Saturday, March 29, 2025 Civil/General Aviation » Yachts  
Helicopters on yachts

This page is the civilian counterpart to Naval Visits, and mentions some of the helicopters seen on board super yachts that have visited Grand Harbour, Malta. The list has now been indexed by registration.

Page created on 8th March 2009.


?     Yacht at Manuel Island observed with helicopter on 04.07.14. No additional details.
? Schiebel S-100 Phoenix Camcopter noted on board as yacht was leaving Grand Harbour on 02.05.15.
? T7- ? Noted on yacht on 30.08.17.
3A-MBD Eurocopter EC-155 Dilbar In harbour on 02.10.13 & 16.10.13. seen departing on 27.03.14 and 13.09.14. Length of stay unknown. Latest visit between 28-29.10.14.
D-HAKA Eurocopter EC-145 Radiant On board yacht on 01.09.13
F-GIHC MD500 Simson S. Hamilton Noted on 19.03.96 with rotors dismantled. Entry into/departure from Malta unknown.
G-BPBC Bell 206 Jetranger Delfino II Arrived from unidentified yacht on 18.11.91. Again seen at Park 8, MIA on 04.04.92. Also performed a test flight from Safi on 28.05.92.
G-SRNE Eurocopter EC-145 Serene Yacht was in Grand Harbour between 22-23.12.15. Registered to Starspeed Ltd. Helo flew to the airport on the 23rd. Remained at MIA, with some maintenance work carried out by MCM on 17.01.16. Relocated to Park 5 on the 28th, departing on 24.02.16. Made an early morning (05:00) visit on 04.10.16, departing shortly afterwards. Returned (from unknown yacht) on 26.04.17 in formation with M-ALFA. Departure date unknown.
HB-ZLY EC-120 Flying Manta Heli Alps titles, noted in harbour on 21.09.18.
HB-ZPX AW-109SP DaVinci Phoenix 2 Flight from/back to yacht on 25.07.12. Again seen on 13.07.13.
HP-1533 Bell 47 Candia II Helicopter equipped with floats, noted at Ta’ Xbiex Yacht Marina on 01.08.72. Landed at Luqa on 05.08.72. Departure from Malta unknown.
M-ABDQ Eurocopter EC-135   Entered harbour on 31.08.16, still at anchor on 8th Sept. Actual departure date unknown.
M-ALFA Eurocopter 145 Serene Noted between at least 10-18.06.16 in all white colours. Noted on 13.07 (either returned or still in harbor on yacht). Returned (from unknown yacht) on 26.04.17 in formation with G-SRNE. Departure date unknown. Several flights on 28.01.19. Again arrived from Serene on 19.03.20, but departure date unknown. c/n 9570, pi’s D-HADP, G-JESP.
M-ORZE Eurocopter EC135 P2+ New Secret May have arrived on 26.04.18, still in harbour on 11.05.18. Seen again on 29.05.21, arriving from southern Italy. Departed for yacht on 06.06.21.
M-PACF Eurocopter EC135P2 Pacific Covered, with rotors. In harbour by 04.02.14, but exact arrival date unknown.
M-PURE Airbus Helicopters EC-145 Air c/n 20268. Noted on 01.05.22, but arrival/departure dates unknown.


N43RC Bell 206 JetRanger MY LAC II At Luqa airport between 31 Aug - 02 Sept 1976. Landed at 17:45, depart at 11:05. (Note in IA-52: c/o MY LAC II.)
N76AF S. S-76C Octopus Noted on 07.07.05
N145SR Eurocopter EC.135 Sunrays 22.10.10. Helicopter was without main rotor, and covered up nose to tail.
N165WC Eurocopter EC-130B-4 Attessa III c/n 3860. In Grand Harbour at least between 15-19.08.06.
N168JB Eurocopter EC-130 B4 Triton Noted at Kemmunet islet on 19.07.07. Entered for drydocking on 05.09.07
N407MS Bell 407 Samar Noted on 10.05.11. Again seen on 24.05.13 when it night stopped at park 8, Luqa Airport, returning to the yacht the following day. Arrived on unknown date, but left MIA for Samar in Grand Harbour on 18.03.15. Again seen on unidentified yacht on 22.07.17. N407MS arrived from Reggio Calabria on 07.05.18, departing for unknown yacht on the 11th. Made a refuelling stop on 09.07.20. Destination/s from/to unknown.
N407NR Bell 407 Serena M Previously N6279A, c/n 53193, Visited Grand Harbour between 21-29.09.07.
N477KA Bell 407 Samar C/n 53579. Visited in July 2007. Again seen on 26.11.07, but helicopter presence not confirmed.
N745AF Eurocopter-Kawasaki EC-145 Octopus This operated round Malta since August 2015. Remained in Maltese waters until at least early November.
N774WN Schweizer 269C MY Steve Irwin Seen on 08.06.10.
N900AF MD 900 Tatoosh c/n 900-00023, noted in Grand Harbour on 11.07.08.
N906AF MD900 Explorer Tatoosh c/n 900-00083. Owned by Microsoft co-founder Paul G. Allen. Yacht equipped with two heli-pads. In Malta between 29.10-02.11.07. Had also visited Malta in 2001. Seen on yacht Octopus on 27.06.14, but duration of visit unknown.
N949JS Lockwood Aircam Senses Noted in Grand Harbour on 06.09.01.
OE-YAA Schiebel S-100 Phoenix Not physically noted on board yacht, which left Grand Harbour on 02.05.15, but believed to have been on board.
PH-ECD Eurocopter EC120B Artic Sunrise This Greenpeace vessel was operating off Malta in May/June 2010. Helicopter visited MIA on a number of occasions.
T7-688JH Airbus Helicopters H135 Stella Maris c/n 938. Was in Grand Harbour between 10-20.06.24.
T7-ALF A. Dauphin Radiant First noted on 29.08.19, yacht departing on the 30th. Helicopter arrived on the 31st for a stay on park 5. Departure date unknown.
VH-PSR Agusta A119 Koala Senses C/n 14037.
VP-BLL Eurocopter EC-120 Lady Christine Helicopter seen inside Med-Avia hangar, Safi on 15.08.08.
VP-CAH Bell 429 Global Range GARCON Noted on 28.11.14.
VP-CFF Aerospatiale 365N4   c/n 6988. Came from Superyacht Support Vessel no. 6711. Helicopter spent the night of 07-08.09.14 at MIA. Still in harbour until at least the 18th. Landed at MIA on the 21st, then proceeded to Safi. Departure from Safi unknown, but left Malta on ship on the 25th for Tunis. VP-CFF returned to Malta, performing touch and go’s on r/w 05 on the 28th. Subsequent movements unknown, but again entered Grand Harbour on board 6711 on 12th Oct. Again to Safi on unknown date, but left on the 17th. Was again noted flying within Malta FIR on 04th November.
VP-CPB Eurocopter EC-145 PLAN B In Grand Harbour on 03.10.10.
VP-CLD Bell 429 Cloudbreak Noted on 30.08.19. Again noted on the same yacht on 27.09.20. Noted again on 20.05.21 and the 25th.
ZK-HLH Eurocopter EC-135P-2 Ice First visited Malta on 31.03.07. Again seen on 04.09.07, but helicopter presence not confirmed. Again at Grand Harbour on 12.09.14. Flew to airport on the 13th. Re-registered in Malta as 9H-VIP, seen at MIA on 20.07.18.
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