Monday, March 31, 2025 Military Aviation » Malta-based » Royal AF »  37 Squadron  

No. 37 Squadron

Motto: Wise without eyes.

As far as post-WWII operations are concerned,the Squadron moved to Palestine (from Egypt) on 2nd October 1945, but returned in December, disbanding on 31 March 1946. On 15 April 1946, No. 214 Squadron at Fayid was renumbered No. 37, flying Lancasters until disbandment on 1 April 1947. It reformed again in Palestine on 14 September 1947 with Lancasters in the maritime reconnaissance role, until a move to Malta in April 1948, the squadron having fully relocated by 19 May. Conversion to Shackletons took place in August 1953, 37 squadron remaining in Malta until moving to Aden in August 1957, disbanding there ten years later on 7 September 1967.

Shackleton MR 2

WL754 MR.2/AEW.2 First flown 18.3.52 and A/Cn 24.4.53. To Hawarden 7.5.53 and on to 23MU Aldergrove the following day. Allocated to MEAF and prepared for delivery by the Overseas Ferry Unit, Benson, 26.8.53. ToC by 137MU Safi 1.9.53 and issued to 37 Sqn 4.9.53 coded A. Suffered a Cat.3 flying accident 7.9.53 when the pilot touched down heavily short of the Luqa runway, damaged the tailwheels, overshot and made a successful landing on the mainwheels. To 137MU 8.9.53 for repair and reissue to 37 Sqn 14.12.53 still coded A. To CAPMF St Mawgan 11.3.54 for mods, returning 31.3.54. To 137MU Safi 8.11.54 for major servicing (probably at Langar) Issued to 38 Sqn 27.1.55 and coded Z. Underwent mods 10.2.55 - 24.3.55. Another Cat.3 flying accident occurred 14.11.55 when the pilot made a heavy landing and detached the tailwheels. WL754 was transferred to Safi 21.11.55 for repair and on completion the aircraft was reallocated to 37 Sqn 13.10.56 as G. Mods and Cat.3 repairs by Avro CWP 7.1.57 - 15.3.57, the aircraft being transferred to 38 Sqn 25.6.57 and recoded V. To 37 Sqn 1.8.57 for move to Khommaksar, remaining until allocated to Avro 15.10.59 for Phase I modification, the work commencing 22.10.59. Completed 15.9.60, WL754 was delivered to 42 Sqn the following day and coded F. Damage caused 22.11.61 by Cat.3 flying accident was repaired on site and the aircraft transferred to Avro Langar for Phase II update. This was completed 15.6.62, the aircraft returning to 42 Sqn 18.6.62 still as F. Underwent further Cat.3 repair 6-25.11.63 and allocated to HSA Langar 25.2.66 for Phase III conversion. On completion was despatched to 205 Sqn 30.4.67 and coded J. Allocated to the Ballykelly Wing 6.1.69, but the move cancelled and WL754 ferried to HSA Bitteswell 17.1.69 on loan for TI of the Ferranti airstream direction detector (ADD) equipment (improved stall warning). Transferred to MinTech loan 7.7.69 for flight trials, WL754 arriving Woodford 13.8.69. On completion of trials 30.9.69 the aircraft was despatched to the Ballykelly Wing 13.10.69 and recoded H. To 204 Sqn 10.70, still as H, but ferried to 5MU for storage 2.4.71. Delivered to HSA Bitteswell 22.3.72 for AEW.2 conversion. First flew as such 9.72 and sent to 5MU 18.10.72 for repainting prior to delivery to Lossiemouth 21.11.72 for radar installation. To 8 Sqn 29.11.72 and named 'Paul '. To Kinloss 20.12.72, but returned to Lossiemouth the next day and was finally delivered 5.1.73. To Lossiemouth with unit 14.8.73. Withdrawn 1.81 and allocated to Valley for crash rescue/fire practice. Flown from Lossiemouth to Valley 22.1.81 and allotted maintenance serial 8665M, but retained by unit following a local 'Save the Shack' campaign, and put on display.  
