Tuesday, March 11, 2025 Military Aviation » Malta-based » Royal AF »  38 Squadron  

No.38 Squadron

Motto: Ante lucem - Before the dawn.



38 squadron originally took up residence at RAF Luqa in July 1945 equipped with Warwicks, used on air-sea rescue work, which were replaced by Lancaster GR Mk 3s in July 1946, when the squadron reverted to the maritime reconnaissance role. In September 1946 the squadron moved to Palestine, staying there until Mar 1948. It returned to Malta to become the resident MR squadron. It converted to the Shackleton MR Mk 2 in 1954, based at Hal-Far airfield, until disbanded on 31 March 1967.

RE167/F GR.3    
RF306/E GR.3    


The serial numbers of this squadron were gathered from the article “Two Weeks in Malta”. In that article, the unidentified author listed four Shackletons whose serial number he never confirmed. These were coded V, X, Y, and Z.

Any reader, especially ex-servicemen, who can provide additional information, is welcome to e-mail me.

I received the following e-mail from Mr. George Greaves.

I have just come across your site whilst browsing through some of my old RAF stations. I was on 38 squadron at Luqa from June 1954 to December 1956. We had eight Mk2 Shackletons coded S-T-U-V-W-X-Y-Z.

In those days that was Sugar, Tare, Uncle, Victor, Willy, X-ray, Yoke, Zebra.

WL739 MR.2/T.2 First flown 9.12.52 and A/Cn 31.12.52. To 23MU 21.01.53, but retained on Avro charge for rectification 10.3.53. On completion was prepared for service and issued to 240 Sqn 31.3.53. Uncoded. Cat.3 repairs by 278MU on site 14.5.53 - 11.12.53. Transferred to 269 Sqn 12.12.53. To CAPMF St Mawgan 3-12.3.54 for mods and transferred to 204 Sqn 11.8.54 still uncoded. 'Special fitment' 6.4.55 - 4.5.55 and coded P by 5.57. Attached to 38 Sqn, Luqa, Malta, 27.4.58 possibly as W, although still on 204 Sqn strength until sent to Avro 12.58 for Phase I update. On completion delivered to 37 Sqn 20.12.59 and coded D. To Avro Langar 28.4.60 for Phase II conversion, which commenced 2.5.60 and was completed 17.4.61. The work included trials on 'bomb-shaped' wing-mounted air sampler ducts using the old RP mountings. The ducts had a nose cap that could be opened for a prescribed time and then sealed. The control panel was mounted on the starboard side of the fuselage over the main spar. WL739 was reissued to 204 Sqn 19.4.61 and again coded P. Sustained Cat.3 damage, which was repaired by HSA CWP 3-15.6.65, the aircraft remaining with 204 Sqn until allocated to HSA Langar for T.2 conversion. On completion allotted to MOTU 29.12.67 and delivered 3.1.68 (first T.2 in service). Coded S. To HSA Bitteswell for mods15.3.68 - 13.5.68 and Cat.3 25.7.69, the latter repaired by 71MU 28.7.69 - 7 8.6.9 Ferried to 5MU Kemble I .5.70 for removal of training equipment and then issued to the St Mawgan Gulf Detachment 4.8.70 as a PhaseIII aircraft. Arrived Sharjah 10.8.70 and transferred to 210 Sqn 23.10.70, recoded X. Allotted to the RAF Fire School at Catterick 1.11.71 and ferried to St Mawgan for removal of 'Column 9' equipment, arriving 17.11.71. Catterick allotment cancelled and delivered to Manston for fire-fighting training.  
WL740/U MR.2C First flown 18.12.52 and A/Cn 26.1.53. Loaned to CS(A) and retained for development work on internal noise reduction and contractor's trials of long exhaust tail pipes. To 23MU 5.10.53 and issued to 204 Sqn 1.1.54 and possibly coded T-X. To CAPMF St Mawgan 3.2.54 for mods, returning to 204 Sqn 18.2.54. 'Special fitment' installed 26.4.55 - 18.5.55 and gunnery trials at the A&AEE 11 - 14.3.58, testing installation of Bren gun mounted in starboard beam. Attached to 38 Sqn Luqa 27.4.58 and subsequently ToC by unit as Y. To Safi, Malta, 18.12.59 for storage prior to allocation to Avro 15.3.60 for Phase I/II conversion. Completed 9.3.61, WL740 was issued to 38 Sqn 15.3.61 and coded U. To HSA Langar 15.3.67 for T.2 conversion, but the work was not completed, the aircraft being SoC 28.2.68 as Cat.5 (Components). In 1962, this aircraft carried 'Royal Air Force Coastal Command' across the fin below the fin flash and a union jack above. See article Two weeks in Malta.
