Sunday, February 16, 2025 Civil/General Aviation » Malta Based  

Based Here

The following is a list of foreign-registered aircraft that either were, or still are, based in Malta, but never placed on the Maltese register.

For the first time, I am listing aircraft that were based in Malta prior to the island achieving independence from Great Britain and the prefix 9H- being allocated.

I don’t know if it would have been practical for a British national to register an aircraft in Malta (as VP-M__), when the island was still a British colony. But since the aircraft spent time here, I found it fit to list them on this page.

To avoid unnecessary duplication of data, aircraft that stayed in Malta pending overhaul are to be found on the Maintenance page.

The information has been split in three sections – general aviation, helicopters and jets. The column containing the c/n has been eliminated, and this number can now be found in the HISTORY column.

An aircraft type in bold red text indicates a new addition.


Previously, this page only listed aircraft that retained their foreign registration whilst operating from Malta.

But with the liberisation of the Maltese civil register, whereas registrations no longer are allocated in an alphabetical order, a new situation has arisen. Foreign operators are now setting up base in Malta, registering their aircraft in Malta, but which are rarely seen in here.

One of the largest is Comlux Malta Ltd, which, as of January 2013, had 12 aircraft registered, with another 7 cancelled. Hyperion Aviation Ltd currently has 5 registered aircraft, and a sixth cancelled.


Another operator that bases its aircraft at MIA is low-cost airline Ryanair. However, the duration of around 4-5 days is too brief a time to list the aircraft here.

General Aviation

D-ECFD Aquila A211GX Aviation South West (Malta) Exact date of arrival unknown to this writer, but earliest photographs of the aircraft in Malta taken on 31.08.23. c/n AT01-100C-320.
D-ETVS PZL-104 Wilga 35A European Flight Academy Operator titles never applied. Towed a “WELCOME” banner during 2001 Malta Airshow. Left Malta in a container during first week of August, 2004. c/n 74205. Ex Polish and East German military. Previous identity SP-FWV.
D-EUBH Aquila A211G   Arrived from Foggia on 06.12.24. c/n AT01-100B-350.
EC-CQB Cessna 182P Real Aero Club de Valencia Arrived early June, 2006, on lease to Malta School of Flying. Departed on 05.07.06. c/n 18263609, pi N6026J.
ES-NTC ATR 72-500(F) NyxAIR Aircraft was first seen on 04.03.24 performing flights from/to Marseilles. From the 15th, the aircraft would fly to/from Tripoli for two/three days, then return to Marseilles. It would return a couple of days later, and the above procedure would be repeated. The aircraft left Malta for the last time on 09.08.24 to Ancona, Italy. c/n 541.
F-BICP Hurel Dubois HD.34   In Malta at least throughout May 1971, conducting a survey.  
F-GBDR B. Bonanza   Arrived around May 2015. Makes local flights from time to time. Still in Malta as of 27.10.17.  
F-HUBK Tecnam P2002JF Sierra According to Flightradar24, the first flight, Malta-Malta, was on 17.01.24 c/n 224.
G-AHBC P. Proctor 5 David Waddington Publications Replacement for G-AIAG. Aircraft normally based at Nice, France, but arrived at Luqa on 12.08.54, departing on 07.09.54. Built to order of Donaldson Bros (Alloa) Ltd., first flown 14,4.46, collected by Donaldson's pilot 19.4.46, and flown to Balado. Sold to D. Wickins at Fairoaks 7.52, to D. M. Thomas at Cranfield 12.53 and to D. Waddington 8.54.
G-AHWX P. Proctor 5   This aircraft was in Malta between the following dates 17 Dec 47 - 3 Jan 47, 5-23 Jan, 26 Jan – 8 May (made a day trip to Catania on 30 Mar, departing at 10:00 returning at 18:45, and another one day trip to Tunis on 12 and 14 Apr. A similar trip to Tunis but returning from Catania on 4 May, departing for Libya on the 8th.), and between 9 May – 23 Jun when it left for Catania. Built for D. L. Steiner of Speke, first flown 5.9.46, collected by owner 02.10.46. Sold to C. C. Deane 11.47 and based in Malta. Sold abroad 11.48 in Italy as I-ADOH.
G-AKYB P. Proctor 5 J. Maitland Aircraft arrived on 20.05.57 at 09:05 from Idris, Libya but no departure details on Cus-13/IA-24 file. For storage at Ta’ Qali after expiry of C. of A. Re-appeared at Luqa with a permit to fly to England for a C. of A. renewal overhaul on 14.11.58. Departed for Croydon airfield, England on the 15th.

