12 March 2025 Military Aviation » Deliveries » Bristol  



Blenheim (type 149)

All of the following Blenheims were Mk. IVs.

G-AFXD Greece 21.12.39 23.12.39 Arrived 15:35 from Shoreham via Marseilles & Tunis. Departed for Athens at 09:55. c/n 9392, previously P4910 with the RAF. Registered to the Bristol Aeroplane CO. Ltd on 04.08.39.
G-AFXE Greece 21.12.39 23.12.39 Arrived 15:40 from Shoreham via Marseilles & Tunis. Departed for Athens at 09:55. c/n 9393, previously P4911 with the RAF. Registered to the Bristol Aeroplane CO. Ltd on 04.08.39.
G-AFXG Greece 21.12.39 23.12.39 Arrived 15:45 from Shoreham via Marseilles & Tunis. Departed for Athens at 09:55. c/n 9398, previously P4916 with the RAF. Registered to the Bristol Aeroplane CO. Ltd on 04.08.39.
G-AFXI Greece 16.01.40 23.01.40 Landed at 16:20, arriving from Shoreham via Marseilles & Tunis. Departed for Athens on the 23rd at 09:05. c/n 9404. Previously P4922 with the RAF, registered to the Bristol Aeroplane Company on 04.08.39, to Greek AF.
G-AFXH Greece 16.01.40 23.01.40 Landed at 16:25, arriving from Shoreham via Marseilles & Tunis. Departed for Athens on the 23rd at 09:05. c/n 9403. Previously P4921 with the RAF, registered to the Bristol Aeroplane Company on 04.08.39, to Greek AF.
G-AFXJ Greece 16.01.40 23.01.40 Landed at 16:30, arriving from Shoreham via Marseilles & Tunis. Departed for Athens on the 23rd at 09:05. c/n 9416. Previously P6891 with the RAF, registered to the Bristol Aeroplane Company on 04.08.39, to Greek AF.
G-AFXN Greece 24.01.40 25.01.40 Landed at 13:45, arriving from Bristol via Marseilles & Tunis. Departed for Sollum, Egypt at 08:05. c/n 9428. Previously P6903 with the RAF, registered to the Bristol Aeroplane Company on 04.08.39, to Greek AF.
G-AFXM Greece 24.01.40 25.01.40 Landed at 13:45, arriving from Bristol via Marseilles & Tunis. Departed for Sollum, Egypt at 08:05. c/n 9423. Previously P6898 with the RAF, registered to the Bristol Aeroplane Company on 04.08.39, to Greek AF.
G-AFXO Greece 24.01.40 25.01.40 Landed at 13:45, arriving from Bristol via Marseilles & Tunis. Departed for Sollum Egypt at 08:05. c/n 9429. Previously P6904 with the RAF, registered to the Bristol Aeroplane Company on 04.08.39, to Greek AF.


Beaufighter (type 156)

RD699 Turkey 19.03.47 20.03.47 Landed at 18:15, departing at 14:01. Dep Blackbushe on the 17th, Marseilles on the 18th, Ajaccio and Malta on the 19th.
RD495 Turkey 19.03.47 20.03.47 Landed at 18:15, departing at 14:00. Routing as RD699 above.
RD496 Turkey 20.03.47 21.03.47 Landed at 18:55, departing at 08:45. Arrived from Hurn via Marignane, all on the same day.
RD499 Turkey 01.04.47 02.04.47 Landed at Hal-Far at 12:45. Departed Blackbushe on 31st March, Marseilles & Malta on 1st April. On this day, aircraft landed at Hal-Far between 12:00 and 16:40
RD702 Turkey 01.04.47 02.04.47 Landed at Hal-Far at 12:50. Routed as RD499 above.
RD695 Turkey 06.04.47 09.04.47 Landed at 16:30, leaving Luqa at 11:00. Departed Blackbushe & Marseilles on the 5th, Nice & Malta 6th.
RD697 Turkey 06.04.47 09.04.47 Landed at 16:35 leaving Luqa at 11:05. Routed as RD695 above.

Freighter (type 170)


