Aviation » Deliveries » Sort of . . .,  

Delivery flights - sort of

Not all of the ferrying of aircraft from one place to another fall under the heading of “delivery flight”, i.e. flying the aircraft from one owner to another. In fact, none of the following “deliveries” ever left the ground at all.

In the case of operator, the titles of the last owner is given where known.

This page added on 17.05.14.
Aero Commander 560 Pyramid Airlines N491F Having never flown since its arrival at the then MIACO company in January 1984, it was transported to a local scrap yard by Nov 87.
A.320-211 Windjet EI-DFO The aircraft originally use to come to Malta for maintenance at Lufthansa Technic. Last visit on 13.04.12, being repossessed by lessor on 12.08.12. Spent a number of years in open storage, with several parts being removed. Eventually towed over to the fire dump area of the airport. Still at the dump as of January 2023.

c/n 371, pi F-WWIQ, C-FLSJ, N531LF, TC-OND, SU-LBA, C-FTDD, A6-ABX.
BAC 1-11-518FG Al Barka Air Services 5N-BBP Aircraft had arrived on 10.09.02, entering on the 11th. Aircraft chopped up, the nose section being taken to the Malta Aviation Museum.
BAC 1-11 Al-Barka 5N-BBQ One of a trio of 1-11s that had remained at Safi since their arrival, this particular aircraft was towed out of Safi on 04.02.06, and taken to the eastern part of Park 9, where it was lifted over the perimeter fence. It was then towed by road to Hal-Far for use by the International Safety Training Centre Malta Ltd.

