Saturday, March 29, 2025 Civil/General Aviation » Training Flights  

Training flights

Although pilot training programmes came to the Maltese public’s attention in late 1977, when Alitalia and Swissair B.747s made use of the newly-inaugurated runway 32/14, such flights weren’t new.

Back in the sixties, BEA would send Viscounts and Vanguards for such training sessions. And even that wasn’t the first time Luqa Airport (today’s MIA) was being used for such purposes, with Avro Lancastrians, Handley Page Yorks and Halifaxes being used way back in 1946.

Below is a list of airlines/aircraft known to have used Malta as part of their training schedule. It is in alphabetical order by aircraft type, not in chronological order, but, as stated on other pages on this site, this list must not be taken as being the last word on the subject.

Certain aircraft or registrations are marked with an asterisk (*), indicating when the aircraft was spotted/photographed at MIA, but the arrival/departure dates are unknown.

A number of Maltese registered aircraft are also listed, but these were a one-day session.

Page added on 16.02.14.



OE-LAA A.310-300 Austrian Airlines Aircraft arrived on 02.01.89 for a five-day training programme. Used callsign Austrian LAA during training.  
OE-LAB A.310 Austrian Airlines Pilot training between 06-08.02.89  
D-AICS A.310-200 Lufthansa Aircraft arrived on 28.02.89, training until 2nd March.  
HB-IPB A.310 Swissair Arrived on 08.12.85, starting training session on the same day.  
HB-IPC A.310-221 Swissair First training session between 19-20.11.84.* Aircraft arrived on 09.03.86, training session between 10-13th, departing on the 14th.  
HB-IPD A.310 Swissair Aircraft arrived on 31.01.87, training starting on the same day, until 3rd February.  
D-AIBE A. 319-112 Lufthansa At MIA between 25-26.03.16. c/s DLH9916, c/n 4511.
D-AIBG A.319-112 Lufthansa Arrived for a two-day training session on 05.11.16, c/s DLH1.  
D-AIBI A.319-112 Lufthansa Arrived on 14.12.22 and started training session the same day. Departed on the 15th after another training session. c/n 5284.
D-AILE A.319 * Lufthansa 27.04.02  
D-AVWA A.319-171N Airbus c/s "Airbus 68WA" (AIB68WA). Crew made five touch-and-go approaches to r/w 31 at Luqa on 26.01.21, before returning to Toulouse. Company test aircraft.
HS-TYL A.319 Thailand A/Ws White/grey fuselage, 60221 on fin. Training flight occurred in August 2004.  
9H-ABP A.320 * A.M. Training session on 02.09.90 and 26.09.90.  
9H-ABQ A.320 * A.M. On two separate occasions, 06.12.93 & 20.04.00.  
9H-AEI A. 320-214 Air Malta 2-hour training session on 30.01.16, c/s Training One. Early morning training sortie on 07.03.19, with another on 06.06.19.  
9H-AEJ A.319-112 A.M. A training session on 10.06.19.  
9H-AEN A.320-214 Air Malta Training session on 02.04.19.  
9H-NEB A.320-251N Air Malta Training circuits on 18.10.23. c/n 8940.
9H-NEC A.320-251N Air Malta Training circuits on 16.10.23. c/n 9049.
9H-NEF A.320-251N KM Malta Airlines Training session on 26.01.25. c/n 11518.
D-AIPA A.320 * Lufthansa Between 07-11.11.89.  
D-AIPC A.320 Lufthansa Arrived as LH9622 on 22.03.90. May have departed on the 24th.  
D-AIPD A.320-211 Lufthansa Noted on 26.01.08. Duration of training session unknown. c/n 0072.
D-AIPL A.320 * Lufthansa 08-11 .03.90  
D-AIPS A.320 * Lufthansa 01.12.90  
D-AIPT A.320 * Lufthansa 15- 16.10.90  
G-BUSC A.320 B.A. Training session between 27-28.02.90.  
G-EUUC A.320-232 B.A. Arrived on 03.03.18 from Heathrow, c/s BAW1, starting the session the same day. Departed on the 4th as BAW9169 after another training session.  
9H-BIG A.340 AirX Was in Malta between 24-29.11.16, c/s axy2401. Again seen on 04.12.16, one day training session the following day one the 5th, c/s Legacy One. Returned as AXY3110 on 02.11.17, pilot training on the 3rd between 06:00-08:30 lt, departing at 09:30. c/n 374.
F-WMIL A.350-1041 Airbus Arrived as AIB241L on 21.12.17 for a one-day training session.  
D-AIMA 380-841 Lufthansa Arrived for a brief stop-over on 19.03.11. Aircraft was on an extended training flight, starting at Frankfurt, to Warsaw and Istanbul, Malta, before returning to Frankfurt. Performed two touch and go’s, followed by a slow fly by prior to continuing to Franfurt. c/n 038.



