Tuesday, October 22, 2024 Civil/General Aviation » Planes on Film  
Planes on Film

The following is a list of films and commercials, shot in/around Malta, either with an aviation theme, or which utilised aircraft. Some of the aircraft used were locally based, but frequently, aircraft and/or helicopters were brought over for the duration of the shoot.

Films/commercials have been listed in alphabetical order, but no claim is being made that this list is complete. In a few instances, it is known that an aircraft was used for a film, but details about the shoot itself are lacking. These (aircraft) have been listed under Misc.

Bold, black text indicates additional/corrected info to previous material. Film/commercial title in bold, blue text indicates a completely new entry since the last update.

Anyone who can add to, or correct, the information on this page is welcome to contact me. All the aircraft mentioned are listed in a table for easy reference. This table may have aircraft that may not be lised in the main text.

This page was created on 10.10.05.


.303 refers to the rifle/machine-gun calibre used by the British armed forces up to the 1950s. A Maltese short film (10 minutes, available on youtube), it was also the Official Selection at Palm Springs International Short Film Fest, as well as the Bodega Bay International Film Festival. The Aviation Museum’s DC-3 was used for internal shots.

Story: During the Allied invasion of Sicily in 1943, a British sniper raises his .303 rifle, takes hasty aim, and squeezes the trigger . . .

13 hours: The Secret Soldiers of Benghazi

A Michael Bay film, this is a recreation of the attack on the US Embassy on September 11, 2012 at Benghazi, Libya, which resulted in four American citizens, including the US Ambassador, being murdered.

Aircraft used were Med-Avia’s Dash-8 9H-AEW, and Vista Jets’ Bombardier Inc. BD-700-1A10, 9H-OPE. The pilot identified himself with ATC as “Nine Hope”.

Also briefly visible towards the end of the movie is B.720- N720JR.

Unable to confirm whether helicopter AS.350, I-AMSH, which arrived in the afternoon of 09.06.15 was involved. After customs clearance, it departed MIA for the ex-airfield of Ta’ Qali where it spent the night. Engaged in filming on the 10th, departed Malta on the 11th.


A TV series that utilised the DC-3 (see also The Protectors, further down) was this Yorkshire production about a man setting up his own airline in England after the end of WWII. Two aircraft were utilised, registered G-BHUB and G-DAKS, which arrived at Luqa Airport on 29 March 1981, departing on 27 April. Filming dates were between 02-24 April. A third aircraft, a Piper PA-23-250 Navajo, G-BBAV of Pan Universal Aircraft Surveys was used as a camera ship for the air-to-air shots. The three aircraft arrived in formation over the airport.

Additionally, the production company made use of four other DC-3s, which were located at Safi, at the former MIACO aircraft maintenance company. These aircraft were registered C-FITH, N535M, N565, and a fourth unidentified DC-3, which so far has eluded proper identification. It was described as being white with a blue cheatline, making it one, of at least nine, DC-3s that were painted in such a manner.

Black Eagle

In this 1988 production, the opening shots show Air Malta B.720-B 9H-AAO landing and taxying into Park 8. Also visible were B.720 9H-AAL, and unidentified Air Malta B.720 * and B.737. Also used was the Helicopter Flight’s AB.206 Jet Ranger, 9H-AAJ.

Story: A CIA and KGB agent fight it out for some secret stuff dropped in the Mediterranean sea.

* Unidentified means that the reg was not visible. Since 9H-AAM had been wfu in 1981, 9H-AAN had been sold in 1984, then this should make it 9H-AAK.

Captain Phillips

Aerospatiale AS355F1 Ecureuil 2, I-MIAH, was seen with the now familiar nose-mounted camera Story: Based on the true events of the hi-jacking of the container ship Maersk Alabama, by Somali pirates in 2009.


For this 1986 German TV production, Air Malta’s B.720 9H-AAM was given fictitious Skyline titles and airline colours. After the shoot, the aircraft was taken over to the fire dump.

Due Bolt in Uno

A commercial for a clothes washing powder, it also involved an Air Sqn's Alouette as well as a Maritime Squadron AFM's Kondor class patrol boat. Alouette identity unknown.


Story: The hi-jacking of an Air France A.300 in 1976 that eventually landed in Entebbe, Uganda, and the resulting Israeli rescue operation.

A “control tower” was constructed in Park 4, standing in for Entebbe airport. This was dismantled by 06.01.17.

