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HMS Ark Royal R09

A date with an asterisk (*) indicates the information about the ships’ visit is courtesy of the Fleet Air Arm Buccaneer Association.

7 February 1958

HMS Ark Royal entered harbour along with HMS Eagle, HMS Kenya and HMS Sheffield.

No additional details on departure dates and aircraft types deployed.

December 1960

HMS Ark Royal sailed into Grand Harbour to act as host for a (Maltese) children's party in 1960. Exact arrival date unknown, but departed during the night of 25/26.


9 December 1961

HMS Ark Royal enters Grand Harbour with HMS Victorious.

16 – 29 Oct 1970

Ark Royal was in Malta for an SMP (Self Maintenance Period). Aircraft deployed to RAF Luqa, Buccaneers provided IFR (In Flight Refuelling).

HMS Ark Royal was participating in exercise Lime Jug. See also RAF Luqa page for a detailed account of this exercise. Double asterisks (**) denotes an aircraft landed at RAF Luqa.

16 – 25 Nov 1970 *

Ark Royal entered Grand Harbour for an another period of SMP after a collision with a Russian destroyer near Greece during exercise Lime Jug. (See RAF Luqa page for a detailed account of this exercise.) Aircraft again deployed to RAF Luqa.

After leaving Grand Harbour, an air exercise was held in the Malta area between 26 – 30 November.

Bristol Belle G-AVTL

In the early morning of 29.11.70, as the Ark Royal was sailing off the Southern coast of Malta, Lt Terry Adams, 849 Sqdn, and Lt Howard Draper, lifted off the flight deck in a Brighton 65 hot air balloon, c/n MAB 1, registered G-AVTL, christened Bristol Belle. They landed at Tal-Providenza, limits of Siggiewi, 30 minutes later, having travelled a distance of 4.5 miles.

Bristol Belle was the first modern hot-air balloon, built by members from the Bristol Gliding Club in the United Kingdom. The envelope was finished at Vacuum Relex Ltd. in Essex and the first flight took place at Weston-on-the-Green on 09.07.67. In November 1970, the fabric was strengthened by RFd-GQ Ltd. of Woking.

The name Bristol Belle was formally given to G-AVTL on 17.02.68, by the wife of one the members. G-AVTL also participated at a launch of the Balloon Flying Centre at Blackbushe on 04.05.68.

Officially G-AVTL was retired on 20.07.69 and part of the burner plus the basket became attached to G-AXJB/JESTER. G-AVTL came out of retirement for a meet at Nottingham in July 1969.

On 09.07.07, a group of hot air balloon enthusiasts celebrated Bristol Bell's 40th anniversary by watching the original crew flying her out of Weston on the Green, where it all began.

B. Buccaneer S.2C/D XN977/030/R 809 D/D 27/10/64 to RN, transferred to RAF charge by 2/75 when issued to No 12 Sqn as S Mk 2A. Transferred to No 237 OCU 4/76 until 3/77 before being placed in store at No 19 MU St Athan pending conversion to S Mk 2B. Taken by road to BAe Bitteswell for conversion on 28/1/78, returning to service at Laarbruch on 14/11/80 with No 15 Sqn. Involved in a serious landing accident on 8/3/82 and placed in store with No 27 MU where it still resides today.
B. Buccaneer S.2C/D XT269/031/R 809 D/D 26/4/65 to RN and was lost when it rolled off the side of HMS Ark Royal at sea on 15/2/72 and sank.
B. Buccaneer S.2C/D XT273/025/R ** 809 D/D 14/7/65 to RN before being returned to BAe at Brough on 4/11/73. Seen on RAF charge with No 237 OCU in 6/75 then with No 208 Sqn by 9/75 but damaged in a landing accident at Luqa on 4/6/76. Eventually returned to operational status with No 237 OGU in 2/78, remaining on charge until being placed in storage at RAF St Athan still as a S Mk 2A in 1/84.
B. Buccaneer S.2C/D XT280/033/R ** 809 D/D 2/11/65 to RN. Converted to S2B standard following demise of 809 Sqn and issued to No 16 Sqn at Laarbruch in 11/83. Following the latter's deactivation on the Buccaneer, airframe passed to No 12 Sqn in 3/84 and following Sea Eagle mod. taken on strength of No 208 Sqn.
B. Buccaneer S.2C/D XT283/023/R ** 809 D/D 7/12/65 to RN. Issued to No 208 Sqn by 2/76 passing to No 237 OCU in 4/77 and is one of two S2A airframes still in operational use today.
B. Buccaneer S.2C/D XV154/025/R ** 809 D/D 19/5/66 to RN and delivered to BAe Brough from Honington on 9/12/73 for mods before returning to be taken on No 237 OCU charge by 5/75. The aircraft served with this unit until being placed in store at St Athan in 6/84. Allocated maintenance serial 8854M for BDR training at RAF Lossiemouth in 2/86.
B. Buccaneer S.2C/D XV156/020/R ** 809 D/D 16/6/66 to RN. To No 208 Sqn by 11174 passing to No 237 OCU in 10/77. Disassembled for roading to St Athan 1/81 and upon being declared surplus allocated maintenance serial 8773M for crash rescue training although was to be found on dump by 7/86.
B. Buccaneer S.2C/D XV163/027/R ** 809 D/D 3/10/66 to RN. Passed from 809 Sqn to No 237 OCU in 6/75 then to No 208 Sqn in 9/75 before returning to No 237 OCU in 6/77. No 208 Sqn regained the aircraft in 10/83 before it was placed in store at St Athan in 3/84.
B. Buccaneer S.2C/D XV342/027/R 809 D/D 16/5/67 to RN and delivered Sydenham-Honington for No 12 Sqn 24/1/73 with which it served until at least 1/76 when it passed for a short period to No 237 OCU before being taken on charge by No 208 Sqn which operated it until late 1979. To 16 Sqn in 1980 and became one of the last Buccaneers to leave Laarbruch for storage at St Athan where it resided until being delivered to BAe at Woodford for ASR1012 update in 12/86.
F. Gannet AEW.3 XL494/042/R **, XL482/041/R **, XP226/044/R 849  
F. Gannet COD.4 XG790/040/R ** 849  
McD Phantom FG.1 XV565/001/R ** 892 c/n 2872. F/F 30/8/68 and d/d to RN 12/3169. Lost as 892/ROO1 off the Florida coast on 29/6/71.
McD Phantom FG.1 XV568/012/R ** 892 c/n 2943. F/F 29/4/68 and d/d to RN 1/7/68. To RAF 11/12/78 and 43/T by 7/82. Repainted into grey by 9/85 and re-coded 'AT' in 2/87.
McD Phantom FG.1 XV570/014/R ** 892 Had “USS Saratoga” on rear fuselage. c/n 2995. F/F31/10/68 and d/d to RN 6/1/69. To RAF charge 4/9/72 becoming PTF/Y shortly afterwards. To III/N in ll/79 and repainted in to grey at St Athan in 9/85. Re-coded 111/BN in 9/87.
McD Phantom FG.1 XV586/003/R ** 892 c/n 3317. F/F 11/4/69 and d/d 23/6/69 to RN. To RAF charge on 11/12/78, to 43/J by 9/83. Repainted in grey at 19/MU and suffered a nose wheel collapse on 18/3/86. Re-coded 43/AJ in 9/86.
McD Phantom FG.1 XV587/005/R ** 892 c/n 3331. F/F 21/4/69 and d/d 30/9/69 to RN. To RAF charge on 7/12/78 at St Athan and issued to 43 Sqn as 'G' on 22/3/79. Re-coded 43/AG in 2/87. To 111/BR 1/89.
McD Phantom FG.1 XV590/007/R   c/n 3394.F/F 12/5/69 and d/d 9/7/69 to RN. Passed to RAF charge on 11/12/78 and issued as 43/X in 12/79. Repainted in grey c/s at 19 MU in 5/84 and re-coded 43/AX in 2/87.
McD Phantom FG.1 XV591/006/R ** 892 c/n 3409.F/F 3/6/69 and d/d 22/7/69 to RN. Passed to RAF charge 11/12/78 and issued as lll/M in 8/79. Painted in grey c/s by 6/82 and re-coded 111/BM in 2/87. Reported as wfu in 12/87 due to a structural fault. Fuselage to 19 MU dump, tail and outer wings to Abingdon BDR.
McD Phantom FG.1 XV592/004/R 892 c/n 3424. F/F 17/6/69 and d/d 17/11/69 to RN. Passed to RAF charge on 7/12/78 and issued as 111/X in 5/79. Re-coded 'L' in 3/80 and repainted into grey in 11/85, finally being re-coded 'BL' in 9/86.
W. Sea King HAS.1 XV655/051/R **, XV656/052/R, XV657/053/R **, XV658/054/R **, XV659/055/R 824  