I received the following from Mr. Bill Fisher.

The owner was Sqn. Ldr. J. R. Maitland (known as Jock) who has a US confirmed, but not RAF accepted, kill of a MiG 15 in Korea, when on secondment to the USAF and flying an F-86e. He went on to run Maitland-Drewery Avn. who were Viking, and later Viscount, operators with Ted Drewery, a Bromley based builder. He also ran the civil side of Biggin Hill for many years in addition the organizing the Biggin Hill Air Fair and was a great supporter when I imported Lancaster G-ASXX and F-86E G-ATBF.
G-ANVZ P. Proctor 4 D. Waddington CoA expired on 06.07.56 at Luqa. Departure date from Malta unknown, but noted at Naples-Capodichino airport hangar in August 1964, “... covered in dust and looking worst for wear”. c/n H.797 ex RM194. By Dec 54 registered to Aerocontractors (Aicraft Distributors) Ltd; to D. Waddington by October 1955, Luqa, Malta,
G-AYIC P. Cherokee PA-28-180E Maltese Flying Club I have no information about this club. Aircraft was lost on a Luqa-Catania flight on 20.12.72. It does not appear to have been placed on the Maltese register. Date of arrival at Malta also unknown. c/n 28-5822. Registered in the UK, on 31.07.70, cancelled on 01.01.73.
G-BAOB Reims-Cessna 172M Valletta Flying Club Aircraft arrived on 06.07.87, departing in 11.87. c/n 0949
G-BSOZ Piper PA-28-161 Warrior II   First noted late June 2017. c/n 28-7916080.
I-ACMX Ce. 172M Skyhawk Malta Wings c/n 172-67500.
I-EAAB Tecnam P2002 Sierra According to Flightradar24, the first Malta-Malta flight was on 07.08.24. c/n 210.
LN-KAA FH.227B Stellar In Malta at least throughout 1976. c/n 537; r/o 19.02.67 N7816M Mohawk Airlines "City of Worcester' del 06.04.67; Allegheny Airlines mgd 12.04.72; LN-KAA Stellar Airfreighter AIS bt 02.05.74; Tunisavia lsd 11.76; Stellar Airfeighter AIS ret 27.12.77; F-GBRZ Air Rouergue bt 28.03.79; Touraine Air Transport bt 08.79; PT-LCT TABA Isd 07.82; F-GBRZ Transport Aerien Transregional ret 09.91; WFU & stored 09.91
N103KM P. PA-32-301 Saratoga Aircraft Guaranty Title Corp.    
N123XX Socata TB.20 Trinidad   Arrived on 30 Aug 02, and entered Safi on same day. Ditched in the sea on 25.11.11, five miles off Malta’s west coast. Pilot rescued by AFM Alouette AS9315, c/s Rescue 15.  
N180LK P. PA-28 Cherokee Island Air International Aircraft stayed in Malta between 03 Apr 97 till 23 Feb 03.  
N456T B. Bonanza   This aircraft had arrived in Malta on 31.03.12 and has been based here since. On a technical specifications sheet attached to the aircraft during the Malta Int’l airshow, armament was listed as ”Dashing good looks and a bold pilot”.  
N627GB Ce. 525 Citaton M2   Arrival date unknown but departed on 20.03.19. c/n 525-0930.