Faith, Hope and Charity

Strictly speaking, this was a theatrical play, rather than a film shoot.

It was in remembrance of the time when three Gloster Sea Gladiators were the only air defence against incoming Italian Air Force bombers in the early stages of WW II (a fourth Gladiator seems to have been ignored by the wartime Maltese population, and was never christened).

A mock-up of a bi-plane was built for visual purposes (Whatever it was, it didn’t look like a Gladiator much, more like a Fulmar). But then, the theatre-going crowd were unlikely to be bothered by such inaccuracies.


No aircraft as such were used, but images of ME-109s and JU-87 Stukas were painted as murals, representing crashed aircraft from a distance. (Information on “aircraft” kindly supplied by Godfrey Mangion.) Story: The unsung work carried out by Royal Navy Motor Torpedo Boats in the Mediterranean during WW II.

The following had appeared on a 203 squadron Yahoo group. Due to changes in Yahoo policies, the group is no longer in existence.

”When I was in Malta during the Shackleton era I got to know one on the Captains of the TTL's quite well. They had been used as Navy gun boats during the making of a film called Hell Boats. He said it was a lot of fun because the RAF crews were put into RN uniforms and were allowed to grow beards and they crewed the boats during the shooting of the film.”

”For the final scene, where they are attacking a port in Sicily, his instructions were ‘as close as you can, as fast as you can, but for C*****'s sake don't bend it!’"

”The film company weren't allowed to pay the MCU (Marine Craft Unit), but they did have a very nice crew room built for them as a thank you.”

”It was a pretty bad film, but it was fun to watch to see how many people you could recognise and to identify the locations in Malta which were used in the film, mostly as locations in Sicily. I saw it in Malta when it was first released in 1970. I think it was filmed the year before 203 Sqn moved to Malta. And I've watched it a couple of times since, just to reminisce about places in Malta.”

Heroes in the sky

A Maltese documentary about British pilots who served in Malta during WWII. Included the use of Malta Aviation Museum’s Spitfire and Hurricane as background during interviews.

Largo Winch

Frequently seen at Med-Avia, B.727 P4-FLY was used between 07-08 September 2007 for both static and take-off/landing shots. Carried “Korsk Corporation” titling on the forward fuselage. Story: A billionaire is married and his secretly adopted son must prove his legitimacy, and find his killers to prevent them from taking over his father’s financial empire.


A parody of the 1998 Hollywood film Armageddon, this Maltese-language film, released in 2009, sees the saving of the planet resting on the shoulders of an assorted bunch of ill-trained misfits. Parts of the film were shot at the Malta Aviation Museum at Ta’ Qali, DC-3 T9-ABC being easily recognisable.

Malta Story

Perhaps one of the better known films about Malta during the Second World War, this 1953 production told the story of Malta’s stubborn refusal to succumb to Axis bombing. Another important aspect was the scene showing the aircraft landing at Safi Strip. This landing strip fell into disuse after the war, and was completely obliterated with the extension of runway 13/31 (previously 14/32). The approximate location of this strip, however, can be judged by the red-domed chapel (commonly referred to as Ta’ Loretu) seen in the background.

Midnight Express

In the first few minutes of the film, entirely shot in Malta, passengers can be seen climbing on board an Air Malta B.720-B AP-AMJ used in the film, the letter ‘J’ being clearly readable on the nose. Story: The true events of an American tourist caught smuggling drugs in Turkey, and his eventual escape.

Misc – Bits & Pieces

Aerospatiale SA-365N Dauphin 2, 3A-MCM. Used for filming an advert at Rinella between 09-10.09.10. In Malta between 07-10.09.10

Eurocopter AS-305B-3 Ecureil, I-VIED. Used for filming at Rinella in conjunction with 3A-MCM on 09.09.10, departed on the 10th. Arrival date unknown.

A British Airways Bell 206, G-AWGU, was brought over to photograph the Middle Sea Race on 04 October 1973.

On 21 May 1984, Air Malta B.720-047B 9H-AAL was used for either a film or a commercial. Any further information will be welcome.

An unidentified autogyro was in Malta during October 1978, for a commercial or film shoot, but no further details are available.

Aerospatiale AS-350 Eurocopter, F-GFDL, left Malta on 08 January 2002 after filming a commercial at Rinella film facilities.

