Wednesday, March 26, 2025 Civil/General Aviation » DC-3 » The Last Time  

The following report was written by Roger Syratt, and first appeared in Propliner Aviation Magazine No. 123. It is being reproduced here by kind permission of Mr. Tony Merton Jones, magazine editor.

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The trivia to be found at the bottom of this page wasn’t in the article, but is something I made up myself.
The Last Time?

Roger Syratt reports from Rock Falls and Oshkosh on the largest peacetime gathering of the remarkable Douglas DC-3.

Soon after last year's EAA Air Venture, still referred to by almost everybody in aviation as just "Oshkosh", rumours were circulating that the: 2010 event would feature a large gathering of Douglas DC-3s to commemorate the 75th anniversary of the world's favourite 'propliner’. This was confirmed on December 3 2009 when the EAA issued a Press release revealing that "What could be the largest Douglas DC-3/C-47 gathering in more than 60 years will be a centre piece of the aviation activities at EAA AirVenture 2010". The Press Release went on to say that the organization was working with a large group of DC-3 owners and operators to bring their aircraft to Oshkosh and that the project had been dubbed "The Last Time", as it would "likely be the final time that more than 25 of these airplanes will be seen together, including formation flights".

A further release on December 17, the 74th anniversary of the DC-3's first flight, stated that a group of DC-3 owners and operators were organising the reunion culminating in a massed formation arrival at Oshkosh on opening day of AirVenture. It was planned that the DC-3s would gather at Whiteside County Airport, Rock Falls, Illinois on the weekend before Air Venture prior to arriving at Oshkosh on Monday July 26 in a massed formation, with up to 25 arrival slots being available. Spurred by this, many a 'Propliner' enthusiast, including your correspondent, made the vow that they would be there, and further press releases plus on line speculation on various forums as 2010 progressed, indicating that up to 40 DC-3s were expected to take part, only served to reinforce that determination. A press release issued under "The Last Time" banner on May 13 said that owing to the sheer size of the historic event a group of aviation professionals had been assigned the responsibility of overseeing the flight operation to ensure that the highest level of safety would be achieved. The plan at that date was that the DC-3s would assemble and park together at the Whiteside County Airport in Rock Falls, Illinois during the days of July 24, 25, 26 and prepare for departure during the afternoon of July 26. Once airborne, the group would fly northward and be cleared into the airspace of EAA’s Air Venture in Oshkosh, Wisconsin, for landing and parking. In total, it was anticipated that up to 50 would be parked in as many as five different locations at Air Venture grounds during the weeklong celebration.

However on July 29, under the headline "DC-3 Reunion Hits Turbulence", the online aviation news resource AvWeb reported that an apparent rift had developed between the owners' group organising the 40 aircraft formation and the EAA, and that the latter had announced that it will "exclusively organize and coordinate all AirVenture activities for the DC-3 75th anniversary." The Last Time group termed the EAA announcement "a hostile takeover" of the event and called into question whether a formation flight over Wittman Regionall Airport on the opening day of AirVenture would be held. The group said it was still planning to hold its weekend celebration and gathering at Rock Falls and a formation flight was still planned, but apparently only over that airport, whilst the EAA was adamant that regardless of the Rock Falls event it was still looking to hear from DC-3 operators planning to attend Air Venture and that it would help organise a mass arrival of the aircraft "if one is planned"!

From that date, on this side of the Atlantic it was difficult to understand what was happening, and rumours abounded that few of the DC-3s would continue to Oshkosh after the Rock Falls gathering. The EAA's web site was strangely silent and at the end of June their Air Venture online program for Monday July 26 listed the arrival of a number of named aircraft formations with no mention of the DC-3s! The Last Time web site was no help either, and as late as July 20 was just stating that on July 26 there would be a last formation flight when all 40 aircraft would get airborne and join up for an historic one-hour formation flight. As Oshkosh is about 200 air miles from Rock Falls, and at least 1.5 hours away at current DC-3 speeds allowing for assembly time, this seemed to rule out the formation landing there.

Robert Louis Stevenson is credited with penning the quotation "to travel hopefully is a better thing than to arrive" and with flights, car hire and Oshkosh accommodation irrevocably booked your correspondent, having battled with horrendous Chicago traffic, took a leaf out of RLS' book and motored hopefully across rural Illinois on Interstate 88 to Rock Falls on Friday July 23. Although with torrential rain battering the windshield, radio warnings of severe weather and even a Tornado warning in place for eastern Iowa a few miles to the west, it was not easy to travel hopefully.

Nearing Rock Falls however, the weather began to improve and the rain had stopped by the time the Whiteside County Airport was reached, and the sight of three DC-3s parked on the ramp helped to lift the spirits. The three aircraft were N47060, Nl43D and N87745. The shabby N47060 (c/n 19066), was backed almost shyly into the back comer of the ramp wearing a very faded US Army colour scheme dating from the days in the 1970s when it served with the US Army Missile Command, before passing to the State of Florida in 1975. Indeed this correspondent remembers seeing the aircraft wearing identical colours in the State of Florida compound at Tallahassee in October 1977, and, apart from the addition of the name "Tiger Lady" being added on the port side of the nose, it appeared that not a lick of paint had been applied to the airframe over the intervening 33 years! According to the FAA web site the owner of the aircraft is the Northern Illinois Aircraft Museum, and later in the weekend a "For Sale" board was placed just inside the cargo door quoting a northern Illinois area code. It had arrived at Rock Falls on a one-flight ferry permit about two weeks prior to "The Last Time" event, with the plot using a hand-held radio and GPS units ss the embedded radio and navigation equipment was unserviceable.

By contrast, N143D (c/n 2054) a genuine DC-3 assembled by Fokker in 1938 and passed almost immediately to Swissair, with whom it served until 1955, was in excellent airworthy trim. Owned by Dan Gryder for the last ten years, and for most recent five years it has been sponsored by the German company Herpa Miniature Models carrying "Herpa Wings" titles on the cabin roof and special 75th anniversary markings on the fin; Herpa manufacture a lovely die cast model of the aircraft in these markings. The aircraft was flown to Rock Falls from its Griffin, Georgia, base by Dan Gryder himself with 20-year-old Matt Metelak acting as copilot. Matt is thought to be the youngest person with an FAA DC-3 second in command rating, having soloed at 16, gaining his licence at 17, he is now a Certified Flight Instructor and a Metroliner freight pilot. Courtesy of Stephan Kuelgen, Herpa Wings Product Manager, "Propliner" was able to sample a flight in the aircraft flown very spiritedly by Dan and Matt, the writer regretting he had not donned a G-suit beforehand!

The final DC-3 already at Rock Falls on the morning of July 23 was N87745 (c/n 6315) "Southern Cross", which will no doubt be familiar to many Propliner readers as it served as a para-dropping plane at locations in Florida in the 1980s and 1990s. One of perhaps only 3 Wright Cyclone engined DC-3s at Rock Falls, it was built as a DC-3-454 for American Airlines in 1942, but was diverted to the USAAF as a C-49J and served as an airliner with Continental, Delta and then Chicago & Southern with whom it plied the skies of the American mid-west until 1954. It then passed through the hands of a number of corporate and private owners until ending up with its current custodian Jim Terry at Fort Worth. Texas in June 2005. Although it never carried military marks during WW II is now attired in a very smart c.1944 USAAF camouflage scheme complete with D-Day stripes and wears the false serial 41-6531, with the large unit code T9 on the nose. The original Douglas data plates still riveted to the cockpit bulkhead record that it was completed as a C-49J on November 14 1942 and converted to a DC-3-G202A on July 29 1944.

As the day wore on four more DC-3s dribbled in; firstly the well-travelled FAA operated N34 (c/n 33359) arrived from its base at Will Rogers World Airport, Oklahoma City. It was a late (1945) build TC-47B for the USAAF, but was redesignated an R4D-6R for the US Navy and served with a number of transport squadrons, including a spell with VR-24 in London, until 1958 when it passed to the CAA, the predecessor of the FAA, for use as a flight inspection aircraft. It was overhauled in 2002 to take part in the US National Centennial of Flight in 2003 and has a unique claim to fame as it is one of only two mobile items that appear on the US National Register of Historic Places, the other being the famous San Francisco cable cars.

The next to arrive was the American Flight Museum's N2805J (c/n 20835), flown by Brooks Bettit and Robert Rice, respectively the Vice President and President of the AFM which masquerades as an AC-47 gunship of the Vietnam era, carrying the false serial 43-770. The aircraft came in from its nominal base at Phillip Ballard Municipal Airport, Topeka, Kansas, but is something of a gipsy spending much of its time on the road at shows across the USA and wintering in the warmer Southwest where it can still attend airshows generating income rather than be grounded in Kansas during the frigid mid-west winter. It never served in an offensive role during its military career and passed to the US Dept. of Agriculture in 1971 with whom it served until 1980. Subsequently flown by a number of civilian operators it was acquired by the AFM in the year 2000, who restored it to represent "Spooky 770", the AC-47 in which Sergeant John L. Levitow, a gunship loadmaster in the 3rd Special Operations Squadron in Vietnam in 1969, became the lowest-ranking Airman ever to receive the Medal of Honor.