G-AGLV Lancastrian Skyways Ltd Landed on 19.04.47 at 14:50, Heathrow to Cairo. Returned on the 20th at 13:10.  
G-AGLW Lancastrian 1 BOAC Departed Lyyda (British Palestine) at 06:58 GMT, landing at Luqa at 13:45 on 03.12.46, destination UK. c/n 1177, pi VF164, registered on 01.12.44. WFU at Hurn on 01.09.50, scraped Jan 1951, Canx 22.01.51.
G-AGMB Lancastrian 1 BOAC Arrived from Heathrow on 04.03.47 at 17:43. Continued to Cairo. c/n 1182, pi (PD182) VF154, registered on 01.12.44. Crashed on landing Tengah, Singapore on 27.08.48.
G-AGME Lancastrian 1 BOAC Departed Hurn on a passenger/training flt for Rome on 29.03.46, landing in Malta on the 31st. Departed for RAF Castel Benito without passengers. Arrived from Elmas on 30.01.47, then direct to the UK. c/n 1185, PI (PD164) VF156, registered on 01.12.44 scraped at Hurn during 02/1950, Canx 21.12.49.
G-AGMJ Lancastrian BOAC Arrived directly from Hurn on 22.03.46. Again seen on 16.04.47 between 03:44-05:35. Listed as Trail Flight from Karachi to the UK. c/n 1189, pi (PD169) VF145, registered on 01.12.44, scraped at Hurn on 15.01.51, Canx 22.01.51
G-AGML Lancastrian BOAC Arrived from Karachi with 10 crew on 27.09.46. Again arrived from Karachi & Lydda on 18.12.46 at 05:09, carrying eight crew and four passengers.  
G-AGMM Lancastrian BOAC Arrived from Basra on 15.01.47 with ten crew only, no passengers. Listed as training flight.  
G-AGJD York C.1 BOAC Departed Heathrow on 29.11.46, apparently direct to Castel Benito, Libya, arriving from Libya the same day. According to Customs records, the aircraft made daily flights between Malta and Libya between the 30th November and 5th December. Again seen on training flights on 20.12.46 (Hurn to Johannesburg), on 05.01.47 (UK to Karachi) and 24.01.47 to Cairo and the return flight on the 28th, both listed as a Supplies/Training flight both ways. c/n 1210, pi MW121, registered on 05.07.44. Crashed at Tripoli’s Castel Benito airport on 01.02.49.
G-AGNO York BOAC Arrived from Heathrow on 16.06.47 at 18:46, onto Cairo & Karachi. Returned on the 20th between 11:27-13:50. Another Heathrow-Karachi flight on the 24th, between 14:50-16:06.  
G-AGNR York BOAC Departed Karachi on 27.06.47 at 01:29 GMT, via Basrah, Egypt and Malta at 10:59, the latter two on the 28th. Took off from Malta at 12:15  
G-AGSM York BOAC Arrived from Hurn to Johannesburg on 03.05.47 at 15:30, departing at 16:40. Aircraft returned on 12.05.47, between 02:50-05:03.  
MM167 York BOAC Arrived on 26.06.47 at 17:50 on a Heathrow-Malta-Heathrow flight.  
MW181 York BOAC Departed Heathrow on 01.07.47 at 12:35GMT, Gibraltar at 20:30GMT, landed at Malta on 03:10 on the 2nd. Left Malta at 07:00 for Gibraltar & London.  



D-ABKD B.727 Lufthansa Arrived on 29.02.88, training starting on 1 March. Damaged wing tip during touch & go’s in heavy winds, training resumed on the 3rd till the 6th, departing on the 7th. c/n 20902
G-BPNS B.727-227 A.M. Training session between 23-25.04.90. Aircraft was on summer lease to Air Malta.  
9H-ABC B.737 * A.M. 08.02.90 and 25.03.92  
9H-ABR B.737 * A.M. 28.04.02  
9H-ABT B.737 * A.M. Training sessions on at least two different dates, 13.03.98 & 21.08.01.  
9H-ADI B.737 * A.M. 28.04.02  
D-ABFD B.737-200 Lufthansa In Malta between 08-17.02.91.  
D-ABHE B.737 * German Cargo Noted on 26 Nov & 09 Dec 1990.  
D-ABXE B.737-300 Lufthansa Arrived on 22.01.91, departed on the 26th as LH9621.  
D-ABXI B.737-300 Lufthansa Arrived on 24.02.91, departure date may have been on 3rd March.  
I-DEMA B.747 Alitalia 11.12.78  
I-DEMO B.747 Alitalia 17.01.79  
I-DEMU B.747 Alitalia 10.01.79 again seen on 17.02.79.  
D-ABYN B.747-230B Lufthansa Arrived on 20.11.88 as LH6702, training starting the same day. c/s during training sessions was LH47. Departed on the 24th as LH1201.  
D-ABZC B.747-230B Lufthansa 27-30.12.88  
HB-IGA B.747 Swissair 11.12.78  
HB-IGG B.747-300 Swissair Arrived as SR2030 on 04.11.91, departing on the 6th as SR2031.  
N221GF B.747 * Swissair 29.12.90  
D-ABOK B.757-330 Condor/Thomas Cook Seen during December 2006. (Information courtesy of John Visanich, from his Malta Airport Movements Facebook page.)
G-BIKM B. 757-236 British Airways Photographed on 16.12.90 during a training session. Information courtesy John Visanich.
G-BIKO B.757 B.A. Arrived on 12.01.90, departure may have been on the 16th.  
G-BIKS B.757-236 B.A. Arrived as BA9678T on 30.03.90, departing on 02.04.90 as BA9680T. One-day session on 22.09.90? Again seen between 20-24.10.90.  
G-BMRD B.757 * B.A. Arrived as BA971ST on 29.01.90 due to bad weather over UK, departing on 02.02.90. Seen again on 17.02.90.  
P4-CLA B. 767-2DX(ER) Comlux Aruba Performed circuits for at least 45 minutes on 17.10.19. c/n ‎32954, pi UN-B6701, UP-B6701.