Although not shot in Malta, the James Bond thriller The World is not Enough featured a CASA 212 twin turbo-prop aircraft, registered F-GOGN, which was flown by two Maltese pilots, Mark Vella Tomlin and Joseph Aquilina.

A training video for Eurocontrol ATCO was shot at Malta’s ATC, using TB-20 Trinidad N123XX. This aircraft ditched in the sea on 25.11.11


This Steven Spielberg film, parts of which were shot around Malta during July/August 2005, made use of a BAC 111 stored at the maintenance facilities at Safi on 21 July. Although registered in Liberia as 9L-LDL, it still carries the titles of its previous owner, British World. (See also WW Z below.) Story: Mossad agents on the search for the PLO terrorists who killed the Israeli athletes participating in the Munich 1972 Olympics.


A Maltese language motoring TV series. On 17th December 2006 (the anniversary of the Wright brothers’ first flight appropriately enough) the programme featured the Air Squadrons’ Bell 47G-2 AS7201, which has since been retired from active service, and donated to the Malta Aviation Museum. The programmes web site URL was also written on the 47’s canopy. Aerial shots taken by (unidentified) Alouette. The segment also included aerial shots of an Alouette and AB.212

Powerboat Racing – 1992

The first edition of the International Offshore Powerboat race was held in Malta on Sunday 21 June 1992.

Apart from the Air Squadrons’ and Italian Military Mission’s helicopters to provide SAR facilities, Bell 206 Jet Ranger, I-LLEO arrived on the 18th to provide an aerial platform for the cameras. This particular helicopter would again be seen the following year for the same event.

Also used was Malta Air Charter’s Mi-8 CCCP-24637.

Powerboat Racing – 1993

This was the second time the International Offshore Powerboat race was held in Malta as part of the Championship series.

The main race day was on June 27 and it attracted more visitors that the previous year. A number of helicopters acted as camera ships as well as providing rescue facilities. The following is a list helicopters used.

Bell 206 Jet Rangers G-BRMH, I-CELF and I-LLEO, AS.350B Ecureuils I-GLCL and 3A-MAC as well as AFM AB.47G-2s 9H-AAE and 9H-AAF, Alouettes 9H-AAW and 9H-AAX as well as two AB.212ASW from the Italian Military Mission, MM81210 and MM81215/15-16.

Also following the race from a higher altitude was Piper Lance 9H-ABU.

Powerboat Racing – 1994

The third international offshore powerboat race was held over the weekend of 18 and 19 June, 1994.

Acting as camera ships and providing rescue facilities for the main event on Sunday were Aerospatiale AS.350B2 Squirrel I-GLCL, Agusta A.109A-111 I-TOLU, AFM Air Squadron’s AB.47G-2s 9H-AAF and 9H-AAG, SA.316B Alouette III’s 9H-AAV and 9H-AAW, Nardi Hughes NH.369M 9H-ABY and Italian Military Mission AB.212 MM81211/15-11 from the 15 Stormo.

Following at a higher altitude was Piper Lance 9H-ABU.

Powerboat racing – 2007

Used to film the races was A. Aerospatiale AS-350BA Ecureuil I-GLOP in May 2007.

Sweeney 2

Air Malta Boeing 720 AP-AMJ appeared in a sequel to the film based on the television series. Story: Regan & Carter head a Flying Squad investigation into a series of bank raids by a team of well-armed villains who are flying in from the continent.

Swept Away

One of the early scenes shows a Gulfstream IV or V both taking off and landing, although reg is not visible. Saw this film (on DVD) for having been partly shot in Malta. Story . . . never mind!

The Battle for Malta (documentary)

Aired on BBC Two and BBC HD on 7th January 2013, this hour-long documentary examines what would have happened had Malta been forced to surrender to Nazi Germany during WWII. Me-108 G-EMTE was brought over for filming purposes.

Also making an appearance was Spitfire G-ASJV/MH434 which was participating in the Malta air show. It has since been learnt that filming of this documentary was delayed from July until September specifically to coincide with the Spitfire’s appearance.

The organisers asked the producers to share some of the expenses involved in bringing the aircraft to Malta but they refused.

The shots of the Spitfire flying over the Grand Harbour were taken when the aircraft was doing a flight requested by one of the owners.

