Thursday, March 13, 2025 Civil/General Aviation » 9H- Register » Air Squadron  

Air Squadron

Although a complete list of all the aircraft/helicopters that have served with the Armed Forces of Malta appears in the page dealing with the Air Squadron, these are being reproduced here for quick reference.

The Air Squadron adopted a military numbering system of two letters and four numbers on 1st May 2000. The fleet was therefore struck off the Maltese civil register, but aircraft/helicopters, which had already been sold by the time the new system came into effect, were also allocated a number.

9H-AAE AB.47G-2 225 14.07.72 Canx. on 01.05.00, re-serialled AS7201.
9H-AAF AB.47G-2 260 14.07.72 Canx. on 05.12.97 on sale as F-GLNY. Allocated serial AS7202.
9H-AAG AB.47G-2 262 14.07.72 Canx. on 20.11.97. Allocated serial AS7203. Currently in the UAE, with fictitious markings. Additional info about this helicopter will be appreciated.
9H-AAH B.47G-2 1991 14.07.72 Canx. on 01.05.00. Allocated serial AS7204. Currently with Air Squadron. Spares for AS7201?
AB.206J 8185 9H-AAJ 10.06.75 Canx. on 22.08.97 on sale as G-DNCN. Allocated serial AS7205.
9H-ACA Cessna L-19 305M-0018 14.05.92 Canx. on 01.05.00, re-serialled AS9206. Sold to the US as N619SB.
9H-ACB Cessna L-19 305M-0029 14.05.92 Canx. on 27.07.95. Donated to Aviation Museum 09.02.2001. Allocated serial AS9207.
9H-ACC Cessna L-19 305M-0032 14.05.92 Canx. on 01.05.00. Re-serialled AS9208 Sold to the US as N320DA. Registered in New Mexico, on 25.06.02.
9H-ACD Cessna L-19305M-0038 14.05.92 Canx. on 01.05.00. Re-serialled AS9209. Sold to the US as N119AJ. Registered in Minnesota, on 01.03.01.
9H-ACE Cessna L-19 305M-0035 14.05.92 Canx. on 01.05.00. Re-serialled AS9210. Sold to the US as N119LH. Registered in Wisconsin, on 23.07.02.
9H-AAW SA.316B Alouette III 2295 21.12.92 Canx. on 01.05.00 Re-serialled AS9211. Current.
9H-AAX SA.316B Alouette III 2315 21.12.92 Canx. on 01.05.00. Re-serialled AS9212. Current.
9H-ABY N.H.369HM 62-0220M 12.06.92 Canx. on 01.05.00. Re-serialled AS9213. Current, but hasn’t flown for several months.
9H-ABZ N.H.369HM 122-0227M 12.06.92 Canx. on 01.05.00. Re-serialled AS9214. Current, but hasn’t flown for several months.
9H-AAV SA.316B Alouette III 2288 16.07.93 Canx. on 01.05.00. Re-serialled AS9315. Current.
9H-ACU BN Islander BN2B-26 2159 15.12.95 Canx. on 01.05.00. Re-serialled AS9516. Current.
9H-ADA SA.316O Alouette III 1209 23.09.96 Canx. on 01.05.00. Re-serialled AS9617. Current. Still flying in Netherlands AF brown/dark green camouflage.
9H-ADB SA.316O Alouette III 1399 23.09.96 Canx. on 01.05.00. Re-serialled AS9618. Current. Still flying in Netherlands AF brown/dark green camouflage.
9H-ADF BN Islander BN2B-26 2516 24.09.98 Canx. on 01.05.00. Re-serialled AS9819. Current.
9H-ADQ SA Bulldog T Mk.1 BH120-337 10.02.00 Canx. on 01.05.00. Re-serialled AS0020. Current. Still wearing RAF red/white colours.
9H-ADR SA Bulldog T Mk.1 BH120-345 10.02.00 Canx. on 01.05.00. Re-serialled AS0021. Current. Still wearing RAF red/white colours.
9H-ADS SA Bulldog T Mk.1 BH120-358 10.02.00 Canx. on 01.05.00. Re-serialled AS0022. Current. Still wearing RAF red/white colours.
9H-ADT SA Bulldog T Mk.1 BH120-363 10.02.00 Canx. on 01.05.00. Re-serialled AS0023. Current. Still wearing RAF red/white colours.

Malta Civil Register Helicopters Microlights Air Squadron Registration Trivia
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