Wednesday, March 12, 2025 Civil/General Aviation » Accidents - Civil » 1990 - 1999  

31.01.90 An-2   SP-FAW Aircraft on delivery to Algeria. Forced to divert to Malta due to technical problems. Departed on 02.02.90.
01.02.90 MD-83 B.I.A. G-BPSC The aircraft arrived as IV203. The collapse of the company was announced, the aircraft remaining in Malta until its departure on the 9th as N83MV on delivery to Air Liberte. c/n 49823
23.11.91 B.727-200 L.A.A. 5A-DAI c/s LN135. Diverted for unknown reasons, departure date unknown.
08.02.92 P. PA-23-250E Aztec Excelair Services Ltd 9H-ABM Written off in landing accident at Luqa. Scrapped at Safi during March/April 1993. Accident date previously listed as the 9th.
March/April 1992 DHC-6-300   5A-DJI Suffered an engine failure during take-off on a test flight. Pilot landed the aircraft again without any mishaps.
03.06.92 Cessna 404   C-GGTA Pilot reported that undercarriage lights were on red, indicating they hadn’t lowered, confirmed visually after pilot made a low pass close to the control tower. Pilot directed to orbit over the sea to use up fuel. Undercarriage functioned properly just before landing, the pilot making a normal touchdown.
13.06.92 B.737-2E7 Adv Dan Air G-BMDF Captain reported hydraulic failure after departing from Malta. Aircraft returned, landing safely on runway 14. It remained on the runway, until it was shortly afterwards towed away. Departure from Malta unknown.
01.09.92 B. King Air   OY-PEB Aircraft hit by cargo trolley which had become loose.
18.09.93 Denny Kitfox Mk.3 Dr. Martin Florin 9H-ACH The first civil aircraft to be built, tested and certified in Malta. Forced to make an emergency landing in Gozo after failure of a start switch. Repaired and flown back to Malta. The aircraft was the property of Germany’s ambassador to Malta.
20.10.93 B.737-2Y5A Air Malta 9H-ABA Aircraft landed on Gatwick’s taxiway 2 instead of runway 26R. A link to a report issued by the UK Air Accident Investigation Branch can be found at the bottom of this page.
09.03.95 DC-3   3C-JJN Aircraft departed Malta for Tunisia, but developed engine trouble. Captain decided to return to Malta due to better maintenance facilities. Aircraft remained in Malta due to payment problems. Bought by auction, but plans to restore aircraft to full airworthy status abandoned, and donated to the Malta Aviation Museum. Aircraft towed by road to Ta’ Qali during the night of 27/28 March 2006.
08.08.95 Ce. Cardinal 177RG   9H-ACG Overrun RWY 24 and ended on soft ground, intersection area
05.12.95 P. PA-32R-300 Lance Sun Aviation Ltd 9H-ABU Operated with Excelair logo. Aircraft lost on a Tunis – Malta flight. No survivors, but parts of the aircraft were discovered by fishermen.
19.08.96 Il-76T SP air RA-76513 Departed from Belgrade for Malta. Developed electrical problems. Orbited airport to burn up excess fuel. Crashed on the approach to airport.
17.10.96 Tu-154 Aeroflot   A hijacker who had boarded the flight during a stopover at Malta hijacked the plane and demanded to be flown to Germany or South Africa. The hijacker was overpowered by two Austrian police officers using pepper spray.
09.06.97 B.737-200 Air Malta 9H-ABF Flight to Istanbul hi-jacked by two Turks, and forced to divert to Cologne, no injuries. “Bombs” were fakes.
09.01.98 Il-62 Aeroflot RA-86564 Emergency landing.
19.06.98 E. A. Europa   G-BWJH After landing on r/w 06, aircraft swerved and ended up at 90deg to the r/w.
29.06.99 Ce. 172 Falcon Aviation 9H-ACV Aborted take-off on r/w 14, veered off runway, ending up on the grass near the former Safi gate.
17.07.99 Do.28A-1   D-ILPB Diverted to Malta due to faulty fuel indicator while enroute from Lampedusa to Catania-Fontanarossa.



Accident report – Air Malta Accident Report.

Unconfirmed Undated 1920 - 1929 1930 - 1939 1940 - 1949 1940 - India Special 1950 - 1959 1960 - 1969 1970 - 1979 1980 - 1989 1990 - 1999 2000 - 2009 2010 - 2019 Libyan Uprising - 2011 Libyan Uprising - 2014 2020 - 2029
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