The Fifth Missile

An Armed Forces of Malta helicopter, AB.206A JetRanger, 9H-AAJ, was painted up as a US Navy machine for this television mini-series shot in Malta in 1985. It carried serial number 751. The colours worn by 9H-AAJ were a mix of water paint and dishwashing liquid soap, to facilitate the colour’s removal after filming had ended. Story: The crew of a US Navy nuclear submarine is struck by toxic poisoning from their newly painted vessel.

The Investigators

Harry Falzon’s Cessna’s 172, 9H-AAD, was used in the pilot episode at the former airfield of Hal-Far in 1973. A DC-6 can be seen in the background undergoing maintenance at MIACO.

The Martian Chronicles

Having been based in Malta during WWII, and paid another visit in a Canberra in January 1953, Wing Commander Kenneth H. Wallis was next to visit Malta in 1969, regarding the possibility of opening an autogyro production line in Malta. Sadly, nothing came of this project. His next visit was to be in November 1978to fly an autogyro for this film.

Wing Commander Wallis had already flown his autogyros for a number of films, including the James Bond film You Only Live Twice.

Story: Manned probes are sent from Earth to Mars, to establish a human colony on the red planet.

The Mystery of the Missing Ace

On 20 May 2003, the Malta Aviation Museum was one of the locations used for the shooting of a documentary about the life of Wing Commander Adrian Warburton, a Royal Air Force World War II pilot, who spent three years based in Malta. He was the CO of 69 and 683 Squadrons. A reconnaissance pilot, he went missing in a Lockheed P-38 Lighting over Germany on 12 April 1944, and it wasn’t until November 2002 that his remains were finally discovered. Although the Aviation Museum had requested that his body be buried in Malta, it was at the Commonwealth War Cemetery at Durnbach, Germany, where he was shot down, that he was finally laid to rest, with full military honours. The documentary had actors Ben Stuart as Wing Commander Adrian Warburton, and Irene Christ as Christina Radcliffe, Adrian’s girlfriend. It was aired on BBC 2 on 14 November 2003, as part of that station’s Timewatch series.

The Protectors

A sequence for this TV series was shot on 30 December 1971 at the old civil terminal, using a DC-3 of the LAVCO airline (Libyan Aviation Company), registered N484F. For the shoot, the aircraft’s airline tiles and registration on the port side were painted over.

The Silent Enemy

After spending several months in storage at Safi Maintenance Unit following its crash landing at RAF Luqa on 13 January 1956, a Neptune aircraft was sold in May 1957 to Remus Films who dumped it over the cliffs at Hal-Far for underwater shots. The British Film Institute ( thinks it was used for this film. Story: The true story of how Commander Lionel Crabbe with two other divers fought off Italian Navy frogmen placing mines against Allied ships in 1941.

Treasure Hunt

Before The Fifth Missile and Black Eagle, JetRanger 9H-AAJ had already faced the cameras in September 1983, when it was used to transport the female presenter of this British TV series for an episode that was shot in Malta.


Having already faced the cameras as AP-AMJ (Midnight Express, Sweeney 2) an Air Malta B. 720 is seen landing at Luqa and taxing in Park 8 as 9H-AAN. Shot in Malta in 1983. Story: A woman aspiring to be a mystery writer, on a two-week visit to Malta, ends up being embroiled in an “international plot”.


The filming of this epic in June-July 2003 brought some welcome aviation giants to MIA. Volga-Dnepr An-124, RA-82044, and British Airways B.747-400, G-CIVR were used to transport equipment and cast respectively to Mexico, after their shoot in Malta had ended. Also used for air-to-ground shots was a specially modified helicopter, an Aerospatiale AS-355F-2 Ecureuil 2, I-VREM. Story: How one woman caused the destruction of the city of Troy.


25 March 1999 saw a real gem of an aircraft landing in Malta – a WWII-vintage Fiat G.55, two-seat, single-engined aircraft, representing a Luftwaffe aircraft, complete with Iron Crosses and swastika. Bearing Italian registration I-MRSV, it flew daily, sometimes twice during its stay here. Also used in connection with the filming was Italian-registered helicopter Aerospatiale Ecureuil, I-NDIO. A couple of angry letters in the Maltese press, quite rightly pointing out that America didn’t get embroiled in the war until December 1941. Story: A US submarine crew capture an Enigma machine from a U-boat in 1940/early 1941.

Vinnai Thandi Varuvaya (Will You Come from the Sky?)

