Wednesday, March 12, 2025 Military Aviation » Accidents - Military » 2010 - 2019  

2010 - 2019


18.02.10 S. MH-60S HCS-28 166322/BR Helicopter arrived on 17.02.10, for training with the Armed Forces of Malta. Lifted off for an afternoon session, but returned immediately with an unspecified technical problem. Started again later at 16.00hrs. Callsign Ghostrider 41, carried COMSIXTHFLT titles.
03.09.10 A.319CJ   15+01 A/c arrived on the 2nd as GAF607. Departure delayed by technical difficulties. Parts brought by GAF CL601 12+04, flying in as GAF608. A.319 departed on the 4th.
09.10.10 BAe Typhoon R. Saudi AF ZK073/305 & ZK074/306 Aircraft were ready to depart at around 09.15hrs, but had to shut down due to a “minor problem”. Eventually departed at 12.55hrs local.
15.10.10 L. C-130 Belgian AF CH-12 Aircraft arrived on the 14th. Departure delayed for an hour due to a technical problem.
22.11.10 L. C-130 Belgian AF CH-11 Aircraft arrived on the 21st. Departure delayed by a few hours due to problems with flight planning at country of destination.
11.12.10 BAe Typhoon R. Saudi AF ZK077/309, ZK078/310 Aircraft arrived on the 9th, joined by Bae 146 G-BLRA which arrived on the 10th. Departure delayed until the 13th due to a Greek ATC strike.

The Libyan Uprising

The uprising by Arab people against their governments started off in Tunis on 17th December 2010, quickly spreading to other Arab/North African countries.

The civil unrest in Libya started on 15 February 2011, and with that country being located just 200 miles south of Malta, it was inevitable that the island would become reluctantly involved. The first hint of trouble came in the early afternoon of 21st February, when two Heli Union helicopters made an unexpected appearance, landing at park 4. They were joined a few hours later by two Libyan AF Mirage F1 jets, still carrying rocket pods.

As a result of the conflict, an exodus of people working in Libya sought every means possible to escape, towards the Egyptian and Tunisian borders, or by sea/air towards Malta. Foreign governments ferried their nationals either by sending naval units, aircraft (both civil & military), made use of the catamaran usually used on the Malta-Sicily trips, or by Air Malta.

For a number of days, a number of Royal AF Chinooks and C-130 transports were stationed at the MIA, these being used for flights into Libya, usually to rescue people caught stranded in oil fields in the desert.

When SR Technic announced the setting up an aircraft repair centre in Malta, Park 4 was offered as the site to build its new hangar, and as a result, around 60% was fenced off. But with two helicopters and two fighters practically occupying what remained of the park, the chain link fence was removed on 24th February.

Politically speaking, the Republic of Malta is a neutral and non-aligned country, prohibiting the country from being used as a military base. The constitution provides for two exceptions, either Malta is facing a threat of aggression form a military power, or for UN-mandated military action.

Although the attacks on Libya fell squarely under the latter exception, there was a consensus by both government and opposition that only military aircraft involved in humanitarian operations could be based on the island.

A page dealing with the civil aspects of this operation is to be found in the Civil Accidents page.

The Mirages arrive.

Causing both interest and concern, these two aircraft were flown to Malta by their pilots on 21st February 2011 to avoid bombing Libyan civilians. They came in below 500ft, only contacting Malta Radar for the last 20 miles. Each aircraft carried rocket pods, and was finished in a two-tone brown camouflage, with green disk and flag on fin.

After some confusion as to where to taxy, the aircraft were guided to Park 4. French engineers removed the weaponry by 3rd March, and aircraft towed to Park 5 on the 4th. Both aircraft were towed to Med Avia on 10.01.12.

Sometime later, both aircraft were taxying on their own power, although both appeared to have suffered from technical problems on the 19.02.12 but were seen at Park 7 on the 20th.

The aircraft departed back to Libya on 22.02.12, a year and a day from their defection the previous year. c/s Eagle Formation.