The final arrivals on Friday were two further DC-3s in military camouflage, firstly N5106X (c/n 9058), spectacularly painted on its port side with 14 Red Cross flags, ten yellow Camel symbols, seven white parachute symbols and a single white glider launching symbol, all of which it allegedly wore during WWII. This aircraft is based on a grass strip at Mount Pleasant, Texas, just east of Dallas and owned by Pleasant Aviation LLC, a company set up by Texas dog food manufacturer Scott Glover to operate this immaculate DC-3. Scott and his team have extensively researched the aircraft's history and have established that it took part in Operation Husky, the Allied invasion of Sicily, flew on D-Day and on the ill-fated Operation Market Garden at Arnhem in September 1944. Today it wears its correct USAAF serial, 42-32832, and the large group code 3A on the nose. Belying its military exterior the interior is truly luxurious with just 16 seats in a 4 by 4 club seating arrangement. N5106X has one other claim to fame, unique at Rock Falls, as it was the only aircraft present that also attended the last great gathering of DC-3s the Expo 86 Airmada held at Abbottsford. British Columbia, in June 1986. See "Propliner" issue 27 for a report from this event penned by this same but now much less immaculate correspondent!

Closely following on the heels of the above came the Valiant Air Command's Titusville, Florida, based C-47A "Tico Belle" N3239T, (c/n 19054), only very recently restored after suffering a disastrous ground whilst attempting a go around at Titusville as long ago as October 2001. Now immaculately refinished in USAAF D-Day type markings and wearing its correct serial, 42-100591, with the large group code Z8 on the nose. The aircraft is no stranger to Europe as after its 9th Air Force service it passed to the Royal Norwegian Air Force in 1951 and then the Royal Danish Air Force in 1956.

Saturday dawned overcast and very wet but by mid-day the rain had stopped, the overcast lifted and the arrival of the strikingly painted NC43XX (c/n 11665) wearing Thunderbird Flying Service titles certainly helped to lift the spirits. Jointly owned by Dan Merritt and Eric Thun and based at Thun Field, Puyallup, Washington, it was built as a C-53 Skytrooper and served in North Africa during the war years, returning to the USA to fly as an airliner for TWA and Northeast before becoming firstly an executive transport and then a para-dropper before sale to its present owners in 2000. Working on his own over a period of two years co-owner Eric Thun has refitted the interior of the aircraft in classic art deco style complete with 1930s style hat racks, it truly is a work of art.

Close on the heels of this came another DC-3 from rural Washington State, Captain Mike Kimbrel's Western Airlines liveried N33644 (c/n 4123). Mike, a retired Delta B.777 captain, is a total aviation person owning, 21 aeroplanes from ultralights to the DC-3, which he keeps on an airstrip on his 100-acre farm near Oakville, Washington. It was built in 1941 for United, but passed in 1942 to Western, with whom it flew for 17 years. She then served with a number of US West Coast operators before being acquired by Mike in 1993. The DC-3 is not the only vintage transport in his hangar however as he is the proud owner of N34DH, North America's only airworthy de Havilland Dragon.

Shortly after this N47SJ (c/n 25869) Betsy’s Biscuit Bomber arrived in the circuit from its Paso Robles, California base, yet another USAAF D-day marked C-47, it was wearing its USAAF serial 4348608 and group code US. Again this aircraft was no stranger to Europe having served with the Belgian Air Force as K-11/0T-CWF and with the French Air Force before being sold to the Israeli AF/DF as 4X-FNH in 1967.

The next arrival was rather more colourful as it was the well known bright yellow NlXP (c/n 4733) "Duggy" an Oshkosh regular used to haul the parachutists that open the daily airshow at Air Venture. Built in 1942 it saw service in WWII in the Pacific and Australia, but returned to North America after the conflict serving with the Canadian Department of Transport for many years appropriately enough as CF-DOT, later C-FDOT, before returning to the USA in 1995 as N1XP. Purchased by Harry Thompson and Robert Odegaard and restored in the original markings of the North Dakota Air Guard, in 2005 it was reborn as "Duggy" for the Fargo, North Dakota-based Duggy Corporation, a charitable organisation whose mission is to help make children's aviation dreams come true.

The day was further brightened N47E (c/n 13816) "Miss Virginia", for a nice change in post-WWII USAF markings with a white top and polished aluminium wings and lower fuselage with the serial 0-30665. Owned by Dynamic Aviation, of Bridgewater Airpark, Virginia it had been out of the air for over 11 years until it made its first post-restoration flight just 8 days before flying to Rock Falls. It was flown by the company's Chairman Karl Stolfuss, one of the K's in the famous DC-3 and other 'propliner' operator K & K Aircraft. Karl is a true flying enthusiast and history buff who has masterminded the very thorough restoration and he hopes that N47E will be flying for many years to come, and indeed will eventually be flown by his now 4 year old grandson.

It was back to drab camouflage with the next arrival, but despite the Israeli AF/DF camouflage worn by Nl50D (c/n 4463) "Judy", a C-47 operated by the Ozark Airlines Museum based at Smartt Field, St. Charles, Missouri, is claimed to be the oldest C-47 flying in its original condition. Little change has been made to its IAF/DF colours except for the addition of an early WWII USAAC type fuselage insignia and the painting of the original USAAF serial 41-18401 on the fin.

No sooner had this been parked and eagerly snapped by the assembled enthusiasts who had by now arrived from all over the world, than there was even more excitement when the two DC-3s of Airborne Imaging Inc, N737H and N92578, roared across in formation. Based at Mid-Way Regional Airport, Waxahatchie, Texas, the two DC-3s are, as the company's name suggests, equipped with a varied assortment of sensors and cameras used for mapping and mineral exploration purposes, and their interiors remained firmly closed for the duration of their time at Rock Falls. N737H (c/n 6062), which has been owned by Airborne Imaging since 2002 is painted in a striking, if not flattering, red and white colour scheme with a full colour USAF type "star & bar" on the fuselage sides. After stateside service with the US Navy in WWII it was operated by a number of private and corporate owners including Texas Instruments Inc. Its one claim to fame is that the first airborne GPS antenna was tested on its airframe. N92578 (c/n 9028) after stateside USAAF service in WWII has been through the hands of numerous operators, including the missionary organisations JAARS and MAF until purchased by the current owner in 2004. It acquired its current very smart 1950s type USAF colour scheme, with United States of America titles, whilst in the ownership of Santa Barbara Aerospace. Both aircraft fly regularly in Central and South America and doubtless their military style markings are no hindrance to them in those areas.

Arriving next was DC-3 N3006 (c/n 42961) ”Esther Mae" owned by DC-3 Entertainment of Aurora, Oregon, which, when seen by Carlos Gomez was described as "the best 'Three' in the world". Every square inch of the skin of the airframe has been highly polished and one man is employed full time just to keep the exterior sparkling using high tech polishes. In full sun it was sometimes almost painful to look at the aircraft, and such was the glare photography in bright sunlight was virtually impossible. The interior was said to be of a similar high standard, but as it remained off limits to all but the most serious of prospects your correspondent was unable to confirm that. The aircraft has no military history and was built in 1945 under a USAAF contract as a C-117, but was retained by Douglas Aircraft as a corporate aircraft with the registration N3000. It has remained in corporate use its entire life and was purchased by the present owners, who specialise in corporate charters, in 2004.

It was back to camouflage for the next arrival N59NA (c/n 9043) "Bones" wearing its original USAAF serial 42-32817 and code 3J. This veteran caused great excitement amongst British enthusiasts of a certain age that were present, as many could recall it plodding the UK airways as G-AKNB. The list of former operators reads like a who's who of post-war British air transport including Scottish Aviation, BEA, Silver City, BUA, BUIA, Intra, Clyden, and Harvest Air. It escaped to the USA in 1985 and was registered N59NA to Northern Airways, but had numerous other owners until being purchased in 2007 by current keeper BGA-Viation Inc., of Marlboro County Jetport, Bennettsville, South Carolina, who claim that it is the oldest surviving ex-RAF Dakota transport.

Then a slightly different shape appeared in the circuit and it took a few seconds for it to sink in that this was one of most eagerly anticipated participants. America's sole airworthy Douglas DC-2 N1934D (c/n 1368) painted in 1930s TWA livery with the period registration NC13711, originally carried by the first production DC2, applied to the tip of its rudder. Owned by the Museum of Flight in Seattle it is currently in the care of Clay Lacy Aviation Inc. at Van Nuys for further restoration work, and was flown to Rock Falls by aviation legend Clay Lacy himself with George Hulett as co-pilot. Her journey to Rock Falls had taken place over three days routing initially from Van Nuys to Wickenburg, Arizona (night-stop), and then via Albuquerque, New Mexico, and Amarillo, Texas, to Wichita, Kansas, for another overnight, before flying direct to Rock Falls. Captain Lacy reported that due to the very high ambient temperature at Albuquerque, where the field elevation is 5,355ft, the density altitude there was 8,500ft which placed great strain on the DC-2's 975hp Wright Cyclones on take-off, but the old lady passed the test with flying colours.