A Tamil romantic comedy, about a Christian girl and Hindu boy, parts of which were shot in the Maltese Islands in April/May 2009. An AFM Alouette was also utilised by the production company.

WW Z (World War Zombie)

Cameraship 3A-MXC of Heli Air Monaco arrived on 26.06.11 (a Sunday), being joined by 3A-MJP a few days later. Shortly after its arrival ‘JP was re-sprayed as an Israeli military helo, including Star of David, but retaining its civil identity. Although they landed at MIA, they would be based in what in Malta are known as the Trade Fair grounds, Naxxar (under guard).

BD-700, N86TW, brought Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt to Malta on 11.06.11.

Also used were two Bell UH-1. One carried civil identity ‘D-HAQO’ representing a helicopter blown up during the terrorist attack that killed Israeli athletes during the 1972 Olympic Games. It is a dead certainty that it was used in Stephen Spielberg's feature film Munich.

The second one is thought to be c/n 5232, serial no. 66-0749.

Also brought over for filming purposes connected with the film was A.310, CS-TEX.


Aircraft listing

All the aircraft mentioned in the above films are to be found in the table below for easy reference, and are indexed by type and registration. Italian, Augusta-built Bell helicopters are to be found under Bell.

An aircraft type in bold red text indicates a completely new entry since the last update. Other text in bold, usually in the NOTES column, indicates additional information about the aircraft.

This list has been expanded to include aircraft used for general, showbiz-related activity. Some of the aircraft listed here therefore, may not appear in the above list.

Aircraft types: A – C

?     Brought Italian artist Laura Pausini on 21.07.09
Agusta A.109A-111   I-TOLU Used to film the 1994 Powerboat Races.
A.310-308 P.I.A. AP-BEW Entebbe. Arrived on 25.11.16 from Jinnah International Airport, Karachi, Pakistan as PIA9761. Painted in Air France colours, which were removed by 4th December. Departed for Leipzig/Halle airport Germany on 05.12.16. Film company had to use a 310 due to the unavailability of Airbus 300s, the actual aircraft used in the 1976 hi-jack.
Airbus 310 Hi Fly CS-TEX WWZ. Photographed on 07.07.11. Apparently this aircraft was digitally altered to show Belarus Airways titles and colours. “TEX” can be seen on nose wheel doors.
A.320-232     c/n 816. Previously EI-DOP with Windjet. Noted on 12.07.19, missing nose cone, undercarriage, wings/engine and the entire tail unit, on supports. Aircraft was all white, with “H9-DWN” in black lettering, just aft of the cockpit. Used for filming purposes, but no other details known. Believed being used as a trainer by Lufthansa Technik.
An-12 Air Sofia LZ-SFN Brought film equipment on 27.10.05. Left Malta on 02.12.05.
An-124 Volga-Dnepr RA-82044 TROY. Transported equipment directly to Mexico.
Bell UH-1   ‘D-HAQO’ WW Z. This reg is most likely false.
Bell UH-1     WW Z. c/n 5232? Serial no. 66-0749
Bell 47G-2 A.F.M. AS7201 Paqpaq. Helicopter donated to Malta Aviation Museum on 30.05.08.
(A)B.206A JetRanger A.F.M. 9H-AAJ Used for the filming of “Black Eagle”, “The Fifth Missile” and “Treasure Hunt”.
B.206 JetRanger British Airways G-AWGU Used to film the Middle Sea Race on 04 October 1973.
B.206 JetRanger   G-BRMH Used to film the 1993 Powerboat Races.
B.206 JetRanger   I-CELF Used to film the 1993 Powerboat Races.
B.206 JetRanger   I-LLEO Used to film the 1992 and 1993 Powerboat Races.
B. 720   N720JR Use as background in 13 Hours: The Secret Soldiers of Benghazi.
B.720-047B Air Malta 9H-AAL See notes under Misc.
B.720-047B Air Malta 9H-AAM Crash.
B.720-047B Air Malta AP-AMJ Midnight Express, Sweeney 2, Trenchcoat. Aircraft by now registered as 9H-AAN.
B.737-522 KlasJet LY-FLT c/n 26683. Brought violinist Andre Rieu on 31.08.23. Departed on 03.09.23.
B.747-400 British Airways G-CIVR TROY. Transported cast directly to Mexico.
B.757-2Q8(PCF) DHL D-ALES Brought equipment for the filming of Jurassic World 3 on 03.08.20. c/s BCS7922/880P, c/n 29442.
B.757-2Q8(PCF) DHL D-ALEP Returned equipment back to the UK on 17.09.20.
Bo. BD-100-1A10 Challenger London Executive Aviation G-LEAZ Arrived as LNX26AZ with Gu. IV N808T on 12.02.16. One of these two biz-jets had Tom Cruise on board. Scouting for locations for a re-make of The Mummy. Departed the following day. C/n 20015, tets reg C-GZEM, pi PR-BSN.
Bo. BD-700-1A10 Vista Jets 9H-OPE 13 Hours: The Secret Soldiers of Benghazi.
Bo. BD-700 Tailwood Global Management LLC N86TW Brought Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt to Malta for filming of WWZ.
Bo. Challenger 850   D-AJOY Brought Brad Pitt & Angelina Jolie from Nice on 27.08.14 for the filming of “By the sea”. c/n 8069.
B. Beaufighter TT.10 Malta Communication Flight RD788 Aircraft flown to Idris, Libya, for the filming of “Ice Cold in Alex” between 27-29.11.57.
BAe 125   CS-DRX Brought artist Elton John. Concert on 26.09.10. Departed on Emb-135 G-CMAF.
BAC 111 British World 9L-LDL Munich. Also took part as a static display during the 2003 Malta Int’l Airshow.
Canadair CL600   D-BUSY Brought artist Sting for a concert on 06.06.06. Aircraft left for Israel after concert.
CASA 212   F-GOGN “The World Is Not Enough”. Not shot in Malta, but aircraft was flown by two Maltese pilots, Mark Vella Tomlin and Joseph Aquilina.
Cessna 172 Harry Falzon 9H-AAD The Investigators.
Cessna 172 Malta School of Flying 9H-ACL Used for the filming of the AIDA Cruise Charter event with helicopters I-AMSI & I-FEAL on 23.09.14.
Cessna 172 Custom Aerial Photos N73318 Used for the filming of the AIDA Cruise Charter event with helicopters I-AMSI & I-FEAL on 23.09.14.

