Wednesday, March 26, 2025 Civil/General Aviation » Aircraft Maintenance » Aviation Cosmetics  

Aviation Cosmetics

A company specializing in the spraying of aircraft. It is located in a specially built hangar at Safi Aviation Park.

Page added on 31.03.17.


A.319-112 Air Mauritius 3B-NBH 22.03.18 01.04.18 Maintenance at Lufthansa Technic prior to visiting ACM for a re-spray.
A.319-112 Cobalt 5B-DCU 22.05.19 c/n 2662, Re-registered as 9H-TLS with Hi Fly
A.319-112 Hi Fly 9H-TLS 22.05.19 06.06.19 c/n 2662. c/s HFM241P. Had arrived as 5B-DCU in Cobalt livery.
A.319-115(CJ) Comlux San Marino T7-ACJ   07.09.19 c/s SMC567, c/n 3513. Noted parked in front of ACM hangar on the 10th, departed on the 15th.

ACJ320 Royal Omani Air Force 555 01.04.18   Arrived as MJN525 for maintenance work at Ltm, and re-spray at ACM.
A.320-214 Medsky Airways 5A-MSB   05.11.22 c/n 4357. Registered as 5A-MSB, first noted on 01.11.22. Departure from Malta on the 4th delayed by a technicality, leaving for Libya the following day. (See under 9H-MSB below.)
A.320-214 A.M. 9H-AEK 27.10.20 04.11.20 c/n 2291. Aircraft flew its last revenue flight, KM352/3 to/from Dusseldorf, on 06.09.20. Entered ACM for re-spraying into an all-white livery, and a period of storage. Departed Malta on 06.02.21 for Larnaca, on delivery to Tus A/Ws. c/n 2291. Previously F-WWBT, re-registered 5B-DDK. (Information courtesy John Visanich.)
A.320-214 Air Malta 9H-AEN   20.05.21 c/n 2665. Last flight on 03.05.21 as KM640/1 to/from Catania. Re-sprayed in an all-white livery, to re-registered as 5B-DLL.
A.320-214 Air Malta 9H-AEP 22.06.21   c/n 3056.
A.320-214 Air Malta 9H-AEQ     c/n 3068. Noted at ACM on 02.07.21, (may have entered on the 1st). Departure date unknown, but performed flight KM662 to Palermo on the 4th.
A.320-214   9H-AHS 29.03.21   Aircraft was previously ex-Sri Lankan Airlines 4R-ABP, and placed on the 9H- register on lease to Air Malta. Re-sprayed all-white, for use with Malta Medair. Departure from ACM unknown but first commercial flight (to Frankfurt) on 26.04.21.
A.320-214 MedSky Airways 9H-MSA   Aircraft noted at ACM’s apron on 03.05.22.

This is a Malta-based Libyan carrier for passenger and cargo flights from Misrata to Malta from 07.05.22. The service is being operated in partnership with Maltese government-owned company Med Air.