19 – 24 Nov 1971 *

Prior to entering Grand Harbour for another SMP, Ark Royal carried out flying exercises off Malta between the 15th and 18th. Once again, 809 & 892 squadrons operated from RAF Luqa for the duration of the ships’ stay in harbor. Buccaneers provide IFR facilities.

The following Ark Royal aircraft were logged at RAF Luqa between 11-18 November. I make no claim that they comprised all of the carrier’s aircraft compliment, as some may have remained on board undergoing maintenance.

Buccaneers and Gannets marked with a double asterisk (**) made a diversionary practice approach to RAF Luqa, before returning to the ship on 11th November.

B. Buccaneer S.2 ** XN977/030/R 809 D/D 27/10/64 to RN, transferred to RAF charge by 2/75 when issued to No 12 Sqn as S Mk 2A. Transferred to No 237 OCU 4/76 until 3/77 before being placed in store at No 19 MU St Athan pending conversion to S Mk 2B. Taken by road to BAe Bitteswell for conversion on 28/1/78, returning to service at Laarbruch on 14/11/80 with No 15 Sqn. Involved in a serious landing accident on 8/3/82 and placed in store with No 27 MU. Scrapped Oct 1991.
B. Buccaneer S.2 ** XT286/022/R 809 D/D 6/1/66 to RN. Transferred from 809 Sqn to No 12 Sqn in 5/74 serving alternately with No 237 OCU until passed to BAe Bitteswell for S2B mod on 6/1/78. Re-issued to No 16 Sqn by 11/80 with which it served until departing Laarbruch for St Athan and storage in 11/83. The airframe passed to BAe in 12/86 as part of the ASR1012 update programme.
B. Buccaneer S.2 ** XV156/020/R 809 D/D 16/6/66 to RN. To No 208 Sqn by 11/74 passing to No 237 OCU in 10/77. Disassembled for roading to St Athan 1/81 and upon being declared surplus allocated maintenance serial 8773M for crash rescue training although was to be found on dump by 7/86.
B. Buccaneer S.2 XV161/032/R 809 D/D 1/9/66 to RN and passed by 809 Sqn to No 208 Sqn in 11/74 before undergoing modification to S Mk 2B standard at BAe Bitteswell in 3/77. Re-issued to No 208 Sqn in 2/78 until 7/83 when passed to No 12 Sqn with which it still serves.
B. Buccaneer S.2 ** XV354/035/R 809 D/D 13/11/67 to RN passing to No 208 Sqn by 6/75 and serving with that unit until at least 2/78. Subsequently it has seen service with No 237 OCU then No 12 Sqn and finally No 237 OCU again before being dismantled in 1/81 for shipping by road to RAF St Athan where by 1/83 had been declared surplus and placed in the dump area. However, issued with maintenance serial 8775M and despatched to the fire school at RAF Manston where it arrived on 25/2/83.
B. Buccaneer S.2 ** XV357/034/R 809 D/D 5/1/68 to RN, not coming to RAF charge until issue to No 208 Sqn in 6/75 with which it stayed until transfer to No 237 OCU in 10/77. Placed in store at St Athan in 8/81 and upon being declared surplus was passed to the Proof & Experimental Establishment (PEE) at Foulness sometime after 11/83.
F. Gannet COD.4 ** XG790/040/R 849 f/f 22.01.57, d/d to Lossiemouth 18.01.72 for storage, broken up as spares 1978, remains to Tain ranges 18.09.78, since destroyed.
F. Gannet AEW.3 XL494/042/R B Flt d/d 26.08.60, w/o 14.09.78, scr Gibraltar 02.81.
F. Gannet AEW.3 XL482/041/R 849 d/d 25.07.60, to Culdrose for storage on 09.11.78. Sold to Confederate Air Force, Texas, dep for USA 15.02.82 as N1350X, currently Pima Air Museum, Arizona, US.
F. Gannet AEW.3 ** XP229/043/R 849 d/d10.12.62, w/o 19.05.73
McD Phantom FG.1 XV569/013/R 892 c/n 2943. F/F 20/9/68 and d/d to RN 14/1/69. With PTF as 'X' in 9/74 passing to 43/S in 4/78. By 1/80 transferred to 11l/Q and repainted into grey in 9/83. Re-coded 111/BQ in 3/87.
McD Phantom FG.1 XV587/005/R 892 c/n 3331. F/F 21/4/69 and d/d 30/9/69 to RN. To RAF charge on 7/12/78 at St Athan and issued to 43 Sqn as 'G' on 22/3/79. Re-coded 43/AG in 2/87. To 111/BR 1/89.
McD Phantom FG.1 XV588/010/R 892 c/n 3346. F/F 21/4/69 and d/d 22/7/69 to RN. Lost as 892/R004 when it burnt out on the runway at Leuchars on 18/5/77. Remains still present for BDR in 9/83.
McD Phantom FG.1 XV591/006/R 892 c/n 3409.F/F 3/6/69 and d/d 22/7/69 to RN. Passed to RAF charge 11/12/78 and issued as lll/M in 8/79. Painted in grey c/s by 6/82 and re-coded 111/BM in 2/87. Reported as wfu in 12/87 due to a structural fault. Fuselage to 19 MU dump, tail and outer wings to Abingdon BDR.
W. Sea King HAS.1 XV654/050/R 824 f/f 09/12/1969, d/d 05/01/1970 to Fleetlands. Converted to HAS.2 standard 20.09.78, returned to service at Fleetlands 17.01.80. To HAS.6 standard 22.08.90, returned to service 04.11.91. W/o 21/07/1993 after tail rotor failed in flight, the aircraft falling 20 ft to the ground at Prestwick. Strathclyde, spinning round and collapsing the port u/carriage. Transported by road for repairs on 04.07.94, but not completed. To AESS Cosford on 04.09.95 as A2698. Again transported by road to SFDO Culdrose on 21.01.03 for Ground Instructional use on dummy deck.
W. Sea King HAS.1 XV659/055/R 824 f/f 13.02.70, d/d 03.03.70. To Fleetlands for conversion to HAS.2 standard on 11.08.76, returned to service 11.02.77. To Fleeetlands for conversion to HAS.5 22.07.85, returned to service 02.10.86. To Fleetlands for conversion to HAS.6 standard 26.07.91, returned to service 23.03.94. To Fleetlands for staorage 03.05.00, by road to AESS Gosport 05.10.00 for ground instructional (g.i.) use, to DCAE Cosford 07.10.02 for g.i. as 9324M, back to DCAE Gosport on 06.02.08, then to DCAE Cosford on 13.11.08.
W. Sea King HAS.1 XV699/051/R 824 f/f 12/08/1970, d/d 03/09/1970, w/o 31/03/1976 after ditching off Portland Dorset during a sortie from HMS Blake. To A2659, to A2602, Fleetlands
W. Sea King HAS.1 XV701/053/R 824 f/f 14/05/1971, d/d 04/06/1971, final conversion to HAS.6 standard. G.I. use Cosford
W. Sea King HAS.1 XV702/054/R 824 f/f 26/05/1971, d/d 14/07/1971, w/o 21/03/1974
W. Wessex HAS.1 _____/056/R SAR Flt  