Aircraft types: D

Dassault Falcon 2000EX   OY-PNO Brought Rod Steward on 02.08.10, for a concert on the 3rd. Departed on the 4th.
DHC-3 Turbo Otter Harbour Air (Malta) Ltd. 9H-AFA Used in a local beer commercial.
Dash 8 Med-Avia 9H-AEW 13 Hours: The Secret Soldiers of Benghazi.
Dornier 328   OE-HTJ Left with former Pink Floyd artist Roger Waters, after a concert on 10.07.06.
DC-3   T9-ABC Maltageddon
DC-3     Airline.
DC-3 LAVCO N484F The Protectors.
DC-3 Aces High G-BHUB Airline.
DC-3 Aces High G-DAKS Airline.
DC-3 Geoterrex Ltd. C-FITH Airline.
DC-3 Conoco N535M Airline.
DC-3 Conoco N565 Airline.

Aircraft types: Eurocopter

Helicopters have now been listed by order of registration.

3A-MAC AS.350B Ecureuil   Used to film the 1993 Powerboat Races.
3A-MCM SA-365N Dauphin 2   Used for filming an advert at Rinella between 09-10.09.10. In Malta between 07-10.09.10. Also used was I-VIED.
3A-MJP SA-365C Dauphin   World War Z. c/n 5015.
3A-MXC AS 355 Ecureuil 2 Heli Air Monaco World War Z.
F-GFDL AS.350 Ecureuil   Used for a commercial at Rinella film facilities. Also used for the movie “La Tour Montparnasse Infernale” (not in Malta). Built in 1985, c/n 1824, previously D-HHKK.
I-AMLT AS.355F-1 Ecureuil 2 E+S Air Entebbe. Camera-equipped. Arrived on 05.12.16, departing on the 10th.
I-AMSH AS.350   Probably used for 13 Hours: The Secret Soldiers of Benghazi. Again landed at MIA on 25th July, for filming over Grand Harbour for a speedboat ad. on the 26th. Departure date unknown, probably the 27th, as filming was taking place late afternoon. Arrived on 22.10.16 to film the Middle Sea Race. Departure date unknown.
I-AMSI AS350B3 Ecureuil   One day visit for filming on 30.04.14. Also seen on 07.06.13. Again seen on 22.09.14 to film the arrival of four cruise ships on the 23rd, related to an AIDA Cruises Charter Event. c/n 7023.
I-BLUX AS-350B-2 Icarus Elicotteri Carried nose-mounted camera, photographed on 13.05.08. Photographed w/o camera on the 21st. c/n 2506.
I-CSAM AS350B-1 Ecureuil Butterfly Helicopters Photographed on 10.04.09. c/n 2233. I-CSAM again arrived in Malta on 19.12.12, being seen flying over airport’s parking aprons and departing aircraft in the afternoon. Departed on the 21st. Whether this was in connection with the shooting of a Russian soap opera in Malta at the time isn’t confirmed. Returned on 25.03.13, for the shooting of an Air Malta video (see video at bottom of this table), departing on the 27th. Arrived on 30.06.16 in the morning at MIA, noted at Kalafrana film facilities in the evening.
I-FEAL AS350B3 Ecureuil   Also in Malta for the filming of the AIDA Cruise Charter event with I-AMSI on 23.09.14. Date of arrival/departure unknown, but again noted flying from/round Malta on 04.10.14. c/n 4729.
I-GLCL AS.350B Ecureuil   Used to film the 1993 and 1994 Powerboat Races.