WL756/T MR.2/AEW.2 First flown 1.4.53 and A/Cn 30.4.53. To 23MU 5.5.53 and prepared for issue to MEAF Delivered to Luqa by the Overseas Ferry Unit, Benson, 28.7.53 and after acceptance checks issued to 37 Sqn 5.8.53 and coded G. To CAPMF St Mawgan 1-19.2.54 for mods and on return to 37 Sqn damaged in Cat.3 flying accident 7.5.54 when the pilot stalled the aircraft on final approach and the tailwheel assembly collapsed on touchdown in the undershoot. Transferred to 137MU Safi for repairs the same day. A 'special fitment' was made 21.10.55 - 5.12.55 after which WL756 was transferred to 38 Sqn 16.12.55 and recoded T. To 49MU for mods 9.10.57 - 19.11.57, returning to 38 Sqn and suffered Cat.3 damage in flying accident 19.3.58. presumably at Akrotiri because it was allocated to 103MU for repairs the same day. Probably also modified to Phase I standard before allotment to HQ British Forces Arabian Peninsula 30.4.59. Issued to 37 Sqn 18.7.59 coded C. To Avro 23.1.61 for Phase II mods, completed 30.4.62. Allocated to FEAF and issued to 205 Sqn 11.6.62 still as C. To HSA 30.10.66 for Phase III mods at Langar and on completion went to the Ballykelly Wing 26.10.67 and was coded V. To HSA for mods 29.10.69 - 10.12.69 when returned to Ballykelly Wing. To 204 Sqn 10.70, retaining code V until going to 5MU 18.1.71 for preparation for despatch to HSA Bitteswell 2.4.71 for AEW.2 conversion. Flown as AEW.2 02.03.72 and redelivered to 5MU 22.3.72 for repainting and acceptance. Flown to Kinloss 4.5.72 and issued to 8 Sqn the following day. To Lossiemouth 19.5.72 for installation of radar before return to Kinloss as 'Mr Rusty' 21.6.72. Transferred to Lossiemouth with unit 17.8.73. To 60MU for modification 29.4.75, but returned to 8 Sqn 5.75. To HSA Bitteswell for major overhaul/mods 7.3.79, returning to 8 Sqn 1980. Currently at St Mawgan on the Station Fire Dump and can be seen from coast road (13,676 hrs at 9.3.89).  
WL758 MR.2 First flown 17.4.53 and A/Cn 14.5.53. To 23MU 18.5.53 and issued to 120 Sqn 22.6.53. Initially uncoded, becoming A- 9.53. To CAPMF St Mawgan 24.3.54 - 5.4.54 for mods. Transferred to 224 Sqn 8.9.54 and recoded S. To 49MU for mods 22.9.55 - 13.10.55 and more mods completed 27.4.56 - 21.7.56. Recoded 1 for 224 Sqn tour of South America 3.5 - 4.57, reverting to S later in the year. To Avro 14.11.58 for Phase I modification, completed 10.11.59. To 38 Sqn 26.11.59 and coded Y until allotted to Avro 2.5.61 for Phase II update, completed 15.12.60. Returned to 38 Sqn and recoded V. To HSA Langar for Phase III conversion 21.10.66. On completion delivered to the Ballykelly Wing 15.11.67 and coded W. To 204 Sqn 10.70, retaining W coding, and moved with unit to Honington 4.71. Ferried to Catterick 19.5.72 for the RAF Fire School and slowly destroyed.  
WL759 MR.2 First flown 24.4.53 and A/Cn 26.5.53. To Hawarden 28.5.53 and on to 23MU for storage the following day. Issued to 37 Sqn 2.9.53 and coded B. To CAPMF St Mawgan 30.3.54 (direct from JASS detachment at Ballykelly), returning to 37 Sqn on completion of mods 15.4.54. Underwent Cat.3 repairs at 137MU Safi 19.5.54 - 14.6.54 when the rear fuselage was strained during a heavy landing. Replaced as B 11.54, WL759 underwent mods 6 - 19.7.55 on completion of repairs and returned to 37 Sqn 2X 7.55 as J. Suffered more Cat.3 damage in another heavy landing 26.11.55, again to 137MU for repair. On completion back with 37 Sqn as J until 5.6.57, when despatched to 49MU for 'special fitment'. On completion to 204 Sqn 27.8.57, uncoded. To 49MU 27.8.58 for Phase I update, completed 24.2.59. Issued to 38 Sqn 10.3.59 and coded V. To Avro Langar 3.1.62 for Phase II modifications. On 30.1.63 WL759 was loaned to the MoA and remained at Langar for Tl of Mod 1103 (carriage of Mk 44 torpedo), Mod 1096 (intercom changes) and Mod 1079 (Dowty Rotol tailwheel jack redesign). To the A&AEE Boscombe Down 22.5.63 for official flight trials of Mod 1103 by 'B' Sqn. An allocation to 23MU 17.12.63 was cancelled and WL759 was retained at Boscombe for carriage and release trials of the modified Marker Marine No.4 Mk I and Underwater Sound Signal Mk 400. On completion the aircraft was delivered to ASWDU. Ballykelly, 18.2.64 and coded B. Cat.3 damage 28.6.66 was repaired by HSA CWP, returning to ASWDU 21.7.66. Allotted to FEAF 1.8.66 and ferried to Changi for 205 Sqn, retaining code B.Recoded N 1.68 and as the last Phase II aircraft in service with 205 Sqn, WL759 took part in a 'goodbye' formation on 8.11.68 flanked by E and D. SoC Cat.5(Components) 11.11.68 the aircraft was broken up at Changi 1969.  