23 Feb – 06 Mar 1973 *

Ark Royal entered Malta’s Grand Harbour for Assisted Maintenance Period (AMP). 809 & 892 squadrons again deployed to RAF Luqa, Buccaneers providing IFR facilities.

The following are Ark Royal’s aircraft that were noted at RAF Luqa.

FG.1 892 XT870/001/R c/n 2646. F/F 14/5/68. d/d 5/11/68. Passed to RAF charge at St Athan 27/11/78 and issued to 111 Sqn in grey c/s as 'S' 1/80. Re-coded 'BS' 2/87 and still current. Arrived on the 22nd.
FG.1 892 XT860/014 c/n 2336. F/F 2/2/68. d/d 29/4/68 to 700P Sqn. To PTF 1/78 passing to RAF charge at 23MU 15/3/78. Issued to 43 Sqn as 'L' by 8/78. Repainted in grey c/s 9/85 and re-coded 'AL' 2/87 until w/o 20/4/88 at sea 28 miles east of Leuchars. Arrived on the 22nd.
FG.1 892 XT865/___ c/n 2502. F/F 7/4/68. d/d 5/9/68 to Min Tech/MOD(PE) and used on approach touch-and-go trials on HMS Eagle 6/69. Following RN service passed to RAF charge at 19 MU 27/11/78. To 111 Sqn in grey c/s 6/80 as 'U'. Re-coded 'BU' 2/87. Arrived on the 22nd.
FG.1 892 XT867/013 c/n 2546. F/F 27/4/68. d/d 8/8/68. Passed to RAF charge at 23 MU 20/4/78. Issued to 111 Sqn 10/78 as 'H'. Painted in grey c/s at 19 MU 6/85 and re-coded 'BH' 7/86 and current 9/88. Arrived on the 22nd.
FG.1 892 XT872/005 c/n 2706. F/F 17/6/68. d/d 23/9/68. To RAF charge at St Athan 27/11/78. Issued to 111 Sqn 'T' in grey c/s 5/80. Re-coded 'BT' 2/87. Current status? Arrived on the 22nd.
FG.1 892 X____/002/R   Arrived on the 23rd.
FG.1 892 X____/007   Arrived on the 23rd.
B. Buccaneer S.2 809 XV154/036/R D/D 19/5/66 to RN and delivered to BAe Brough from Honington on 9/12/73 for mods before returning to be taken on No 237 OCU charge by 5/75. The aircraft served with this unit until being placed in store at St Athan in 6/84. Allocated maintenance serial 8854M for BDR training at RAF Lossiemouth in 2/86. Arrived on the 22nd.
B. Buccaneer S.2 809 XT275/021/R D/D 29/7/65 to RN. Converted to S Mk 2A standard and issued to No 208 Sqn in 11/74. Returned to BAe at Bitteswell in the summer of 1978 for mod to S Mk 2B standard then passed to No 15 Sqn on 26/9/78 before finding itself one of the more fatigued airframes and placed in store with No 19 MU St Athan in 8/81. Transferred to long-term storage with No 27 MU Shawbury by 11/83. Arrived on the 22nd.
B. Buccaneer S.2 809 XT283/023/R D/D 7/12/65 to RN. Issued to No 208 Sqn by 2/76 passing to No 237 OCU in 4/77 and is one of two S2A airframes still in operational use today. Arrived on the 22nd.
B. Buccaneer S.2 809 XV357 D/D 5/1/68 to RN, not coming to RAF charge until issue to No 208 Sqn in 6/75 with which it stayed until transfer to No 237 OCU in 10/77. Placed in store at St Athan in 8/81 and upon being declared surplus was passed to the Proof & Experimental Establishment (PEE) at Foulness sometime after 11/83. Arrived on the 22nd.
F. Gannet AEW.3 849 XL472/044/R    
F. Gannet AEW.3 849 “B” flight XL500/042/R   Noted at Luqa on 22.02.73 at Luqa.
F. Gannet AEW.3 849 “B” flight XL502/041/R   Approach and overshoot only.
W. Sea King HAS.1   XV703/050/R, XV710/052/R   Visited RAF Luqa on the 6th.