I-GLOP AS.350 Ecureuil Air Panarea Power boat races 2007. Used for air to ground (or sea) photography. Again seen in June 2008 with “Butterfly” titles. Was without nose-mounted camera between 6th & 7th, w/camera on the 8th. Again seen on 24.09.12 but film-related work not confirmed. Departure date unknown. Returned on 18.06.13, apparently to take aerial photographs of, or parts of, the Maltese islands.
I-MAKO AS-350 B2 Ecureuil HeliJet Filmed start of Rolex Middle Sea Race on 20.10.12, same day arrival/departure.
I-MIAH AS-355F1 Ecureuil 2   Captain Phillips. Arrived on 09.04.12, departed on the 12th. Returned later possibly on the 20th. Again seen between 14.09.15, filming over Rabat on the 15th. Departure date unknown, probably the 16th. c/n 5312, pi G-WIRE.
I-MIAZ AS350B Ecureil Elitellinap Arrived on 18.10.13. Filmed the, or parts of, the Middle Sea Race on the 19th, departing the same day. c/n 3469.
I-NDIO AS.350 Ecureuil   U-571. Used for air-to-ground photography.
I-RVAL AS-350B-3 Ecureil Air Panarea Photographed at Rinella film facilities on 21.07.11. Probably arrived the previous day.
I-VIED AS.350B-3 Ecureuil   Used for filming at Rinella in conjunction with 3A-MCM on 09.09.10, departed on the 10th. Arrival date unknown.
I-VREM AS-355F-2 Ecureuil 2   Troy. Equipped with an externally-mounted camera for air-to-ground shots. c/n 5297. Again seen in Malta when it made a night-stop at the Rinella film facilities between 20-21.07.09, departing for the Med-Avia facilities.
N731FF AS 350B3 Ecureuil   c/n 3692. Known to have taken aerial photographs of a yacht on 19.10.11, possibly in relation to Malta Middle Sea Race.

Aircraft types: E – Z

Embraer ERJ-135 Legacy     Technical stop on 23.03.06 with Rubens Barrichello on board.
Embraer ERJ-135 Legacy   G-CMAF Took artist Elton John after concert. Arrived on 26.09.10.
Embraer ERJ-135   N678RC It is believed this aircraft brought artist/s for the Isle of MTV concert on 07.07.09.
Fiat G.55   I-MRSV U-571.
”Gloster Gladiator”     This was a mock-up built for a Maltese theatrical play.
Gulfstream IV/V     Swept Away.
Gu. IV   N808T Arrived on 12.02.16 with Challenger G-LEAZ. One of these aircraft was carrying actor Tom Cruise, scouting locations for a re-make of the film The Mummy. Aircraft departed later in the afternoon.
Gu IV-X   N841WS c/n 4099. Brought Brad Pitt back to Malta on 02.09.14 after a publicity tour in the UK for one of his films.
Gulfstream V Universal Studios N77US In Malta between 16-17 April 1999. Due to the dates and operator, it most probably brought studio executives in connection with the filming of U-571.
H. Hurricane IIA Malta Aviation Museum Z3055 Aircraft also used as background during interviews for “Heroes In The Sky”.
H. Hurricane XII Historical Aircraft Collection G-HURI Video clips of the aircraft performing during the 2005 Malta air show/Merlins Over Malta were included in the documentary “Heroes In The Sky”.
HS Nimrod 203   I was on a crew which was tasked with an MOD Film Crew along with a P-3C (USN) and an SB13 (Italian Navy) in making a film entitled ”Soviet Presence in the Mediterranean”. It was about in 1972.