WL785 MR.2 First flown 10.5.53 and A/Cn 26.5.53. To Hawarden 28.5.53 and on to 23MU the following day for storage. Issued to 37 Sqn 2.9.53 and coded E. To CAPMF 1.54 for mods, returning to Luqa 5.2.54. Received Cat.3 damage 16.9.54 and transferred to 137MU Safi 21.9.54 for repair. Returned to 37 Sqn 9.2.55 still as E, but allocated to Avro Langar 7.4.55 for major servicing, completed 19.7.55. WL785 was returned to 37 Sqn 25.7.55 and underwent further modification 16.4.57 - 6.6.57. Transferred to 38 Sqn 8.7.57 and coded W. To Avro 10.4.58 for Phase I update. Completed 4.6.59. To 42 Sqn 5.6.59 and coded C. To DH Chester (Hawarden) 28.11.60 for Phase II modification, completed 30.6.61. Returned to 42 Sqn 5.7.61 and recoded A. Cat.3 damage sustained 18.12.63 was repaired by 71 MU on site. Completed 3.2.64, WL785 remained with 42 Sqn until allotted to the MoA Air Fleet 7.4.65. Arrived at Boscombe Down 12.4.65 and was used for the clearance of carriage and release of directional sonobuoy Types 9003 and 11514. The aircraft returned to St Mawgan on completion of tests 27.5.65, but on 1.6.65 was delivered to HSA Langar for Phase II1 conversion, completed 25.1.67. To 204 Sqn 27.1.67 and coded P. Transferred to Ballykelly Wing 2.67, retaining code until departed for HSA Bitteswell 3.4.68 for mods. On completion returned to Ballykelly 30.5.68 still as P, reverting to 204 Sqn 10.70. Ferricd to St Athan 5.4.71 and allotted to the Central Training Establishment, arriving Manston 19.5.71. SoC Cat.5(Components) 30.6.71.  
WL788 MR.2 First flown 4.6.53 and A/Cn 30.6.53. Delivered to 23MU 8.7.53 for storage. Allotted to MEAF and ferried out to 137MU Safi 2.9.53. Issued to 37 Sqn 11.9.53 and coded C. To CAPMF 26.3.54 - 7.5.54 for mods. To 137MU/Avro Langar 15.7.54-2.9.54 for mods and sent to 49MU Colerne 2-19.5.55 for Autolycus 'special fitment', completed by CCMC St Mawgan before return to 37 Sqn 5.55. Cat.3 damage sustained in a heavy landing 2.7.55 was reassessed Cat.4, but the repair work was completed by 137MU Safi between 15.7.55 and 26.4.56, when WL788 was returned to 37 Sqn. Despatched to 49MU Colerne 28.5.56 for mods, the aircraft being collected 6.7.56. Transferred from 37 to 38 Sqn 8.7.57 and coded R. To Safi for mods 16.10.57 - 30.11.57 after which remained with 38 Sqn until delivered to Avro 29.9.58 for Phase I modification, completed 8.10.59. Reissued to 38 Sqn 24.10.59 still as R. On 10.8.60 the undercarriage collapsed during engine starts at Luqa, the Cat.3 damage being repaired at the Maintenance Base, Safi. Soon after completion WL788 was allocated to DH Chester (Hawarden) 16.11.61 for Phase II update, completed 15.6.62. The aircraft was issued to 42 Sqn 20.6.62 and coded F. Despatched to 23MU 29.11.62 for storage. Delivered to Ballykelly 19.11.64 and ToC by 210 Sqn the following day and coded Z. Cat.3 damage sustained 2.2.66 was repaired by HSA CWP from 10.3.66 and on completion the aircraft was ferried out to Aden for 37 Sqn 10.66. Coded B. On disbandment of the unit WL788 was allotted to 27MU and arrived at Shawbury 12.9.67. Declared NEA the same day, the aircraft was SoC Cat.5 (Scrap) and broken up 11.68. Sold as scrap 28.3.69.  
WL791 MR.2 First flown 16.6.52 and loaned to A.V. Roe & Co for display at the Paris Air Show. A/Cn 30.6.53. To 23MU 18.8.53 for storage. Allotted to MEAF 15.12.53 and issued to 38 Sqn 22.12.53. To 137MU for storage 1.3.54 until issued to 37 Sqn 17.11.54 as A. Underwent Autolycus mods at 49MU/CCMC 14.6.55 - 7.7.55, when returned to 37 Sqn. Transferred to 38 Sqn 8.7.57 and coded Q. More mods 14.2.58 - 14.4.58 (probably Phase I), after which returned to 38 Sqn until again in storage at Safi 22.12.59. Allocated to Avro Langar 25.1.60 for Phase II modernization, completed 16.2.61. To 210 Sqn 23.2.61 and coded V. Cat.3 damage repaired on site by 23MU 22.3.62 - 16.4.62 and 27.6.66 - 26.7.66. Transferred from 210 Sqn to Ballykelly Wing 13.2.67, retaining V code until despatched to 27MU Shawbury 23.5.67. Declared NEA the same day and later Cat.5(Scrap). Broken up 12.68 and sold as scrap 28.3.69.  