05 – 15 Oct 1974 *

As in the previous year, RAF Luqa hosted the carriers’ squadrons whilst the ship was in port.

The following is a partial list of Ark Royal’s aircraft that were seen on deck or at RAF Luqa.

B. Buccaneer S.2 XN981/026 809 D/D 4/2/65 to RN and transferred to RAF by 6/71, initially with No 237 OCU then No 12 Sqn between 10/72 and 4/73. Given back to RN becoming R026 of 809 Sqn before again coming under RAF charge following conversion to S Mk 2B standard and delivery to No 208 Sqn in 4/79. Airframe serving with the unit until 7/83 when transferred to No 12 Sqn before reverting back to No 208 Sqn in 5/84. However, with Sea Eagle mod programme well under way found itself again on No 12 Sqn charge by 2/86.
B. Buccaneer S.2 XN982/033 809 D/D 3/3/65 to RN and damaged at Cecil Field, USA, as R032 of No 809 Sqn and returned as deck cargo on RFA Fort Grange, arriving in the UK on 18/7/78. Taken to No 19 MU St Athan and placed in store before passing to RAE at Farnborough for repairs between 18/9/79 and 5/82. In the event rebuild not completed and airframe taken to Brough on 15/6/82 for fatigue tests following the type's grounding. Airframe eventually declared surplus in 5/83.
B. Buccaneer S.2 XT280/032 809 D/D 2/11/65 to RN. Converted to S2B standard following demise of 809 Sqn and issued to No 16 Sqn at Laarbruch in 11/83. Following the latter's deactivation on the Buccaneer, airframe passed to No 12 Sqn in 3/84 and following Sea Eagle mod. taken on strength of No 208 Sqn.
B. Buccaneer S.2 XT287/036 809 D/D 2/2/66 to RN. Delivered Belfast to Honington 12/3/71 as first aircraft for No 237 OCU and served alternatively with No 12 Sqn until returning to BAe Brough for modification to S2D standard on 19/8/73. Re-issued to 809 Sqn passing to RAE for communications research following the former's disbandment on 8/12/78. Passed to No 15 Sqn in 6/81 and coded 'F', collecting the name McRoberts Reply at the same time. Transferred to No 16 Sqn in 8/83 before being placed in short-term store following the squadron's deactivation. Following Sea Eagle mods re-issued to No 208 Sqn in 4/85 with which it is still current.
B. Buccaneer S.2 XV351/030 809 D/D 3/10/67 to RN and subsequently crashed into the Wash on 11/11/74 whilst operating with 809 Sqn.
B. Buccaneer S.2 XV353/031 809 D/D 24/10/67 to RN passing to RAF charge as one of its first aircraft for No 12 Sqn. Transferred to No 237 OCU in 6/71 before returning to BAe Brough for mod to Martel-capable. Airframe then returned to RN for use by 809 Sqn and stayed on strength until squadron decommissioned in 12178, flying to RAF St Athan for overhaul before issue to No 12 Sqn in 2/80. Whilst with No 12 and in company with XV869, as part of Operation 'Corporate' flew to RAF Stanley in the Falklands arriving on 5/3/83. Airframe was subsequently transferred to No 208 Sqn by 5/84 with which it served until entering the update programme in late 1986.
B. Buccaneer S.2 XV358/034 809 D/D 14/2/68 to RN. To RAF charge as maintenance serial 8658M for BDR training at RAF Bruggen in 1/83.
B. Buccaneer S.2 XV359/035 809 D/D 28/2/68 to RN before being returned to BAe Bitteswell from St Athan on 15/12/78 for mod to S2B standard. Issued to No 12 Sqn from Bitteswell on 15/3/82 with which it stayed until transfer to No 208 in 4/84. By 8/85 it was back with NO 12 and involved in 'Mace' trials at A&AEE Boscombe down. The airframe was noted devoid of marks in 4/86 but serving with No 237 OCU. By 2/87 it had been taken on No 208 Sqn charge.
B. Buccaneer S.2 XV361/027 809 D/D 2/5/68 to RN and served with the service until being despatched to Bitteswell from RAF St Athan for conversion to S2B standard on 28/11/78. Issued to No 15 Sqn by 1/82 but passed to No 12 following the unit's deactivation on the type. Still with No 12 Sqn in 11/85 but transferred to No 208 following Sea Eagle mods in 9/86.
B. Buccaneer S.2 XV863/020 809 D/D 25/7/68 to RN. Later returned to BAe Brough for Martel conversion and despatched to Holmeupon-Spalding Moor for flight testing on 10/6/73. Issued to 809 Sqn until deactivation of HMS Ark Royal in 1978 then flown to St Athan for bringing in to line with RAF requirements. Issued to No 16 Sqn by 1/80. Transferred to No 237 OCU in 4/84 passing to No 208 Sqn on completion of Sea Eagle mod in 11/85.
B. Buccaneer S.2 XV864/021 809 D/D 5/9/68 to RN. Converted by BAe Brough to S2B standard during 1973 and issued to No 16 Sqn. When grounding order took effect it was one of two aircraft stranded at Nellis AFB that were considered unsafe to fly back to Laarbruch. Aircraft therefore shipped back to Brough in 5/80, repaired and re-issued to No 16 Sqn in 6/81. Following the squadron's stand down, the airframe was transferred to No 237 OCU in 1/84 but passed to No 12 Sqn by 4/84 with which it still serves.
B. Buccaneer S.2 XV865/020 809 D/D 1/10/68 to RN. Mod to Martel standard at Brough in 1973 and re-issued to 809 Sqn until latter's deactivation. Following mod to S2B standard the aircraft was issued to No 216 Sqn in 1/80 but its service was short-lived following the general grounding. Subsequently issued to No 208 Sqn in 1/81 and served with the unit following Sea Eagle mods but has since passed to BAe as part of the update programme.
B. Buccaneer S.2 XV866/024 809 D/D ll/11/68 to RN and issued to No 16 Sqn following disbandment of 809 Sqn but placed in store at St Athan in 8/81. Passed into long-term storage with No 27 MU Shawbury by 11/83.
B. Buccaneer S.2 XV868/025 809 D/D 14/1/69 to RN passing to No 12 Sqn on deactivation of 809 Sqn in 8/79 and joined XV353 in detachment to RAF Stanley in 3/83. Transferred to No 208 Sqn, 11/85.