A slightly different engine note announced the arrival of the Canadian Warplane Heritage Museum's DC-3 C-GDAK (c/n 2141) powered by Wright Cyclone engines. This aircraft carries the RAF serial KN456 and an RAF Far East camouflage scheme to honour the RCAF 435 and 436 "Burma Star" Squadrons, (it carries 436 Sqdns' "Canucks Unlimited" slogan on the left hand side, who supported Commonwealth forces in the Far East during WWII. Despite all this the aircraft is an early DC-3 delivered to Eastern in June 1939, impressed for stateside military service as a C-49 in 1942 until returned in 1945 to Eastern, with whom it served until 1952 when it went to North Central. After a variety of corporate owners it was acquired by the CWHM in 1981 and has now accumulated approximately 81,500 flying hours.

The unique C-41, (one C-41A was also built), N41HQ (c/n 2053), arrived next from Oakland, California. Laid down at Santa Monica as a DC-3 for United it was diverted to the USAAC at Major General Hap Arnold's request, and now wears the CSA.AC markings of that period. It has had many civilian owners since 1945, but is probably best remembered for its time with the Otis Spunkmeyer Cookie Company who brought it to Europe for the 50th anniversary of the D-Day landings, making an appearance at the Mildenhall Airshow in May of that year.

Another former Otis Spunkmeyer machine arrived next, the very smart N97H (c/n 33613), now operated by the Hiller Aviation Museum out of San Carlos airport south of San Francisco. Flown by a number of corporate and academic owners post-war until taking up pleasure flying, first with Sentimental Journeys in West Virginia in 1983 and latterly with Otis Spunkmeyer in 1988, it was acquired by Steve Hiller in 2004 and was presented at Rock Falls in beautiful condition.

The late afternoon of Saturday turned rather dark and dismal but the gloom was lightened somewhat by the arrival of three very nicely turned out DC-3s. N18121, N341A and N25641. N18121 (c/n 1997) is claimed to be not only the oldest flying DC-3, but also one of the highest time aircraft in the world, having accumulated over 91,000 hours in the air during a long airline career. Built as a DC-3-201 for Eastern in October 1937 it was impressed as a C-49G in June 1942, but returned to Eastern in 1944 and served with them until l953. Subsequently it flew for Trans Texas, the iconic PBA as Nl36PB and later again for Eastern and Florida Express when elements of PBA were subsumed into those companies. It has now been repainted in 1930s style Eastern "The Great Silver Fleet" colours and after some re-skinning work was carried out by Aerometal International of Aurora, Oregon, it looks like new. Owned by Pete Nickerson and based at Troutdale airport, Oregon, N18121 was flown to Rock Falls by another pilot with 'propliners’ in his blood. Rich Warden started his flying career as a flight engineer on United Airline, Douglas DC-6Bs, ended on the B.777 and keeps a lovely Lockheed Junior N33RA in his hangar at home in Oregon along with some smaller vintage aeroplanes.

N341A and N25641, which then arrived in a loose formation, are both owned, under the name of Legend Airways of Colorado LLC, by Jack Riccard and based out of Cape Girardeau, Missouri. N341A (c/n 2145) was the sole C-41A built and used as a staff transport for high-ranking USAAC, USAAF and USAF officers until civilianised in 1951. Subsequently passing through the hands of a number of corporate owners with a bewildering number of registrations, it was purchased by the present owner in 1999 given the registration N341A and a colour scheme that gives a nod to its USAAC origins. N25641 (c/n 9059), was one of the nicest of the DC-3 breed at Rock Falls, although built as a C-47 at Long Beach in 1943 and experiencing a hard war towing gliders and carrying combat parachutists into battle, it was transformed post-war into an executive transport. It has now been totally restored and flies in a lovely blue and white Legend Airways colour scheme while the interior has been refitted with 14 comfortable club-style deeply upholstered chairs. To quote the owner, "(The .. avionics are state of the art, as are the heating and air conditioning systems. The latest technology in sound proofing and insulation make her the quietest, most comfortable ever".

Thankfully Sunday dawned bright and sunny and a very pleasant morning was had wandering around the parked DC-3s and visiting with their crews. The ramps containing the DC-3s were opened to the public on both Saturday and Sunday totally free of charge; just a small charge was made for car parking. Food was available at very reasonable cost from such worthy organisations as the local Scout movement and school booster clubs, with all profits going back into the Rock: Falls community. It seemed that the community had taken the event to its heart; and all foreign visitors, like your correspondent, were made to feel extremely welcome. This example of the openhearted American generosity, almost always encountered in rural US communities, was very humbling.

Shortly after noon the rumble of Pratt & Whitney engines was heard and the glorious sight of the Carolinas Historic Aviation Museum’s DC-3 N44V (c/n 4545) roared across in period Piedmont Airlines colours. The appearance of this machine was particularly encouraging, as until the end of June it had not been flown in 2010 due to the increased cost of insurance. Fortunately some generous donors stepped in just in time to enable the Museum to send this jewel to the gathering at Rock Falls.

Shortly after this the Yankee Air Force's N8704 (c/n 33048) "Yankee Doodle Dandy" landed painted in a 1950s style USAF silver and white scheme and sporting its original USAAF serial 44-76716. A late build TC-47B delivered in April 1945 it served with various stateside USAAF and later USAF units until loaned to the University of Michigan in 1967, being registered to them as N8704 in 1970. Acquired by the YAF in 1982 it has flown with them from their Detroit, Willow Run, base ever since, an honourable achievement for a volunteer organisation.

Later on in the afternoon another nice airline liveried DC-3, N1944H (c/n 34378) arrived from nearby Rockford, Illinois, still wearing the full colour scheme and titles of her last operator the Anchorage, Alaska, based Era Classic Airlines. A 1945 Oklahoma built C-47B it flew straight into storage without seeing military service, and when sold off by the Reconstruction Finance Corporation in 1946 it had only 35 hours on the airframe. It served as an executive transport with broadcaster CBS, and then with a number of other corporate and sightseeing operators until being purchased by Era in 1995, serving with them until 2003. Currently in the care of Courtesy Aircraft Sales this beauty is being advertised for sale on their web site for a cool $375,000.

This was the last DC-3 to arrive for a final total of 27, far from the predicted 40, but an impressive one when all were seen huddled on Rock Falls crowded ramps. However, even as late as Sunday evening there was some confusion as to whether the much-heralded formation flight into Oshkosh would take place. It wasn't until after a pilots and owners meeting early on Monday morning that it was announced that the formation flight would indeed go ahead. Engines were started at 12:00 hours and the whole crocodile of DC-3s proceeded to the runway, with the scruffy N47060 "Tiger Lady” bringing up the rear. All got airborne with the exception of N341A, which aborted with a fuel pump problem, and "Tiger Lady", whose token waddle down the runway was apparently just for completeness as it became obvious it was never intended for her to get airborne. The other aircraft disappeared out to the east and came back at highish altitude in extended line astern before setting course for Oshkosh. Just one of them, N5106X, returned to Rock Falls for reasons unknown.

Shepherded by B-25 NL1042B "Pacific Prowler", which had taken off before the DC-3s at Rock Falls, the extended formation of 21 DC-3s arrived at Oshkosh well scattered, but still the rumble of those 42 big radials will live long in the memory of those fortunate enough to be on the ground there. It had long been recognised that many DC-3 pilots did not have the experience to fly such unwieldy machines in close formation, so the group of consultants mentioned above came up with a brilliantly simple solution. Before take off each pilot was issued with a short piece of small diameter plastic piping, the idea was that when the pilot put the piping to his eye and looked at the aircraft nearest he should be able to see the complete aeroplane. If less than the complete neighbouring aircraft was seen through the pipe then they were too close and should gently back off. This obviously worked well, but it was also clear that some pilots had erred on the side of caution and applied even greater separation.

Unfortunately as has been widely reported the Oshkosh area had been subjected to very heavy rains in the days leading up to the opening of Airventure, so that it was not possible, at least initially until the grass areas had dried out somewhat, to park the arrivals in their intended places. Therefore the DC-3s were scattered around the airport on whatever hard surfaces could be found, so the hoped for effect of a large number of DC-3s parked together was lost.

Some DC-3 owners and pilots had elected to fly direct to Oshkosh bypassing Rock Falls and the aircraft waiting for the formation there on the ground were Flabob Aviation Associates N103NA (c/n 33569) "Flabob Express" based at Flabob Rubidoux, California, Ron Alexander's N28AA 2239 "Candler Field Express" from Griffin, Georgia, Don Brooks' N99FS (c/n 12425) "Jungle Skippers" from Douglas, Georgia, the Ohio University's N7AP (c/n 25341) based at Ohio University Snyder Field, Athens, Ohio, the Flagship Detroit Foundation's beautiful N17334 (c/n 1920) "Flagship Detroit" from Bomar Field, Shelbyville, Tennessee, the Cavanaugh Flight Museum's N33VW (c/n 20401) "320401" from Addison, Texas, KW Plastics' N728G (c/n 4359) from Troy, Alabama, the previously mentioned "Duggy" N1XP which had slipped away almost unnoticed from Rock Falls on the Sunday, and last, but certainly not least Buffalo Airways' extremely popular DC-3 C-GPNR (c/n 13333), made famous by the TV reality programme "Ice Pilots", which was parked in Aeroshell Square and always surrounded by a large crowd anxious to meet the stars of that show.