(Information courtesy of John Visanich, from his Malta Airport Movements Facebook page.)
A.320-214 Medsky Airways 9H-MSB     c/n 4357. Previously F-WWDH, HZ-AS18 (N265NV) 9K-ALG. Night time arrival from Istanbul on 18.02.22 as M-ABNR. Re-registered at Safi, and noted with new reg on 2 March. Performed engine runs on 06.04.22. Departed for Sofia on 25.06.22, returning on 06.09.22. Test flight on 27.10.22. (See under 5A-MSB above.
A.320-232 Smartlynx 9H-SLB 12.08.20 18.09.20 c/n 1945
A.320-214   9H-VDS     c/n 1757. Arrived as HK-5051 on 15.11.20. pi F-WWIR, I-PEKQ, EI-DJI, PR-MHT, HK-5051, LY-NVS, HK-5051.
A.320-211 Fly One EK-32002 29.10.17 01.11.17 c/s LUR7777.
A.320-211 Lufthansa D-AIQD 14.03.19   c/n 0202.
A.320-211 Lufthansa D-AIPD 07.03.19 14.03.19 c/n 0072.
A.320-211 Lufthansa D-AIPH 21.02.19 28.02.19 c/n 0086
A.320-211 Lufthansa D-AIPL 28.02.19   c/n 0094.
A.320-211 Lufthansa D-AIPY 28.02.19 07.03.19 c/n 0161, c/s LH9924.
A.320-214 Lufthansa D-AIZG 21.12.18 08.01.19 c/n 4324.
A.320-214 Vueling EC-HGZ 05.10.17 25.02.18 Arrived for maintenance at SR Technics, then to Aviation Cosmetics for re-spraying in Allegiant A/Ls colours. Noted in primer colours in mid-December 2017. In Allegiant A/Ls colours by mid-January 2018. Re-registered N240NV.
A.320-214 Vueling EC-LAA 24.04.21 03.09.21 c/n 3246. Arrived from Larnaca, to be re-sprayed in Jordan Aviation livery.
A.320-232 Vueling EC-LQM 17.05.19 05.06.19 c/n 2223, c/s VEO3516.
A.320-214 Vueling EC-MAX 28.05.20 03.08.20 c/n 4478. Entered ACM for repainting in Condor colours. (See also under SR Technic page.
A.320-214 Volotea EC-NOY 05.11.20   c/n 2633. pi F-WWDY & 9M-AFB. Aircraft had arrived as OE-LMR, and carried “Hey! Oh! Let’s Vol!” on the nose and “Maman, J’Arrive!” wording aft of the cockpit. Spanish identity applied at ACM.
A.320-214 Smartlynx ES-SAQ 15.12.17 18.12.17 Aircraft had been leased by Air Malta until the 23rd. Spent three days at ACM. c/n 984.
A.320-214 Aigle Azur F-HBAP   24.02.17 Arrived for maintenance at Lufthansa Technik on 31.01.17, afterwards to ACM for a re-spray. Departed Malta as AAF016t.
A.320-214 Air France F-GKXL 29.10.17 08.11.17 Arrived as AFR367V, c/n 2705. To ACM, then towed to Ltm on the 7th.
A.320-214 Easyjet G-EZUC     Noted 29.11.16 in new EasyJet livery.
A.320-214 EasyJet G-EZUJ 16.11.16   First aircraft for spraying by Aviation Cosmetics.
A.320-214 Viva Air HK-5051 15.11.20   c/n 1757. Departed Medellin on the 13th for Bogota, for Rekjavik on the 14th, to Malta on the 15th. Re-registered 9H-VDS.
A.320-214   HZ-ZY7 01.06.22 09.06.22 c/n 2165. Operator believed to Sky Prime Aviation Services.
A.320-232 West Air LZ-CMA 03.11.17 22.12.17 c/n 7487, ex F-WWIY. Entered ACM after maintenance at SR Technic. Emerged in Tiajin A/Ls colours. Two test flights on 17th and 20th December, departing with reg B-1052.
A.320-232 Jetstar Pacific LZ-CMB 16.11.17   c/n7922, CMIG Aviation Capital, pi F-WWIM, VN-A575 ntu. Late evening arrival, being towed to Safi Park shortly afterwards.
A.320-232 Jetstar Pacific LZ-CMC 22.11.17   To be delivered to Tiajin A/Ls.
A.320-214 ALAFCO M-ABNR 18.02.22   c/n 4357. Night time arrival from Istanbul. Previously F-WWDH, HZ-AS18 (N265NV) 9K-ALG. (See under 9H-MSB above.)
A.320-214 Volotea OE-LMR 05.11.20   c/n 2633. pi F-WWDY & 9M-AFB. Carried “Hey! Oh! Let’s Vol!” on the nose and “Maman, J’Arrive!” wording aft of the cockpit. Re-registered as EC-NOY.
A.320-214 Brussels Airlines OO-SNK 07.02.22 c/n 3373. Aircraft had arrived for maintenance by Lufthansa Technic, but spent a few days parked on the ACM apron, until at least the 9th, before it could be accepted at Lufthansa’s facility. (Information courtesy of John Visanich.)
A.321-231 Lufthansa D-AIDA 02.02.19 14.02.19 c/n 4360.
A.321-231 Lufthansa D-AIDB 08.01.19 02.02.19 c/n 4545.
A.321-231 Lufthansa D-AIDC 27.02.19 11.03.19 c/n 4560.
A.321-231 Lufthansa D-AIDD 11.03.19   c/n 4585.
A.321-131 Lufthansa D-AIRO 22.01.19 28.02.19 c/n 0563 c/s DLH9923
A.321-131 Lufthansa D-AIRY 14.02.19 27.02.19 c/n 901, respray in new livery.
A.321-253NX   G-GBNI 09.02.23 10.02.23 c/n 10238. Carried “United Kingdom” titles. Towed to ACM in the morning, and out again in the early afternoon, prior to departure.
A.321-231 Vueling EC-MJR 07.01.20 28.01.20 c/n 6933. Engine runs on the 26th.
A.321-211 BH Air LZ-BHK 02.04.18 16.04.18 Late night arrival as BGH6001 in all white colours. Rolled out of hangar on the 12th in Redwings livery, departing Malta as BGH6002.
A.321-231 Monarch OE-IGB 07.03.18 27.03.18 Night-time arrival from Shannon in Monarch colours, re-sprayed in Thomas Cook livery. Towed to the ACM on the 8th. pi G-OZBI. c/n 2234.
A.321-211 Aeroflot VP-BUM 21.03.18 03.04.18 Arrived as AFL7611. Departed in Thomas Cook colours as ALF7610. c/n 3267.
A.321-231 Jet2 YL-LCV 23.07.22 29.07.22 c/n 2216. Aircraft actually landed at Malta on the 22nd. Again returned on 31.10.21, entering ACM on 01.11.21, departed on 28.12.21.
A.330-343 HiFly 2-HHLL 14.05.21   c/n 1779. Previously F-WWCI, ZS-SXL. Arrived for maintenance by Lufthansa Technic on 24.04.21 as 2-HHLL. It was towed to Aviation Cosmetics in mid-May for re-spraying and change of reg to 9H-HFA. Noted outside hangar on 21.06.21, and again on the 28th, still with 2- reg, but ‘HFA’ on nose wheel door. High power engine runs on 06.07.21 followed by a test flight on the 8th. Departed Malta on 21.07.21, returning on 1st August. A number of flights since then.
A.330-243 CIT Aerospace 2-HXFJ 08.04.22 18.05.22 c/n 1561, pi VH-XFJ.
A.330-223 Bamboo 2-RLAY 17.08.19 30.08.19 c/n 943. Reregistered as VN-A376, with Vietnam Airlines.
A.330-203 Carlyle Aviation Partners 2-RLAZ 30.03.19   c/n 819. Arrived in the colours of Shaheen Air. Re-registered to TC-AGD.
A.330-243 Canadian Armed Forces 330003 26.08.24   c/n 1678. Aircraft had previously arrived as 9K-APD in Kuwait Airways colours (See below).
A.330-203 Maleth-Aero 9H-BFS 08.07.22 23.08.22 c/n 472. Seen again between 04-08.03.23 in all-white colours. Departed with Saudi titles.
A.330-202 AELF Aero Service 9H-EFS 16.11.22 21.12.22 c/n 489. Aircraft arrived for parking at ACM. Seen again between 08-17.03.23.
A.330-203 Maleth Aero 9H-MFS 21.09.20 01.10.20 c/n 700. Landed at Malta again on 22.06.22, entering Safi on 24th. Towed to Lufthansa Technic on 13.02.23.
A.330-343 Fly POP 9H-POP 25.10.21 10.11.21 c/n 1445, previously RP-C3342. Arrived at MIA on the 23rd as VP-CUF.
A.330-243 Kuwait Airways 9K-APA 02.07.24 18.07.24 c/n 1626. The aircraft carried the Canadian flag on the fin. The aircraft will be entering service with the Canadian Armed Force in a VIP configuration, serial 330001.