WL793 MR.2/AEW.2 First flown 15.7.53 and A/Cn 27.8.53. To 23MU 4.9.53 and allotted to MEAF 15.12.53. On arrival at Luqa WL793 was issued to 38 Sqn 18.12.53 and was coded Y. Transferred to 137MU/Avro Langar 21.5.54 for mods, returning to 38 Sqn 8.6.54. The rear propeller spinner of No.3 engine came off, causing substantial damage to the fuselage 10.5.55. Repairs 18.5.55 - 10.6.55 were followed by major servicing at Safi/Avro Langar 2.12.55 - 16.2.56. Further modified 14.11.57 - 23.12.57, remaining on 38 Sqn strength until allocated to Avro 10.4.58 for Phase I update, completed 20.7.59. To 204 Sqn 21.7.59 and coded O. To Avro Langar 28.4.61 for Phase II modernization, completed 21.2.62. To 210 Sqn 28.2.62 and coded Z. Cat.3 damage repaired on site by 23MU 10-19.6.64, WL793 returning to 210 Sqn until allotted to HSA Langar 25.11.64 for Phase III conversion, completed 31.12.66. Re-issued to 210 Sqn 1.67 and coded S. To Ballykelly Wing 2.67 still as S. Cat.3 damage 25.8.67 repaired on site by CWP 5-22.9.67. Allocated to HSA Bitteswell 7.2.68 for mods, returning to Ballykelly 3.4.68. Further modified by HSA 10.12.69 - 6.2.70 and transferred to 210 Sqn 10.70. To 5MU 2.4.71 for a major overhaul prior to delivery to HSA Bitteswell 5.6.72 for AEW.2 conversion. First flew in revised configuration 12.72 and delivered to 5MU 12.1.73 for repainting. To Lossiemouth 12.2.73 for radar installation and ToC by 8 Sqn 23.2.73 at Kinloss. Soon named 'Ermintrude'. To Lossiemouth 1.3.73. but returned to Kinloss 9.3.73. Loaned to the MoA Air Fleet and delivered to the A&AEE Boscombe Down 16.8.73 for trials on the forward escape hatch by 'B' Squadron. Returned to 8 Sqn 29.8.73, but again in use for trials work mid-1975. Remained with 8 Sqn until despatched to HSA Bitteswell for re-sparring and major servicing 28.4.77. On air-test 16.3.78 and returned to Lossiemouth 23.3.78 and 8 Sqn 29.3.78. Withdrawn from use 1981 and transferred to the Lossiemouth Battle Damage Repair Flight with maintenance serial 8657M. Intended for use in training tradesmen in the art of patching up damaged airframes, but towed to the dump 7.81 and was completely destroyed within a year, the remains being cut up for scrap 7.82.  
WL794 MR.2 First flown 7.8.53 and A/Cn 31.8.53. To 23MU 8.9.53 and allotted to MEAF 31.12.53. Issued to 38 Sqn 4.1.54 and coded T. Crashed into the sea off Gozo while exercising with a submarine 12.2.54. Declared Cat.5(Missing) the same day.  
WL795 MR.2/AEW.2 First flown 17.8.53 and A/Cn 31.8.53. Delivered to 23MU 8.9.53 for storage. Sent to the CAPMF St Mawgan 30.10.53 for mods before issue to 204 Sqn 6.1.54. Uncoded. Received Cat.3 damage in ground accident 13.3.54. Repair not completed until 13.9.54, when returned to 204 Sqn. Autolycus 'special fitment' at 49MU Colerne 28.2.55, completed by CCMC St Mawgan 22.3.55, when WL795 was ferried back to Ballykelly. Transferred to 269 Sqn11.11.58 and to 210 Sqn on formation 1.12.58. Remained uncoded, and back with 204 Sqn 23.11.59 until allocated to Avro 15.12.59 for Phase I/II update, completed 6.12.60. To 38 Sqn 20.12.60 and coded T. Allotted to HSA Langar for Phase II1 modernization 21.6.66, completed 13.7.67. Issued to 205 Sqn 1.8.67 and coded G. To 5MU Kemble 2.2.71 for storage and overhaul, prior to despatch to HSA Bitteswell 4.2.72 for AEW.2 conversion, first flying as such 8.72. To 5MU 5.9.72 for painting and allotted to 8 Sqn 12.10.72. Delivered to Lossiemouth 18.10.72 for radar installation and acceptance before joining 8 Sqn at Kinloss. Named 'Rosalie'. Transferred with unit from Kinloss to Lossiemouth 14.8.73. Withdrawn 1981 and allocated for crash rescue/fire practice at St Mawgan. Flown from Lossiemouth to St Mawgan 24.11.81 and allocated maintenance serial 8753M. Not used for fire fighting, remaining in open storage until 1988, when prepared for display on the station. Reassembled during 3.89 - 4.89 and coded T for display purposes. Current.  
WL796 MR.2 First flown 23.8.53 and loaned to A.V. Roe & Co for demonstration at the SBAC show, Farnborough, 9.53 with Mk 3 lifeboat mounted under the bomb bay. Delivered Woodford - Aldergrove 5.10.53 and ToC by 23MU the following day. Allotted to MEAF 8.1.54 and issued to 38 Sqn 13.1.54. Coded U. Underwent mods and major servicing at Avro Langar l2.7.55 - 17.10.55, returning to 38 Sqn 24.10.55. Transferred to 37 Sqn 8.7.57 and coded J. Badly damaged in Cat.4 flying accident 2.11.57 when tailwheel assembly broke away on take-off, but repair at Khormaksar by Avro CWP was completed 10.6.58 and WL796 returned to 37 Sqn 22.8.58 still as 1. To Avro Langar 31.7.59 for Phase I mods and retained for completion of Phase II update, completed 22.5.61. Issued to 204 Sqn 25.5.61 and coded M. Cat.3 damage incurred 24.6.63 was repaired on site by 23MU, completed 6.8.63. Returned to 204 Sqn 8.8.63. Cat.3 damage 8.7.64 repaired by 71 MU 15.7.64 5.8.64. More Cat.3 repairs by HSA CWP 18-25.1.65 and 19.10.65 - 17.11.65. Transferred from 204 to 205 Sqn 13.10.66, arriving Changi 21.10.66 and coded C. Ferried to 27MU Shawbury 11.10.67 and declared NEA 1.11.67. Sold as scrap to H.H. Bushell of London 7.10.68.  