20.02.11 L. C-130 Austrian AF 8T-CC Departed on the 21st. Again returned during the night of 21/22.02
21.02.11 D. Mirage F1 Libyan AF 502 Conducted afterburner tests 08.02.12
21.02.11 D. Mirage F1 Libyan AF 508 Towed from Safi to park 2 on 02.02.12, with afterburner tests conducted on the 3rd.
23.02.11 C-160 Transall Luftwaffe 51+05 GAF120, night-time arrival, between 22/23.
23.02.11 C-160 Transall Luftwaffe 50+42 GAF121, night-time arrival, between 22/23.
24.02.11 C-160 Transall Luftwaffe 51+10 Arrived as GAF328.
24.02.11 BAe 146 Royal AF ZE701 Ascot 1896, same day arr/dep. Again seen on 11.09.11.
24.02.11 L. C-130 Belgian AF CH-10 Same day arr/dep.
24.02.11 L. C-130 Royal AF ZH888 Arrived.
24.02.11 Gu. IV Swedish AF 021 Same day arrival/departure.
24.02.11 Ga. Learjet Irish Air Corps 258  
24.02.11 C-27 Spartan Romanian AF 2702 Arrived.
25.02.11 B. C-17 Canadian AF 177702 CFC3621
26.02.11 Ga. Learjet Irish Air Corps 258 Departure.
26.02.11 B. C-17 Canadian Armed Forces 177702 Departed.
26.02.11 B/V Chinook Royal AF ZA776 Early morning arrival.
26.02.11 B/V Chinook Royal AF ZA679/AG Early morning arrival.
26.02.11 B/V Chinook Royal AF ZA684 Early morning arrival.
26.02.11       Ascot 4592, departed r/w 31, intersection Charlie, most probably a C-130 mission into Libya.
26.02.11 L. C-130 Royal AF XV202 Ascot 4584/5, same day arrival/departure.
26.02.11 L. C-130 Royal AF XV221? Ascot 5177, arrived.
26.02.11       Ascot 5586, departure.
26.02.11 BAe 146 Royal AF ZE701 Ascot 1892, arrived.
26.02.11   Romanian AF   RAF303, departed.
26.02.11 W. Lynx Netherlands Navy 227 Late afternoon arrival.
27.02.11 CN.235 Irish Air Corps   To/from Libya.
27.02.11 B. C-17 Canadian Armed Forces 177701 CFC3621?, departed
27.02.11 B. C-17 Canadian Armed Forces 177702 CAMFORCE 4037, departure
27.02.11 B. C-17 Canadian Armed Forces 177703 CAMFORCE 3804, arrival.
27.02.11 L. C-130 Royal AF ZH877 Ascot 5586, arrived. Departed for mission to Libya.
27.02.11 L. C-130 Royal AF ZH878 Ascot 4594
27.02.11 L. C-130 Kuwait AF KAF325 Departed.
27.02.11 L. C-130 Swedish AF 847  
27.02.11 Gu. IV Irish Government 251 Departed.
27.02.11 Ga. Learjet USAFE 40112 Valor 70, made a number of touch & go’s prior to departure.
27.02.11 DA10 French Navy 143 FN5060, departed.
27.02.11       Ascot 4592 ??
28.02.11 B. C-17 Canadian Armed Forces 177703 Noted at airport, night time arrival.
28.02.11 L. C-130 Belgian AF CH-07 BAF640, carried UN titles, departed on 1st March.
28.02.11 L. C-130 Romanian AF 6166 Noted at P4.
28.02.11 L. C-130 RNAF NAF32 At least one flight to/from Tripoli.
28.02.11 L. C-130 Canadian Armed Forces 130603 Arrived as CAMFORCE 3805.
28.02.11 L. C-130 Canadian Armed Forces 130604 Arrived as CAMFORCE 3806.
28.02.11 C-27 Spartan Romanian AF   Arrived.
28.02.11 CN.235 Irish Air Corps 253 Noted at Park 2.
28.02.11 Gu. IV Irish Air Corps 251 Noted at Park 3.
01.03.11 L. C-130 Canadian Armed Forces   Departed as CAMFORCE 3805.
01.03.11 L. C-130 Canadian Armed Forces   Departed as CAMFORCE 3808.
01.03.11 L. C-130 Romanian AF 6191 Same day arrival/departure as RAF306.
01.03.11 L. C-130J-30 Italian AF MM62187/46-53 Arrived.
01.03.11 CN.235 Irish Air Corps   Departed as IRL235.
01.03.11 Gu. IV Swedish AF   Same day arr/dep as SVF21.
01.03.11 W. Lynx Royal Navy    
01.03.11       Navy 470, at least one flight into MIA.
02.03.11 L. C-130 Canadian Armed Forces   CAMFORCE 3805.
02.03.11 B/V Chinook Royal AF   Rafair 7341, departed.
02.03.11 B/V Chinook Royal AF   Rafair 7341, departed in formation w/above.
02.03.11 L. C-130 Swedish AF    