(Aircraft information courtesy of John Visanich, from his Malta Airport Movements Facebook page.)
A.330-243 Kuwait Airways 9K-APB 15.05.24 07.06.24 c/n 1643. Aircraft had arrived in full Kuwait A/Ws livery. Re-sprayed in the grey of the Canadian Armed Forces and titles/markings, but serial 330004 covered up. Departed for Basle with 9K- reg.

(Aircraft information courtesy of John Visanich, from his Malta Airport Movements Facebook page.)
A.330-243 Kuwait Airways 9K-APD 11.09.23 30.09.23 c/n 1678. Arrived in full Kuwait livery, re-sprayed in Royal Canadian Air Force colours, but still retained Kuwaiti registration. To be converted by Airbus into a Multi Role Transport Tanker variant later in the year. Re-serialled 330003.
A.330-243 Kuwait Airways 9K-APE 20.12.24 06.01.25 c/n 1681.
A.330-243 Air Transat C-GTSR 14.10.23 02.11.23 c/n 966. After re-spraying in the new livery, the aircraft was towed over to Ltm for additional maintenance.
A.330-243 Air Transit C-GUBA 06.02.25   c/n 1014.
A.330-243 Air Transat C-GUFU 02.12.24 22.12.24 c/n 1047.
A.330-343 Orbest CS-TRH 02.03.17 13.03.17 c/n 833. Towed to Aviation Cosmetics to be re-sprayed into new colours after arriving from Madrid as OBS02M. Departed as OBS013M.

