Saturday, March 29, 2025 Civil/General Aviation » Accidents - Civil  
Accidents – Civil

The following is a list, divided by decades, of a number of civil tragedies, accidents, or mishaps that are known to have occurred at any of the airfields/landing strips in Malta, or to Maltese-registered or Malta-based aircraft. It is based on my own records/research, a list compiled by a friend of mine, records held by the Malta Aviation Society, and a series of articles which appeared in a Maltese language Sunday paper, as well as letters/articles which occasionally appear in the press, and publications of the Malta Aviation Museum.

A date in bold red text indicates a completely new entry, whilst other data in bold indicates recently added, or corrected, information.

Like the military accidents list which appears under the Military Aviation page, it is comprehensive, but certainly not the last word on the subject. Like other pages on this site, it will be updated as additional information becomes available.


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