The following aircraft were previously listed under Misc., but have now been placed in their own section.

Aircraft have been listed in alphabetical order according to registration.

5A-UAC BD-700-1A11 Global 5000   Performed several touch & go’s on 07.01.15.  
9H-ART CL-600-2B16 Challenger 601-3A Air CM Global Training flights on 04 & 05.10.20  
9H-GVA BD-700-1A11 ElitAvia Malta Ltd. Training session in the afternoon of 29.03.16. c/n 9458
9H-MAF BD-700-2A12 Global 7500 Hyperion Aviation Early morning arrival on 07.10.19 c/s HYP007, followed by a training session. To Safi park afterwards for parking, departing on 09.10.19. nbsp
9H-SAN Learjet 60 Air CM Global Training session on 04.10.19 pi TC-MEN
9H-TIO BD-700-1A11 Global Emperor Aviation (Malta) Circuits on 01.10.18.  
9H-VCN BD-100-1A10 Challenger 350 VistaJet Malta Conducted several T&G’s on 13.09.23. c/n 20628
9H-VCD Challenger 350 VistaJet Pilot training on 09.06.15. c/n 20535.
9H-VFI Challenger CL-600-2B16 VistaJet Pilot training on 29.04.15. Another training session on 16.03.23, using c/s VJT525. c/n 5984.
9H-VID BD-700-2A12 Global 7500 Vistajet Malta Ltd. Arrived at around 01:00hrs on 21.05.21, departing later in the morning. Performed a training session of four touch and go’s on the 22nd, using c/s VJT750. c/n 70064.
9H-VIJ BD-700-2A12 Global 7500 Vistajet Base training on 21.02.22.  
9H-VIK BD-700-2A12 Global 7500 VistaJet Base training 14.05.22 c/n 70105, c/s VJT712.
9H-VIQ BD-700-2A12 Global 7500 VistaJet Malta Two training sessions in the morning of the 31.10.22. c/n 70120.
9H-VIR BD-700-2A12 Global 7500 VistaJet Malta c/s VJT794. Performed circuits on 28.11.22. c/n 70123.
9H-VIS BD-700-2A12 Global 7500 VistaJet Malta Arrived on 25.03.20, conducted pilot training after arrival. pi C-GOAZ.
9H-VJF BD-700-1A10 Vistajet Conducted several touch & go’s on 12.09.14.  
9H-VJZ BD-700-1A10 Global 6000 VistaJet Malta One-hour training session in the afternoon of 25.09.23 c/n 9746. Pi C-FLFT.
9H-VONE BD-700-2A12 Global 7500 VistaJet Malta Carried out training sorties on 23.12.22. c/n 70126.
M-OLOT Challenger   Circuits on 19.07.14, c/s VMP967.  
VP-COP CL604   Arrived on 29.04.14, training the same day.  
VH-LON BD-700-2A12 Lance East Enterprises Arrived on 03.08.23. Test flight or training session on 05.08.23.  



G-AGFY DC-3 BOAC Arrived on 11.07.47 at 17:18, departed at 12:55 of the 13th for Heathrow via Marignane. c/n 6224. Actual aircraft type C-47-DL.
G-AGKC DC-3 BOAC Arrived on 28.10.46. Departed from London Heathrow on 27th at 06.44GMT, Marignane on the 28th at 6.40GMT, Malta 11.41 to Cairo. Returned directly from Cairo on the 30th.  
3B-ADV DC-8-73 African Int’l Training session on 15.06.90.  
HB-IDZ DC-8 * Balair Noted on two separate sessions, 08.01.84 & between 28-31.01.85.  
HB-IDL DC-8 * Swissair Pilot training at least between 23-24.10.83.  
HB-IDO DC-8 * Swissair 23.11.82  
HB-IFI DC-9 Swissair 25.03.79  
HB-IFH DC-9 * Swissair 29.11.84  
HB-IFK DC-9 * Swissair 06.02.82  
HB-IFP DC-9 Swissair 18.03.79  
HB-IFV DC-9 Swissair 01.02.79,  
HB-IFV DC-9 Swissair 22-27.03.87  
HB-IFY DC-9 Swisair Seen on 26.11.78 and 23.03.79  
HB-IDP DC-9-32 Swissair Training session between 25-29.11.85, departing on the 30th.  
HB-IDR DC-9-32 Swissair Seen at Luqa on 12.03.81. (Information courtesy of John Visanich, from his Malta Airport Movements Facebook page.)
HB-___ DC-9-32 Swissair 07-11.01.86  
HB-___ DC-9-32 Swissair Arrived during first week of March 1986.  
I-DYNA DC-10 Alitalia 23.02.79, again arriving on 03.03.79  
I-DYNB DC-10 Alitalia 24.01.79  
I-DYNC DC-10 Alitalia 11.01.79, 17.01.79  
I-DYND DC-10 Alitalia 21.12.78, again on 12.03.79  
I-DYNO DC-10 Alitalia 09.02.79  
I-DYNU DC-10 Alitalia 17.11.78, 02.12.78, 26.12.78???  
D-ADDO DC-10 Lufthansa Training between 05-06.03.91.  
D-ADGO DC-10 * Lufthansa Arrived on 04.03.90, departed on the 7th.  
D-ADHO DC-10 Lufthansa Arrived on 01.04.90, departed on the 4th.  
HB-IHB DC-10 Swissair 05.12.78  
HB-IHD DC-10 Swissair 02.11.78  
HB-IHI DC-10 Swissair 25.03.79. Was seen again on 23.12.87, conducting pilot training the following day.  
HB-IHK DC-10 Swissair 20.03.79  