This meant that after the stream of formation aircraft had landed there was, without counting those lurking away behind the tree line with Baslers, a total of 30 active airworthy DC-3s on the live side of Wittman Field that evening, plus the DC-2, which had arrived from Rock Falls earlier in the morning, a record that will take some beating.

The next day JM Air's DC-3 N943DJ (c/n 7313) "Spirit of Benovia", an aircraft that appeared on the original "Last Time" attendance listing, arrived at Oshkosh from Santa Rosa, California, but immediately retired hurt to the Basler hangar for work on the undercarriage and brakes. Never out on public view it was inspected in the Basler hangar on the Thursday of AirVenture week and found to be an immaculate example of the breed. Nominally based at Phoenix Sky Harbor, Arizona, it spends the summer months away at Santa Rosa where the owner's Benovia Winery is located. Notwithstanding the lovely interiors seen on some of the DC-3s at Rock Falls, that in N943DJ was judged to be the best so far, with just 14 luxurious seats trimmed in cream leather and each one having the Benovia Winery crest embossed in the centre of the back cushion. No expense is spared in the operation of this superb aircraft and Chief Pilot Jeff Coffman, says that N943DJ is the first corporate aircraft in his wide experience with no budget, whatever needs to be done is completed regardless of cost.

There was a final, and from the British point of view, very significant, DC-3 arrival on the Wednesday of Air Venture week, and that was N74589 (c/n 9926). For some time the Welling, Kent, based Clive Ewards had nurtured the idea of rescuing a what appeared to be a derelict DC-3, making it airworthy in a short timescale, and flying it into Oshkosh for the anniversary to illustrate why the DC-3 survives in such numbers 75 years after its first flight. Various candidates were investigated in the (Caribbean and Florida and out to the western USA, as Clive wanted to show that the aircraft could be flown a meaningful distance to AirVenture, not just a short hop from a local field. In the end N74589, stored at Covington Georgia for many years, was selected as the best project. Clive and his trainee engineer Gordon Gray from Oxford arrived at Covington seven weeks before the opening of AirVenture to find the aircraft hemmed in by young trees that had grown since the aircraft was first parked. By day two they had pulled it out to a clear area and had removed the wings to start 7 weeks of 17-hour days, their motto “No sleep ‘til Oshkosh” turned out to be very close to the truth

For 5 weeks Clive and Gordon toiled alone except from some occasional help from locals, and as there were no logbooks every Service Bulletin and Airworthiness Directive relevant to the type had to be complied with. For the final two-week push they were joined from the UK by Dave Cockburn, BMI pilot John Dodd and Liz Higgins, who had helped clear vegetation from the DC-3 at the beginning of the restoration. On the Saturday before Oshkosh the aircraft was ready for its first test flight, but sadly as it climbed out of the field they encountered the worst scenario, rising temperature and falling oil pressure on the left engine. Landing swiftly they pulled the oil filter to find it full of metal particles. Fortunately the aircraft's owner, a wealthy collector who had funded the project, approved the purchase of a new engine, and just a few hours later they had a replacement zero-timed engine ready on the Covington ramp. It wasn't just a case of replacing the engine though, all the oil lines and oil tank had to be flushed out and a new oil cooler fitted due to metal contamination. Gordon mentioned ruefully that cleaning out the oil tank was a 25-hour job for him! Less than two days after the engine failure the aircraft was ready for its second test flight, and fortunately this time everything worked perfectly. After a quick clean up, they started out for Oshkosh, but by late on Tuesday of Air Venture week they had to land just short at Fond Du Lac, Wisconsin, for the night, arriving at Oshkosh with the Union Flag waving on Wednesday. When they talked to "Propliner" on Friday morning, Clive and Gordon still looked in need of a good sleep, but were otherwise obviously enjoying the Oshkosh experience. What now for the "Union Jack Dak"? Well initially it will be flown to Maine were the owner has a hangar, but he has also acquired the ex-Greenpeace Catalina N423RS, currently stored at North Weald, and this will be ferried to the USA for maintenance. With this is mind, Clive is hoping it will be possible for him to fly N74589 to the UK for the 2011 display season to let British enthusiasts see it, and then take the 'Cat' back to the USA.

Of course 'propliner' interest at Oshkosh wasn't just confined to the DC-3, the other sensation was the Historic Flight Foundation's wonderful Douglas DC-7B N836D flown from Opa Locka by Captain Frank Moss, co-pilot Marc Wolff and Flight Engineer extraordinary Carlos Gomez. Parked in Aeroshell Square, the centrepiece of AirVenture, all week until its departure on Sunday, she was always surrounded by admirers and a queue of punters waiting to pay a few dollars just to walk though its interior. Unfortunately it only performed just a short flight for VIPs early on the Thursday morning, and its departure on Sunday was low key as many had already departed for home by then, and unfortunately did not get to experience that growl of power from the four R-3350 turbo-compound engines that made the few hairs left on the back of your reporter's head stand up. When talking to "Propliner" later at the "Thunder over Michigan" Airshow Carlos was in expansive mood, "Why stop here?" he asked. His view is that time is short if the few good examples of rare 'propliners' left are to be saved in flying condition, and he is already working on a surprising new venture that will have enthusiasts beating a path to his Opa Locka door if he can pull it off. His dream is to see Aeroshell Square at Oshkosh filled with 'propliners' of all types and after the miracle he has pulled off by restoring the DC- 7B, not just to airworthiness, but to passenger flying certification, we would certainly not bet against Carlos achieving anything he sets his sights on.

The author would like to record his sincere thanks to the many friends new and old he met at Rock falls and Oshkosh who helped with information, in particular Andrew Gram, Gordon Reid, Chris Castleton, Gordon Gray, Dan Gryder and Stephan Kuelgen of Herpa Wings.
Participating DC-3s

As mentioned in the above article, some of the DC-3s by passed the gathering at Rock Falls and flew directly to the AirVenture air show at Whitman Airport (or Oshkosh, as it commonly referred to by enthusiasts). This are identified by an asterisk (*).

arr refers to the aircraft’s arrival at Rock Falls, Il.

Aircraft have been list in alphabetical order according to registration.