WL797 MR.2 First flown 15.9.53 and A/Cn 30.9.53, To Aldergrove with WL796 5.10.53 and ToC by 23MU the following day. Allotted to MEAF 25.11.53 and on arrival at Luqa issued to 38 Sqn 1.12.53 coded W. To 137MU/Avro Langar 15.2.55 for major servicing and mods completed 19.4.55, when transferred to 37 Sqn. Sent to 49MU Colerne 27.4.55 for Autolycus 'special fitment' installation, the mod being completed by CCMC St Mawgan. WL797 was returned to 37 Sqn 10.5.55, and possibly coded J, but was transferred back to 38 Sqn 26.7.55, probably again as W. Cat.3 damage sustained in a heavy landing at Luqa and subsequent emergency landing at Takali 21.11.55. Repaired by the Maintenance Base at Safi. and transferred to 27MU 7.8.57 for storage. To 12MU Kirkbride, but returned to 23MU 16.5.58 for STS prior to allocation to RAF North Front, Gibraltar, 19.12.58. Issued to 224 Sqn 31.12.58 and coded R. To 49MU 6.4.59 for Phase I update and on completion issued to 204 Sqn 5.11.59 as P. Cat.3 damage sustained to the scanner installation 13.9.60 was repaired by Avro CWP 29.9.60 - 23.1.61, when transferred to 210 Sqn and coded Y. To Avro Langar 20.5.63 for Phase II modernization, completed 19.2.64. To 42 Sqn two days later and possibly coded E, but reallocated to 37 Sqn 22.4.64 and coded C on arrival at Khormaksar 24.4.64. Cat.3 damage sustained 2.2.67 was repaired by HSA CWP 9.2.67 - 7.3.67. On unit disbandment 9.67 WL797 was despatched to 27MU Shawbury, arriving 12.9.67 and immediately declared NEA. Cat.5(Scrap) and sold to H.H. Bushell of London 7.10.68.  
WL798 MR.2 First flown 17.9.53 and A/Cn 30.9.53. To Hawarden 6.10.53 and on to 23MU Aldergrove 9.10.53. Allotted to MEAF 15.12.53 and on arrival in Malta issued to 38 Sqn 18.12.53 and coded X. Cat.3 damage 29.7.54 was repaired by 137MU Safi 1-22.11.54, when the aircraft returned to 38 Sqn. Sent to 49MU 8.6.55 for Autolycus fitment, the installation being completed by CCMC St Mawgan before WL798 returned to Malta 24.6.55. Transferred to 137MU Safi for storage 19.12.55 prior to mods by Avro Langar 4.1.56 - 28.3.56. On completion allotted to AHQ Malta, but returned to 38 Sqn 4.4.56 still as X. Another 'special fitment' made 19.12.57 - 17.2.58 was followed by Cat.3 damage 11.3.58, which was repaired by the Maintenance Base, Safi. Returned to 38 Sqn 10.4.58, but allotted to Avro 24.10.58 for Phase I modernization. Reissued to 38 Sqn 4.59 retaining X code until returned to Avro Langar 18.5.60 for Phase II update, completed 28.4.61. Reissued yet again to 38 Sqn 20.5.61, but recoded Y. To HSA Langar 6.3.67 for Phase III conversion, completed 5.68, when despatched to 205 Sqn 16.9.68 and coded J on arrival at Changi. Returned to UK 7.70 and transferred to the Ballykelly Wing 7.7.70. Coded Z 8.70, but allotted to No. 2 SoTT Cosford 4.12.70 for use as an instructional airframe with maintenance serial 8114M. Transferred to Lossiemouth for spares recovery for 8 Sqn.  
WL799/V MR.2 First flown 18.9.53 and A/Cn 5.10.53, To Hawarden 15.10.53 and on to 23MU Aldergrove 19.10.53 for storage. Issued to 38 Sqn 8.1.54 and coded V. To 49MU Colerne for Autolycus 'special fitment' 15.4.55, returning via CCMC St Mawgan, where installation completed 5.5.55. To Safi 28.9.55 and reallotted to Avro Langar 17.10.55 for special modifications, which were completed 12.55. The aircraft was destroyed in a hangar fire at Langar 22.12.55 while being prepared for return to Malta.  
WL800 MR.2 First flown 1.10.53 and A/Cn 30.10.53. To 23MU 3.11.53 and allotted to MEAF 2.2.54. Arrived 137MU Safi 9.2.54 and issued to 38 Sqn 4.3.54 coded Z. To 49MU Colerne 12.2.55 for 'special fitment (Autolycus)', returning 26.2.55 via CCMC St Mawgan. Allocated to Avro Langar 10.7.56 for major servicing and mods, completed 31.10.56. Returned to 38 Sqn 7.11.56 and transferred to 37 Sqn 1.8.57, retaining Z code. Allocated to Avro 23.7.58, arriving Langar 28.7.58 for Phase I modernization, completed 8.9.59. To 42 Sqn 9.9.59 and coded A. before transfer to 224 Sqn 24.10.60 and coded B. To DH Chester (Hawarden) 11.7.61 for Phase II update, completed 13.2.62. Three days later issued to ASWDU for trials, before allocation to 203 Sqn 15.5.62 and coded E. Cat.3 damage 14.8.63 was repaired by 23MU 23.8.63, as was more Cat.3 damage sustained 3.6.64, the aircraft returning to 203 Sqn 12.6.64. To HSA Langar 12.1.66 for Phase III modernization, on completion of which WL800 was issued to 204 Sqn as J, transferring to the Ballykelly Wing 3.67 and retaining code. To HSA Bitteswell for mods 17.9.69, rejoining the Ballykelly Wing 7.11.69. Transferred to 5MU 1.10.70 for a major servicing, after which WL800 was delivered to 204 Sqn 3.2.71. To the Majunga Detachment Support Unit 29.3.71, returning to the parent unit, 204 Sqn, at Honington, still as J prior to allocation to the RAF Fire School at Catterick 19.5.72. SoC the same day and subsequently destroyed by fire.  