On 17.10.24, the aircraft was noted in overall grey colours with the starboard wing beneath the aircraft, and a large ISTC badge on the fin.
BAC 1-11   9L-LDJ After a number of years in open storage at Safi, the aircraft was first towed and placed on the grass between parks 3 & 4 in late 2005/early 2006. The aircraft was towed to its present slot in the park 5 area, when construction work on Lufthansa Technic’s hangars commenced. Broken up on 10.01.18.
Beech 18 Lavco N495F A one-time frequent visitor to MIACO, it was sold to a scrap yard in 1978. It languished there until it was “delivered” to the International Fire and Safety School – Malta at Hal-Far in late 91/early 92 (I first photographed it at Hal-Far on 15 January 1992). It was saved from what seemed a certain fiery end when it was purchased in 1996 by the National Tourism Organisation of Malta for display at the Aviation Museum.
B.720   9H-AAM Having had the distinction of being Air Malta’s first aircraft, ‘AM would end its life ignominiously at Luqa Airport’s fire dump. Probably the shortest travelling distance of all the aircraft mentioned here, remaining within the airport boundaries.
R/Cessna F172E Skyhawk   G-ASVU c/n 0075. The aircraft had crashed in Cyprus in September 1973, and was airlifted from RAF Akrotiri, Cyprus on board an RAF Belfast aircraft on 08.03.74. It was then moved to Hal-Far airfield on 20.03.74.
DC-3 Geoterrex/Terra Surveys C-FITH This aircraft had never flown since arriving at the MIACO facilities at Safi in January 1980, and in fact, only left the MIACO site in April 1981 to be used in the filming of the TV series Airline. On 19 March 1987, it was towed by road to Hal-Far for use by the International Fire and Safety School. When this school shut down its operations, C-FITH was again “delivered” to the Malta Aviation Museum Foundation at Ta’ Qali in 1996.
DC-3 Conoco N535M Since its arrival in May 1979, had never flown, leaving the MIACO site at Safi once in April 1981 to be used in the shooting of the TV series Airline. In July 1987, it was towed by road to Hal-Far, where it would eventually be destroyed through repeatedly being set alight by the International Fire and Safety School - Malta.
DC-3 Conoco N565 Exactly as N535M above.
DC-3   N9050T Previously seen in the seventies as 5N-ATA with Nigerian Tradewings titles, the aircraft arrived in June 1983 and remain at MIACO. In 1990, the aircraft was chopped and shipped to the UK, where the fuselage was meant to be used as a bar/restaurant.
DC-3   T9-ABC Having arrived as N48ME on 17.02.95, it was re-registered as 3C-JJN, and departed after maintenance on 09.03.95, but had to return with engine problems, and was to remain in Malta following disputes over payment. Finally bought at auction, plans to restore the aircraft to airworthy status were abandoned, and the aircraft, by now re-registered as T9-ABC, was transported to Malta Aviation Museum during the night of 27/28 March 2006.
DC-4   N6304D Along with DC-6 N90703, this aircraft remained behind when MIACO had to vacate Hal-Far in September 1978. In April 1983, N6304D was transported to Luqa Airport’s fire dump, where it would end its days being set alight for the airport’s fire services to practice on.
DC-6   N90703 Unlike N6304D (see above), this DC-6 remained abandoned close to what previously was the threshold of runway 31 at Hal-Far. It would remain there, eventually adopting a nose-high position, resting on its tail, being seen as a (dangerous) plaything for children. Despite its exposure to the elements, the nose-wheel remained in remarkably good condition, which may explain why it disappeared sometime in the mid-eighties. When the International Fire and Safety School – Malta set up its operations in the control building, the aircraft was taken to their compound, where it would eventually be destroyed by repeatedly being set alight.
DHC-4A   5H-AAB One of three ex-Tanzanian AF Caribous, ‘AB had arrived on 11.03.81, registered to John Woods Inc., but was destined never to fly again. After remaining in open storage at Safi, it was taken (along with 5H-AAC) to Hal-Far on 14.02.94. Possibly scrapped.
DHC-4   5H-AAC Landed at Luqa on 21.02.81. History as for 5H-AAB above.
DHC-4A Caribou   N84897 One of a trio of ex-Abu Dhabi AF machines (N84893 and N84899) that had arrived for overhaul at the NCA company at Safi. By 28.06.05, it was taken to Hal-Far for use by the International Safety Training Centre Malta Ltd, but sometime in 2008/09 was taken to Ta Qali (but not the Aviation Museum).
DHC-7 Tassili A/Ls HB-IVX This Dash 7 had arrived at Malta’s airport on 25.01.01, entering Safi on 9th Feb, where it would remain for over ten years, until transferred to private property just outside park 4, in November 2011.
Gr. Widgeon   N750M c/n 1341. This aircraft, with N3103Q below, was flown to Malta on board a Tradewinds CL-44, G-AWGS, on 16.03.77.

These two Widgeons were again transported by road from Hal-Far to Safi, when MIACO was forced to vacate its Hal-Far premises in September 1978.

It was shipped to the UK to provide parts for N3103Q below, eventually ending up with the Historical Seaplane Museum, at Biscarrosse, Landes, France. Current status not known.
Gr. Widgeon   N3103Q c/n 1218. History in Malta as N750M as above. It was shipped to the UK, arriving at Ipswich airport on 29.04.87.
P. PA-28-161 Warrior III One Zero One Three Ltd. G-GFTB Aircraft was shipped over in a container to be used as a spares source in the rebuild of Piper Warrior 9H-FLY, which was damaged by a storm on 01.02.14. c/n 28-42048, pi N4120V.
P. PA-34 Seneca   9H-AEA Formerly with the European Flight Academy, this aircraft was spotted in all-white colours w/o titles at the 2010 Malta air show, and with MCAST (Malta College of Arts, Sciences & Technology) titles, to whom the aircraft has since been donated.
W. Sea King HAS6   ZD633/014/B c/n wa942. Arrived by ship from the UK on 02.04.15. Towed over to the previous airfield of Hal-Far for use by the International Safety Training College.

Helicopter was noted on 17.10.24 sporting a large ISTC badge, without main rotor. Also missing was the tail rotor as well as last part of the tail boom.
Jets, Props/Turbo-props, Demonstrators - Jets, Demonstrators - Piston/Turbo-props, Ferry flights Overfliers Sort of . . ., Special flights,
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