WL755 MR 2 First flown 30.3.53 and A/Cn 30.4.53. To 23MU 5.5.53 and allocated to MEAF. Delivered via the Overseas Ferry Unit, Benson, 5.8.53 and accepted by 137MU Safi 27.8.53. Issued to 37 Sqn 31.8.53 and coded H. To CAPMF St Mawgan 3-23.3.54 for mods and 137MU 1.5.54 for major servicing (probably at Langar). Returned to 37 Sqn 19.6.54. Autolycus 'special fitment' 29.3.55 - 21.4.55 at 49MU completed at the CCMC St Mawgan 26.4.55. At Safi 20.2.56 - 15.3.56 for further mods. Returned to 37 Sqn, but transferred to 38 Sqn 8.7.56 and recoded U. To Avro for Phase I modifications 12.12.57, completed 10.2.59. Returned to 38 Sqn 6.3.59 still coded U. To Avro 6.3.61 for Phase II update, completed 30.8.61. Issued to 224 Sqn 4.9.61 and recoded T, remaining at Gibraltar until allotted to HSA Langar for Phase III conversion 22.12.65. On completion issued to the Ballykelly Wing 28.3.67 and recoded L. Cat.3 damage 29.4.70 repaired by 60MU 18.5.70 - 10.7.70, and WL755 was transferred to 204 Sqn 10.70 retaining L code. To Majunga Detachment Support Unit 22.7.71, but had returned to the parent unit,204 Sqn, Honington, by 2.72. Ferried to Catterick 9.5.72 for use by the RAF Fire School. Completely burnt out by 12.77.  
WL756 MR.2/AEW.2 First flown 1.4.53 and A/Cn 30.4.53. To 23MU 5.5.53 and prepared for issue to MEAF Delivered to Luqa by the Overseas Ferry Unit, Benson, 28.7.53 and after acceptance checks issued to 37 Sqn 5.8.53 and coded G. To CAPMF St Mawgan 1-19.2.54 for mods and on return to 37 Sqn damaged in Cat.3 flying accident 7.5.54 when the pilot stalled the aircraft on final approach and the tailwheel assembly collapsed on touchdown in the undershoot. Transferred to 137MU Safi for repairs the same day. A 'special fitment' was made 21.10.55 - 5.12.55 after which WL756 was transferred to 38 Sqn 16.12.55 and recoded T. To 49MU for mods 9.10.57 - 19.11.57, returning to 38 Sqn and suffered Cat.3 damage in flying accident 19.3.58. presumably at Akrotiri because it was allocated to 103MU for repairs the same day. Probably also modified to Phase I standard before allotment to HQ British Forces Arabian Peninsula 30.4.59. Issued to 37 Sqn 18.7.59 coded C. To Avro 23.1.61 for Phase II mods, completed 30.4.62. Allocated to FEAF and issued to 205 Sqn 11.6.62 still as C. To HSA 30.10.66 for Phase III mods at Langar and on completion went to the Ballykelly Wing 26.10.67 and was coded V. To HSA for mods 29.10.69 - 10.12.69 when returned to Ballykelly Wing. To 204 Sqn 10.70, retaining code V until going to 5MU 18.1.71 for preparation for despatch to HSA Bitteswell 2.4.71 for AEW.2 conversion. Flown as AEW.2 02.03.72 and redelivered to 5MU 22.3.72 for repainting and acceptance. Flown to Kinloss 4.5.72 and issued to 8 Sqn the following day. To Lossiemouth 19.5.72 for installation of radar before return to Kinloss as 'Mr Rusty' 21.6.72. Transferred to Lossiemouth with unit 17.8.73. To 60MU for modification 29.4.75, but returned to 8 Sqn 5.75. To HSA Bitteswell for major overhaul/mods 7.3.79, returning to 8 Sqn 1980. Currently at St Mawgan on the Station Fire Dump and can be seen from coast road (13,676 hrs at 9.3.89).  