N1934D 1368 DC-2-118B Museum of Flight Foundation NC14296 Pan American Supply Co B13Mar35 - PAA Inc R09May35 - CMA 260ct37 - XA-BJL(2) CMA R24Mar38 - LG-ACA A/v de Guatemala SA R28Nov40 - Aviateca Mar45 - TG-ACA R290ct48 - N4867V A J Levin, Burbank B06Jun52 - Johnson Fig Svce, Missoula, MT (R-1820-52B) R05Sep53 - S Burnstein, Tulsa, OK R21Dec73 - Donald Douglas Museum & Library, Santa Monica, CA R27Dec74 - repainted as 'NC13717' TWA c/s - N1934D Rr01 May84 - Museum of Flight Foundation, Seattle, WA R22Feb99 - Rest 2001 - Flown Long Beach - Van Nuys 280ct05 for further restoration by Clay Lacy Avn, Van Nuys, CA. arr 24.07
C-GDAK 2141 DC-3-201B Warplane Heritage Museum NC21729 Eastern '347' D17Jun39 - Purdue Aeronautics 12Jun52 - Nth Central '22' 07Mar53 - Houston Avn Products 30Nov64 - Acft Charters Inc, Houston, TX (1965) - Houston Avn Products Corp, Houston, TX (1966) - Univ of Nth Dakota, Grand Forks, ND (1968) - Shamrock Lsg Inc, Crystal, MN Feb72 - Crystal Shamrock Inc, Minneapolis, MN (1974)- P Weske (Jun77) - C-47 Hull Inc, Minneapolis, MN (Jul77) - In USAF C/s 'D8-Z' Confederate AF, Harlingen, TX, Oct78 - R F Mabrey, Minneapolis, MN R28Aug79 - C-GDAK 106609 Canada Inc, Burlington, Ont R Sep82 - Canadian Warplane Heritage, Mount Hope, R24Feb93 - Painted as KN458 - Ca 81,000 hrs TT - Canadian Warplane Heritage Museum, Hamilton 24Jun05 as KN563 'X'. arr 24.07.
C-GPNR * 13333 C-47A-25-DK Buffalo Airways 42-93423 D17May44 - KG602 RAF Montreal 25May44 - UK 30May44 - 575 Sq 05Jul44 - 512 Sq M East 110ct45 - 437 Sq 04Apr46 – Canadian Govt 16Jun46 - RCAF 9 T Gp Rockcliffe [Dak 3N] 09Sep46 - CAC Summerside 12Aug48 - TC 2 ANS Winnipeg 19Feb54 - 2 AOS Winnipeg - CEPE Uplands 08Nov61 - ANS Winnipeg 09Apr62 - 402 TSD 22May70 - 12932 CAF Jun70 - 429 Sq Winnipeg 030ct73 - AUDU Saskatoon 080ct74 - OJE Wilson, Calgary B 240ct75 - C-GPNR Buffalo Air Ltd "Murray Crosby" B Oct80, R Apr81 - Buffalo Airways (1986) Ltd, '2' - (to Apr02). Landed at Oshkosh on 26.07. This DC-3 appears in the Canadian TV reality programme "Ice Pilots".
N1XP 4733 C-47-DL   41-38630 20Sep42 - 5 AF Brisbane 33 TCS VHCDR "King Fish" 26Oct42 - 41 TCS VHCFV "The Golden State Flyer" 31Jan43 - Depot 270ct43 – 40 TCS VHCFV "The Duchess" 01Jan44 - 46 TCS 02Jan44 - 388BS/312 BG - Pacific Wg ATC 22Sep44 - Fairfield 11Aug45 - San Bernardino 13Aug45 - Bolling 120ct45 - RFC Bush 24Apr46 - NC843 WAA (Dec46) - N843K Rr – CF-DOT Dept of Transport, Moncton, NB, '960' R28Feb50 - C-FDOT Rr 1975 [Used by Canadian Coast Guard for fish and oil spill patrols] - N1XP Parmley Aviation Services Inc, Council Bluffs, IA B21Dec95 - Harry Barr (Jul97) – Odegaard Aviation Inc, Fargo, ND, R15May98 painted as "0-93800" North Dakota ANG "Minnie H" (Jul01), then "Duggy" Jul05. arr 24.07 Departed Rock Falls on Sunday evening for Oshkosh.
N7AP * 25341 C-47A-30-DK   43-48080 1 TC Baer 806 BU 13Jul44 - Las Vegas 31Dec44 - Malden 07Jan45 - Pnt Gord? 28Mar45 - Drew - San Bernardino 26Dec45 - NC203 FAA 08Jan47/R210ct47 - N15 CAA 1951 to (1971) - N7 Rr (1974) - N7AP Dept of Tptn R100ct76 - Ohio Univ, Athens, OH R20Jan81; Avionics Engineering Center, Stocker Center, Ohio Univ., used for electro-magnetic signal data collection (Jul01 ). Arr at Oshkosh on 25.07.
N28AA * 2239 DC-3-314A Ron Alexander NC25666 Braniff D20Jun40 – (DC-3A) - Trans Texas Apr53 - Texas Intl 1968 - Tradewinds A/m Inc, San Antonio, TX 04Feb69 -Air Mid America Inc Sep70 - Air New England Inc (1971) - Cryderman Air Svce 28Apr77 - Century A/l 1978 - N139PB Provincetown-Boston A/l B13Jun78 - Lsd to Bar Harbor and op as Florida Express Apr88 and Eastern Express Jun88 - wfu 06Sep88 - Starflite Corp, Miami, FL, B22Mar91 - Ron Alexander, Griffin GA D17Jul91 - Alexander Promotions Inc, Griffin, GA B02Apr92 – N28AA RrJun92 - 28AA Inc, Griffin, GA R17Jan97 - Catalina Air Charters, knoxville TN - Alexander Consulting Services lnc, Griffin, GA R29Sep03. Arr at Oshkosh on 25.07.
N33VW * 20401 C-47A-90-DL Cavanaugh Flight Museum 43-15935 D29May44 - Oahu 16Jun44 - Manila - Sold 29Nov46 - VH-BHC Silver City A/W (Australia) Pty Ltd, Broken Hill R28Feb47 - G-ALFO The Zinc Corp Ltd E17Dec48/R30Dec48 - N94529 Indamer Corp, New York, NY - Standard Industries Corp R22Dec50 - N300A Esso Shipping Co Inc, NY (Oct51 to Nov53) - Butterworth System Inc - N700E Standard Inds Inc, Tulsa, OK R240ct61 - St Louis-San Francisco Railway Co, St Louis, MO 1964 - Diamondhead Properties Inc, St Louis, MO Mar70 - N20DH Rr Jun70 - Metropolitan Mooney, Teterboro, NJ 03Apr72 - J C Bowman, Greenville, SC (May72) - N3BA Rr Jul72 - Inor Corp - Bo-S-Aire Corp Jan75 (poss lsd earlier) - RC Schnabel, Greenville, SC (1976) - Bo-S-Aire Corp L (1978 - possibly a continuation) - N890P R C Schnabel 21Apr79 - Skyway Avn Inc, Ft Leonard Wood, MO R18May79 - Skyway Avn of Texas, Brownsville, TX R19Jun80 - Air Americana (Oct80) - Compadre Markets Inc, Corpus Christi, TX B28Jan81 - Southwind Aviation Inc, Los Fresnos, TX 818Jun86 - Avlease Inc, Wilmington, DE B23Feb90 - Robert Burwell, W Chicago, IL B02Jul90 - Rr N12RB [V] Aug90 - Dakota Aircraft Inc, Orlando, FL, B21Aug92 - Viking Express, W Chicago, IL RP 31Dec92 - Branson's Vintage Air Tours "Eve" "Amelia" (Jul93) - Wfu Orlando, FL Sep97 - Vintage Wings & Things LLC, Carencro, LA R12Nov97 - N33VW Rr 25Jun98 -Op Vintage Airways, Lafayette, LA [TT 17,399 hrs] - Cavanaugh Collection Inc, Addison, TX, B12Jun01 - Cavanaugh Air Museum Inc R19Feb03 - as '31595/CS'.  
N34 33359 TC-47B-35-DK F.A.A. 44-77027 TC-47B-35-DK - 99856 USN R4D-7 Clinton NANS Clinton Jul45 - VRS-1 Jan46 - Quonset Pt Jun46 - VR-24 London R4D-6R Feb47 - USNR Trp Res Glenview 14Sep50 - 5 ND Norfolk 29Sept53 - Litchfield Pk 29Feb56 - N7091C CAA L 15Sep57 - N34 RrSep56 – SoC 21Jul66 - - FAA R29Aug66 - Canx Jun83 - Restored for educational 5 – FAA Apr88 - wfu 1993 - Restored for Centenary of Flight year 26Feb03 - Preserved, Kirkpatrick Center Museum, Oklahoma City, OK. arr 23.07.
N41HQ 2053 DC-3-253   NC15473 - C-41 38-502 USAAC D220ct38 - 1st Staff Sq, Wright 220ct38 - Bolling 20Mar39 - Sacramento 19Apr42 - Bolling 05Jun42 - Patterson 05Jul42 - Bolling 13Jul42 - Olmstead 13Apr43- Gravely Pt 31Jul43 - Bolling 08Aug43 - Gore 18Aug43 - RFC Bush Fld 16Apr45 - NC15473 Alaska A/L Apr45 (DC-3A) - DPC (1947) - NC54595 Transocean R10Jan49 - N12 CAA 1951 - FAA 12Dec58 - N43 Rr 01Feb73 - Canx 16Aug77 - N9416A R Mar78 ntu - N54595 Southeast Missouri State Univ, Cape Girardeau, MO R19May78 - Air Institute & Svce (Mar80) - Red S Aircraft Sales, Tulsa, OK - Trans Ocean A/Ws, McAllen, TX, Jul85 - Std in Southwest Intl A/Ws c/s at San Diego, Montgomery FLD 1987 - Bill Celli Lsg Co, B19Apr89 - Sentimental Journey c/s 1989 - Olis Spunkmeyer Inc, San Leandro, CA B03May93 - Rr N41HQ, painted as NC41HQ May94 in USAAC c/s, later '38-0502' - Next Century Aviation Inc, Sausalito, CA R27 Apr99.  