Seen again between 23.06.23-21.07.23. Sprayed in World2Fly colours.
A.330-322 European Air Transport D-AAEC 05.09.19   c/s 0231. To join DHL fleet and re-registration to EI-HEC.
A.330-343 Eurowings D-AIKJ 02.09.18 10.10.18 c/n 701. Arrived in Lufthansa livery for re-spraying in Eurowings colours.
A.330-200 (MRTT) EADS Casa EC-330 11.03.24 11.04.24 c/n 2030. Aircraft arrived in yellow primer, and carried MRTT061 on the rear fuselage and a large M8 in black on the fin.
A.330-202 MRTT EADS Casa EC-331 04.07.22   See under F-UJCN/048 for additional info.
A.330-200 (MRTT) Airbus Military MRTT062 07.10.24 07.11.24 c/n 2043. Arrived in primer finish. Departed with serial T-062 taped over for use with the NATO Multirole Tanker Transport Unit.

(Aircraft information courtesy of John Visanich, from his Malta Airport Movements Facebook page.)
A.330-200 (MRTT) EADS Casa EC-334 09.01.23   c/n 2007. Departed as F-UJCP/067. See further up this page.
A.330-243MRTT EADS Casa EC-335 20.03.23 21.04.23 c/n 2012. To be re-serialed 0068/F-UJCQ with French AF.
A.330-243 MRTT EADS Casa EC-337 01.09.22   c/s AED349. See under F-UJCO/049.
A.330-200(MRTT) EADS Casa EC-338 22.05.23 22.06.23 c/s AED369. Aircraft departed in full French AF markings, including the markings of its squadron, 31 EARTS. It also carried identities 069/F-UJCR, although the latter was covered by tape.
A.330-243(MRTT) EADS Casa EC-345/U4 09.02.24 08.03.24 c/n 2023. Destined for the United Arab Emirates AF as 1303.
A.330-200 (MRTT) Airbus Military EC-346 02.09.24 03.10.24 c/n 2036. To be re-serialled 1304 with the UAE AF.
A.330-202MRTT EADS CASA EC-349 29.07.24 02.09.24 c/n 1700. It was previously EC-MJA and is to be re-serialled T24-03 in Spanish AF service.
A.330-243 French AF EC-351 08.01.25 10.02.25 c/n 1608. Previously mistakenly listed as EC-331.
A.330-202 Air Europa EC-JPF 31.03.20 31.03.20 c/s AEA006, c/n 733. Aircraft refused permission to land in Malta, forcing Captain to return to Madrid.
A.330-202 Plus Ultra EC-KOM 17.06.22 29.06.22 c/n 931. Maintained 9,000 ft for departure for what is believed to be window problems.
A.330-343 Iberojet EC-LXA 13.08.23 28.08.23 c/n 670. Arrived from Perpignan.
A.330-202 Iberia EC-MJT 19.04.22   c/n 1710. See under T.24-02.
A.330-202 Level EC-MOU 05.03.23 17.03.23 c/n 1777.
A.330-202 Iberia EC-MOY 20.02.23 05.03.23 c/n 1784.
A.330-343 Wamos Air EC-NOG 23.07.24 19.08.24 c/n 786. Aircraft was on lease to Saudia.
A.330-343 Wasmos Air EC-NTY 03.12.23 26.12.23 c/n 1600. Aircraft resprayed in overall white livery with Saudia titles and logo to be used on hajj flights. It departed as PLM995P, which seems to indicate that it is still operated by Wamos Air.

