29 March 2025 Civil/General Aviation » Aircraft Maintenance » Safi » Helicopters  


This page lists the helicopters worked on at Safi.

A helipad circle was drawn inside the Med-Avia complex, complete with wind sock, sometime in August 2007. This is located close to the NCA hangar on the east side of the complex.

Since the above was written, the old NCA hangar was pulled down, starting mid-February 2010, to be replaced by a newer state of the art one.

As additional hangars have been built, helicopters now land on the old taxiway formerly used by aircraft to enter/exit MIACO/NCA, and are then towed to their parking slot.

A further taxi-way was constructed, taxi-way Bravo, which aircraft use to enter/depart for maintenance.

Helicopters are now listed by order of registration.

?         This helicopter was noted wrapped in plastic on 03.08.21. No further information available.  
5A-DHV Eurocopter 365C1 Dauphin 2 Libyan Air Ambulance     Noted on 14.09.91, in Med-Avia hangar on 18.10.91. c/n 5069. pi F-WTNE
5A-WMA Bell 412   19.11.18 19.11.18 Same day arrival/departure. Entered Safi. Returned on unknown date, test flight on 09.07.19.  
A7-GAA A/W 189 Gulf Helicopters 19.10.14   To Safi after landing. Flying to/from oil rig. c/n 49009, pi I-RAIL.
A7-GAB A/W 189 Gulf Helicopters 30.10.14   Flying to/from oil rig. c/n 49010, pi I-PTFJ.
A7-GAC A/W 139 Gulf Helicopters   Noted on 30.06.16. c/n 49015.
A7-GAD A/W 139 Gulf Helicopters 02.09.17 29.12.18   c/n 49016.
A7-GHH A/W 139 Gulf Helicopters 17.05.18     c/n 41225.
A7-GHP A/W 189 Gulf Helicopters 10.05.18   Departure date unknown, but returned on 03.09.18. Returned again on 10.10.18, departing for Libya on 22.01.19. Noted again on 14.09.19, and again between 06-10.02.22. Another 24-hour visit between 25-26.10.22. Departed for Tripoli. c/n 31527.
A7-HBC Bell 412 Gulf Helicopters     Arrived by ship and fully assembled by 22.11.18. Engine runs on 26.11.18. c/n 36276, pi C-GFNL, N9154J
A7-HBD Bell 412EP Gulf Helicopters 02.01.13   One day visit. Again seen on 13.11.14, latest sighting on 26.12.14, flying to an oil rig. c/n 36088, ZS-HMA, 7P-LES, rr 7P-HAB, LDF44 Lesotho Defence Air Force, N4324X Pacific Aeromotive
A7-HBH Bell 412EP Gulf Helicopters 04.12.14   Landed in the morning at MIA, then to Med-Avia. Departure date unknown, but returned on 23.07.18. c/n 36323.
A7-HBQ Bell 412EP Gulf Helicopters 06.12.17   Arrived by truck. Noted out of the hangar on the 23rd. c/n 36412.
CP-6 A/W 139 Cyprus Police 09.08.19 08.02.20 Test flight on 04.02.20. Seen again on 15.02.24. c/n 31323.
CP-8 A/W 139 Cyprus Police 19.04.19 07.10.19 Test flight on 02.10.19.
Returned on 23.01.24. Believe departed on 15.02.24.
c/n 31325.
F-GHOY Eurocopter AS332L Super Puma Heli Union 21.02.11 16.04.11 Arrived from an off-shore oil rig in Libyan waters with F-GYSH. Helicopters carried a total of eight people between them, only one passenger carrying a passport. Hover-taxied to Med-Avia facility at Safi, late afternoon of the 24th. Left Safi in the evening of 15.04.11, departing Malta on the 16th. Has been seen on other dates at Safi/MIA, up to September 2014. c/n 9005.
F-GYSH Eurocopter AS332L S/Puma Heli Union 21.02.11 16.04.11 As above. Again arrived on 15.07.14 at the start of trouble in Libya. Making flights to/from oil rigs. Left Safi for France on 28.12.14. c/n 9006.
F-HUFD Eurcopter EC225LP Super Puma Heli Union 28.12.14   Arrived mid-morning. Flying to/from oil rigs. c/n 2897.
F-HUGF A/W139 Heli-Union 09.01.24 25.01.24 This helicopter was offloaded from a containership at Malta Freeport on and transferred by road to Lower Safi Park on the same day.