WL801/T MR.2 First flown 10.10.53 and A/Cn 30.10.53. To Hawarden 9.11.53, going on to 23MU Aldergrove for storage the following day. Allotted to MEAF 27.1.54, arriving 137MU Safi 4.2.54. To 38 Sqn 15.2.54 and coded T. To 49MU Colerne for Autolycus fitment 24.1.55, the work being completed at CCMC St Mawgan 8.3.55, when returned to 38 Sqn. To Safi/ Avro Langar 2.3.56 - 14.5.56 for mods and major servicing and recoded W on return to 38 Sqn. Transferred to 37 Sqn 8.7.57 and coded B. Cat.3 damage in flying accident 26.11.57 repaired on site, WL801 returning to 37 Sqn 28.2.58 still as B. Allocated to Avro 19.3.58 for Phase I modification, completed 27.5.59. Issued to 38 Sqn 17.6.59 and coded Z. To DH Chester 25.6.61 for Phase II update, arriving Hawarden the following day. On completion delivered to St Mawgan 21.2.62 and ToC by 42 Sqn 26.2.62 as B. To HSA Langar 28.4.64 for Phase III modernization, completed 28.7.66. To Ballykelly and ToC by ASWDU 1.8.66 and coded A. On disbandment of unit WL801 was flown to 5MU Kemble 5.5.70 and stored. Issued to 8 Sqn 15.8.74 and used for crew training coded OI until the aircraft's fatigue life was expended. Ferried to Cosford 11.6.79 for use as an instructional airframe by No.2 SoTT with maintenance serial 8629M. Transferred to the Cosford Aerospace Museum. Scrapped at an unknown date.  
WR954/Z MR.2 First flown 19.11.53 and A/Cn 10.12.53. To 23MU 14.1.54 for storage and issued to 37 Sqn 1.4.54 coded G. To 49MU Colerne for Autolycus 'special fitment' 24.3.55 - 14.4.55, the work completed at CCMC St Mawgan 16-19.4.55, when returned to Luqa via St Eval. Mods at 137MU Safi 20.4.56 - 29.5.56, WR954 remaining with 37 Sqn until allocated to Avro Langar 24.9.56 for major servicing, completed 14.2.57. Returned to 37 Sqn 23.2.57, but transferred to 38 Sqn 8.7.57 and coded Z. 'Special fitment' 24.7.58 - 1.10.58 and allocated to Avro Langar 12.6.59 for Phase I update, completed 22.6.60. To 210 Sqn 24.6.60 and coded T. Transferred to 37 Sqn 3.2.61 and coded C until departing for Avro Langar 24.10.61 for Phase II modernization, completed 26.6.62. Issued to 205 Sqn 25.7.62 and coded F until returned to the UK 11.4.66 for Phase III conversion at HSA Langar. On completion 14.6.67 WR954 was reissued to 205 Sqn and coded M. Recoded C 11.70 until ferried back to UK, arriving St Athan 17.9.71. Declared NEA 21.9.71 and SoC Cat.5(Scrap) 9.5.73. Also served with 37 squadron.
WR956/W MR.2C First flown 10.12.53 and A/Cn 18.1.54. Delivered to 23MU 17.2.54 for storage, but issued to CAPMF St Mawgan 27.4.54 for mods. Delivered to St Eval 2.7.54 and issued to 228 Sqn 6.7.54 coded L-L. Cat.3 damage sustained when tailwheel assembly collapsed 2.11.54 was repaired on site by 49MU 5.11.54 - 25.3.55, when WR956 returned to 228 Sqn. To 49MU for Autolycus 'special fitment' 26.4.55 - 25.5.55, the aircraft visiting CCMC for completion of installation. Recoded I for South American tour by unit 10.55 - 11.55. To 120 Sqn 9.10.56 and coded A until transferred to 269 Sqn 27.10.58. Uncoded. The unit was renumbered 210 Sqn 1.12.58, WR956 remaining on strength until allocated to Avro Langar 9.5.60 for Phase I/II modernization, completed 31.3.61. To 38 Sqn 13.4.61 and coded W until despatched to HSA Langar 12.11.66 for Phase III update, completed 12.1.68. Issued to the Ballykelly Wing and coded Q. On 1.4.68 WR956 crash landed at Ballykelly and was SoC Cat.5(Scrap) the same day. Dumped at Ballykelly.  