(Aircraft information courtesy of John Visanich, from his Malta Airport Movements Facebook page.)
A.330-223 National EI-EWH 30.04.19 05.07.19 c/n 891. To be re-registered N819CA
A.330-223 Aercap Ireland EI-GFD 24.03.18 24.04.18 Arrived in Air Berlin colours. Re-sprayed in Aigle Azur livery. Will be r.r. as F-HTIC when delivered. c/n 444
A.330-223 Aercap Ireland EI-GFG 05.03.18 27.03.18 Arrived in Air Berlin colours. First A.330 for Aigle Azur, to be r.r. F-HTAC. c/n 493
A.330-322(F) DHL EI-HEC   25.09.19 c/s 0231. Arrived as D-AAEC. Test flight on the 24th.
A.330-202 MRTT Armée de l'Air et de l'Espace F-UJCN/048   05.08.22 Arrived as EC-331 on 04.07.22
A.330-243 MRTT French AF F-UJCO/049   05.10.22 Arrived as EC-337. See below.
A.330-200 (MRTT) EADS CASA F-UJCP/067   08.02.23 c/n 2007. Arrived as EC-334.
A.330-243 French Air Force F-UJCT/MRTT071 18.07.24 24.07.24 c/n 1657. (Aircraft information courtesy of John Visanich, from his Malta Airport Movements Facebook page.)
A.330-243F Hungarian Govt. HA-LHU 02.08.21 16.08.21 c/n 1578.
A.330-223 Edelweiss HB-IQI     Arrived for maintenance at Ltm, then towed to ACM on 08.01.17 for re-spraying and re-registering to Brussels A/Ls as OO-SFT.
A.330-343 Edelweiss HB-JHQ 16.05.18 01.06.18  
A.330-343 Air Asia HS-XTP   24.09.24 c/n 1090. Aircraft had arrived in basic Thai Airways colours minus titles. Re-sprayed in Air Asia colours. Test flight on 12 June. See under VP-CRX.

(Aircraft information courtesy of John Visanich, from his Malta Airport Movements Facebook page.)
A.330-343   LZ-AWG 30.09.23 25.10.23 c/n 1105. Arrived from storage in Amman in Hong Kong Airlines colours/titles.

Painted in partial Air Canada livery. Departed for Amman, reportedly for maintenance before returning for completion of its livery.

(Information courtesy of John Visanich, from his Malta Airport Movements Facebook page.)
A.330-243 EADS CASA M7 16.05.22   c/s AED360. Idle power run on 15.06.22. See under T-060 for additional info.
A.330-343   M-BELR 06.08.20 22.08.20 c/n 781. Departed in Air Hong Kong/DHL colours.
A.330-343 Air HongKong/DHL M-BLGR 28.05.20 11.06.20 c/n 777. c/s ABR111. Re-registered as B-LDR, but departed with ferry reg sticker M-BLGR.
A.330-343(F) Kong Kong Airlines M-EKSL 18.12.20 07.01.21 The aircraft had recently been converted to a freighter for operations by DHL. It arrived in HongKong airlines livery, for repainting in DHL colours.
A.330-343(P2F) DHL Air M-PVGK 20.04.21 06.05.21 c/n 1107, p.i. 9V-STM, B-LNT, D-AAEE
A.330-343 DHL M-SKAL 15.09.21 01.10.21 c/n 1477. Arrived in all white livery. Previously 9H-HFD WITH Hi Fly Malta.
A.340-343 Fly Nas OE-IDB 01.10.21 14.01.21 c/n 1607, pi TC-LOJ, to be r.r. HZ-NE24. Test flight on 13.01.22.
A.330-243(P2F) Air Belgium OE-LAJ 24.04.23 08.05.23 c/n 717, c/s ABB356P. Aircraft was all-white, and is to be sprayed in Belgium/Hongyan Group colours. Also carried Hongyuan Group titles.
A.330-243(P2F) Air Belgium OE-LAL 19.08.22 04.09.22 c/n 832. c/s ABB320P. Rolled out of hangar on with Hongyuan Group titles on 1st September.
A.330-303 KLM PH-AKE 11.02.21 24.02.21 c/n 1381
A.330-303 KLM PH-AKF 02.01.22 15.01.22 c/n 1580.
A.330-203 KLM PH-AOC 14.11.22 30.11.22 c/n 703.
A.330-203 KLM PH-AOB 16.12.21 31.12.21 c/n 686.
A.330-203 KLM PH-AOD 24.02.21 11.03.21 c/n 738.
A.330-203 KLM PH-AOE 02.12.21 16.12.21 c/n 770.
A.330-203 KLM PH-AOF 12.11.21 28.11.21 c/n 801. Aircraft was towed to the ACM facilities on the 13th.
A.330-203 KLM PH-AON 31.10.21 14.11.21 c/n 925.
A.330-343   RP-C3341 11.12.21 31.12.21 * c/n 1420. To be r.r. 9H-PTP with Fly Pop. * Date of departure from ACM. Remained in Malta for a few days afterwards.
A.330-243 Netherlands AF T-060   16.06.22 Aircraft had arrived as M7 in basic primer.
A.330-202 Spanish Air Force T.24-02   05.05.22 Aircraft had arrived as EC-MJT on 19.04.22. Departed in overall grey scheme, with “Ejercito Del Aire” titles. Also carried “10274” below the serial on the fin.
A.330-203 Atlas Global TC-AGD 30.03.19 23.04.19 c/n 819. Arrived in the colours of Shaheen Air as 2-RLAZ.
A.330-243 Air Namibia V5-ANP 29.09.19 04.12.19 c/n 1466.
A.330-223 Vietnam Airlines VN-A376 17.08.19 30.08.19 c/n 943. Had arrived as 2-RLAY.
A.330-343 Hifly VP-CUF 25.10.21   c/n 1445, previously RP-C3342, to be re-registered 9H-POP. Arrived at MIA on the 23rd.
A.330-343 VP-CRX 26.04.24   c/n 1090. Aircraft arrived in basic Thai Airways colours minus titles. Re-sprayed in Air Asia colours. Test flight on 12 June. Re-registered HS-XTP. See further up the page.