5A-DBS F.27 * L.A.A. 11.04.91. Also on the 13th. Not sure if it was two separate sorties, or a three-day event.  
5A-DBT F.27 L.A.A. 24.03.90, possibly one-day session. Again seen as LN1940 between 06-07.08.90.  
5A-DDU F.27 L.A.A. Pilot training between 10-11.11.88  
5A-DLN F.27 L.A.A. arr/dep on 17.03.90, possibly one-day session.  
5A-DLQ F.27 L.A.A. arr/dep on 14.05.90, possibly one-day session.  
HB-AAS F-28 Sirte Oil Company One day training sortie on 13.03.89  
HB-IVA F.100 Swissair Aircraft arrived on 14.02.88, remaining until 28.03.88. It carried 53 passengers, including flight instructors, trainee pilots and technicians from Swissair, Fokker and Rolls Royce. Inbound c/s was SR8418, and c/s SR10 was used during training. Again seen between 18-20.04.88 & 20-23.03.89. Again seen between 02-05.03.91 and 03-06.05.91  
HB-IVB F.100 Swissair Training programme between 05-08.12.88. Exact arrival/departure dates not known. Another session between 06-09.02.90.  
HB-IVC F.100 Swissair Training session between 20-21.06.88 and 18-19.07.88.  
HB-IVD F.100 * Swissair 04-09.06.90. Inbound/outbound callsign was SR8418/9.  
HB-IVE F.100 Swissair 11-14.03.91 and 22-25.09.91.  
HB-IVF F.100 Swissair Training between 05-06.10.88, departed on the 07th. Another session between 08-11.07.91.  
HB-IVG F.100 * Swissair 29-30.08.90. Another session between 11-13.11.91. Seen again during September 1993.  
HB-IVH F.100 * Swissair 30.08.89. Other sorties between 23-28.06.91 and 02-07.09.91.  
HB-IVI F.100 * Swissair 17.04.93  


Handley Page

G-AHYI/PP331 Halifax C Mk. VIII BOAC Landed on 23.10.46 direct from Heathrow, then on to Cairo. Again seen on 11.12.46, on a direct flight from Heathrow, then to Cairo. Aircraft carried no log book. Returned on the 15th. c/n 1373, registered on 24.09.46, wfu Bovington 10/49. Canx as wfu 20.03.50.
G-AIAN/PP271 Halifax C.VIII BOAC Arrived on a direct flight from Heathrow on 11.01.47 at 16.00, onto to Cairo. Returned on the 13th. c/n 1344. Registered on 02.09.46, restored to the RAF as PP271 in April 1947. Canx 25.04.47. NOTE: This aircraft was listed as being G-AIAP on the 11th. However, G-AIAP was serial number PP281 with the Royal AF.
PP272 Halifax BOAC Arrived on 18.03.47 at 14:20 on a direct flight from Almaza, Egypt, onto the UK. Again seen between the 21st-22nd, landing at 20:29, departing for Cairo at 10:25, with 12 crew. Returned on the 24th at 12:05, departing on the 25th, but returned for unknown reasons at 12:20. Left Malta on the 27th at around 06:25.  
PP317 Halifax BOAC Arrived on 18.03.47 at 14:45 direct from Heathrow, onto to Cairo. Returned on the 24th stopping between 04:10-10:20.  
PP326 Halifax BOAC Landed on 21.03.47 at 23.55 on a Heathrow to Cairo flight. Returned on the 24th at 16:50, departing on the 25th at 09:25.  
PP327 Halifax C Mk. VIII BOAC Arrived on 07.11.46 on a training flight from Cairo to the UK. On loan to BOAC.


McDonnell Douglas

Additional unidentified Swissair aircraft seen on training sessions were in December 85, February & November 87 and January 88.