B. Buccaneer S.2 XV869/023 809 D/D 6/3/69 to RN but following mod. to Martel standard was delivered to A&AEE Boscombe Down from Holme on 4/3/74. Returned to 809 Sqn until deactivation passing to No 208 Sqn by 5/79. Transferred to No 12 Sqn in 11/83 with which it still serves.
F. Gannet XL497/041 849/B Flt. Noted at Luqa on 07.10.74. c/n F9456 On display at the Dumfries and Galloway Aviation Museum, Scotland
F. Gannet AEW.3 XL449/043 849/B Flt. First production AEW.3 variant, c/n F9432, cockpit section only remains.
F. Gannet XL500/042 849/B Flt. Being restored to flying condition as G-KAEW.
F. Gannet AEW.3 XP199/044 849/B Flt. d/d 09/01/1962, scrapped Lossiemouth 09/1979.
McD Phantom FG.1 XT859/005 892 c/n 2279. F/F l9/1/68. d/d 29/4/68 to 700P Sqn. After RN service passed to RAF at St Athan 27/11/78. Issued to 111 Sqn by 10/79 becoming 'K'. Painted grey c/s 1/84. Re coded 'BK' 9/86.
McD Phantom FG.1 XT863/001 892 c/n 2463.F/F 9/4/68. d/d 1/7/68. Delivered to RAF charge at St Athan 27/11/78 and delivered to 111 Sqn in grey c/s 4/80 as 'G'. Painted in special marks for 25th anniversary at IAT in 7/83. Re-coded 'BG' 9/86 and transferred to 43/AS in 6/88 but passed to storage at Abingdon on 24/2/89.
McD Phantom FG.1 XT864/007 892 c/n 2475.F/F 5/4/68. d/d 17/7/68. Passed to RAF charge at St Athan 27/11/78. To 111 Sqn as 'J' 9/79. Re-coded 'BJ' 2/87.
McD Phantom FG.1 XT865/013 892 c/n 2502. F/F 7/4/68. d/d 5/9/68 to Min Tech/MOD(PE) and used on approach touch-and-go trials on HMS Eagle 6/69. Following RN service passed to RAF charge at 19 MU 27/11/78. To 111 Sqn in grey c/s 6/80 as 'U'. Re-coded 'BU' 2/87.
McD Phantom FG.1 XT868/014 892 c/n 2602. F/F 1/5/68. d/d 8/8/68. Lost radome in flight 3/12/69 but recovered by Lt-Cdr Marshall on one engine. Subsequently w/o at Leuchars as 892/ROOO 12/5/78. Remains still present 9/83 then sold to F. K. Beadle & Son.
McD Phantom FG.1 XV567/002 892 c/n 2922.F/F20/4/68andd/d to RN 16/6/68. Used on touch-and-go trials with HMS Eagle in 1969 and issued to the RAF on 11/12/78. Issued to 43 Sqn as 'I' and repainted in grey by 9/84. Re coded 'AI' in 6/87.
McD Phantom FG.1 XV568/003 892 c/n 2943. F/F 29/4/68 and d/d to RN 1/7/68. To RAF 11/12/78 and 43/T by 7/82. Repainted into grey by 9/85 and re-coded 'AT' in 2/87.
McD Phantom FG.1 XV586/011 892 c/n 3317. F/F 11/4/69 and d/d 23/6/69 to RN. To RAF charge on 11/12/78, to 43/J by 9/83. Repainted in grey at 19/MU and suffered a nose wheel collapse on 18/3/86. Re-coded 43/AJ in 9/86.
McD Phantom FG.1 XV587/010 892 c/n 3331. F/F 21/4/69 and d/d 30/9/69 to RN. To RAF charge on 7/12/78 at St Athan and issued to 43 Sqn as 'G' on 22/3/79. Re-coded 43/AG in 2/87. To 111/BR 1/89. This Phantom was seen at Luqa on 20th October, five days after the carrier left port.
McD Phantom FG.1 XV589/006 892 c/n 3363. F/F 9/5/69 and d/d 8/7/69 to RN. Passed to RAF charge on 11/12/78 being issued to 111 Sqn in grey c/s in 1/80. Coded 'P' in low vis marks. Lost on approach to RAF Alconbury following a DACT sortie on 3/6/80 when the radome opened on finals. Fuselage removed to Coningsby dump.
McD Phantom FG.1 XV590/004 892 c/n 3394.F/F 12/5/69 and d/d 9/7/69 to RN. Passed to RAF charge on 11/12/78 and issued as 43/X in 12/79. Repainted in grey c/s at 19 MU in 5/84 and re-coded 43/AX in 2/87.
McD Phantom FG.1 XV591/012 892 c/n 3409.F/F 3/6/69 and d/d 22/7/69 to RN. Passed to RAF charge 11/12/78 and issued as lll/M in 8/79. Painted in grey c/s by 6/82 and re-coded 111/BM in 2/87. Reported as wfu in 12/87 due to a structural fault. Fuselage to 19 MU dump, tail and outer wings to Abingdon BDR.
W. Sea King HAS.1 XV643/055 824 f/f 13.06.69, d/d 08.07.69 to Fleetlands, 12.07.84 for conversion to HAS.5 standard, returned to service 13.02.86, to Fleetland 29.08.91 for re-conversion to HAS.6 standard, returned to service 09.12.92, to AES Gosport, Hampshire 24.03.00 for ground instructional use as A2657. To St. Athan 04.07.02 for BDRT, to DCAE Cosford, Shropshire 24.01.06 for ground instructional use.
W. Sea King HAS.1 XV658/054 824 f/f 03.02.70, d/d 26.02.70 to Fleetlands, 03.08.77 for conversion to HAS.2 standard, returned to service 13.01.78, to Culdrose 21.10.81 for re-conversion to HAS.5 standard, returned to service, w/o 03.02.83 when the aircraft crashed into the Atlantic during a wing over off the coast of Portugal whilst operating off HMS Invincible.
W. Sea King HAS.1 XV699/051 824 f/f 12.08.70, d/d 03.09.70, w/o 31.03.76 when the aircraft ditched into the English Channel off Portland, Dorset during a sortie from HMS Blake. O A2659, A2602, noted road running 19.02.10 current location unknown.
W. Sea King HAS.1 XV701/053 824 f/f 14.05.71, d/d 04.06.71, to DCAE Gosport, Hampshire 20.11.00, for ground instructional use as A2809, then to DCAE Cosford on 24.08.05, to DCAE Gosport Hampshire 18.07.07, to DCAE Cosford 03.10.07.
W. Sea King HAS.1 XV703/050 824 f/f 14/06/1971, d/d 03/08/1971, stored Gosport
W. Sea King HAS.1 XV705/056 824 f/f 23/08/1971, d/d 21/09/1971, to A2618
W. Sea King HAS.1 XV710/052 824 f/f 19.01.72, d/d 01.03.72, to DCAE Cosford as 9325M, to Royal Australian Navy, Nowra, NSW, Australia for spares recovery, tendered for disposal 09/2011.
W. Wessex HAS.1 XP112/046 SAR Flight f/f 23.03.62, d/d 04.04.62, w/o 17.09.75 when the aircraft ditched in the English Channel off Plymouth, Devon, near to HMS Ark Royal after an engine fire warning light illuminated. It remained float and the crew were able to escape safely, but it sank while under tow.
W. Wessex HAS.1 XP158/047 SAR Flight f/f 30.11.62, d/d 11.01.63, to Wroughton 30.05.79 for storage to SAH Culdrose 02.06.80 for ground instructional use as A2688. Transported by road on 13.09.88 to AES Lee-on-Solent, returning back to Culdrose by road on 15.12.92, this time used by the ETS, finally transported by road to the Royal Naval School of Fire Fighting, Predannack on 14.05.96, perished during 04.98.