(Aircraft information courtesy of John Visanich, from his Malta Airport Movements Facebook page.)
A.340-312 Air Mauritius 3B-NAU 02.11.17 15.11.17 Early morning arrival as MK001. Late evening departure. c/n 0076.
A.340-312 Air X 9H-BIG 02.06.20 23.06.20 Arrived for maintenance at Ltm. Towed to ACM for parking on 12.06.20.
A.340-313 Lufthansa D-AIGY 04.07.17 07.10.17 c/n 335. Entered Aviation Cosmetic on 19th September. During another visit between 30.10.23-06.12.23, the aircraft was again repositioned to ACM on 3rd December.
A.340-642 Lufthansa D-AIHV 19.12.23 20.12.23 c/n 897. Entered ACM for overnight parking, being towed to Ltm on the 20th.
A.340-313 USC D-AUSC 28.11.23 28.11.23 c/n 646. Late night arrival on the 27th from Frankfurt. Entered ACM for parking purposes for a few hours the following day, departing later in the afternoon for Argentina.
A.350-941 Hainan A/Ls F-WJKM 09.06.23   c/n 260. To be re-registered as DQ-FAN with Air Fiji. Previously F-WZNC, B-LGI, B-308J. Later towed to Lufthansa Technic.
A.380-861 Air France F-HPJB 23.11.19 13.12.19 c/s AFR372V/371V, c/n 0040
A.380-861 Air France F-HPJC 24.01.18 18.02.18 c/s AF370V. Entered Aviation Cosmetics the same day. Second A.380 to visit Malta. (see under Training Flights page.)
A.380-861 Air France F-HPJD 12.07.20 31.07.20 c/n 49. Arrived to have Air France colours removed, departed in an all-white livery.
A.380-861 Air France F-HPJE 28.11.18 21.12.18 c/s AF374V. c/n 52.
A.380-861 Air France F-HPJF 02.10.18 26.10.18 c/n 64.
A.380-841 Hi Fly Malta 9H-MIP 04.07.18 19.07.18 c/n 0006. Arrived in all-white livery. Given a “Save the Coral Reefs” livery. Departed for Farnborough air show.