N629CC Rockwell Commander 112B   Arrived on 23.03.04.  
N907DB B. 300 Super King Air   Arrival date unknown but departed on 20.03.19. c/n FA-85.
N1402J Lake Seawolf   Landed at Luqa on 25.09.85 for demonstrations to the Armed Forces of Malta. At NCA from at least 23 Oct – 03 Nov. Still in Malta until 06 Dec, when it made a local flight.  
N3084W S. Metroliner   Arrived on 09.07.02. Aircraft carried small “Berry Aviation, Inc.” titles. Placed on Maltese register as 9H-AEU during 07.05. c/n DC902B
N3532 Beech Kingair   First known visit on 01.02.15. Parked at Med-Avia facilities when not flying.  
N3536 Beech Kingair   First known visit on 27.12.14. Parked at Med-Avia facilities when not flying.  
N3539 Beech Kingair   In Malta by 12.03.15. Parked at Med-Avia facilities when not flying.  
N5328P P. PA-32R-300 Cherokee Lance Victor Tango Air Services Inc. Aircraft arrived around May 2015. Seems to never have flown again, and remains at Park 3 (on its undercarriage) with the cockpit covered up. As of September 2022, this aircraft was listed as being offered for sale “as is”. c/n 32R-7780460.
N715MQ S. Metroliner   Arrived on 09.07.02. To be registered in Malta. Aircraft still carries small Berry Aviation, Inc. titles. c/n DC805B, XA-SFC, N3008M.
N7283 DHC-2 Beaver Pan Ocean Exploration First noted on 09.04.78 at Luqa Airport’s Park 8 (then still known as the civil terminal), it was later taken to Park 9, where it remained until 1982, after which it was towed over to Miaco over at Safi. At Miaco, it acquired "Pan Ocean Exploration" titles, and was probably shipped out of Safi in container. (Information courtesy of John Visanich.) History courtesy of c/n 725, Delivered 17-Nov-1954, N728A Arabian American Oil Co, ARAMCO, ADCO Airlines Inc., Wichita, KA, Regd Nov-1971, N7283 Aviation Development Consultants, Noted 1976 Larnaca - Kingsfield ex Arabian American Oil Co, Cyprus Services Parachute Club, Noted at Dahrahn 05-Jun-1977, Apalachicola International Training Centre, Apalachicola, FL, Regd May-1993, B. A. Grassfield, Englewood, CO, Regd 14-Dec-1995, For Sale, Noted @ Victoria, BC at 50th Convention, Regd 25-Feb-1999, Alaska Rainbow Lodge, King Salmon, AK, Incident 13-Jun-2000 Levelock, AK NTSB file ANC00LA069, Falcon LLC., King Salmon, AK, Regd 22-Dec-2004.
N28236 Grumman AA-5B   Arrived in Malta in late November/ early December.  
N60125 B. B300 Super King Air   Arrival date unknown but departed on 14.02.19. c/n FL-645.
N73818 Cessna 172M Custom Aerial Photos Arrived on 14.08.03. c/n 17267369, mfd 1976.
OE-DJB Diamond DA-40D Diamond Star TDI Malta School Of Flying Landed in Malta on a direct flight from factory in Austria on Mon 13 Sept 2004. Left Malta in November 2004. c/n D4.113