WL757 MR.2/AEW.2 First flown 10.4.53 and A/Cn 30.4.53. To Hawarden 7.5.53, continuing to 23MU Aldergrove the next day. Allocated to MEAF 28.7.53 and delivered by the Overseas Ferry Unit, Benson. To 37 Sqn 5.8.53 and coded D. To CAPMF St Mawgan 19.2.53 for mods, returning to Luqa 3.3.53. To 137MU Safi 20.5.54 for Cat.3 repair, completed 3.6.54, and to Avro Langar 18.9.54 - 6.11.54 for a major servicing. A 'special fitment' installed 22.6.55 - 11.7.55 followed by further mods at Safi 9.1.56 - 23.2.56, the aircraft returning to 37 Sqn three days later still as D. On 8.7.57 WL757 went into temporary storage with 137MU until issued to 38 Sqn and probably coded U. To Avro 29.9.58 for Phase I modifications, completed 29.10.59. To 210 Sqn the following day and coded W. To DH Chester (Hawarden) 27.3.61 for Phase II update, completed 5.12.61. Issued to Z24 Sqn 15.12.61 and coded C, remaining until allocated to HSA Langar 30.3.66 for Phase III modifications. On completion allotted to FEAF and delivered to 205 Sqn 25.5.67. Coded K on arrival. Ferried back to the UK, arriving St Mawgan 12.12.70 for customs clearance before delivery to 5MU Kemble two days later. To HSA Bitteswell 26.8.71 for AEW.2 conversion, first flying in the revised configuration 6.72. To 5MU for repainting 3.7.72 and delivered to Lossiemouth 25.8.72 for radar installation. ToC 8 Sqn 29.8.72 and named 'Brian', moving over to Kinloss 6.9.72. To 60MU 2.5.73 for mods, returning to 8 Sqn and moved to Lossiemouth with the unit 17.8.73. Loaned to MoD (PE) 7.12.73 for service trials and CA clearance of SRIM 3825 (AMTI facility for AN/APS 20F radar) by 'B' Squadron, A&AEE Boscombe Down. Part of trial conducted at Lossiemouth 18 - 20.12.73 and aircraft returned to 8 Sqn 1 .3.74. To HSA Bitteswell 25.10.79 for re-sparring and major servicing, returning to 8 Sqn 1981. Current (13,932 hrs at 9.3.89) at Paphos Airport, Cyprus.  
WL759 MR.2 First flown 24.4.53 and A/Cn 26.5.53. To Hawarden 28.5.53 and on to 23MU for storage the following day. Issued to 37 Sqn 2.9.53 and coded B. To CAPMF St Mawgan 30.3.54 (direct from JASS detachment at Ballykelly), returning to 37 Sqn on completion of mods 15.4.54. Underwent Cat.3 repairs at 137MU Safi 19.5.54 - 14.6.54 when the rear fuselage was strained during a heavy landing. Replaced as B 11.54, WL759 underwent mods 6 - 19.7.55 on completion of repairs and returned to 37 Sqn 2X 7.55 as J. Suffered more Cat.3 damage in another heavy landing 26.11.55, again to 137MU for repair. On completion back with 37 Sqn as J until 5.6.57, when despatched to 49MU for 'special fitment'. On completion to 204 Sqn 27.8.57, uncoded. To 49MU 27.8.58 for Phase I update, completed 24.2.59. Issued to 38 Sqn 10.3.59 and coded V. To Avro Langar 3.1.62 for Phase II modifications. On 30.1.63 WL759 was loaned to the MoA and remained at Langar for Tl of Mod 1103 (carriage of Mk 44 torpedo), Mod 1096 (intercom changes) and Mod 1079 (Dowty Rotol tailwheel jack redesign). To the A&AEE Boscombe Down 22.5.63 for official flight trials of Mod 1103 by 'B' Sqn. An allocation to 23MU 17.12.63 was cancelled and WL759 was retained at Boscombe for carriage and release trials of the modified Marker Marine No.4 Mk I and Underwater Sound Signal Mk 400. On completion the aircraft was delivered to ASWDU. Ballykelly, 18.2.64 and coded B. Cat.3 damage 28.6.66 was repaired by HSA CWP, returning to ASWDU 21.7.66. Allotted to FEAF 1.8.66 and ferried to Changi for 205 Sqn, retaining code B. Recoded N 1.68 and as the last Phase II aircraft in service with 205 Sqn, WL759 took part in a 'goodbye' formation on 8.11.68 flanked by E and D. SoC Cat.5 (Components) 11.11.68 the aircraft was broken up at Changi 1969.  