Test flight prior to departure.
c/n 41388.
G-BGWK Sikorsky S-61N Bristow Helicopters     Entered Safi on 27.12.07, departing and taxing to GA area on 31.12.07. Returned 23.02.08. Seen making approaches to r/w 13 on 02.06.08. c/n 61-820, G-BGWK British Executive Air Service Nov 82 – Jul 00, G-BGKW Bristow Jul 00 – Jun 09, AD-1603.
G-BJFL Sikorsky S-76 Bristow Helicopter 20.02.08   Entered Safi after landing at MIA. Again seen entering Safi on trailer on 30.05.09, arrived by sea? Noted outside hangar on 20.08.09, test flight on unspecified date.  
G-KAZA Sikorsky S-76 Bristow Helicopter     Test flt 06.04.10  
G-KAZB Sikorsky S-76 Bristow Helicopter 13.03.10   Test flts/pilot training between 24- 25.03.10. At park 9 on 01.04.10.  
G-BPBC Bell 206 Jetranger Delfino Maritime Ltd. 04.04.92   Landed at Luqa airport from the yacht Delfino II. Entered Safi 10.04.92 for a spray job. Performed a test flight from Safi on the 28.05. c/n 3364, pi N144TV, N44TV, N2062N
G-BMCX Eurocopter AS332L Super Puma Bristow Helicopters 03.07.08   Brought to Malta on board Heavylift Shorts Belfast RP-C8020. Off-loaded on 04.07, and taken to Safi. Belfast departed on 05.07, with EC-225 Super Puma G-ZZSO on board. S/Puma was towed to Park 9 on 13.08.08 for refueling, then back to Safi. Departure date unknown, but returned on 14.11.08, departed on ?. Returned on 20.01.09. Test flights with some approaches to r/w 13 on 21.01 and 05.02. Departed, again returned on 23.07.09, test flights on at least 26.09, 03.10 & 07.10. Departure date unknown, but returned on 16.01.10. Engine runs on 19.04.10. Test flight on 10.11.10, departed Safi late evening of the 12th. Is believed to have been partly damaged during the Libyan uprising of 2011. c/n 2164.
G-LLOV A/W 139 CHC 16.03.14   Arrived as ATA1848. Used Med-Avia as a base, using c/s NOBLE 1, flying to an oil rig, south of Malta. Departed Malta for good on 15.07.14. c/n 31474.
G-TIGV Eurocopter AS322L Super Puma Bristow Helicopters 16.01.10 12.02.10 Arrived with G-BMCX. Again entered Safi on 08.01.11, and noted doing circuits between the 8th-9th. Another local flt on 11.02.11. c/n 2099. Leased (?) to Norske Helikopter as LN-OPF Jan 89-Jan 91, Aug-Nov 95 & Mar 96 - Jun 98. Returning to Bristow as G-TIGV each time. Vector Aerospace Ireland (as G-TIGV) Jul-Nov 2012, to Bristow again.
G-ZZSO Eurocopter EC225LP Bristow Helicopters   05.07.08 Departed on board a Heavylift Belfast, bound for Australia. c/n 2695, rr VH-ZFB Bristow Australia, 9M-STX MHS Aviation, VH-ZFB Bristow Australia.
HB-ZVJ A/W 109SP   17.01.18 18.01.18 c/n 22292. Arrived in Vista Jets’ grey livery, but actual operator may have been Swiss Helicopter AG. Entered Safi, to be re-registered 9H-ZVJ.  
I-AGSF AB 412 Elilario Italia 28.11.05 04.12.05 Few hours after lifting off from a SAIPEM rig near Djerba, pilot noted a red light, indicating problems on the metal deflector. Diverted to Malta in the afternoon, later to Safi on the same day. An examination indicated problems with the gearbox, which needed to be changed. Test flight on 03.12. c/n 25542. I-AGSF Elilario Italia, I-AGSF Helisureste, EC-KRU Inaer.
I-CROP R.22   12.02.18   Malta-based, departure from Safi unknown.  
I-VREM A. AS-355F-1 Ecureuil 2 Aersud Elicotteri Srl 20.07.09   Landed at Rinella film facilities, to Safi the following day. Engine runs and test flight on 24.07.09, lifting off from Safi. Came in low over runway 31, landing at park 3. Departure date unknown. c/n 5297.
N37GR Bell 412   12.11.18 06.03.19 Brought on board B.747 TF-AMI, c/s ABD787. Test flight on 14.11.18. Again noted undergoing engine runs on 01.03.19. Returned on 06.04.19 at 01:25 on a medevac mission from Misurata, Libya, c/s BRICK 03. Remained in Malta, entering the Safi premises on the 8th. Local flight on 29.04.19 and 30th. Flight to Sigonella on 04.06.19 as c/s BRICK 37. Departed Malta on 19.07.19. c/n 36209.
N465VL Sikorsky S92A   18.12.09 12.02.10 Entered Safi on same day. Landed at MIA (after test flight?) on the 21st. 30 minute flight on the 26th, then back to Safi. Departed sometime mid-January 2010.  
OO-NHU Eurocopter AS365N-3 Dauphin 2 Heli Union     At MIA/Safi on 06.06.09. c/n 6665.
VP-BLL Eurocopter 350B4     Based on yacht Lady Christine. Seen in Med-Avia hangar. c/n 3998, pi F-GSYE, rr M-BOAT. Believed written off.
VP-CAH Bell 429 GlobalRanger   29.09.14 25.11.14 Returned to yacht. c/n 57054. Pi’s C-FOEP, C-GLTV, N453UB.
XT-HYS AW.139 Global Aviation 06.10.23     c/n 31135, pi LN-OLU.
ZT-HKZ Leonardo AW39   13.12.24     c/n 31578.
Helicopters Jets Piston/turbo-props
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