Thursday, March 13, 2025 Military Aviation » Deliveries » World War Two » Hurricane  

H. Hurricane



? 13.06.40 13.06.40 The first three Hurricanes to been seen in Malta, continued to Mersa Matruh, Egypt, after lunch.
16.11.40 Seven Hurricanes were launched from HMS Argus, but never reached Malta. Pilots believed dead.
213 Ferrying Flt, 21.05.41 Launched from Furious but failed to reach Malta.
? 30.06.41 Aircraft was taking-off from the aircraft carrier HMS Argus during operation Railway, the delivery of Hurricanes to Malta. This particular aircraft hit the bridge, exploding on impact. At least six killed and sixteen injured.
? 12.11.41 In the early morning, Blenheims set out on a special mission, to guide in a new delivery of Hurricane aircraft flying off the aircraft carriers Argus and Ark Royal as part of Operation Perpetual. A total of 37 Hurricanes set off for Malta that morning; 34 aircraft arrived safely.

The above Hurricane, piloted by an American pilot, had to make a wheels up landing at Hal-Far, damaging the aircraft. The fate of the other two aircraft is unknown to this writer.

Their mission successfully completed, the aircraft carriers turned westwards along with the rest of the convoy, Force “H”. Next afternoon Ark Royal was hit by an enemy torpedo. With the valiant efforts of the accompanying destroyers, the carrier was brought within sight of Gibraltar before she finally sank on the morning of 15 November.
03.06.42 Missing on a transit flight to the Middle East.
P2614 21.06.40  
P2625 4 Ferry Pilots Pool One of twelve Hurricanes being ferried to Malta on 19.06.40, the pilot crashed during departure from Tunisia.
P2626 1 4 Ferry Pilots Pool Aircraft involved in landing accident on 18.06.40 during a delivery flight to Malta. Remained in Ussel, France.
P2645 21.06.40  
P2650 4 Ferry Pilots Pool Aircraft, along with one Blenheim and two other Hurricanes, was being ferried to Malta on 19.06.40. Unable to find the landing ground in Tunisia, the crews elected to land in the water.

On hitting the water, the Hurricane overturned and sank, sadly taking the pilot down with it, who drowned.
P2653   In Malta by 09.07.40
V7474 17.11.40  
Z3032 II  
Z4005 229 03.06.42 Missing on a transit flight to the Middle East.
Z4393 I 16.08.41 This aircraft, together with Z4398 and Z7670, had landed at Luqa from Ta Qali the previous day. Departed for the Middle East, but never arrived at their destination.

Pilots may have become PoWs.
Z4398 I 16.08.41 As above.
Z5218 II 13.09.41 Aircraft crashed whilst taking off from the aircraft carrier HMS Furious near Gibraltar.
Z7670 I 261 16.08.41 This aircraft, together with Z4393 & Z4398, had landed at Luqa from Ta Qali the previous day. Departed for the Middle East, but never arrived at their destination.

Pilots may have become PoWs.
BE369 242 12.11.41 One of three Hurricanes (see below) destined for the Middle East. This aircraft landed in Tunis, the pilot being interned.
BE642 229 03.06.42 Missing on a transit flight to the Middle East.
BG712 242 12.11.41 Aircraft were meant to be flown to the Middle East, but landed in Cap Bon, Algeria.
BR561 242 12.11.41 Aircraft were meant to be flown to the Middle East, but final fate of aircraft unknown.
Bristol Hudson Hurricane Maryland Mosquito Spitfire Wellington
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