WR961/S MR.2C First flown 12.2.54 and A/Cn 26.2.54. To 38MU 9.3.54 for storage. Issued to CAPMF St Mawgan 16.6.54 for mods before delivery to 228 Sqn 6.7.54. Coded L-Q. To 49MU 12.5.55 for Autolycus 'special fitment', returning to 228 Sqn via CCMC St Mawgan 1.6.55. Recoded Q in 1956. Cat.3 damage sustained in flying accident 28.9.58 repaired by Avro CWP 28.11.58 - 22.12.58. Transferred from 228 Sqn to 224 Sqn 6.1.59 and coded L. To 204 Sqn 29.4.59, uncoded. To 37 Sqn 8.2.60 and coded B until allotted to Avro 18.5.60 for Phase I/II modernization at Langar 19.5.60 - 18.5.61. To 38 Sqn 31.5.61 and coded S. To HSA Langar 30.9.66 for Phase III update and on completion delivered to the Ballykelly Wing 30.9.67 and coded U. To HSA 31.5.68 for mods, completed 27.6.68, when returned to Ballykelly still as U. To HSA Bitteswell 7.11.69 for more mods. Retained code U on transfer to 204 Sqn l0.70. To the Majunga Detachment Support Unit 31.3.71 until returned to the UK and placed in storage at 5MU Kemble 19.4.72. Declared NEA 23.9.77 and SoC Cat.5(Scrap) 1.2.78.  
WR963 MR.2/AEW.2 First flown 11.3.54 and A/Cn 31.3.54. To 38MU 8.4.54 for storage. Allocated to 224 Sqn, but probably ferried from Llandow to St Mawgan 22.7.54. Mods completed by CCMC 27.7.54 - 5.10.54 when delivered to Gibraltar and issued to 224 Sqn the following day. Coded B-M. 'Special fitment' installations made l0.2.55 and 15.6.55 - 6.7.55. To 49MU Colerne 28.9.56 for mods, completed 11.10.56, when WR963 returned to Gibraltar. Recoded M in 1956. More mods 19.10.57 - 11.11.57. To Avro 9.3.59 for Phase I modernization, completed 18.2.60. To 210 Sqn 23.2.60 and coded Z. Allocated to DH Chester (Hawarden) 15.3.61 for Phase II update, completed 16.11.61. Delivered to 38 Sqn 23.11.61 and coded X. To 205 Sqn 14.1.66 and coded A. Allocated to HSA Langar 7.66 for Phase III modification, completed 19.7.67. Returned to 205 Sqn 1.8.67 and coded H. To 5 MU 17.12.70 for storage until delivered to HSA Bitteswell 30.6.71 for AEW.2 conversion. To 5MU 2.6.72 for repainting. To Lossiemouth 18.7.72 for radar installation and ToC 8 Sqn the following day. To Kinloss 1.8.72, where named 'Ermintrude' . Back to Lossiemouth with unit 16.8.73. Renamed 'Parsley'. To 60MU for mods 10 - 19.3.75 and HSA Bitteswell 1.3.76 for major servicing and wing re-spar. Returned to 8 Sqn 13.5.77. Cat.3 damage sustained 10.8.79 repaired by HSA CWP, WR963 returning to 8 Sqn charge 29.10.79. Currently with Air Atlantique at Bagington Airport, Coventry - (14,957hrs at 9.3.89).  
WR964 MR.2/T.2 First flown 18.3.54 and retained by Avro for fitment of enlarged oil coolers. A/Cn 31.3.54, when loaned to C(A) and was despatched to the A&AEE Boscombe Down 14.4.54 for tropical cooling trials at Khartoum, departing Boscombe 21.4.54. Problems encountered with the trials, which were abandoned 20.5.54, the aircraft returning to Boscombe Down 1.6.54. Despatched to Woodford 9.6.54 for further manufacturer's trials on engine cooling and engine exhaust pipes. Aircraft declared surplus to MoS needs 19.10.54 and delivered to 38MU 16.11.54 for storage. To 49MU 13.6.55 for Autolycus 'special fitment', completed 30.6.55, when returned to 38MU for further storage, during which it received enlarged fuselage serials and Rolls-Royce CWP worked on the aircraft. Allocated to MEAF 9.3.56 and on arrival at Luqa issued to 38 Sqn 15.3.56 and coded V. 'Special fitment' at 49MU Colerne commenced 26.9.57, followed by Cat.3 repairs 18.10.57 - 2.12.57. Back to 38 Sqn until 31.3.59, when transferred to 37 Sqn and coded F. To Avro 23.7.59 for Phase I/II modernization, completed 3.3.61. WR964 was issued to 204 Sqn 8.3.61 and coded Q. Cat.3 damage 19.8.63 was repaired by 23MU, completed 29.3.63, the aircraft returning to 204 Sqn 3.9.63. Allotted to HSA Langar 10.2.67 for T.2 modification. On completion issued to MOTU 23.5.68 and coded Z. Cat.3 damage 9.10.69 repaired by 71 MU 23.10.69 - 17.1.70. Despatched to St Athan 29.7.70 and declared NEA 27.11.70. SoC Cat.5(Scrap) 15.11.71. Transferred from 38 squadron 31.03.59.