A. Squirrel Icarus I-NDIO In support of film production “U-571” April-May 1999.  
AS.355F1 Ecureuil 2   I-VREM In support of film production “Troy”. c/n 5297, previously registered F-GEHL.
A.365C Dauphin Heli Union F-GBTB In Malta between 26 Dec 83 – 04 Jan 84, joining B.412 I-SARB (see below). Replaced by S-76 F-GDHU.  
AB.206B JetRanger Autair Heli Services Ltd. G-AVVH First seen on 25.12.71. “Home Oil Malta Ltd.” titles were added later. Dep on 30.06.72 for Catania after 6 months 5 days. c/n 8026. Originally a 206A, modified as a “B” model. Previous reg HP-644, later rr EI-BEV.
AB.206A JetRanger Autair Helicopter Services Ltd. G-AWOY Replacement for S.55 ZS-HDG, which was brought over in a Caledonian/BUA B.707-389, G-AWWD, on 08.03.72. First local flight on the 13, and was used in support of the oil rig “Louisiana”. This helicopter would also be damaged on 21.04.72, when DC-8-63F N8635, of Seaboard World, was taxiing out, and its jet blast hit an Alouette full on its side, blowing it against the JetRanger, which was parked 30 to 40 feet away. Both helicopters were replaced. c/n 8094. Originally a 206A, modified as a “B” model. Reg. on 29.06.68. Rr SE-HEP.
B. 206 Heli Tours Malta G-HNLY Arrived on 29.01.09, to be used for sight-seeing around the Maltese Islands. Replaced by a Robinson R.44.  
B. 212 Heliswiss I-SNAE In Malta from at least 04 Mar – 30 Apr 82.  
B. 212   N2079D Transporting Maltese worker from/to SCARABEO IV oil rig. In Malta from at least 09–22 Jan 82.  
B. 412 Elitos I-SARB Arr at Luqa on 27.10.83 in support of oil drilling work off Malta, dep on 18 Apr 84. Overall yellow, AGIP badges on the engine housings, and carried the legend “Costa Smeralda”.  
B. 412 Elitos N416EH Arr at Luqa on 20.06.84 in support of oil rig work. Remained until at least 10.02.85. Used in film staring Steven Segal “On Dangerous Ground”. c/n 33011.
B.412 Heliswiss HB-XNB In Malta from at least 26 Jan – 03 Jul 82.  
Robinson R.44 Heli Tours Malta G-OCII Arrived on 16.10.09 as replacement for B. 206 G-HNLY.  
Robinson R.44   G-DCSE Replacement for G-OCII.  
Robinson R.44 Raven II   YL-HSG Malta-based at least between January-May 2018. c/n 13828, p.i OE-XYR, OK-SPT.
Sikorsky S-55 Autair ZS-HDG Seen at Luqa Airport on 25.12.71. Damaged by strong North Westerly winds in February 1972, when it was blown on its side. Partly dismantled and shipped to the UK on board the Panama cargo ship “Nabulk” in late March.  
Sikorsky S-76 Heli Union F-GDHU Landed in Malta on 04 Jan 84, dep early February.  
Sikorsky S-76 Bristow G-BHLY Landed in Malta on 17.12.92. Operated a number of flights to/from an oil rig on behalf of AMOCO/BHP, which was on oil exploration work, 30 miles north of Malta. Date of departure unknown, but Bristow had a four month contract. c/n 760046. “Glenrothes”.
SA. Alouette III Heli Union F-BPFF Damaged by jet blast. See G-AWOY above. Transported to Le Bourget on board a Donaldson Bristol Britannia, G-AOVF, on 03.05.72  
SA. 330F Puma Elitos I-EHPC Arrived on 30.04.72 to replace Alouette F-BPFF. Departed on ? Next seen on 07.10.72 landing at 18:30, departing on 05.12.72 at 11:30. Again seen between 10.09.73-__.__.__? c/n 1140, F-WIPE, I-EHPC, F-BSQI, conv to “J” model, current status?
SA.330J Puma Elitos F-GDFI In Malta between 8 May – 20 Jun 84. Replaced by B.412 N146EH. c/n 1138. I-EHPB “F” model; conv to “J” version; F-GDFI, destroyed 05.05.86