UB.721 Burma 13.03.54 14.03.54 Landed at 18:00, departed at 07:30. c/n 13143. Mk 31M.
P.330 Iraq 04.04.53 05.04.53 Night arrival at 21:58, leaving at 09:30, c/s DF.321.
P.331 Iraq 27.05.53 28.05.53 Landed at 17:55, departed at 08:00.
G-777 Pakistan 12.11.49 13.11.49 Arrived at 18:05, via Blackbushe 08:15z & Marignane at 13:20z. Departed Luqa at 06:12.
G-778 Pakistan 12.11.49 13.11.49 Landed at 18:00, took-off at 06:10. Departed Blackbushe at 08:15z, Marignane at 13:20z. pi G-AHJL registered on 08.08.46, VT-CGV, G-18-13 c/n 12744. Listed as a Mk. 21P.
G-779 Pakistan 27.11.49 28.11.49 Landed at 12:25, taking-off at 06:45. Departed from Blackbushe on the 26th at 08:26z, Marignane on the 27th at 07:00z. c/n 12745, pi G-AHJM registered on 08.08.46, VT-CGW. Listed as a Mk. 21P.
G-780 Pakistan 27.11.49 28.11.49 Arrived at 12:45, took-off at 06:40. Departed Blackbushe on the 26th at 08:30z, from Marignane on the 27th at 07:10z. Pi G-AIMM c/n 12803, registered on 03.12.46. canx 15.08.49. Listed as a Mk. 21P.
G-781 Pakistan 27.11.49 27.11.49 Arrived for a refuelling stop between 12:20 and 13:00. Departed Blackbushe on the 26th at 07:29z, Marignane on the 27th at 06:40. c/n 12747, pi G-AHJO, registered on 08.08.46. Listed as a Mk. 21P.
G-782 Pakistan 06.12.49 08.12.49 Landed at 15:45, departing at 06:50.
G-783 Pakistan 17.12.49 18.12.49 Landed at 16:45, departed at 07:05. Arrived via Blackbushe (left at 07.00z) & Marignane (left at 11:35z). Pi G-AIMU c/n 12810, registered on 03.12.46. canx 15.08.49. Listed as a Mk. 21P.
G-784 Pakistan 22.12.49 22.12.49 Night-time arrival/departure between 02:45 and 05:45. Departed from Blackbushe on the 21st at 15:50z, Marignane at 21:10z. Pi G-AIMV c/n 12811, registered on 03.12.46. canx 15.08.49. Listed as a Mk. 21P.
G-785 Pakistan 11.01.50 12.01.50 c/n 12813, pi G-AIMX. Arrived from Blackbushe via Marignane at 17:30, departing at 08:05.
G-786 Pakistan 21.01.50 22.01.50 c/n 12814, pi G-AIMY. Arrived from Blackbushe via Marignane at 17:30, departing at 09:15.
G-787 Pakistan 04.02.50 05.02.50 c/n 12815, pi G-AIMZ. Arrived from Blackbushe via Marignane at 18:30, departing at 06:25.
G-788 Pakistan 07.07.50 08.07.50 Landed at 15:30, departed at 08:00. Departed Filton on the 6th, Blackbushe & Marseilles on the 7th. c/n 12816, pi G-AINA registered on 27.01.47. Listed as a Mk. 21P.
G-789 Pakistan 13.07.50 14.07.50 Landed at 17:30, departing at 07:30. Arrived from Bovington and Marseilles (13th), El Adem (14th), Nicosia, Baghdad, Basra and Bahrein (15th) and Karachi. Previously G-AIMF.
G-791 Pakistan 22.07.50 23.07.50 Landed at 16:37, departed at 05:30, flt. no. 368. Via Blackbushe & Marseilles (22nd, 06:14z & 11:17z departure times respectively), Luqa & El Adem (23rd), Nicosia, Baghdad & Basra (24th) Bahrein (25th) and Karachi.
G-792 Pakistan 25.07.50 26.07.50 Landed at 17:00, leaving at 08:15, flt no. 369. Via Blachbushe & Marseilles (25th), Luqa & El Adem (26th), Nicosia, Baghdad & Basra (27th), Bahrein (28th) and Karachi.
G-794 Pakistan 01.06.51 02.06.51 Landed at 16:50, leaving at 03:00, c/s 448, via Blackbushe airport 06:30, Marseilles 11:50 to El Adem, Nicosia, Basra, Bahrein, Jiwani, Karachi.
G-795 Pakistan 07.06.51 08.06.51 Arrived from Blackbushe 08:45 as flight no. 451, departing the following day at 11:00. Operator listed as Silver City A/Ws.
G-796 Pakistan 28.06.51 29.06.51 Arrived from Blackbushe as flight number 459 at 17:20, departing at 09:35
G-797 Pakistan 10.07.51 11.07.51 Landed at 09:10, taking off at 12:00, c/s 468. (No outbound declaration found).
G-798 Pakistan 28.07.51 29.07.51 Arrived from Blackbushe at 17:25, departed the following day at 09:00.
G-799 Pakistan 11.08.51 11.08.51 Arrived from Blackbushe at 06:30, departing at 13:00. c/s 477.
G-800 Pakistan 25.09.51 25.09.51 Technical stop between 04:10-07:20 c/s 487. Departed Blackbushe 18:45z the previous day.
G-801 Pakistan 07.02.52 08.02.52 Landed at 19:00, departing at 08:00.
G-802 Pakistan 12.03.52 12.03.52 Refuelling stop between 09:55-11:55, c/s 540.
G-804 Pakistan 18.12.52 19.12.52 Arrived at 19:05, departed at 07:20.
G-805 Pakistan 02.01.53 02.01.53 Landed for a re-fuelling stop between 10:15-10:45.
G-806 Pakistan 11.01.53 12.01.53 Late evening arrival at 20:45, departing at 07:00, c/s 585.
G-807 Pakistan 16.04.53 17.04.53 Arrived at 18:00, departed at 07:00.
G-808 Pakistan 29.04.53 30.04.53 17:40 n/s 08:00.
G-809 Pakistan 26.05.53 27.05.53 Evening Arrival at 19:45, departing at 07:00.
S.4426 Pakistan 13.02.55 13.02.55 Same day arr/dep, between 14:50-16:25. c/n 13174, ‘G’ reg G-18-166. Listed as a Mk 31M.
S.4427 Pakistan 12.02.55 13.02.55 Landed at 18:10, departed at 07:35. c/n 13176, ‘G’ reg, G-18-168. Listed as a Mk 31M.
S.4429 * Pakistan 23.03.55 24.03.55 Landed at 19:45, departing at 08:00. c/n 13178, ‘G’ reg G-18-170.

* Strictly speaking, the records I was reviewing at the National Archives only listed aircraft type (simply given as Bristol) and country. No serials were listed.

However, in researching for serials S.4426 & 7 above to confirm aircraft type, I came across the e-book Weston-Super-Mare and the Aeroplane by Roger Dudley and Ted Johnson, which listed a number of Freighter deliveries. S.4429/30 were the only ones to have been delivered on these dates.

Listed as a Mk 31M.
S.4430 * Pakistan 23.03.55 24.03.55 Landed at 19:50, departed at 08:05. c/n 13182, ‘G’ reg G-18-174. * See note for S.4429 above. Listed as a Mk 31M.
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