05 – 12 Nov 1977

The aircraft details listed in the table below are accurate, but missing some Buccaneers. All aircraft carried the ship’s code “R” on their fins.

B. Buccaneer S.2C/D 809 XV865/022 D/D 1/10/68 to RN. Mod to Martel standard at Brough in 1973 and re-issued to 809 Sqn until latter's deactivation. Following mod to S2B standard the aircraft was issued to No 216 Sqn in 1/80 but its service was short-lived following the general grounding. Subsequently issued to No 208 Sqn in 1/81 and served with the unit following Sea Eagle mods but has since passed to BAe as part of the update programme.
B. Buccaneer S.2C/D 809 XV867/025 D/D 6/12/68 to RN. Converted to S2B standard at Bitteswell being delivered to Honington and No 237 OCU in 11/81. Passed to No 208 Sqn by 11/83 but with the Sea Eagle mod programme causing considerable movement was transferred to No 12 Sqn on 12/4/84 with which it served until passing into the update programme.
B. Buccaneer S.2C/D 809 XN981/026 D/D 4/2/65 to RN and transferred to RAF by 6/71, initially with No 237 OCU then No 12 Sqn between 10/72 and 4/73. Given back to RN becoming R026 of 809 Sqn before again coming under RAF charge following conversion to S Mk 2B standard and delivery to No 208 Sqn in 4/79. Airframe serving with the unit until 7/83 when transferred to No 12 Sqn before reverting back to No 208 Sqn in 5/84. However, with Sea Eagle mod programme well under way found itself again on No 12 Sqn charge by 2/86.
B. Buccaneer S.2C/D 809 XN982/027 D/D 3/3/65 to RN and damaged at Cecil Field, USA, as R032 of No 809 Sqn and returned as deck cargo on RFA Fort Grange, arriving in the UK on 18/7/78. Taken to No 19 MU St Athan and placed in store before passing to RAE at Farnborough for repairs between 18/9/79 and 5/82. In the event rebuild not completed and airframe taken to Brough on 15/6/82 for fatigue tests following the type's grounding. Airframe eventually declared surplus in 5/83.
B. Buccaneer S.2C/D 809 XV333/030 D/D 27/1/67 to RN and first noted in RAF service unmarked with No 12 Sqn in 3/72. Handed on to No 237 OCU in 1/73 and subsequently to No 12 in 7/73, No 15 in 5/74 and back to RN before once again serving with No 15 in 9/79. At the deactivation of No 15 Sqn as a Buccaneer squadron the airframe was placed in short-term store at St Athan before issue to No 12 Sqn in 10/81. Served with No 12 until at least 11/85 when as part of Sea Eagle update programme it was transferred to No 208 Sqn, first being noted as such in 5/86.
B. Buccaneer S.2C/D 809 XV353/031 D/D 24/10/67 to RN, passing to RAF charge as one of its first aircraft for No 12 Sqn. Transferred to No 237 OCU in 6/71 before returning to BAe Brough for mod to Martel-capable. Airframe then returned to RN for use by 809 Sqn and stayed on strength until squadron decommissioned in 12/78, flying to RAF St Athan for overhaul before issue to No 12 Sqn in 2/80. Whilst with No 12 and in company with XV869, as part of Operation 'Corporate' flew to RAF Stanley in the Falklands arriving on 5/3/83. Airframe was subsequently transferred to No 208 Sqn by 5/84 with which it served until entering the update programme in late 1986.
B. Buccaneer S.2C/D 809 XT287/033 D/D 2/2/66 to RN. Delivered Belfast to Honington 12/3/71 as first aircraft for No 237 OCU and served alternatively with No 12 Sqn until returning to BAe Brough for modification to S2D standard on 19/8/73. Re-issued to 809 Sqn passing to RAE for communications research following the former's disbandment on 8/12/78. Passed to No 15 Sqn in 6/81 and coded 'F', collecting the name McRoberts Reply at the same time. Transferred to No 16 Sqn in 8/83 before being placed in short-term store following the squadron's deactivation. Following Sea Eagle mods re-issued to No 208 Sqn in 4/85 with which it is still current.
B. Buccaneer S.2C/D 809 XV359/034 D/D 28/2/68 to RN before being returned to BAe Bitteswell from St Athan on 15/12/78 for mod to S2B standard. Issued to No 12 Sqn from Bitteswell on 15/3/82 with which it stayed until transfer to No 208 in 4/84. By 8/85 it was back with NO 12 and involved in 'Mace' trials at A&AEE Boscombe down. The airframe was noted devoid of marks in 4/86 but serving with No 237 OCU. By 2/87 it had been taken on No 208 Sqn charge.
B. Buccaneer S.2C/D 809 XV358/035 D/D 14/2/68 to RN and did not come to RAF charge until issued with maintenance serial 8658M for BDR training at RAF Bruggen in 1/83.
B. Buccaneer S.2C/D 809 XV863/036 D/D 25/7/68 to RN. Later returned to BAe Brough for Martel conversion and despatched to Holmeupon-Spalding Moor for flight testing on 10/6/73. Issued to 809 Sqn until deactivation of HMS Ark Royal in 1978 then flown to St Athan for bringing in to line with RAF requirements. Issued to No 16 Sqn by 1/80. Transferred to No 237 OCU in 4/84 passing to NO 208 Sqn on completion of Sea Eagle mod in 11/85.
F. Gannet AEW.3 849, ‘B’ Flt. XL497/041, XL450/042, XL471/043, XL472/044  
McD Phantom FG.1 892 XT868/001 c/n 2602. F/F 1/5/68. d/d 8/8/68. Lost radome in flight 3/12/69 but recovered by Lt-Cdr Marshall on one engine. Subsequently w/o at Leuchars as 892/ROOO 12/5/78. Remains still present 9/83 then sold to F. K. Beadle & Son.
McD Phantom FG.1 892 XV568/002 c/n 2943. F/F 29/4/68 and d/d to RN 1/7/68. To RAF 11/12/78 and 43/T by 7/82. Repainted into grey by 9/85 and re-coded 'AT' in 2/87.
McD Phantom FG.1 892 XV567/003 c/n 2922. F/F 20/4/68 and d/d to RN 16/6/68. Used on touch-and-go trials with HMS Eagle in 1969 and issued to the RAF on 11/12/78. Issued to 43 Sqn as 'I' and repainted in grey by 9/84. Re-coded 'AI' in 6/87.
McD Phantom FG.1 892 XT872/004 c/n 2706. F/F 17/6/68. d/d 23/9/68. To RAF charge at St Athan 27/11/78. Issued to 111 Sqns 'T' in grey c/s 5/80. Re-coded 'BT' 2/87.
McD Phantom FG.1 892 XT867/005 c/n 2546. F/F 27/4/68. d/d 8/8/68. Passed to RAF charge at 23 MU 20/4/78. Issued to 111 Sqn 10/78 as 'H'. Painted in grey c/s at 19 MU 6/85 and re-coded 'BH' 7/86 and current 9/88.
McD Phantom FG.1 892 XT859/006 c/n 2279. F/F l9/1/68. d/d 29/4/68 to 700P Sqn. After RN service passed to RAF at St Athan 27/11/78. Issued to 111 Sqn by 10/79 becoming 'K'. Painted grey c/s 1/84. Re coded 'BK' 9/86.
McD Phantom FG.1 892 XT864/007 c/n 2475.F/F 5/4/68. d/d 17/7/68. Passed to RAF charge at St Athan 27/11/78. To 111 Sqn as 'J' 9/79. Re-coded 'BJ' 2/87.
McD Phantom FG.1 892 XV587/010 c/n 3331. F/F 21/4/69 and d/d 30/9/69 to RN. To RAF charge on 7/12/78 at St Athan and issued to 43 Sqn as 'G' on 22/3/79. Re-coded 43/AG in 2/87. To 111/BR 1/89.
McD Phantom FG.1 892 XT865/011 c/n 2502. F/F 7/4/68. d/d 5/9/68 to Min Tech/MOD(PE) and used on approach touch-and-go trials on HMS Eagle 6/69. Following RN service passed to RAF charge at 19 MU 27/11/78. To 111 Sqn in grey c/s 6/80 as 'U'. Re-coded ‘BU'2/87.
McD Phantom FG.1 892 XT870/012 c/n 2646. F/F 14/5/68. d/d 5/11/68. Passed to RAF charge at St Athan 27/11/78 and issued to 111 Sqn in grey c/s as 'S' 1/80. Re-coded 'BS' 2/87 and still current.
McD Phantom FG.1 892 XV591/013 c/n 3409.F/F 3/6/69 and d/d 22/7/69 to RN. Passed to RAF charge 11/12/78 and issued as lll/M in 8/79. Painted in grey c/s by 6/82 and re-coded 111/BM in 2/87. Reported as wfu in 12/87 due to a structural fault. Fuselage to 19 MU dump, tail and outer wings to Abingdon BDR.
McD Phantom FG.1 892 XT863/014 c/n 2463. F/F 9/4/68. d/d 1/7/68. Delivered to RAF charge at St Athan 27/11/78 and delivered to 111 Sqn in grey c/s 4/80 as 'G'. Painted in special marks for 25th anniversary at IAT in 7/83. Re-coded 'BG' 9/86 and transferred to 43/AS in 6/88 but passed to storage at Abingdon on 24/2/89.
W. Sea King HAS.2 824 XV698/050, XV664/051, XZ577/052, XV659/053 *, XV673/054 *, XZ578/055 * Noted at RAF Luqa on the 5th.
W. Wessex HAS.1 771 XS881/046, XP151/047 * * Noted at RAF Luqa on the 12th.