WR965 MR.2/AEW.2 First flown 7.4.54 and A/Cn 30.4.54. To Kinloss 11.5.54 and on to 23MU Aldergrove 13.5.54 for storage. Allocated to MEAF 3.11.54 and on delivery issued to 37 Sqn 5.11.54 coded B. To 49MU Colerne for Autolycus 'special fitment' 9-23.7.55, the mod being completed by CCMC St Mawgan before WR965 returned to 37 Sqn. To Safi/Avro Langar for major servicing 13.6.55, returning to 37 Sqn 4.11.56. Transferred to 38 Sqn 8.7.57 and coded S. To 49MU for 'special fitment' 5.6.58 - 23.7.58, but remained on 38 Sqn charge until allocated to Avro Langar 23.5.59 for Phase I modification, completed 31.3.60. To 224 Sqn 6.4.60 and coded T. To DH Chester 28.8.61 for Phase II update, completed 29.3.62. Immediately despatched to the A&AEE Boscombe Down on loan to the MoA for trials on redesigned flame-float launching chute (mod 1013). Released 5.4.62 and allocated to Ballykelly, WR965 being ToC by 203 Sqn 9.4.62 and coded K. Cat.3 damage 9.6.64 repaired by 23MU and aircraft returned to 203 Sqn 23.6.64. Again sustained Cat.3 damage 12.8.65, repaired by 60MU 20.8.65 - 21.9.65, and WR965 was back with 203 Sqn the following day. To HSA Langar 17.3.66 for Phase III modernization, and on completion despatched to 205 Sqn, arriving 24.5.67, when coded L. Recoded E specially for a formation display 8.11.68 to record the retirement of WL759, the last Phase II aircraft on the Squadron. WR965 was also soon to leave Singapore, transferring to the Ballykelly Wing 2.12.68, when recoded Q. Allocated to HSA 18.12.68 and fitted with revised tailplane de-icing panels. Loaned to MinTech 24.3.69 for flight trials from Bitteswell to determine optimum flow rate, completed 9.5.69. Returned to Ballykelly Wing 15.5.69, transferring to 204 Sqn 10.70 still as Q. To 5MU Kemble 2.4.71 for storage. Delivered to HSA Bitteswell for AEW.2 conversion 28.4.72. First flight in revised configuration 15.11.72. To 5MU 28.11.72 for repainting before delivery to Lossiemouth 18.1.73 for radar installation. To Kinloss 31.1.73, returning to Lossiemouth 17.8.73 with unit. Named 'Dill'. To HSA 16.4.74 (after standing in open storage 1.74 - 4.74) for refurbishing. Returned to 8 Sqn, but to 60MU on 29.4.75 for mods and to HSA Bitteswell 1.9.76 for major servicing and re-sparring (2nd in contract). First flight after mods 12.10.77, WR965 returning to Lossiemouth 19.10.77 and 8 Sqn charge two days later. Crashed 30.4.90 near Northton, South Harris, Outer Hebrides. Ten killed. Transferred from 37 Sqn on 08.07.57
WR967 MR.2/T.2 First flown 17.5.54 and A/Cn 31.5.54. To 23MU 16.6.54 and stored until issued to the JASS Flight 6.1.55 and coded G-B. To 49MU for Autolycus 'special fitment' 24.3.55 - 21.4.55. when it was ferried to CCMC St Mawgan for completion of modification. To Ballykelly 22.4.55 on return to JASS Flight. Cat.3 damage 7.2.56 sustained when the tail assembly and rear fuselage buckled on landing following the collapse of the tailwheels. Repaired by 278MU 9.2.56 - 29.6.56 on site. Transferred to 42 Sqn 2.3.57 and coded F. Further Cat.3 damage 8.5.57 repaired by Avro CWP 10.5.57 - 27.6.57, WR967 returning to 42 Sqn 1.7.57. Allotted to 49MU I 3.3.59 for Phase I modernization, completed 11.6.59. Reissued to 42 Sqn 9.7.59, retaining code F. To Avro Langar 7.10.60 for Phase II update and on completion 4.7.61 was delivered to 38 Sqn and coded Z. Loaned to 205 Sqn 20.3.65 - 2.9.65 while WL786 was Cat.3, returning to 38 Sqn 4.9.65. Loaned to 224 Sqn 20.12.65 and on return to 38 Sqn 22.6.66 was recoded T until allocated to HSA Langar 22.3.67 for T.2 modification. On completion despatched to the Ballykelly Wing 5.9.68, but sent to HSA Bitteswell 21.11.68 for mods. Returned to Ballykelly 6.1.69, but transferred to MOTU 28.4.69 and coded Q. Cat.3 damage 19.5.69 was repaired by 71 MU 22.5.69 - 31.7.69. Again Cat.3 24.3.70, but returned to MOTU 29.4.70 until ferried to 5MU 10.7.70. To 210 Sqn 6.11.70 and coded Z, remaining with unit at Sharjah until allocated to the RAF Fire School at Catterick. Returned to UK 11.71, but allotment cancelled and WR967 was delivered to Kinloss 23.11.71 in preparation for the reforming of 8 Sqn 1.1.72, still coded Z. To Lossiemouth 28.3.72, returning to Kinloss 10.5.72 and named 'Zebedee'. Used for crew training until damaged in a flying accident 7.9.72. Grounded and in 6.74 it was decided to convert the fuselage of WR967 into an AEW training aid, work by Marconi Elliott Avionic Systems Ltd starting 7.74. The wings and tail unit were removed and the fuselage mounted on blocks, the 'simulator' being handed over to the RAF 14.8.75, when it was named 'Dodo' and the maintenance serial 8398M was issued.  
13 Squadron 37 Squadron 38 Squadron 39 Squadron 73 Squadron 185 Squadron 203 Squadron 222 Squadron 283 Squadron 1357 Meteorological Flight Malta Communications Flight
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