02.03.11   Canadian Armed Forces   Departed.
02.03.11 C-27 Spartan Romanian AF   Departed.
03.03.11       Ascot 1189 dep
03.03.11       Ascot 1896 arr
03.03.11       Rafair 7341 arr
03.03.11 W. Lynx     Noted at Park 8. South Korean??
03.03.11       Rescue 407 arr
03.03.11 B. C-17 Canadian Armed Forces    
03.03.11 L. C-130     Departed.
03.03.11 L. C-130     Departed.
03.03.11 L. C-130 Swedish AF   Departed.
04.03.11 Romanian AF     Arrived.
04.03.11 B. C-17 Royal AF   Arrived??
04.03.11 C-160 Luftwaffe   Departed.
04.03.11 W. Lynx South Korean Navy 91-0707 Seen on deck.
05.03.11 W. Merlin Royal Navy   At least two flights into Malta.
05.03.11       Ascot 6850, arrived.
05.03.11 BAe 146 Royal AF ZE701 Ascot 1896
05.03.11 B. C-17 Royal AF ZZ175 Ascot 6854 check!!!
06.03.11 Gu. IV Netherlands AF V-11 NAF10.
07.03.11 W. Lynx Royal Navy   Same Day arrival/ departure.
07.03.11 L. C-130 Swedish AF 847 Arrived.
09.03.11 B/V Chinook Royal AF   Departed.
08.03.11 Bo. CL-600 Canadian Armed Forces 144617 Arrived as Camforce 3072, departed the following day, same c/s.
10.03.11 B. C-17 Canadian Armed Forces 177704 Same day arrival/departure as Camforce 4062.
10.03.11 L. C-130 Canadian Armed Forces 130604 Departed.
11.03.11 B. C-17 Royal AF ZZ176 Same day arrival/departure as Ascot 6858.
11.03.11 L. C-130 Royal AF ZH868 Departed as Ascot 5585.
11.03.11 BAe 146 Royal AF ZE710 Ascot 1209. Brought UK Defence Secretary Mr. Liam Fox for talks with Maltese Govt.
11.03.11 Si. SH-3 Sea King Indian Navy IN535, IN537, IN538 Seen on board L41 Jalashwa, which had brought Indian citizens from Libya.
11.03.11 SA Alouette Indian Navy IN448 Seen on board L41 Jalashwa.
22.03.11 L. C-130 Swedish AF 843 Arrived as SVF878. Flew to Gerba and back on 23.03.
10.04.11 B. C-17 Royal AF ZZ175  
15.04.11 L. C-130 Royal AF   Arrived as RRR5254, departed on the 16th.
22.04.11 L. C-130 Royal AF ZH865 Arrived as RRR4566, departed on the 23rd.
05.05.11 L. C-130 Royal AF ZH685 Same day arrival/departure?
06.05.11 W. Sea King HC4 Royal Navy ZF120 C/s Commander 1. Same day Arrival/Departure.
14.05.11 L. C-130 Royal AF   Arrived as RRR5623.
14.05.11 L. C-130 Royal AF   RRR5622. Flight to Libya and back on the 15th.
18.05.11 L. C-130 French AF 5150 Arrived as CTM14165, departing on the 19th.
20.05.11 B. C-17 Royal AF ZZ173 Same day arrival/departure as Ascot 6682. Aircraft was supposed to have arrived on the 19th, but experienced technical problems and returned to RAF Brize Norton. Regarded as last day of operations by NATO aircraft based in Malta.
25.05.11 L. C-130 South African AF 403 Departed on 01.06.11. Flights to/from Libya on at least the 28th and the 31st.
23.07.11 C-160 French AF 61-ZA/R97 Arrived as Cotam 1442, for flights between Malta and Benghazi.
27.07.11 C-160 German AF 50+72 Arrived as GAF101. Departed on the 28th. Made a flight to Benghazi and back on each day. Again arrived on 16.01.12 as GAF204, making flights to Libya between the 17th & 19th, departing Malta on the 20th.
30.08.11 L. C-130J C.4 Royal AF ZH870  
30.08.11 L. C-130J C.4 Royal AF ZH869  
08.09.11 HS125 Royal AF ZD621 Arrived as Ascot 1395.
09.01.12 An-26 Libyan Air Cargo 5A-DOW/8203 c/s LAAF 265, departed on the 10th.
16.01.12 C-160 German AF 50+79 Arrived as GAF458, making flights to Libya between the 17th & 19th, departing Malta on the 20th.
23.01.12 L.100-30 Libyan Air Cargo 5A-DOM c/s LAF1111. Brought high-level military delegation for the official handover of the Mirage F.1s by the Maltese Govt.
30.01.12 Il-76     Brought GPU, ground cart, hydraulic jacks, tires & tool boxes.