WL785 MR.2 First flown 10.5.53 and A/Cn 26.5.53. To Hawarden 28.5.53 and on to 23MU the following day for storage. Issued to 37 Sqn 2.9.53 and coded E. To CAPMF 1.54 for mods, returning to Luqa 5.2.54. Received Cat.3 damage 16.9.54 and transferred to 137MU Safi 21.9.54 for repair. Returned to 37 Sqn 9.2.55 still as E, but allocated to Avro Langar 7.4.55 for major servicing, completed 19.7.55. WL785 was returned to 37 Sqn 25.7.55 and underwent further modification 16.4.57 - 6.6.57. Transferred to 38 Sqn 8.7.57 and coded W. To Avro 10.4.58 for Phase I update. Completed 4.6.59. To 42 Sqn 5.6.59 and coded C. To DH Chester (Hawarden) 28.11.60 for Phase II modification, completed 30.6.61. Returned to 42 Sqn 5.7.61 and recoded A. Cat.3 damage sustained 18.12.63 was repaired by 71 MU on site. Completed 3.2.64, WL785 remained with 42 Sqn until allotted to the MoA Air Fleet 7.4.65. Arrived at Boscombe Down 12.4.65 and was used for the clearance of carriage and release of directional sonobuoy Types 9003 and 11514. The aircraft returned to St Mawgan on completion of tests 27.5.65, but on 1.6.65 was delivered to HSA Langar for Phase II1 conversion, completed 25.1.67. To 204 Sqn 27.1.67 and coded P. Transferred to Ballykelly Wing 2.67, retaining code until departed for HSA Bitteswell 3.4.68 for mods. On completion returned to Ballykelly 30.5.68 still as P, reverting to 204 Sqn 10.70. Ferricd to St Athan 5.4.71 and allotted to the Central Training Establishment, arriving Manston 19.5.71. SoC Cat.5(Components) 30.6.71.  
WL787 MR.2/T.2 First flown 18.5.53 and A/Cn 23.6.53. To Hawarden 29.6.53 and on to 23MU for storage the following day. Allotted to MEAF and ferried to 137MU Saf 18.9.53. Issued to 38 Sqn the same day and coded S. To CAPMF St Mawgan 6.2.54 - 2.3.54 for mods and to Safi/ Avro Langar for major servicing 24.5.54 - 23.7.54, when returned to 38 Sqn. Autolycus 'special fitment' by 49MU Colerne 2.3.55 - 13.4.55 completed by CCMC St Mawgan and more mods carried out at 49MU 13.3.56 - 23.4.56. Despatched to Avro for Phase I Tl and CA Release trials 12.2.57 - 19.8.57. On completion returned to Malta and STS at 137MU Safi before reissue to 38 Sqn 11.3.58 and recoded U. Transferred to 37 Sqn 19.9.58 and recoded B. Allotted to Avro 29.1.60 for Phase II update, completed 31.1.61. To 210 Sqn 6.2.61 and coded T. Transferred to 204 Sqn 24.10.66 and coded J until ferried to HSA Langar 14.12.66 for T.2 conversion. On completion issued to MOTU 29.2.68 and coded U. Cat.3 damage 11.2.69 was repaired on site by 71MU, WL787 remaining with MOTU until despatched to 5MU Kemble 2.6.70 for removal of training equipment. Issued to the St Mawgan Gulf Detachment 26.8.70 as a Phase III aircraft, transferring to 210 Sqn 27.10.70 and coded W. Cat.3 damage sustained 14.12.70 was repaired on site at Sharjah, the aircraft returning to 210 Sqn 17.2.71. An allocation to the Fire School at Catterick 1.11.71 was cancelled and the aircraft was delivered to Kinloss 19.11.71. Officially transferred to 8 Sqn for crew training 1.1.72 and named 'Mr MacHenry'. To Lossiemouth 23.5.72, returning to Kinloss 2.6.72. Cat.3 damage in a flying accident 25.1.73 was repaired on site, the aircraft returning to 8 Sqn 15.5.73. Renamed 'Dylan'. To Lossiemouth with unit 16.8.73. When the remaining fatigue life was expended WL787 was grounded and allocated to Lossiemouth 3.1.74 for fire-fighting practice. Broken up by 3.74 and subsequently destroyed.  