NC43XX 11665 C-53D-DO Thunderbird Flying Service 42-68738 D30Mar43 - 9 AF Oran 28May43 - 76 TCS (Dec44) - 95 TCS (Jul45) - Bradley 17Aug45 - Robins 21Aug45 - RFC Bush 28Sep45 - NC86558 RFC - TWA '303' L260ct45, B01Aug49 - Northeast A/L L20Jun51 - United L 19Jul51 - Fairways Corp 17Dec52 - N66W Rr 1953 - Five O'Clock Enterprises Inc, Sarasota, FL 1966 - Southeastern Beechcraft Inc, Knoxville, TN (Dec69) - J P Pons, Vaidosa, NC Nov71 - Two Jacks Inc, Olive Branch, MS (Mar77) - Basler Flt Svce Inc, Oshkosh, WI (Nov77) - Genesis Ill Inc, Lubbock, TX (Jun79) -Walker Boudwin Constr Co Inc, Reno, NV R27Jun79 - Basler Flt Svce Inc R Jun83 - Trans Investments Inc, Miami, FL RSep83 - Harold E Miller, Sandwich, IL, R12May89- Skydive Greene Co, Xenia, OH, B10Aug90 - Paula JM Sellex, Le Highton, PA, R11Jul95 - Town Food Service Equipment Co Inc, New York, R120ct99 - Rr N353MM 300ct00 Charles H Suss, NY, then Woodford, VT with same owner 28Jun05. arr 24.07
N44V 4545 C-47-DL Historic Aviation Museum 41-38596 22Jul42 - Memphis 03Aug42 - Selfridge 07Aug42 - Dodd 01Oct42 - Stuttgart 14Nov42 - Victorville 28Dec43 - Stuttgart 31 Jan43 - Nashville 25Jul43 - Survey at Sedalia, MO 07 Jun44 - NC15585 R Robbins, Houston, TX - Vincent and Welch Inc, 1951 - Forest Lsg Corp, Bradford, PA,(Jun63) - N1916 Forest 0il Corp, Bradford, PA (Dec66)- Crutcher Resources Corp Apr71 – W W Connally, Floresville, TX Feb72 - Crutcher Resources Corp, Houston, TX - N555CR Rr - Aviation Investors Inc, Houston, TX - Air Executive Inc, Colorado Spr (1974) - Basler Flt Svce Inc (1976) - C-GQHK Natl Avn Consultants, Breslau, Ont R15Dec76 (to 1980)- Big Bear Svces Inc, Waterloo, IA Oct82 - N46BF Basler Flt Svce Inc R Jun83 - Piedmont Aviation Inc, Winston Salem, NC, B150ct86 - Rr N44V Apr87 in original Piedmont c/s - Piedmont Aviation Services Inc, Winston Salem, B26Jul89 - US Air Leasing and Services Inc, Arlington, VA, R10Mar92 - Carolinas Historic Avn. Comm., Richfield, NC B 11Jul96/R 07Sep96 in Piedmont c/s. arr 25.07, in Piedmont Airlines livery.
N47E 13816 C-47A-DL   43-30665 Baer 23Sep43-ATC Morrison 11 STU 08Jun44 - 1103 BU 01Sep44 - 1 TC Pope 349 TCG 16Sep44 - 812 BU 12Feb45 - CTC Pope 316 TCG 20Jun45 -AMC D Monthan 4105 BU 31May46 - 3040 ASS 07Feb50 - Norton SBAMA 02May50 - NG Will Rogers 185 FS 28Jul50 - TAC Will Rogers 185 TRS 01Apr51 - 118 TRW 12Apr51 - Memphis 28Nov51 - Shaw 13Jan52 - Pope 4415 ABG 04Feb52 - Alexandria 366 FBW 260ct53 - Pope 4415 ABG 08Jan54 - Hill 461 BW 23Feb54 - 461 BTW D10ct55 - Blytheville D4Nov55 - Hill 07Dec55 - Blytheville 03Mar56 - ARD Holloman HADC 23Nov56 - MDC 01Sep57 - Kirtland SWC 16Jul58 -AMC Ft Monmouth DOA SC 19Jul60 - US Army Ft Huachuca 020ct61 - US Army Proving Ground (1966 to Jan72) - D Monthan 19Dec74 to 04Jun75 (ZB026) - N48065 Summer Inst of Linguistics, Waxhaw, NC B21 May75 - Jungle Avn & Radio Svce Inc, Waxhaw, NC 04Aug77 - Canx 07Nov80 - HK-2540P Institute Linguistico de Verano, D17Jul81 - HK-2540W Canx 06Dec88 - N7043N JAARS Inc, R12Dec88 - California Air Tours Inc, Burbank, CA, R30Nov89 - K & K Aircraft Inc, Bridgewater, VA, B16Apr90 - N47E Rr01Aug96 op for JAARS - DynamicAvn, Bridgewater Air Pk, VA (Oct00-Apr04). arr 24.07
N47SJ 25869 C-47B-5-DK   43-48608 D04Sep44 -ATC Europe - 9 AF - 302 ATW - K-11 Belgian AFF 'L-CW'/OTCWF 18Jul46 - MAAG 18Sep52 - 348608 French AF 08May53 - GT1/61 FRAMB 1953 - GT2/64 - GT1/61 Jul54 - CIET Jiwl54 - GT2/61 FRAOO Oct56 - GT2/64 FRAOL - GT1/64 Jun59 - ELA47 - GLA 45 Jan62 - GSRA 78 Jun62 - GLA 45 Jan63 - EPAS 325 Mar64 DF/AF Jan67 1416/4X-FNN/016 - Std at Lod by Aug93 - N47SJ Global lime_ of Arizona Inc, Phoenix, AZ R26Aug99 - D Aug01 via Malta - At Edmonton-Villeneuve Feb02-0ct05 for sale. arr 24.07
N59NA 9043 C-47-DL   42-32817 - D13Feb43 - FD789 RAF 07Mar43 - UK 08Apr43 - 24 Sq 10Apr43-512 Sq 23Aug43-105(T)OTU 01Mar44 - 108 OTU 26Nov44 -1384 (HT)CU 05Apr46 - 22MU 17Apr46 - SAL B09Apr47 - G-AKNB Scottish Avn Ltd 28Nov47 - J Jamieson t/a Guinea Air Traders 19Aug48 - Field Acft Services Ltd 14Feb50 - XY-ACN Union of Burma A/Ws 08Mar50 - G-AKNB BEA "Sir Sefton Branker" B190ct50, D05Jun51 - Silver City "City of Bradford" R11Dec59 - BUA R23Jan62 - British United (CI) A/W 01 Nov62 - BUIA 01Nov68 - Ulster Air Transport Feb68 - Autair Ltd L Oct68 - Intra Airways 03Feb69 - El-BDU Mercantile Avn t/a Clyden Avn D130ct78 - Std at Dublin 1981 - G-AKNB Aces High Ltd R29Jan82 - Harvest Air - Dbr Blackpool Squires Gate 27Sep82 - Repaired by Aces High Ltd and painted as 'FD789' for film - N59NA Northern A/ws 22Jul85 [R20Aug85] - Consolidated Avn Enterprises Inc, E Middlebury, VT Feb86 - Business Air Inc, Burlington, VT 21Jul86 - Warplanes Inc, S Burlington, VT B18Sep89 - Jack Downey, E Middlebury, VT B200ct92 - Champlain Air Inc, Plattsburgh, NY, R13Dec95. [This has been confused with N59NA sin 43-9043 which was used to get c/n 11750 onto the US register and then to Norway as LN-WND.] arr 24.07.
N97H 33613 C-47B-40-DK   44-77281 D07Jul45 - ATS Bernardino 4126 BU 16Jul45 - RFC Ontario 24Feb46 - WAA- NC53480 Raymond J Wilson, Los Angeles, CA B11Apr46 - NC63288 Rr 29Apr46 - Hancock College of Aeronautics, Santa Maria, CA, B18Apr46 - La Brea Securities Co, Los Angeles, CA, B18Dec46 - Univ. of Sthn California, College of Aeronautics, Santa Maria, CA, B04Feb47 - Humble Oil & Refining Co, Houston, TX, 07Aug48 - N97H Rr 05Dec56 - Butterworth System Inc, Bayonne, NJ B09Feb65 - Humble Oil & Refining Co, Houston, TX, B25May65 - J W Harrison & W H Wheeler, Tyler, TX B220ct67 -W H Wheeler, Tyler, TX, B13May74 - B Inc, Dallas, TX B03Apr79 - Fort Worth Apache Corp, Euless, TX B05Feb80 -AFS Leasing, Bluefield, WV B06Dec83 - Op as 'Sentimental Journeys' - Victory Lap Inc, San Leandro, CA B01 Feb88 - Bill Celli Leasing Co, Lafayette, CA, B10Feb88 - Otis Spunkmeyer Co, still t/a Sentimental Journeys B02Sep92 - Arthur J Gallagher & Co, Itasca, IL R 040ct99 - Wm B Field, Hayward, CA R 13Jan00 - Bud Field Vintage Air Museum, Hayward, CA (Sep01) - Stephen Hiller, Hayward, CA R17May05. arr 24.07
N99FS * 12425 C-47A-10-DK Don Brooks 42-92606 D31Jan44- KG395 RAF Montreal 10Feb44 – UK 19Feb44 - 48 Sq 28Feb44 - 437 Sq 24Sep44 - Canadian Govt 16Jun46 - Weyburn [Oak 3N] 26Aug46 - CAC 1 ANS Summerside 07May49 - 2 Winnipeg 27Sep55 - 2 AOS Winnipeg 19Mar56 - ANS Winnipeg 26Feb64 - 12919 CAF Jun70 - FTSU Winnipeg 01Jul71 - 429 Comp Sq Winnipeg 02Mar72 - AMDU Saskatoon 24Jan75 - C-GZCR O J E Wilson, Calgary B240ct75 ntu - Noted Thermopolis WY Aug77 - N89BF ntu but applied - N99FS Basler Flight Services Inc, Oshkosh, R09Sep86 - Lsd to Energy Inc - Flite Services Inc, Panama City Beach, FL, B21 Sep87 - Brooks Aviation Douglas, GA, B 16Mar89 - as KG395 Aug96. Seen taxying at Oshkosh on 25.07, but not landing.