The (mainly) French Connection

(With apologies to Hollywood director William Friedkin.)

Although Malta refused to allow military fighters to be based in Malta for the purposes of bombing Libya, (see under The Libyan Uprising above), nevertheless, a number of military aircraft had to divert to Malta.

Mostly French types, reasons for landing were either failure to maintain refueling scheduled with tankers (including broken probes), or more serious technical problems, such as engine failure. This in turn necessitated various visits by a number of transport aircraft bringing in the required parts and technicians.

20.04.11 20.04.11 D. Mirage F1 French AF 112-CL/657 Aircraft on a reconnaissance trip over Libya. Diverted to Malta after failing to rendezvous with tanker. Departed for their base after refueling.
20.04.11 20.04.11 D. Mirage F1 French AF 118-MZ/615 As above.
23.04.11 02.05.11 D. Mirage F1 French AF 112-CL/657 Aircraft suffered hydraulic problems, and remained on taxiway Alpha until late evening, when it was towed to Park 4. Engine runs on 30.04.
23.04.11 24.04.11 D. Mirage F1 French AF 112-CT/620 Hydraulic problems in one aircraft forced their diversion to Malta.
23.04.11 23.04.11 L. C-130 French AF 5119 Brought technical support team for Mirage 112-CL/657. Night arrival/departure.
26.04.11 26.04.11 L. C-130 French AF 61-PM/4588 CTM2040. In connection with Mirage 112-CL/657.
02.05.11 02.05.11 D. Mirage F1 French AF 112-CT/620 Aircraft on a reconnaissance trip over Libya, forced to divert due to poor weather. Departed after refueling.
02.05.11 02.05.11 D. Mirage F1 French AF 112-CV/653 As above.
22.05.11   D. Etendard French Navy 37 Diverted to refuel, but remained in Malta, due to high winds.
28.05.11 28.05.11 D. Mirage F1 French AF 112-NK/661 Departed after refueling.
28.05.11 28.05.11 D. Mirage F1 French AF 118-MZ/615 Departed after refueling.
31.05.11 01.06.11 D. Mirage 2000 French AF 102-ER/68 Diverted due to broken refueling probe. C/s Stroke 61.
31.05.11 31.05.11 D. Mirage 2000 French AF 102-MK/74 Landed with 102-ER, but departed, as FAF7071, after refueling.
31.05.11 01.06.11 CN 235 French AF 62-IK Technical support for Mirage 2000 102-ER/68.
02.06.11   D. Etendard French Navy 41 Diverted.
03.06.11 03.06.11 L. F-16 Danish AF E-204 Diverted to Malta because of bad weather over Sigonella. Landed with E-607, departed later.
03.06.11 03.06.11 L. F-16 Danish AF E-607 As above.
08.06.11 08.06.11 L. F-16 US AF 91-372 Departed after re-fuelling.
08.06.11 08.06.11 L. F-16 US AF 92-910 Departed after re-fuelling.
01.07.11 01.07.11 D. Rafale French AF 113-HB/309 Midnight landing due to a tech problem, departed later in the evening.
01.07.11 01.07.11 D. Rafale French AF 113-HN/319 Landed with 113-HB above, departed later in the afternoon.
01.07.11 02.07.11 CN 235 French AF 61-1B/045 Tech support for Rafale 309.
04.07.11 05.07.11 BD Atlantic French Navy 9 Crew shut down no. 1 engine and declared a mayday. It landed uneventfully at around 0300LT and departed around 18.30hrs on the 5th. A/c carried special commemorative colours and stickers, “100 years”.
05.07.11 ? CN 235 French AF 61-1B/045 Again came as technical support aircraft for Atlantic.