HB-INA MD-81 Swissair Training session during late April, departed on 01.05.87. Again seen between 18-19.03.91.  
HB-INE MD-81 * Swissair 17.11.94  
HB-ING MD-81 Swissair Pilot training between 25-27.01.89, departing on the 28th. Another sortie between 25-29.03.91.  
HB-INH MD-81 * Swissair Noted on 13.12.82 and 01.03.85  
HB-INI MD-81 Swissair Arrived on 24.10.91, departing after training sortie on the 26th. Seen again between 31.10.91–01.11.91.  
HB-INL MD-81 Swissair 28-29.11.88. Arrived on 01.01.91, may have departed on the 3rd.  
HB-INM MD-81 * Swissair On two different occasions between 06-10.03.90 & between 20-21.02.85. Another lengthy sortie between 05-13.03.90.  
HB-INN MD-81 Swissair Seen between 09-14.09.91, departing after training sortie.  
HB-INO MD-81 Swissair Arrived as SR8458 on 22.01.90, training c/s SR01 until 24th, probably departure date. Another sortie between 16-21.09.91.  
HB-INP MD-81 * Swissair Noted on 05.12.85 , 07-10.02.91 and 30.12.92.  
HB-INS MD-81 Swissair Arrived on 07.12.86, using c/s SR8548, started training the same day, stayed for about 3 days.  
HB-INT MD-81 Swissair 30.12.86  
HB-INU MD-81 Swissair Training session between 22.02.88-03.03.88.  
HB-INV MD-81 Swissair 13-15.04.88, 26-27.09.90, and between 22-25.03.92. *  
HB-INX MD-81 Swissair 28.02.89-04.03.89  
HB-INZ MD-81 Swissair 27-30.12.88. No flying took place on the 29th. Another session on 20.02.93. *  
HB-IUB MD-87 CTA Training sessions between 10-11.11.88 & 11-14.12.88.  
HB-IUC MD-87 CTA 13-17.01.89. Another session on 09.05.89.  


Misc. types

Aircraft in this section have now been listed in order of registration, not by aircraft type.

5A-PAA Emb. ERJ-170LR Petro Air Arrived as PEO1710 on 20.07.18 for a training session. c/n 17000275
9H-AAP Casa 212 Med-Avia Training sessions on the following dates - 19-20.06.90, 01.01.91, 26.11.91, 29.11.91.  
9H-AAQ Casa 212 * Med-Avia Noted pilot training on 13.12.90, 30.01.91, 04.11.91, 25.11.91 & 18.09.00.  
9H-AAR Casa 212 * Med-Avia 16.11.89  
9H-ABM P. Aztec * Excelair 30.12.90  
9H-AET Do.328 Med-Avia Training flight using c/s MDM990 on 09.09.19. Another training flight on the 16th. nbsp
9H-AEW Dash 8 Med-Avia Training sortie 08.03.19.  
9H-ALM Dash 8-100 Air CM Global Performed circuits on 11.09.21. Another training sortie on 08.06.22. c/n 472. Arrived as C-FTKH on 16.07.21.
9H-ITW Gu. GVII-G600 Jet Aviation flight Services Malta Performed touch and go’s on 29.03.22 prior to departing.  
9H-MCM Ce. S550 Citation SII M.C.M. ILS circuits on 20.06.14, c/s HYP006. S550-0028, pi’s S5-BAX, HB-VHH, N1260L
9H-MRV Gulfstream G500 TAG Aviation (Malta) c/s TEU17. Arrived on 09.06.20, training sortie on the 10th. Departed from Savannah Hilton Head International Airport via Geneva International Airport.  
9H-RAF DH 82 Tiger Moth Malta Aviation Museum Foundation Circuits on 08.02.18 and 23.06.18 .  
9H-ZMB Gulfstream G650 Comlux Malta Pilot training on 31.03.15. Aircraft had been delivered on the 27th. c/n 6116.
D-ILHB Ce. 525 CitationJet CJ1 Lufthansa Arrived on 05.10.18 as DLH9990, departing on the 6th.  
F-GDHU Si. S.76A Heli Union Training session on 05.01.84. c/n 760186. (Aircraft information courtesy of John Visanich, from his Malta Airport Movements Facebook page.)
F-GYSH Eurocopter AS332L S/Puma Heli Union Training session on 28.11.14.

First seen during the Libyan uprising of 2011, landing on 21st Feb., departing on 16th April.