I don't think it was very interesting, except when the Italian nearly collided with us.

HS Nimrod MR.1 203 Squadron XV241 Aircraft used for a British TV company documentary, on 26.10.73, which included air-to-air photography of a 13 squadron Canberra.
HS Nimrod MR.1 203 Squadron XV240 This is how Colin Pomeroy, who served with 203 squadron, described the event. ”The Nimrod flight with the press mentioned in "No. 203 Squadron - The Malta Years" was made on 18th March 1974. I was co-pilot to Colin Hughes in XV240 (Crew 9) and I believe that the second aircraft was flown by Flt Lt Keith Merritt and Crew 2. The camera crew were from ITN, who had the intention of just shooting some general footage of the squadron's activities in the Mediterranean and to do this we rendezvoused with Crew 2 off Kithera and then flew alongside Soviet ships at the anchorage, ITN supposedly filming them photographing the warships. However, ITN were so pleased with the footage obtained that they screened the activity in its own right as the only other item on "The News at Ten" on the night that Princess Ann was shot at in the Mall. There were also reporters and photographers from Sunday Times and Sunday Express on board, but I don't know how they used the material obtained.”
L. Neptune MR.1 Royal AF WX547 It is believed that this aircraft was used for underwater scenes in “The Silent Enemy”.
L-100 Hercules   5X-TUE Entebbe. Aircraft arrived using c/s TKU001 on 07.12.16 in overall white with the outline of the map of Africa within a circle and a superimposed ‘T’ on the fin. Towed into Air Malta hangar the same day, and had the front cockpit area and vertical fin sprayed a light brown. The rest of the aircraft was sprayed in desert camouflage between the 9th & 10th. Serial ‘420’ also applied. Camouflage removed on the 20th, the aircraft departing Malta on the 21st.
Nord 1002/BF.108   G-EMTE/KG-EM Video clips of this aircraft performing during the 2005 Malta air show/Merlins Over Malta were included in the documentary “Heroes In The Sky”. This aircraft was again in Malta between 27 Sept – 02 Oct 2012, in Luftwaffe colours & markings, coded ‘14’, for filming of a WWII documentary, The Battle of Malta.
Piper Navajo Pan Universal Aircraft Surveys G-BBAV Airline. Used as a camera ship for the air-to-air shots.
SA.316 Alouette Air Wing/A.F.M. ? Used for Italian advert.
SA.316 Alouette Air Wing/A.F.M. ? Used during filming Vinnai Thandi Varuvaya.
Vickers/Supermarine Spitfire IX Old Flying Machine Company G-ASJV/MH434/ZD-B In Malta for the Int’l Air Show, the aircraft was photographed flying over Grand Harbour and used in a WWII documentary, The Battle of Malta.
S. Spitfire VB Historic Aircraft Collection G-MKVB Video clips from the aircraft performing during the 2005 Malta air show/Merlins Over Malta were used in the documentary “Heroes In The Sky”.
S. Spitfire IX   EN199 The Mystery of the Missing Ace. Partly shot at the Malta Aviation Museum. Aircraft also used as background during interviews for “Heroes In The Sky”.
S. Spitfire IX/XVI Royal AF TE241 Malta Story.
S. Spitfire XVI Royal AF TE358 ? Malta Story.
S. Spitfire XVI Royal AF   Malta Story.
S. Spitfire XVI Royal AF   Malta Story.
V. Wellington No. 2 A.N.S. MF626 Used in the filming of Malta Story.
WA-116-T Kenneth H. Wallis G-AXAS The Martian Chronicles. For filming purposes, the insignia 'Zeus III' and 'Third manned mission to Mars' were painted on the tail. Other flying scenes including landing the 'Zeus III' spacecraft at Gnejna Bay on the West coast. Twenty-five take-offs and landing were also made on a moving flat-bed lorry at Hal-Far airfield followed by flights from very small vessels at sea. In addition to its film role, the autogyro also undertook the role of aerial photography platform. Information courtesy of the Malta Aviation Museum newsletter.

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