12.07.11 13.07.11 D. Mirage 2000 French AF 113-JF/660 Suffered tyre problems on landing. Departed with 116-CA as FAF7261.
12.07.11 13.07.11 D. Mirage 2000 French AF 116-CA/304 Diverted due to broken re-fueling probe.
12.07.11 13.07.11 C-160 French AF 61-ZN/R96 Technical support for Mirages. Departed as Cotam 2066.
25.07.11 03.8.11 BAe Tornado Royal AF ZA463/028 617 squadron, c/s OUP012. Carried ‘XV’ marking on starboard side on fin.
26.07.11 06.08.11 BAe Tornado Royal AF ZG791/137 Diversion due to hydraulic failure. C/s OUP046. No squadron markings. Dep as OUP560 on.
26.07.11   BAe 125 Royal AF ZD620 Technical support for Tornado above.
28.07.11 28.07.11 D. Mirage 2000 French AF 113-LG/651 Arrived at around 01.00 w/116-CX/324, departed 03.00. Both a/c two-seaters.
28.07.11 28.07.11 D. Mirage 2000 French AF 116-CX/324 As above.
29.07.11 29.07.11 BAe Tornado Royal AF ZG775/134 c/s OUP441, landed at 04.00, departed 06.33.
29.07.11 31.07.11 L. F-16 Danish AF E-597 c/s OUP913. Diverted with engine problems. Second F-16, E-605, continued to Sigonella after making a low pass. Eventually departed in the evening as DAF3204.
29.07.11   L. C-130 Danish AF B-538 c/s DAF1680. Technical support for F-16.
30.07.11 01.08.11 BAe Tornado Royal AF ZG709/120 2 squadron, c/s OUP122, landed at 22.25 on one engine. Departed as OUP459.
31.07.11   L. C-130 Royal AF ZH888 c/s Ascot 5811. Technical support for Tornado ZG709.
05.08.11 12.08.11 BAe Tornado Royal AF ZD790/099 31 squadron, diversion due to technical problems, needed to be towed to parking spot. c/s OUP316. Second Tornado, ZD746/094 of 2 squadron, continued on its way, after a low pass. Departed as OUP360.
07.08.11   L. C-130 Royal AF ZH873 c/s RRR5105. Technical support for Tornado ZD790.
05.09.11 05.09.11 BAe Typhoon Royal AF ZJ293/DM 11 squadron, diverted to refuel. C/S OUP842.
05.09.11 05.09.11 D. Mirage 2000D French AF 133-JU/614 c/s OUP701. Diverted to refuel.
05.09.11 05.09.11 D. Mirage F.1 French AF 118-NE/617 c/s OUP701. Diverted to refuel.
06.09.11 07.09.11 D. Mirage 2000D French AF 671/133-XK Early dawn diversion due to a broken refueling probe tip. c/s OUP745a/b.
06.09.11 06.09.11 D. Mirage 2000N French AF 343/116-AH Diverted to refuel.
06.09.11 07.09.11 C-160 French AF R4/61-MD c/s Cotam 2081. Technical support for Mirage 2000D.
22.09.11 02.10.11 BAe Tornado   ZG706/118 c/s OUP430. Diverted due to hydraulic problems at around 21.00hrs. After landing, the aircraft stopped near the r/w 13 threshold, blocking the runway. One civilian flight diverted to Catania, others landed on runway 23/05. Tornado finally towed off the runway into hangar at around 11.30 on the 23rd.
27/28.09.11 28.09.11 D. Mirage 2000 French AF 116-CS/305 Diversion due to bad weather.
27/28.09.11 28.09.11 D. Mirage 2000 French AF 133-JR/682 Diversion due to bad weather.
13.10.11 13.10.11 D. Mirage 2000 French AF 133-IS/617 Diverted to refuel.
17-18.10.11   BAe Tornado   ZD850/111 Landed at around midnight, diverted to refuel. Left later in the afternoon.
17-18.10.11   BAe Tornado   ZD720/086 As above.