Again arrived on 15.07.14 at the start of troubles in Libya, making flights to/from oil rigs. Left Safi for France on 28.12.14.
G-AGKX S. S25R Sandringham BOAC 14.07.48, landed at Marsaxlokk harbour. c/s 4XT20 Arrived from/ returned to Augusta, Italy. Original departure from Southampton. c/n ML788.
G-AHDP Miles HDM 105 Halton   Arrived on 17.04.47 at 16:05. Listed as a training flight, departing Heathrow at 00:00 or 08:00Z (time not clear on Customs records), to Ceylon. Returned as flight 1XT4 on 25th at 02:45.  
G-ALZW Ai. Ambassador BEA Arrived on 26.09.54 as BE142/2609 at 15:37. Departed for Catania at 16:30, using c/s Trng 68, returning at 17:17. Departed Malta on the 27th at 10:30 as BE143/2709.  
G-APMC DH Comet 4B B.E.A. Arrived on 18.02.60, between 14:15-16:00, c/s TRNG 306. From/to the UK. c/n 6423.
G-BFVI BAe 125-700 Bristow helicopters Training session between 10-12.03.90, departing on the 12th. Arrival was probably on the 10th.  
HA-KAN ATR 42-320(F) Fleet Air International Arrived early afternoon from Tunis. Conducted a total of 12 circuits on 16.08.23, departing on the 17th. c/n 121.
HB-LXK Casa 212 *   20.04.92  
HB-XNB Bell 412 * Heliswiss In Malta from at least 26 Jan – 03 Jul 82.  
M-CITY Ce. 525B CitationJet CJ3   Afternoon training session on 16.06.20. nbsp c/n 525B-0557
N184PA Gu. III Phoenix Air Circuits on 15.11.22. c/n 318.
N197PA Gulfstream III Phoenix Air Pilot training on 04.03.18. Aircraft in Malta since 28.08.17.  
N627GB Beech 200 Potomac Flight Training Arrived on 03.02.18. Pilot training session 07.02.18, a session on 6th having been cancelled.  
SP-TTA Hawker Beechcraft 400XP Smart Jet Aircraft had arrived on the 04.12.21, departing in the morning of the 6th, returning the same morning. Engaged in pilot training in the afternoon, departing in the late evening. c/n RK-598.



9H-VIJ Bo. BD-700-2A12 Global 7500 Vistajet Base training on 21.02.22.  
9H-VIK Bo. BD-700-2A12 Global 7500 VistaJet Base training 14.05.22 c/n 70105, c/s VJT712.
9H-VIQ Bo. BD-700-2A12 Global 7500 VistaJet Malta Two training sessions in the morning of the 31.10.22. c/n 70120.
9H-VIR Bo. BD-700-2A12 Global 7500 VistaJet Malta c/s VJT794. Performed circuits on 28.11.22. c/n 70123.
9H-VIS Bo. BD-700-2A12 Global 7500 VistaJet Malta Arrived on 25.03.20, conducted pilot training after arrival. pi C-GOAZ.
9H-VJF Bo. BD-700-1A10 Vistajet Conducted several touch & go’s on 12.09.14.  
9H-VONE VistaJet Malta Bo. BD-700-2A12 Global 7500 Carried out training sorties on 23.12.22. c/n 70126.
9H-ZMB Gulfstream G650 Comlux Malta Pilot training on 31.03.15. Aircraft had been delivered on the 27th. c/n 6116.
D-ILHB Ce. 525 CitationJet CJ1 Lufthansa Arrived on 05.10.18 as DLH9990, departing on the 6th.  
F-GYSH Eurocopter AS332L S/Puma Heli Union Training session on 28.11.14.

First seen during the Libyan uprising of 2011, landing on 21st Feb., departing on 16th April.

Again arrived on 15.07.14 at the start of troubles in Libya, making flights to/from oil rigs. Left Safi for France on 28.12.14.
G-AGKX S. S25R Sandringham BOAC 14.07.48, landed at Marsaxlokk harbour. c/s 4XT20 Arrived from/ returned to Augusta, Italy. Original departure from Southampton. c/n ML788.
G-AHDP Miles HDM 105 Halton   Arrived on 17.04.47 at 16:05. Listed as a training flight, departing Heathrow at 00:00 or 08:00Z (time not clear on Customs records), to Ceylon. Returned as flight 1XT4 on 25th at 02:45.  
G-ALZW Ai. Ambassador BEA Arrived on 26.09.54 as BE142/2609 at 15:37. Departed for Catania at 16:30, using c/s Trng 68, returning at 17:17. Departed Malta on the 27th at 10:30 as BE143/2709.  
G-APMC DH Comet 4B B.E.A. Arrived on 18.02.60, between 14:15-16:00, c/s TRNG 306. From/to the UK. c/n 6423.
G-BFVI BAe 125-700 Bristow helicopters Training session between 10-12.03.90, departing on the 12th. Arrival was probably on the 10th.  
HB-LXK Casa 212 *   20.04.92  
HB-XNB Bell 412 * Heliswiss In Malta from at least 26 Jan – 03 Jul 82.  
M-CITY Ce. 525B CitationJet CJ3   Afternoon training session on 16.06.20. nbsp c/n 525B-0557
M-OLOT Bo. Challenger   Circuits on 19.07.14, c/s VMP967.  
N184PA Gu. III Phoenix Air Circuits on 15.11.22. c/n 318.
N197PA Gulfstream III Phoenix Air Pilot training on 04.03.18. Aircraft in Malta since 28.08.17.  
N627GB Beech 200 Potomac Flight Training Arrived on 03.02.18. Pilot training session 07.02.18, a session on 6th having been cancelled.  
SP-TTA Hawker Beechcraft 400XP Smart Jet Aircraft had arrived on the 04.12.21, departing in the morning of the 6th, returning the same morning. Engaged in pilot training in the afternoon, departing in the late evening. c/n RK-598.
VP-COP Bo. CL604   Arrived on 29.04.14, training the same day.  


