Tuesday, March 11, 2025 Military Aviation » Malta-based » Royal AF » 1357 Meteorological Flight  
1357 Meteorological Flight

1357 flight was formed to provide additional safety precautions on the India – UK trunk route.

Crews from 9 PDC North Weald were sent to Luqa on 25 January 1946, 5 crews from 139 (Jamaica) Sqdn, and 4 from 1409 Met Fight, RAF Lyneham.

The Flight was officially formed on the 31st, with 7 Mosquito PR.16 aircraft to be allotted to it, although it was without a CO, aircraft, ground crew and offices, but situated at SHQ Luqa.

Five crews were sent to Brindisi, Italy on 5th February to ferry Mosquito aircraft to Egypt. After completion of duties in Egypt, they were to report to No. 22 PTC, returning to Malta with the assigned aircraft, all being ex 680 Squadron.

The crews departed from No. 392 Maintenance Unit, Brindisi on the 10th, heading for Ismalia, Egypt.

Assigned aircraft were waiting metrological instruments from UK, so the crews were returned by air to Malta by the 15th.

On 8th March, 4 crews left for Ismalia to ferry the Mosquitos to Malta.

Meanwhile, a week later on the 15th, a Mosquito Mk.19, TA143, was loaned to 1357 Met flight by 137 MU at RAF Safi, for the Malta-based crews to acquire local air experience.

But on 4th April, it was announced that 1357 Met Flight would be disbanded on 10th April.
13 Squadron 37 Squadron 38 Squadron 39 Squadron 73 Squadron 185 Squadron 203 Squadron 222 Squadron 283 Squadron 1357 Meteorological Flight Malta Communications Flight
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