A.320-232 Wind Jet EI-DOP The aircraft arrived for storage in 2011. After the airline ceased operations in August 2012, the fuselage was taken over by Lufthansa Training Centre at Park 2. It was later moved to the company’s car park near Park 4, but was finally scrapped on 15.11.19 when construction of a hangar was initiated. (Information courtesy John Visanich.) c/n 816, pi B-HSF.
B.720-047B JAR Aircraft Services N720JR Arrived on 11 March 2004, and has been here ever since. Originally parked at Park 4, it had to be moved to make way for the Malta Airshow participants. Scrapped on 05.01.18. c/n 18451/307.
B.707-123A Aeroamerica N7521A This aircraft had been in Malta for “several months” by January 1980. Eventual departure date unknown. c/n 17648, re-registered N752TA by May 1980 to Ports of Call Denver. Last known operator was Air Manila. Current status: broken up.
B.720-027 Aeroamerica N731T This aircraft had been in Malta for “several months” by January 1980. Eventual departure date unknown. c/n 18423. Originally N7079 with the Boeing Company and Braniff, re-registered N731T. To Aeromamerica between May 76 – March 80. Broken up April 1980.
B.720-027 Aeroamerica N730T One of two or three B.720s leased by Air Malta in the very late 70s/early eighties. c/n 18154.
B.737-330 Lumiwings SX-LWA Aircraft had been brought over by Med-Avia to perform flights to Libya. When not performing flights, it would be towed over to the Med-Avia facilities at Safi. Based in Malta between 18.09.21 - 15.11.21. (Information courtesy John Visanich.) c/n 25216, christened "Zakynthos"
Canadair CRJ-900 L.A.A. 5A-LAM Remained at Park 4 after landing on 09.03.15. Aircraft noted with both front passenger doors and nose panels open on 13.07.15. General maintenance? c/n 15257, Ex C-GZQW.
Convair 880-22M-22 International Orient Pacific N880JT Not, strictly speaking, based here, the aircraft was in Malta between 12-17 December 1976, landing from Shannon at 10:00, departing for Brussels at 14:27. c/n 22-7-8-60 Broken up 04.85, Miami, Fl.
Convair 880-22M-4 Airtrust Singapore N48059 Like N880JT above, this was more long-term parking than based here. It arrived from Cairo on 24.11.76, departing for the same city on 17.12.76. Custom file 14/IA-53 gived aircraft owner as Singapore Airlines. c/n 22-00-44M. B/u 1984 Seletar Singapore.
Convair 880-22M21 Airtrust Singapore N48062   c/n 22-7-8-54. B/u 1984 Seletar Singapore.
Embraer E175STD Marathon A/Ls SX-ASK Strictly speaking, this aircraft wasn’t continuously based. Aircraft would make several flights mostly within the Mediterranean area, occasionally night stopping at its destination airport, before returning. Seen at Malta between 19.06.24 - 08.07.24, and again between 10 - 24.07.24. c/n 17000330.
Emb E175STD Marathon Airlines SX-MTO As above, seen between 16.05.24 - 18.06.24. c/n 17000347.
Gates Learjet 55 Eurojet D-CATL In Malta by 14.03.02. Departed on 01.06.03 after end of lease. c/n 55-051, ex N55KD, N55KS, N22GH, N22G, and N734.
Gulfstream III Phoenix Air N184PA Arrived on 24.02.22. Noted at Safi on 3rd March, departing on the 27th. Returned two days later on the 29th. Departed on 14th May, returning on 14th July.

Aircraft visits alternated with N196PA (see below).
c/n 318.
Gulfstream III   N186PA Arrived 03.05.18 to be Malta-based with N197PA.  
Gulfstream III Phoenix Air N196PA Arrived on 25.04.21, but departure unknown. Returned, staying between 10th July – 24th August. Seen again on 29.09.21, and appears to have stayed until 27.02.22. Another two-month stay between 14.05.22-14.07.22. c/n 139.
Gulfstream III Phoenix Air N197PA Arrived on 28.08.17.  

9H- Register Accidents - Civil Air Rally Aircraft Maintenance Deliveries DC-3 DHC-4 Malta Based Planes on Film Training Flights Yachts
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