21.10.11 21.10.11 D. Mirage 2000 French AF 125-BD/371 Landed with 133-IO below. Departed after refueling, a few hours later. c/s OUP605.
21.10.11   D. Mirage 2000D French AF 133-IO/647 Diverted due to damaged refueling probe.
21.10.11 22.10.11 CN-235 French AF 111 Technical support for above. Night arrival.
07.02.12 C-21A USAF 84-0081 c/s Jalop 22. Unspecified problems. Parts brought over by similar type, 84-0109 ?, c/s Spar 91, on 13.02.12. Departed on the 14th.
15.03.12 Falcon 10MER French Navy 185 Aircraft had arrived on the 14th. Dep as FNY55A2, but had to return with a cracked windshield. Departed on the 23rd after repairs were carried out by MCM Ltd. Parts brought over by Falcon 10 No. 32 on the 16th.
15.07.12 L. P-3 Orion VP-9 159507 Aircraft had arrived for a training session, c/s Eagle 17. Suffered minor technical problems with no. 2 engine. Departed later.
27.09.13 P. Tornado GR.4 15 ZA410/016 Airshow participant, lost rear half of port drop tank during run-in-and-break on arrival, panel from port rear fuselage also missing.
16.05.14 BAe 146 British Aerospace G-BTAE Aircraft had arrived as technical support for two RSAF Typhoon ZK389/1014 & ZK390/1015 on this day. Departure delayed until the 19th due to technical problems with the 146.
29.09.14 L. P-3C US Navy 161594/YD Part of the static display line-up at the airshow. c/s VYD594. Departure delayed by nose-wheels needing replacement.
29.09.14 L. P-3C US Navy 163002/RD c/s Dragon 41. Brought spares for 161594 above. Departed after two hours.
30.09.14 BAe Hawk Royal Air Force/Red Arrows XX310 Aircraft arrived, and displayed with, the team, but departure on this date delayed by aircraft going u/s. Eventually left on 03.10.14. Departure c/s RRR7281.
30.06.15 L. C-130J Royal AF ZH874 Arrived as RRR5526 on the 29th. Aircraft taxied out, but aborted take-off and returned to parking slot. Departed on 1st July.
__.09.15 L. C-130 Belgian AF CH-07 c/s BAF 643. Aircraft had arrived on 25th September for the Malta International Airshow, but went u/s shortly afterwards. Finally departed on 8 October. C-130 CH-03, c/s BAF663, brought technical support on 2 October.
__.09.15 L. F-16AM Belgian AF FA-136 Aircraft had arrived on 25th September for the Malta International Airshow, but went u/s during the week-end. Aircraft which arrived in connection with its repairs were Embraer 145 CE-04 on 3 October, and C-130 CH-11. F-16 finally departed for Klein Brogel on 22.10.15.
20.10.15 BAe Typhoon Royal AF - 3 Squadron ZJ913/QO-M Aircraft had arrived the previous day with ZJ918, ZJ932 & ZJ936 (c/s Ascot 9611) and Voyager ZZ330, c/s RRR9290. Returned due to unknown technical problems. Departed on the 21st, in company with four different Typhoons and Voyager, which had arrived in the afternoon of the 20th.
13.11.15 L. C-130 Royal AF ZH886 c/s RRR5665. Part of the technical support for the African Summit held in Malta. Aircraft twice departed from Malta and forced to return for technical reasons. Finally left on the 14th.
16.01.17 B. C-135FR French AF 737 c/n 18697. Diverted due to engine trouble.
14.05.18 C-160 French AF R225/FRAGY Aircraft departure delayed by 24 hours due to technical problems.
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