WL788 MR.2 First flown 4.6.53 and A/Cn 30.6.53. Delivered to 23MU 8.7.53 for storage. Allotted to MEAF and ferried out to 137MU Safi 2.9.53. Issued to 37 Sqn 11.9.53 and coded C. To CAPMF 26.3.54 - 7.5.54 for mods. To 137MU/Avro Langar 15.7.54-2.9.54 for mods and sent to 49MU Colerne 2-19.5.55 for Autolycus 'special fitment', completed by CCMC St Mawgan before return to 37 Sqn 5.55. Cat.3 damage sustained in a heavy landing 2.7.55 was reassessed Cat.4, but the repair work was completed by 137MU Safi between 15.7.55 and 26.4.56, when WL788 was returned to 37 Sqn. Despatched to 49MU Colerne 28.5.56 for mods, the aircraft being collected 6.7.56. Transferred from 37 to 38 Sqn 8.7.57 and coded R. To Safi for mods 16.10.57 - 30.11.57 after which remained with 38 Sqn until delivered to Avro 29.9.58 for Phase I modification, completed 8.10.59. Reissued to 38 Sqn 24.10.59 still as R. On 10.8.60 the undercarriage collapsed during engine starts at Luqa, the Cat.3 damage being repaired at the Maintenance Base, Safi. Soon after completion WL788 was allocated to DH Chester (Hawarden) 16.11.61 for Phase II update, completed 15.6.62. The aircraft was issued to 42 Sqn 20.6.62 and coded F. Despatched to 23MU 29.11.62 for storage. Delivered to Ballykelly 19.11.64 and ToC by 210 Sqn the following day and coded Z. Cat.3 damage sustained 2.2.66 was repaired by HSA CWP from 10.3.66 and on completion the aircraft was ferried out to Aden for 37 Sqn 10.66. Coded B. On disbandment of the unit WL788 was allotted to 27MU and arrived at Shawbury 12.9.67. Declared NEA the same day, the aircraft was SoC Cat.5 (Scrap) and broken up 11.68. Sold as scrap 28.3.69.  
WL791 MR.2 First flown 16.6.52 and loaned to A.V. Roe & Co for display at the Paris Air Show. A/Cn 30.6.53. To 23MU 18.8.53 for storage. Allotted to MEAF 15.12.53 and issued to 38 Sqn 22.12.53. To 137MU for storage 1.3.54 until issued to 37 Sqn 17.11.54 as A. Underwent Autolycus mods at 49MU/CCMC 14.6.55 - 7.7.55, when returned to 37 Sqn. Transferred to 38 Sqn 8.7.57 and coded Q. More mods 14.2.58 - 14.4.58 (probably Phase I), after which returned to 38 Sqn until again in storage at Safi 22.12.59. Allocated to Avro Langar 25.1.60 for Phase II modernization, completed 16.2.61. To 210 Sqn 23.2.61 and coded V. Cat.3 damage repaired on site by 23MU 22.3.62 - 16.4.62 and 27.6.66 - 26.7.66. Transferred from 210 Sqn to Ballykelly Wing 13.2.67, retaining V code until despatched to 27MU Shawbury 23.5.67. Declared NEA the same day and later Cat.5 (Scrap). Broken up 12.68 and sold as scrap 28.3.69.  
WR954/G MR.2 First flown 19.11.53 and A/Cn 10.12.53. To 23MU 14.1.54 for storage and issued to 37 Sqn 1.4.54 coded G. To 49MU Colerne for Autolycus 'special fitment' 24.3.55 - 14.4.55, the work completed at CCMC St Mawgan 16-19.4.55, when returned to Luqa via St Eval. Mods at 137MU Safi 20.4.56 - 29.5.56, WR954 remaining with 37 Sqn until allocated to Avro Langar 24.9.56 for major servicing, completed 14.2.57. Returned to 37 Sqn 23.2.57, but transferred to 38 Sqn 8.7.57 and coded Z. 'Special fitment' 24.7.58 - 1.10.58 and allocated to Avro Langar 12.6.59 for Phase I update, completed 22.6.60. To 210 Sqn 24.6.60 and coded T. Transferred to 37 Sqn 3.2.61 and coded C until departing for Avro Langar 24.10.61 for Phase II modernization, completed 26.6.62. Issued to 205 Sqn 25.7.62 and coded F until returned to the UK 11.4.66 for Phase III conversion at HSA Langar. On completion 14.6.67 WR954 was reissued to 205 Sqn and coded M. Recoded C 11.70 until ferried back to UK, arriving St Athan 17.9.71. Declared NEA 21.9.71 and SoC Cat.5(Scrap) 9.5.73. Also served with 38 squadron.