06 – 16 Nov 1978

HMS Ark Royal entered Grand Harbour, Malta, for the last time on 6 November 1978, for a farewell 10-day visit, prior to returning to the UK and decommissioning.

The aircraft details listed in the table below are accurate, as these were recorded by Society members during a visit on board the ship, but missing three or four Buccaneers.

W. Wessex HAS.1 771 XS881/046, XP151/047  
B. Buccaneer S.2C/D 809 XV869/020 D/D 6/3/69 to RN but following mod. to Martel standard was delivered to A&AEE Boscombe Down from Holme on 4/3/74. Returned to 809 Sqn until deactivation passing to No 208 Sqn by 5/79. Transferred to No 12 Sqn in 11/83 with which it still serves.
B. Buccaneer S.2C/D 809 XV865/022 D/D 1/10/68 to RN. Mod to Martel standard at Brough in 1973 and re-issued to 809 Sqn until latter's deactivation. Following mod to S2B standard the aircraft was issued to No 216 Sqn in 1/80 but its service was short-lived following the general grounding. Subsequently issued to No 208 Sqn in 1/81 and served with the unit following Sea Eagle mods but has since passed to BAe as part of the update programme.
B. Buccaneer S.2C/D 809 XV868/023 D/D 14/1/69 to RN passing to No 12 Sqn at deactivation of 809 Sqn in 8/79 andjoined XV353 in detachment to RAF Stanley in 3/83. Transferred to No 208 Sqn, 11/85.
B. Buccaneer S.2C/D 809 XV866/024 D/D 11/11/68 to RN and issued to No 16 Sqn following disbandment of 809 Sqn but placed in store at St Athan in 8/81. Passed into long-term storage with No 27 MU Shawbury by 11/83.
B. Buccaneer S.2C/D 809 XV867/025 D/D 6/12/68 to RN. Converted to S2B standard at Bitteswell being delivered to Honington and No 237 OCU in 11/81. Passed to No 208 Sqn by 11/83 but with the Sea Eagle mod programme causing considerable movement was transferred to No 12 Sqn on 12/4/84 with which it served until passing into the update programme.
B. Buccaneer S.2C/D 809 XV342/027 D/D 16/5/67 to RN and delivered Sydenham-Honington for No 12 Sqn 24/1/73 with which it served until at least 1/76 when it passed for a short period to No 237 OCU before being taken on charge by No 208 Sqn which operated it until late 1979. To 16 Sqn in 1980 and became one of the last Buccaneers to leave Laarbruch for storage at St Athan where it resided until being delivered to BAe at Woodford for ASR1012 update in 12/86.
B. Buccaneer S.2C/D 809 XV353/031 D/D 24/10/67 to RN, passing to RAF charge as one of its first aircraft for No 12 Sqn. Transferred to No 237 OCU in 6/71 before returning to BAe Brough for mod to Martel-capable. Airframe then returned to RN for use by 809 Sqn and stayed on strength until squadron decommissioned in 12/78, flying to RAF St Athan for overhaul before issue to No 12 Sqn in 2/80. Whilst with No 12 and in company with XV869, as part of Operation 'Corporate' flew to RAF Stanley in the Falklands arriving on 5/3/83. Airframe was subsequently transferred to No 208 Sqn by 5/84 with which it served until entering the update programme in late 1986.
B. Buccaneer S.2C/D 809 XT287/033 D/D 2/2/66 to RN. Delivered Belfast to Honington 12/3/71 as first aircraft for No 237 OCU and served alternatively with No 12 Sqn until returning to BAe Brough for modification to S2D standard on 19/8/73. Re-issued to 809 Sqn passing to RAE for communications research following the former's disbandment on 8/12/78. Passed to No 15 Sqn in 6/81 and coded ' F', collecting the name McRoberts Reply at the same time. Transferred to No 16 Sqn in 8/83 before being placed in short-term store following the squadron's deactivation. Following Sea Eagle mods re-issued to No 208 Sqn in 4/85 with which it is still current.
B. Buccaneer S.2C/D 809 XV359/034 D/D 28/2/68 to RN before being returned to BAe Bitteswell from St Athan on 15/12/78 for mod to S2B standard. Issued to No 12 Sqn from Bitteswell on 15/3/82 with which it stayed until transfer to No 208 in 4/84. By 8/85 it was back with NO 12 and involved in 'Mace' trials at A&AEE Boscombe down. The airframe was noted devoid of marks in 4/86 but serving with No 237 OCU. By 2/87 it had been taken on No 208 Sqn charge.