N103NA * 9531 C-47A-30-DL Flabob Aviation Associates 42-23669 D12May43 - FD879 RAF 24 Sq 20May43 - India CU 01Jul43 - ACSEA CS - Gen Auchinleck "Orion" - India Comm Sq 14Jan47 - UK 14Aug47 - FLC 27Nov47 - Mauripur - Pakistan AF - D W Connor (Lee Mansdorf) 02Apr52 - N2701A Regd with c/n 33569 which was chosen at random when seven ex PAF C-47s were bought. History continues:- N42F - CF-IKD Flahieff T F R07Nov55 - Ontario Paper Co, Thivold, R30Sep58 - Dominion Tar & Chemical Co Ltd, Montreal, R15Apr65 - Laurentide Avn Ltd, Montreal R10Aug67 - Eden Air of Canada Ltd, Pointe Claire, PQ R19Feb71 - Ilford Riverton A/W Ltd, Winnipeg, R21Dec71 to (May80)- Northland Air Manitoba Rn 1986 - Air Manitoba R15Jul91 - wfu Winnipeg May92 (as C-FIKD) - N103NA Nostalgic Airways Ltd, Kidron, OH B16Feb93 - Thomas L Brown, Huntington Beach, CA R Jan95 - Newport Signal Air Inc op. as 'Classic Express Airways', Chino May02 - Planes of Fame Museum, Chino, CA, in Classic A/W titles 04. Seen taxying at Oshkosh on 25.07, but not landing.
Nl43D 2054 DC-3-227A Herpa Wings Fokker 0090ct38 - HB-IRO Swissair 310ct38 - N2817D Air Leasing Inc, Ft Worth, TX, 08Mar55 - N143D Ozark (OC-3A) - Fairchild-Hiller B030ct67 - Granite Acft Lsg Corp, Garden City, NY 1968 - Enterprise Flg Svce Inc, Enterprise, AL Feb70 - Jim Hankins Air Svce Inc, Jackson, MS Oct72 - Airline Avn Academy (Academy NL) "Miss Ali Gater", Griffin, GA R18Jan74 to(Jul01) - Gryder Networks LLC, Griffin, GA R10Feb03 - Painted in 'Herpa Models' c/s by 10Nov05. Present at Rock Falls on 23.07.
Nl50D 4463 C-47-DL   41-18401 23Jun42 - Pan American 02Jul42 - PAA-Africa 03Aug42 – ATC Accra 160ct42 -African M East 01 May43 - 118401 French AF 20Nov45 – CEV FZJLX ca 1954 - F-BCBB Rep Fr/DTI R25Nov58 - 118401 French AF - BA 701 Dec64 - GTLA 2/60 FRAGC/FRAJJ Oct65 - Israel DF/AF/1432 032 25Jan67 - Uganda AF - IDF/AF 120 Sq - Wfu Nov95 - Std Lod 1999 - N155JM Global Acft Industry of Arizona, Phoenix, AZ R 27Aug99/DAug00 - N150D (2) Ozark Airlines Museum Inc, St Louis, MO R 17Oct01 [regn of prev Ozark DC-3 c/n 20195] - Rr N150JD 10Dec02 but regn already in use, reverted to N150D 160ct03, still in camouflage c/s. arr 24.07. Seen in Malta 06-07.08.00 as N155JM when on delivery from Israel to the US.
N341A 2145 DC-3A-253 Legend Airways of Colorado LLC 40-70 C-41A USAAC 1 Staff Sq Bolling 14Sep39 - Wright AMC 040ct43 - Bolling 16Jul44 - RFC Brookley 28Dec45 - CAA 31Dec45 - N4720V Strata Mart Inc, Los Angeles, CA [letter 17Dec51 to CAA states rebuilt from parts from various sources (US Marines, USAAF), by Standard A/l] R29Dec51 - Earl F O'Mara, Los Angeles, CA B09Jan52 - Aircraft Sales & Brokerage Co, Long Beach, CA, B23Jan52 - The Superior Oil Co, Lafayette, CA, B23Jan52 - Ralph E Fair Inc, San Antonio, TX B20Nov52 - Richfield Oil Corp Los Angeles, CA B22Nov57 - Rr N65R 14Jan58 - Atlantic Refining Co, Los Angeles, CA R18Feb66 - N598AR Atlantic Richfield Co, Philadelphia, PA Rr03Jan67 - E W Brown Jr, Orange, TX B01Oct7O - N32B Rr11 Dec71 [VJ - M G Stream, New Orleans, LA, B03Feb76 - Stream Avn Inc, L Charles, LA B18Mar76 - Huntsville Properties Inc, Huntsville, TX, B06Mar78 - Sun Belt A/W Inc, Huntsville, TX B28Apr78 - "Tinsleys Boss Bird" (Oct80) - N132BB Rr Aug83 - R J Pond, Plymouth, MN B12May89 - Rr N132BP 020ct89 - 'Miss Angela' Planes of Fame East R15Mar91 - Air SRV Inc, Hockley, TX, B21Apr93 - Lone Star Flight Museum, Galveston, TX - RDC Marine, B11May95 - Rr N14RD 01Sep95 - Rocky Mountain Avn. Foundn. Denver, CO R18Jun99 - N341A Rr 29Jul99 i/s Feb02 - Legend Airways of Colorado LLC, Morrison, CO R03Mar03. arr 24.07. Departure for Oshkosh aborted due to a fuel pump problem.
N728G * 4359 C-47-DL KW Plastics 41-7860 01May42 - Duncan 10May42 - Braniff 11Sep42 - Love 06Nov42 - Brownsville 31Jan43 - Braniff 01Mar43 - Panama 01May43 - USA 20Dec43 - San Bernardino 03Nov44 - RFC Bush 070ct45 - NC13719 Air Cargo Tpt, New York, NY, "Skyvan" - Natl Air Cargo, Mar46 - International Airlines Inc, Chicago, IL (1947) - Monarch Air Svce 04Jul47 to 12Dec47 - Montex Drilling Co, Ft Worth, TX - N225LS Lone Star Steel Co, Dallas, TX R14Sep61 - N225ES Rr 1964 - N752R Republic Natl Bank of Dallas, TX (1965) - N728G Rr Oct69 - Gulf Underwriters Management Corp, Beaumont, TX Jun70 - Data Intl Corp, Mobile, AL Jun71 - Loyal American Life Insurance Co, Mobile, AL Feb72 - Long Beach Development, Mobile, AL (Jun77) - Royal American Corp, Miami, FL (Aug78) - Long Beach Development Corp, (Jun79) - Loyal American Life Assurance Co, Mobile, AL Sep79 - D C Gauvin, Fresno, CA R07Dec79 - Midwest Jet Sales Inc, B03Jun84 - Wiley Sanders Truck Lines Inc, Troy, AL, [VJ R Jun84 - KW Plastics Inc, Troy, AL R13Mar86 - ifs 2004 - "Douglas DC-3" titles (Ju\04 & Apr05).  
N737H 6062 R4D-1   (43-30631 not used)- R4D- 112396 USN MAW-1 24Nov42 - VMJ-153 15Dec42 - VMJ-353 18Mar43 - MAG-35 Corvallis Aug43 - MAG-35 El Centro Jan44 - Jacksonville Nov45 - MAG-35 05Apr46 - Servron 33 24Jul46 - SOC 310ct46- NC39340 - N69011 Melvin E Hicks, Santa Paula, CA - H C Price Co R27Dec50 - N7H Rr (1964) - General Pipe and Supply Co, Memphis, TN (1967) -Aero Industries Inc, Addison, TX Apr69 - Air Services Inc, Addison, TX Dec70 - Texas Instruments Inc, Dallas, TX RS Aug71 - N737H Rr Oct79 - AIS Leasing Inc, Denton, TX R04Sep96 - Erickson Group Ltd, Beaverton, OR R27 Jul01 - Airborne Imaging Inc, R23Aug02. arr 24.07
N943DJ * 7313 C-53-DO JM Air 42-47371 D29Jun42 - 10 AF India 12Aug42 - FJ712 RAF (no mention on aircraft card or RAF records) - Karachi 30Jun43 - Div China 21 Dec45 - Last entry on USAAF card 05Feb46 - CATC CA4 - Rn XT-T21 1947 - N8336C CL Chennault & W Willauer 19Dec49 - Civil Air Tpt Inc, Formosa - N1794B R22Jul53 - N67K Temco Corp, Dallas, TX, Rr09Dec53 - N47L Union Chemical and Materials Corp, R12Jan54 - Vulcan Materials Corp, R22May58 - Southern Airways Corp, R12Jun58 - N147M Mead Corp, Day1on, OH R23Jul62 - Ohio Aviation Corp, Vandalia, OH, R18Apr69 - Tecumseh Products Corp, Tecumseh, Ml R26May69 - Kalamazoo Avn History Museum, Kalamazoo, Ml B03Dec82 - Basler Flight Services, Oshkosh, WI, D290ct93 (exchange with c/n 13050) "Billion Dollar One" - N943DJ Don Jones, "Spirit of Enterprise" Fond du Lac, WI Rr 25Jun99 - Spirit Enterprises Inc, Fond du Lac, WI R24Jan00 - Spirit Enterprises LLP R07May02 - MA Inc, Oshkosh, WI R28Jul04. arr at Oshkosh on 27.07.