WR964 MR.2/T.2 First flown 18.3.54 and retained by Avro for fitment of enlarged oil coolers. A/Cn 31.3.54, when loaned to C(A) and was despatched to the A&AEE Boscombe Down 14.4.54 for tropical cooling trials at Khartoum, departing Boscombe 21.4.54. Problems encountered with the trials, which were abandoned 20.5.54, the aircraft returning to Boscombe Down 1.6.54. Despatched to Woodford 9.6.54 for further manufacturer's trials on engine cooling and engine exhaust pipes. Aircraft declared surplus to MoS needs 19.10.54 and delivered to 38MU 16.11.54 for storage. To 49MU 13.6.55 for Autolycus 'special fitment', completed 30.6.55, when returned to 38MU for further storage, during which it received enlarged fuselage serials and Rolls-Royce CWP worked on the aircraft. Allocated to MEAF 9.3.56 and on arrival at Luqa issued to 38 Sqn 15.3.56 and coded V. 'Special fitment' at 49MU Colerne commenced 26.9.57, followed by Cat.3 repairs 18.10.57 - 2.12.57. Back to 38 Sqn until 31.3.59, when transferred to 37 Sqn and coded F. To Avro 23.7.59 for Phase I/II modernization, completed 3.3.61. WR964 was issued to 204 Sqn 8.3.61 and coded Q. Cat.3 damage 19.8.63 was repaired by 23MU, completed 29.3.63, the aircraft returning to 204 Sqn 3.9.63. Allotted to HSA Langar 10.2.67 for T.2 modification. On completion issued to MOTU 23.5.68 and coded Z. Cat.3 damage 9.10.69 repaired by 71 MU 23.10.69 - 17.1.70. Despatched to St Athan 29.7.70 and declared NEA 27.11.70. SoC Cat.5(Scrap) 15.11.71. Transferred from 38 squadron 31.03.59.
WR965 MR.2/AEW.2 First flown 7.4.54 and A/Cn 30.4.54. To Kinloss 11.5.54 and on to 23MU Aldergrove 13.5.54 for storage. Allocated to MEAF 3.11.54 and on delivery issued to 37 Sqn 5.11.54 coded B. To 49MU Colerne for Autolycus 'special fitment' 9-23.7.55, the mod being completed by CCMC St Mawgan before WR965 returned to 37 Sqn. To Safi/Avro Langar for major servicing 13.6.55, returning to 37 Sqn 4.11.56. Transferred to 38 Sqn 8.7.57 and coded S. To 49MU for 'special fitment' 5.6.58 - 23.7.58, but remained on 38 Sqn charge until allocated to Avro Langar 23.5.59 for Phase I modification, completed 31.3.60. To 224 Sqn 6.4.60 and coded T. To DH Chester 28.8.61 for Phase II update, completed 29.3.62. Immediately despatched to the A&AEE Boscombe Down on loan to the MoA for trials on redesigned flame-float launching chute (mod 1013). Released 5.4.62 and allocated to Ballykelly, WR965 being ToC by 203 Sqn 9.4.62 and coded K. Cat.3 damage 9.6.64 repaired by 23MU and aircraft returned to 203 Sqn 23.6.64. Again sustained Cat.3 damage 12.8.65, repaired by 60MU 20.8.65 - 21.9.65, and WR965 was back with 203 Sqn the following day. To HSA Langar 17.3.66 for Phase III modernization, and on completion despatched to 205 Sqn, arriving 24.5.67, when coded L. Recoded E specially for a formation display 8.11.68 to record the retirement of WL759, the last Phase II aircraft on the Squadron. WR965 was also soon to leave Singapore, transferring to the Ballykelly Wing 2.12.68, when recoded Q. Allocated to HSA 18.12.68 and fitted with revised tailplane de-icing panels. Loaned to MinTech 24.3.69 for flight trials from Bitteswell to determine optimum flow rate, completed 9.5.69. Returned to Ballykelly Wing 15.5.69, transferring to 204 Sqn 10.70 still as Q. To 5MU Kemble 2.4.71 for storage. Delivered to HSA Bitteswell for AEW.2 conversion 28.4.72. First flight in revised configuration 15.11.72. To 5MU 28.11.72 for repainting before delivery to Lossiemouth 18.1.73 for radar installation. To Kinloss 31.1.73, returning to Lossiemouth 17.8.73 with unit. Named 'Dill'. To HSA 16.4.74 (after standing in open storage 1.74 - 4.74) for refurbishing. Returned to 8 Sqn, but to 60MU on 29.4.75 for mods and to HSA Bitteswell 1.9.76 for major servicing and re-sparring (2nd in contract). First flight after mods 12.10.77, WR965 returning to Lossiemouth 19.10.77 and 8 Sqn charge two days later. Crashed 30.4.90 near Northton, South Harris, Outer Hebrides. Ten killed.  
13 Squadron 37 Squadron 38 Squadron 39 Squadron 73 Squadron 185 Squadron 203 Squadron 222 Squadron 283 Squadron 1357 Meteorological Flight Malta Communications Flight
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