B. Buccaneer S.2C/D 809 XV358/035 D/D 14/2/68 to RN and did not come to RAF charge until issued with maintenance serial 8658M for BDR training at RAF Bruggen in 1/83.
B. Buccaneer S.2C/D 809 XV863/036 D/D 25/7/68 to RN. Later returned to BAe Brough for Martel conversion and despatched to Holmeupon-Spalding Moor for flight testing on 10/6/73. Issued to 809 Sqn until deactivation of HMS Ark Royal in 1978 then flown to St Athan for bringing in to line with RAF requirements. Issued to No 16 Sqn by 1/80. Transferred to No 237 OCU in 4/84 passing to NO 208 Sqn on completion of Sea Eagle mod in 11/85.
F. Gannet AEW.3 849 XL497/041, XL450/042, XL471/043, XL472/044  
McD Phantom FG.1 892 XV590/001 c/n 3394. F/F 12/5/69 and d/d 9/7/69 to RN. Passed to RAF charge on 11/12/78 and issued as 43/X in 12/79. Repainted in grey c/s at 19 MU in 5/84 and re-coded 43/AX in 2/87.
McD Phantom FG.1 892 XV568/002 c/n 2943. F/F 29/4/68 and d/d to RN 1/7/68. To RAF 11/12/78 and 43/T by 7/82. Repainted into grey by 9/85 and re-coded 'AT' in 2/87.
McD Phantom FG.1 892 XV567/003 c/n 2922. F/F 20/4/68 and d/d to RN 16/6/68. Used on touch-and-go trials with HMS Eagle in 1969 and issued to the RAF on 11/12/78. Issued to 43 Sqn as 'I' and repainted in grey by 9/84. Re-coded 'AI' in 6/87.
McD Phantom FG.1 892 XT872/004 c/n 2706. F/F 17/6/68. d/d 23/9/68. To RAF charge at St Athan 27/11/78. Issued to 111 Sqns 'T' in grey c/s 5/80. Re-coded 'BT' 2/87.
McD Phantom FG.1 892 XV589/005 c/n 3363. F/F 9/5/69 and d/d 8/7/69 to RN. Passed to RAF charge on 11/12/78 being issued to 111 Sqn in grey c/s in 1/80. Coded 'P' in low vis marks. Lost on approach to RAF Alconbury following a DACT sortie on 3/6/80 when the radome opened on finals. Fuselage removed to Coningsby dump.
McD Phantom FG.1 892 XT859/006 c/n 2279. F/F l9/1/68. d/d 29/4/68 to 700P Sqn. After RN service passed to RAF at St Athan 27/11/78. Issued to 111 Sqn by 10/79 becoming 'K'. Painted grey c/s 1/84. Re coded 'BK' 9/86.
McD Phantom FG.1 892 XT864/007 c/n 2475.F/F 5/4/68. d/d 17/7/68. Passed to RAF charge at St Athan 27/11/78. To 111 Sqn as 'J' 9/79. Re-coded 'BJ' 2/87.
McD Phantom FG.1 892 XV586/010 c/n 3317. F/F 11/4/69 and d/d 23/6/69 to RN. To RAF charge on 11/12/78, to 43/J by 9/83. Repainted in grey at 19/MU and suffered a nose wheel collapse on 18/3/86. Re-coded 43/AJ in 9/86.
McD Phantom FG.1 892 XT865/011 c/n 2502. F/F 7/4/68. d/d 5/9/68 to Min Tech/MOD(PE) and used on approach touch-and-go trials on HMS Eagle 6/69. Following RN service passed to RAF charge at 19 MU 27/11/78. To 111 Sqn in grey c/s 6/80 as 'U'. Re-coded 'BU'2/87.
McD Phantom FG.1 892 XT870/012 c/n 2646. F/F 14/5/68. d/d 5/11/68. Passed to RAF charge at St Athan 27/11/78 and issued to 111 Sqn in grey c/s as 'S' 1/80. Re-coded 'BS' 2/87 and still current.
McD Phantom FG.1 892 XV591/013 c/n 3409.F/F 3/6/69 and d/d 22/7/69 to RN. Passed to RAF charge 11/12/78 and issued as lll/M in 8/79. Painted in grey c/s by 6/82 and re-coded 111/BM in 2/87. Reported as wfu in 12/87 due to a structural fault. Fuselage to 19 MU dump, tail and outer wings to Abingdon BDR.
McD Phantom FG.1 892 XT863/014 c/n 2463.F/F 9/4/68. d/d 1/7/68. Delivered to RAF charge at St Athan 27/11/78 and delivered to 111 Sqn in grey c/s 4/80 as 'G'. Painted in special marks for 25th anniversary at IAT in 7/83. Re-coded 'BG' 9/86 and transferred to 43/AS in 6/88 but passed to storage at Abingdon on 24/2/89.
W. Sea King HAS.2 824 XV698/050, XV664/051, XZ577/052, XV659/053 *, XV673/054 *, XZ578/055 * Noted at RAF Luqa on 06.11.78.

Albion Argus Ark Royal R09 Ark Royal R07 Bulwark Centaur Eagle Fearless Fencer Glory Hermes Illustrious R87 Illustrious R06 Indomitable Invincible Ocean R68 Ocean L12 Pursuer Theseus Triumph Unicorn Vengeance Victorous Warrior Misc.
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