Training on G-APEG

I received the following brief description about Vanguard training from Mr. Dacre Watson.

”When I graduated from Hamble at the end of 1964 and joined BEA, I did my Base Training as a copilot in Malta from 12 June 1965 to the 15th in G-APEG.”

”It was all quite intensive with three details each day, rather a lot on three engines, and involving 32 landings and 8 go-arounds, some on three, and others on four engines. About 18 hours in all and I remember being quite tired.

”Many years later when we were training new pilots on to the 747-400, it was three landings at base and that was it. Simulators really changed the way things were done.”

  Vanguard B.E.A. There were no a/c type, reg or arrival date/time for this movement, but arrival was between 07th – 08th March 1966, departing on the 14th w/4 crew, no passengers.  
G-APEB Vanguard B.E.A. c/s MG228A. At Luqa between 06-12.05.67. Landed at 13:25, departed at 11:30. No passengers on either arrival or departure flights, but came with 7 crew, left with 4. Training flight status not confirmed.  
G-APEC Vanguard B.E.A. c/s BE/MG216. At Luqa between 27-30.04.67. Training flight status not confirmed.  
G-APEG Vanguard B.E.A. Landed at Luqa on 17-22.11.64 at 07:50, departing at 11:05, c/s BE196.

Again Seen between 29 May – 03 June 65, landing at 04:35, departing at 06:00, followed by a visit between 11-23 June 65, landing at 12:50, departing at 15:00.

Third visit for 1965 was between 05-18 December, arrival time unknown, departed at 15:45, c/s BE230. Arrival listed as "schedule" with 7 crew/27 pax, departed with 3 crew, no pax listed.
G-APEH Vanguard B.E.A. Seen between 11-22.01.65, c/s Training 597, landing at 14:45 w/69 pax, departing at 12:00 w/128 pax. Again visited between 29 April - 04 May 65, c/s MG243, landing at 15:30, departing at 03:30.

Last known training sortie between 01-10.05.66, arriving as BE196FA at 13:40, with 3 crew 12 passengers. Departed at 04:10, with 4 crew & 140 passengers.
G-APEI Vanguard B.E.A. Arrived on 08.11.64 at 15:10, c/s BE230, w/36 pax. Departed on the 11th at 14:45 w/o pax. Returned later the same month between the 24th – 29th, landing at 08:10, departing at 19:00.

Again seen in 1965 between 25th – 28th May, landing at 01:15, departing at 02:40, c/s BE214. This was followed by another visit between 11th – 23rd November, landing as MG228 at 16:30, departing at 19:40 with 8 crew, departing with 7 crew & 131 passengers. Pilot training on 13.01.68.
G-APEJ Vanguard B.E.A. One known visit between 02-12.02.64, landing at 08:45, departing at 19:00.  
G-APEK Vanguard B.E.A. At Luqa between 21-28.02.65, arriving as BE192FA at 14:30 with 4 crew, departing at 19:50 with 8 crew and 114 passengers. Returned two months later between 21st – 25th April, landing at 23:15, departing at 06:05, c/s MG609.

Another visit between 23-30.01.66, arriving at 07:00, departing at 19:35. c/s BEMG192.
G-APEL Vanguard B.E.A. At Luqa between 02-15.03.65, arriving at 07:00, departing at 11:15, c/s BE192. Another sortie between 04-16.05.65, landing at 02:20, departing at 05:25, c/s BE214.

Again noted on 03.12.71, but duration of training session unknown.
G-APEM Vanguard B.E.A. The first of many visits by 'EM, between 08-12.03.64, c/s BE192, landing at 09:10, departing at 11:10.

Arrived three days later, at Luqa between 15-20.03.64, as BE192 at 09:20, departing at 09:05.

Another lengthy sortie, between 29 November-15 December '64, landing at 17:00, departing at 09:30, inbound c/s BE230.

Again seen between 28 Feb-02 March '65, arriving at 06:30, departing at 19:50, c/s BE192. Seen the following month between 24-29 April, landing at 04:35, departing at 13:40, c/s BEMG216.

It was seen in 1966 on a three-day sortie between 06-08 March, arriving at 06:15, departing at 19:50, c/s BE192. This was followed later the same month between the 27th – 30th, c/s BE230, landing at 16:00, departing at 11:00. Another three-day sortie between 15th – 18th May as BE128, landing at 05:20, departing at 04:00.

c/s BE/MG 192. At Luqa between 16-20.03.67, landing at 07:35, departing at 11:45. Arrived w/o passengers, but left with 62.
G-APEN Vanguard B.E.A. Two sorties in the same month, arriving on 31.10.64 at 22:15 as BE595, departing on 08.11.64 at 20:05. Returned on the 12th at 12:35 BE192FA. Departure not clearly written on custom file, appears to be the 17th at 19:40.

Returned a year later between 23-28.11.65 as BE192, landing at 00:40, leaving at 19:40.

