Thursday, March 13, 2025 Civil/General Aviation » 9H- Register » Microlights  


This table includes both current and cancelled aircraft.

A compact hangar capable of housing four micro lights, has been constructed by Sport Pilot Group (subsidiary of Aero Club Malta) behind the Control Tower.

A “/IMC” in the OPERATOR column indicates the owner is a member of the Island Microlight Club, with an “/ACM” denoting an Aero Club Malta member.
current 9H-ABI Hornet Dual Trainer Ravin Optimal Supplied Ltd. 0059 20.01.88   This aircraft was never seen flying in Malta. It has either been stored, or sold and the owner didn't bother to de-register the aircraft.
canx. 9H-ROD Tecnam P92 Echo Aero Club Malta 047     As the aircraft needed an overhaul and a re-spray, the owner decided to apply a livery inspired by the first AFM Islander - a tribute to the men and women who serve, or have served in the past, in the AFM Air Wing for the hundreds of missions flown to safeguard our shores and save thousands of lives. Cancelled from Maltese registered in Nov/Dec 2016. Seen on Park 5 on 04.02.17 still in AFM colours but registered as I-C506.
current 9H-UCM TL-2000 Sting Carbon Conrad Micallef/IMC 06ST185      
current 9H-UDJ Halley KFT Apollo Buzz Flying Ltd. 150812     Arrived on 31.08.12. Change in owner registration. No longer listed under the ownership of Buzz Flying Ltd.
current 9H-UDR BRM Citius IMC       Flown to Malta from Turin in 2015.
current 9H-UEB Evektor EV97 Eurostar E. Buttigieg/IMC 2006 2809 05.03.10    
current 9H-ULM Ikarus C42B   0204-6435     No longer listed under the ownership of Buzz Flying Ltd.
current 9H-UMA Polaris Cross Country Alfred Pace/IMC 4159717 08.03.95    
current 9H-UMB Polaris F.I.B. Henry Rota 4297130 28.04.95 Henry Rota/IMC  
current 9H-UMC Thuster T-600N Edgar Buttigieg 9099-T600N-038 14.09.99   Crashed in a field during pilot training, limits of Ta’ Qali, on 10 October 2000. No fatalities. To be returned to airworthy status. Repaired, waiting test flight.
current 9H-UMD Thuster T-600N Decollage Co. Ltd. 051 31.05.01   Currently owned by the IMC for pilot training.
current 9H-UME Ferrari Tucano Charles Galea/ACM 0122 09.08.01 I-3060 Crashed during take-off on 16 Jan 04. No injuries, but aircraft has suffered some damage. Transferred to new hangar at Park 5 on 07.06.06. Aircraft still in a dismantled state.
current 9H-UMF Flylab Tucano SRL Andrew Cilia/IMC 0020 15.10.01   Powered by a 60 HP Limbach 1800 4- stroke engine.
current 9H-UMG Jet Fox JF91 Rod Abela/ACM 003/92 12.12.03   Arrived by sea. Assembled at NCA during August 03. Taxied to new microlights’ hangar on 25.09.03. First flight on 31.01.04. Transferred to new hangar at Park 5 on 07.06.06. Powered by a Rotax 582 UL 64hp engine. Originally produced by ALA Srl subsequently upgraded by Euroala Srl.
current 9H-UMH S.A.L. Kitfox III David Polidano 3982 12.12.03 I-3982 Arrived by sea. Assembled at NCA during August 03. Taxied to new microlights’ hangar on 25.09.03. First flight early afternoon on 05.02.04
current 9H-UMI Jora SPOL Norman and Cedric Azzopardi/ACM C-140/2004 15.10.04   Powered by a Rotax 582 UL engine - 2 stroke engine. To ACM hangar on park 5 since 07.06.
canx. 9H-UMJ Savannah Simon Borg and Paul Soler /ACM 04-07-51-319 25.10.04   Participated in Malta International Airshow 2005, sporting a shark’s mouth. Currently carries “Yellow Pages” titles. Produced by ICP srl of Italy, and assembled from kit imported early 2004 by owners. Powered by a Jabiru 2200 80 hp 4 stroke engine. Transferred to ACM hangar in May 2006. I have also been informed that the yellow colour is not primer but its actual base colour for the Yellow Pages paint scheme.
current 9H-UMK Storch CL Mark Busuttil/Leon Xuereb/IMC 14 15.03.05    
current 9H-UML CP-740 Savannah A. Gatt/Dr. P. Sammut/IMC 08.06.05    
current 9H-UMM ICP Savannah Michael Camilleri/IMC 04-10-51-333 08.04.05   Built in Malta by Aviacam from a kit and given the name AVULTUN. Powered by an 85 HP Jabiru 2200 engine.
current 9H-UMN Skyranger V-Fun K. Scerri/IMC B-SKR-0501-565 26.07.05   Built from kit by its owner.
canx. 9H-UMO Ikarus C42B Essax Ltd. 0204-6435 08.05.07    
current 9H-UMP Raj Hamsa X-AIR Adrian Pace/IMC BMAA/HB/093 04.01.07   Arrived by air as OE-7072 mid-November 2006.
current 9H-UMQ Puma Sprint Jean-Paul Grech/IMC 1121/0033 21.05.07   This is a weight-shift microlight.
current 9H-UMR Raj Hamsa X-Air D. Agius/M. Laferla Jr./IMC 906 21.05.07   This aircraft was built as a 6th form systems of knowledge project by Mark Laferla Jr, Damian Agius, Andrew Fabri, Mark Rizzo and Jennifer Pullicino Orlando. Powered by a two-stroke Rotax 582.
current 9H-UMS Fly Synthesis Storch S C. Ellul/IMC 255/A 10.08.06   First micro light amphibian to be registered. Its avionics suite includes an auto-pilot.
current 9H-UMT Raj Hamsa X-Air J. Farrugia/IMC 942 02.06.08   Built by its owner from a kit.
current 9H-UMU Pegasus Panther XL-S M. Said/IMC SW-WA-1004 15.07.08   Weight shift microlight, powered by a Robin 443cc engine.
current 9H-UMV CFM Shadow A. “DJ” Zammit/IMC 062 16.07.10   The only 3-axis microlight by an IMC member to feature tandem, rather than side-by-side, seating. Powered by a rear-mounted, two-stroke Rotax 503, driving a pusher propeller.
current 9H-UMW Aero Spool WT-9 Dynamic Gaetano Barbagallo/ACM DY-132/2006 24.12.08   Built in Slovak Republic in 2006, and powered by a Rotax 912UL 80 hp engine.
current 9H-UMX Polaris Inflatable flying boat Marc Cuthbert 0631224 13.02.09    
current 9H-UMY Sherwood “Ortolan” M. Camilleri/IMC ST29 21.11.08   Aircraft under construction.
current 9H-UNA Ikarus C42B I. W. Collins 0410-6629 06.05.10    
canx. 9H-UNB Raj Hamsa X-Air M. Boyianzis/IMC BMAA/HB/159 04.06.10    
current 9H-UNM BRM Okavango IMC        
current 9H-USM Aerospool WT-9 Dynamic Aero Club K14/2008      
current 9H-UTA     F5AB0111109B __.06.17    
canx. 9H-UZZ Technam P92E Mark Busittil/Leon Xuereb/IMC 334 08.10.10/__.__.__    
Malta Civil Register Helicopters Microlights Air Squadron Registration Trivia
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