B.737-8BK El Al 4X-EKT 19.02.19   c/n 33030. Noted at Park 9 on 06.03.19, which could have been its departure date.
B.737-8Z9 El Al 4X-EKU 22.02.19 06.03.19 c/n 33834.
B.737 MAX 8 SmartLynx 9H-ORN 01.06.22 06.06.22 c/n 44863. Aircraft landed at Malta on 31st May. Aircraft appears to have been there for parking purposes only, departing on 7th June.
B.737-8KN SkyUp Europe 9H-SAU     c/n 40249. Aircraft had arrived as UR-SQM, being re-serialled whilst still at ACM. Aircraft’s departure from ACM unknown, but first commercial flight on 06.05.23.
B.737-8AS Rynair EI-DPH 25.09.19   c/n 33624 involved in a collision on the ground at Luqa. Towed to ACM. First flight on the 29th.
B.737-5Q8 Belavia EW-290PA 07.11.17 18.11.17 Arrived as BRU2089 from Minsk, departing as BRU2090 in a new livery.
B.737-31S Belavia EW-366PA 19.11.17 29.11.17 Arrived/departed as BRU2089/90.
B.737-34S(F) ASL Airlines (Belgium) OO-TNL 21.02.18 14.03.18 Arrived from Brussels in TNT colours for maintenance and re-spray. c/n 29109, previously N132MN. Re-sprayed in Longhao A/Ls livery (first noted out of hangar on 1st March), and to be re-registered B-1109. Departed with Belgian reg OO-TNL.
B.737-8KN SkyUp Airlines UR-SQM 27.03.23   c/n 40249. Entered ACM to be placed on the Maltese register. Re-registered 9H-SAU.
B.737-8BK SkyUp Airlines UR-SQP 16.02.24   c/n 33029. To be placed on the Maltese register.
B.747-412(F) El Al 4X-ELF 26.02.19 26.02.19 c/n 26563. Brought parts for ACM, but did not enter Safi Aviation Park where Aviation Cosmetics is located. c/s ELY801.
B.747-4H6(BDSF) Mesk Air 9H-MSK 08.01.24 12.01.24 c/n 27044. Aircraft diverted to Malta after a night time departure from Tripoli due to undercarriage problems. Entered Safi, and parked in front of the ACM hangar on the 8th.
B.747-467(F) Cargolux LX-GCL 05.02.19 13.02.19 c/n 34150.
B.747-4HAF(ER) Cargolux LX-KCL 17.06.19 30.06.19 c/n 35236.
B.747-4HAF(ER) Cargolux LX-LCL 17.05.19 03.06.19 c/n 35234.
B.747-4HAF(ER) Cargolux LX-MCL 03.06.19 17.06.19 c/s CLX93M, c/n 35232.
B.747-45E(BDSF) Air Atlantic Iceland TF-AMA 19.10.19 24.10.19 c/n 27899
B.747-400F Air Atlanta Icelandic TF-AMI 26.12.18 02.01.19 c/s ABD373P. Arrived in all-white livery, and Magma colours applied.
B.747-4H6 Astral TF-AMM 26.07.18 30.07.18 c/n 25700. Arrived with a white fuselage/blue fin. Given red ASTRAL titles, and unidentified logo in white on the fin.
B.757-23A Jet Magic 9H-AVM 09.08.21   Towed to Aviation Cosmetics for unknown reasons. Flight to Marrakesh the following day.
B. 767-3Q8(ER) Challenge Airlines MT 9H-CAD   05.10.22 c/n 30301. Aircraft arrived as VP-BMC, see further down.
B.767-300ER Blue Panorama 9H-KIA 02.10.18 03.10.18 Arrived as EI-DBP, c/s BV9886, departing as BV9867. Returned for another visit between 11-14.11.20. Re-registered N827RC after departing from Malta.
B.767-300ER Blue Panorama EI-DBP 02.10.18 03.10.18 Arrived as BV9886, departing as BV9867. Re-registered as 9H-KIA.
B.767-323(ER)   N399AN 01.07.21 30.07.21 Arrived after conversion to cargo configuration. c/n 29606
B.767-3P6 Interface Operations N804MS 28.06.23 02.07.23 c/n 27255.
B. 767-3Q8(ER) Pegas Fly VP-BMC 12.09.22   c/n 30301. Aircraft to be placed on 9H- registered. Noted as 9H-CAD on the 14th.
B.777-258(ER) EL AL 4X-ECB 13.11.18 25.11.18 c/n 30832.
B.777-FZN Aero Logic D-AALC 04.10.19 17.10.19 c/n 36003. Late evening arrival. Night time departure.
B.777-FZN Aero Logic D-AALE 22.09.19 04.10.19 c/n 36198, c/s box920/1. Night time departure.
B.777-FZN Aero Logic D-AALF 07.01.21 18.01.21 c/n 36201. (Information courtesy John Visanich.)
B.777-FZN Aero Logic D-AALG 07.09.19   c/n 36199. Seen again between 18- 30.01.21.
B.777-FZN Aero Logic D-AALH 16.08.21 28.08.21 c/n 36200.
B.777-328(ER) Air France F-GZNB 24.10.19 05.11.19 c/n 32964
B.777-2Z9(ER) Austrian A/Ls OE-LPA 17.03.19 01.04.19 c/n 28698. Departed as AUA1472.
B.777-206(ER) KLM PH-BQC 20.01.22 02.02.22 c/n 29397.
B.777-206(ER) KLM PH-BQE 02.03.20 14.03.20 c/n 28691.
B.777-206(ER) KLM PH-BQH 26.01.20 07.02.20 c/n 32705.
B.777-206(ER) KLM PH-BQI 02.01.20 14.01.20 c/n 33714.
B.777-206(ER) KLM PH-BQK 14.01.20 26.01.20 c/n 29399.
B.777-206(ER) KLM PH-BQL 07.02.20 18.02.20 c/n 34711, c/s KL9877.
B.777-206(ER) KLM PH-BQN 18.02.20 02.03.20 c/n 32720, c/s KLM9872.
B.777-206(ER) KLM PH-BQO 02.02.22 15.02.22 c/n 35295.
B.777-206(ER) KLM PH-BQP 15.02.22 28.02.22 c/n 32721.
B.777-306(ER) KLM PH-BVA 01.11.23 18.11.23 c/n 35671. In “Orange Pride“ livery.
B.777-306(ER) KLM/Asia PH-BVB 30.10.22 14.11.22 c/n 36145. Late night arrival.
B.777-306(ER) KLM PH-BVC 12.01.24 26.01.24 c/n 37582.
B.777-306(ER) KLM PH-BVD 08.11.24 26.11.24 c/n 35979.
B.777-306(ER) KLM PH-BVF 26.01.24 09.02.24 c/n 39972.
B.777-306(ER) KLM PH-BVG 14.03.20 22.03.20 c/n 38867.
B.777-306(ER) KLM PH-BVI 15.03.22 28.03.22 c/n 35947, c/s KLM9877.
B.777-306(ER) KLM PH-BVK 02.03.22 13.03.22 c/n 42172.
B.777-306(ER) KLM PH-BVN 05.12.22 16.12.22 c/n 44549.
B.777-306(ER) KLM PH-BVO 18.11.23 29.11.23 c/n 35946.
B.777-306(ER) KLM PH-BVP 01.01.23 12.01.24 c/n 44555.
B.787-9 Dreamliner KLM PH-BHP 01.01.23 09.01.23 c/n 42506.
B.787-9 Air Premia 9H-KOG 19.09.22   c/n 63314. Noted on ACM apron, probably for parking purposes. Departure from ACM unknown, but aircraft performed a flight to Bordeaux on the 21st.