Three training sorties during 1966, the first between 21-31 June as BE214, landing at 01:35, departing at 02:50. Followed by a three day sortie between 16-18 August as BE214, landing at 01:25, departing at 03:00. Last sortie between 31.10.66, landing at 22:15, departing on 08th November at 20:05.
G-APEO Vanguard B.E.A. Aircraft was being used on a pilot training programme. Photographed landing with engine feathered on 04.12.67.  
G-APEP Vanguard B.E.A. Arrived on 27.11.63 as BE230 at 17:15. Departed on 04.12.63 at 19:40.

Next training sortie between 19-26.10.65, arriving as TRN613 at 01:58, departing at 02:30.

Returned a year later, arriving on 18.11.66 as BE230, at 14:30. Departed on the 23rd at 11:55.

At Luqa between 22.01.67-04.02.67. Arrived as BE192 with 67 pax & 6 crew at 06:40, Departed at 07:45 for Rome with 6 crew and no passengers.

Returned the same day at 11:45 as MG228 with 63 pax and 6 crew. Dep on 12.02.67 at 19:30, with 65 pax & 7 crew.

Again seen at Luqa on 23.04.67 as MG243, landing at 18:00 with 19 passengers, departing on the 26th at 03:35 with 61. Training flight status for all three occasions not confirmed.
G-APER Vanguard B.E.A. Another frequently seen aircraft at Luqa, between 05-08.03.64, c/s BE192, landing at 09:10, departing at 19:40.

Returned in 1965 between 21st – 28th February. Arrived as BE192FA, landing at 14:30, departing at 19:50. No passengers on arrival, but left with 114.

Returned the following month on the 14th at 06:45 as BE192, departing at 13:30 on the 17th. Date not clearly written, could have been the 19th. Returned later in the month on the 29th as BE190FA, landing at 12:50, departing on 10th April at 07:00.

Two other sorties later in the year, between 27th Oct. - 9th Nov. (arrival at 17:00, departure at 19:45, c/s BE230) and between 28th Nov. - 6th Dec. (06:45-10:40 c/s BE192).

Again seen between 26-23.01.66 as BE192, at 06:25 (but no departure time listed). Returned between 05-08 March, again as BE192, landing at 09:10, departing at 19:40.

Pilot training from 01.11.66, landing at 13:30, c/s VANTRG 632. Departed on the 3rd at 15:35 to Rome, returning later the same day at 19:25 as MG228. Remained until the 18th, departing at 16:45.

Again seen on 05.03.67 at 13:45, but no departure details available, c/s BE/TRNG 637.

Another four day visit between 04-08.04.67, c/s BE/MG 216, but pilot training status not confirmed.

It returned the following day the 9th, staying until the 23rd. c/s BE/MG717, arrived w/o passengers but left with 60.

Seen the following month between 08-13 Dec., arrival/departure times 09:30-13:20, and between 13-29.02.64, on both occasions using c/s BE192. Landed at 09:00, departed at 20:00.

Next sortie between 29 Feb. - 05 March 64, arriving as BE243 at 21:40, leaving at 11:25.
G-APES Vanguard B.E.A. According to Custom file 13/IA-32, this aircraft arrived from Palermo on 06.11.63 at 19:10 as BE230 with 87 passengers and 7 crew. Scheduled to leave on the 7th at 00:55, departure date was crossed out, replaced with 13th at 08:10. There were no passengers on departure for Catania at 08:10, only 8 crew, Original destination (Brussels?) also crossed out, replaced with Catania. Returned the same day at 12:10 as TRG540, departing on the 27th at 19:04.

Returned in December between 08th-13th, landing at 09:30, departing at 13:20, followed by another sortie between 13-29.02.64, (eta/etd 09:00/20:00). In both cases, the inbound c/s was BE192.

Another training session between 29 Feb - 5th March '64, c/s BE243. Landed at 21:40, departed at 11:25.

Returned in 1966 between 15th – 27th March c/s BE ENG457, landing at 10:45, departing at 20:15.
G-APET Vanguard B.E.A. Another lengthy sortie, between 23 Jan. - 2 Feb. 64, arrival time of 09:20 but no departure etd. This was followed by another visit between 12-15.03.64, landing at 09:35, departing at 19:40. flight number for both occasions being BE192.

Pilot training between 09-22.01.67. c/s BE633.
G-APEU Vanguard B.E.A. At Luqa between 04-08.12.63 (landed/took off at 18:30/18:40) c/s BE230. Returned again between 19-23.01.64 (09:00-11:05) and 02-12.02.64 (08:45-19:00). Inbound c/s for the last two sorties was BE192.

Three sorties in May 1966, between the 10th-15th, returning on the 17th until the 20th, departing at 09:40, returning the same day at 16:05, staying until the 29th.
G-AHPL Viking 1B B.O.A.C. Arrived from Tunis & Catania on 10.11.47 at 20:28, using flight number Training 634C. Five crew, no passengers. Departed for the UK on the 11th at 09:25.  
G-AMAV Viscount B.O.A.C. Arrived on 12.09.52 at 16:03, departing on the 14th at 15:00 c/s BE TRNG 1209. Another one-day training session held on 20.11.52 arriving at 11:30, c/s TRNG 34. No departure time given.  

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