Dash-8-Q200 Sky Unlimited 5Y-WJF 18.07.18 04.12.18 Arrived for both maintenance and re-spray, towed to Air Cosmetics on 09.11.18. c/n 456.
Dash-8-402Q PassionAir 9G-ACA 11.08.18 19.08.18 Arrived as OP505 after a number of delays. c/n 4094 pi C-FDHU, G-JECE, C-FXIC
Dash 8-Q400 Passion Air 9G-MRH 30.10.18 07.11.18 Arrived for spraying whilst on delivery.
Dash 8-Q400 Passion Air 9G-PIA 22.09.18 29.09.18 Arrived for spraying whilst on delivery.
Dash-8-Q400 FlyBe G-JECP 30.07.18 07.09.18 c/s BEE031Z. Was meant to arrive on the 28th, but had to divert to Rome. Engine runs on 2nd Aug, and towed to ACM on 25.08.18. Test flights on 04 & 07.09.18 departed later for Exeter airport.


Gulfstream 5   N501HM 07.07.18 19.07.18 Arrived for parking at ACM.
Gulfstream 650   M-ABJL     Noted in front of hangar on 17.06.19. Again seen on when it entered ACM on 21.02.20, departing on 02.03.20.
Gulfstream 6   M-YGLF 05.07.18 08.07.18 Arrived for parking at ACM.
L.100 Hercules   N3796B 08.04.19 12.04.19 Arrived shortly after midnight for parking at ACM. Noted again between 03-04.03.20.
L.100 Hercules   N3867X 12.04.19 15.04.19 Arrived shortly after midnight for parking at ACM.
S. C-26 US Navy 90-0528 12.09.21 21.09.21  
S. C-26 US Navy 90-0530 30.06.19   c/s CNV6430. Seen again on 12.09.21. Same day arrival/departure as CVN6412.
S. C-26 US Navy 90-0531 30.09.19 01.10.19 c/n DC-798M. Also seen between 22-30.11.19.

Another visit between 08-23.09.24.
S. C-26 US Navy 91-0502 20.09.21 30.09.21 c/n DC-801M. Departed after performing a test flight.
Aviation Cosmetics Lufthansa Technic MCM Ltd. Miaco Misc. SR Technic Safi
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