N1944H 34378 C-47B-50-DK   45-1108 D120ct45 - Greenville 120ct45 - D Monthan 31Jan46 - RFC Augusta 02Mar46 - NC54542 Seymour B Frank - Colombia Broadcasting System Inc, NYC, (1947) - Outboard & Marine Mfg Co, Milwaukee, WI (Nov53) - N80M Rr Outboard Marine Corp [V] 1965 - N54542 Experimental Acft Assoc, Franklin, WI R15Feb78 – EAA Avn Foundn, Oshkosh, WI R Aug83 - Grand National Air Inc, R Apr84 - HAG Inc, B03Aug87 - Warren L Basler, Oshkosh, WI, B09Sep87 - California Air Tours, Burbank, CA, B12Feb88 - National Park Airways Inc, RMay89 - California Air Tours Inc, B07Aug89 - Basler Flight Services Inc, Bakersfield, CA, RP01Jun90 - General Aviation Services Inc, Wheeling, IL, B02Jul90 - Basler & Basler, Oshkosh, WI, R10Jun91 - Rosier Inc, Dawnee, OK, B23Jan92 - Era Aviation Inc, B26Apr95 - N1944H Rr12May95 "Spirit of Alaska" i/s Aug00 - Courtesy Aircraft Inc, Rockford, IL R25Apr05. arr 25.07
N2805J 20835 C-47B-1-DL American Flight Museum 43-16369 Baer 806 BU D07Aug44 ATC Dow 1379 BU 27Aug44 - 9 AF 01Sep44 - 436 TCG -ATC Hunter 302 BU 16Jul45 -ATS S Bernardino 4126 BU 20Jul45 - Wendover 4145 BU 30Jan46 - C-47D 28Jan47 - SAC Wendover 216 BU 20May47 - Peterson 201 BU 10Mar48 - 15 AF 10Aug48 - Castle 93 ABG 19Aug49 - 93 BG 07Feb50 - 93 ABG 24Aug51 - 93 BW 08Dec52 - 93 ABG 01Apr55 - 93 CSG 01May59 - 93 BW 010ct61 - LOG D Monthan 10Dec64 - Robins WRAMA 31May67 - N2805J USAF (1966) - US Dept of Agric, Mission, TX (1971) - Std Desert Air Parts, Tucson, AZ Aug80 - World Acft Museum Inc, Calhoun, GA R13Feb80 - N9271G Rr 19Apr95 ntu Dec95 - Georgia Agency Surplus Property RP04Aug95 - Dodson Intl Air, Douglasville, GA R29Nov95 i/s Dec98 - EAA Warbirds of America Squadron 14 Inc, Topeka, KS R30Aug00, as 43-770 Feb01 - As N2805J "Spooky 770" American Flight Museum Inc, Topeka, KS, with side-firing guns (Sep05). arr 23.07
N3006 42961 DC-3D   NC3000 Douglas Acft Co Inc, R28Dec45 - Swiftlite Acft Corp B13Apr46 - Rr N3006 110ct66 - Southern AJW Beechcraft Inc, Orlando, FL B190ct66 - Falco One Inc, Shreveport, LA, B15Feb67 - Blue Quail Inc, Shreveport, LA B21Dec76 - Falco One L01Jan77 - Kings Three Inc, Lafayette, LA B14Feb78 - Alan Birk Inc, Wilmington, DE B010ct82 - Valley Resources Inc, Farmington, CT, R27Mar86 -At Planville-Robertson Fld, CT 2001 -Alpha Zulu Inc, Portland, OR R12Dec02 - Dreamliner Air, Long Beach, CA Dec03 - DC3 Entertainment LLLP, Aurora, OR R02Feb04. arr 24.07
N3239T 19054 C-47A-65-DL Valiant Air Command 42-100591 D06Nov43 – 8 AF 21Jan44 – 9 AF 84 TCS (Dec44) – Oberpfaff. 01Jan48 – Erding 20Aug48 – 2100591 R. Norwegian AF ‘T-AI’ 20May50 - 'BW-1' 1951 - 'BW-K' 335 Sq (Aug55) - 68-684/K-684 R Danish AF 08Aug56 - N3239T "Tico Belle" Valiant Air Command, Titusville, FL R06Jan83 in Danish AF c/s - Wfu 1986 - Dam 09Jul01 ground loop as USAF '2100591 / US' - under repair Oct01-(Apr05) Titusville, FL, using parts of c/n 32436, 2005. arr 23.07
N5106X 9058 C-47-DL   42-32832 D11 Feb43 - Oran 20May43 - 8 AF 20Feb44 - 53 TCS {Aug44) - Hunter 16Jul45 - San Bernardino 11Sep45 - RFC Walnut Ridge Oct46 - NC75412 Executive Tpt Corp, Grand Prairie, TX - General Motors Corp, Detroit, MI Feb48 - N5106 Rr (Nov53) - N5106X May67 - Board of Trustees, Sthn Illinois Univ, Carbondale, IL B Nov67, R31Jan73 - Henry Oliver Ill, Santa Fe, NM, Jul85 - Bygone Aviation LLC, Ames, OK, R30Jul93 - David Nicklas Organ Donor Awareness, Arlington, TX, B15Jul96 - Pleasant Aviation LLC, Mt Pleasant, TX R23Jul01. arr 23.07. Returned to Rock Falls for reasons unknown. This was the only aircraft present that also attended the last great gathering of DC-3s held Expo 86 Airmada at Abbottsford. British Columbia, in June 1986. Also participated in Operation Husky during WW II.
N8704 33048 TC-47B-30-DK Yankee Air Force 44-76716 TC-47B-30-DK D11Apr45 TC Hondo 2523 BU - San Marcos 2536 BU 13May45 - Ellington 2517 BU 070ct45 - Randolph 2532 BU 18Apr46 - TC-470 230ct46 - Mather 2622 BU 07Nov46 - 3535 BTW 28Aug48 - Ellington 3605 NTW 08Feb51 - 3605 OTW 02Jul45 - Luke 3600 FTW 20May54 - 3600 CCTW 01Dec54 - CNR Selfridge 2242 RFC 20Sep55 - 3320 TTW Amarillo Jul57 - Selfridge 2423 INS 130ct58 -AFR 2223 INS 01Jul60 - SYS Ann Arbor AFC CM 19Jan65 - Loan to Univ. of Michigan 31 May67 - N8704 Regents of the Univ of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI 14Aug70 - Environmental Research Unit of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Ml B01Jan73 - R26Feb73 - British Caribbean A/W, May82 - Yankee Air Force, Ypsilanti, MI B080ct82 [as USAF 476716] R12Nov82 - Yankee Air Force Inc, Willow Run Apt, Belleville, MI. arr 24.07
N17334 * 1920 DC-3-178 Flagship Detroit Foundation NC17334 American "Detroit" '34' D02Mar37 - XB-JAD Banco de Mexico B04Jun47 - XB-HED Banco de Mexico - N4843N Aircraft Investment Corp, Ft Worth, TX - Beldex Corp 10Jun48 - Mustang A/W - N177H Gaylord Container Corp 260ct50 - Crown Zellerbach Corp - Storm Oil Co, St Louis, MO (Jul63) - Mid-States Avn Investments, St Louis, MO (Wr C9HD) - Roberts Merchandise Marts Inc, Mt Union, PA (1966) - H E Guynn, Tierra Verde, FL Oct67 - General Lsg Corp - Executive Air Tpt - Liquidity Co, Inc - J Robinson, Birmingham, AL (1975) - R Morgan, Ft Lauderdale, FL R30Mar78 - K & K Aircraft Inc, Bridgewater, VA, B20Feb85 - San Joaquin Helicopters - N17334 K & K Aircraft Inc, Bridgewater, VA, B12Apr95 [sprayer] - Dynamic Aviation, Bridgewater, VA - Eastern Mennonite University, Leland, IL R 12May04 - Flagship Detroit Foundation, Bedford, TX R 07 Jan05 - Arr 09Nov05 ?; in American A/Ls c/s  
N18121 1997 DC-3-201   NC18121 Eastern '341' D280ct37 - C-49G 42-56630 Patterson 01Jun42 - TC Kellogg 08Jun42 - TCC Carnp Douglas 03Jul42 - Bowman 10Aug42 - Sedalia - Del Valle 27Dec42 - Bergstrom 10May43 - Austin - Gravely Pt 28May43 - Washington DC - Bergstrom 04Jul43 - NC18121 Eastern '341' 24Jun44 - Leeward Aeronautical Svce Trans Texas (DC-3A) (Dec53) - Tradewinds Alm Inc, San Antonio, TX B 310ct68 - Provincetown-Boston All B24Jan74 - N136PB Rr (TT 87,000 hrs 1986) - Eastern Express op Oct87, lsd from Bar Harbor - Eastern and Florida Express c/s in 1988 - Std Naples Mar91 - Neil M Rose, Vancouver, WA,B04Jun93 - Rr N18121 Aug93 - Robert JC Irvine, Vancouver, WA R17Sep93 - Restored in Eastern All c/s 1995 [TT 91,400] to Mar00 - Olympia Flight Museum, Vancouver, WA. arr 24.07.
N25641 9059 C-47-DL Legend Airways of Colorado LLC 42-32833 D11Feb43 - Oran 17Aug43 - 8 AF 20Feb44 – Bradley 17Aug45 - Greenville 21Aug45 - RFC Walnut Ridge 06Nov45 - WAA - NC25641 Reginald J Robbins, Houston, TX, B010ct46, R210ct46 - Texas Eastern Transmission Corp, Shreveport, LA & Houston, TX B08Sep48 - Page A/W Inc, Rochester NY B02Sep70 - (DC-3C-S4C4G) - The Dee Howard Co, San Antonio, TX, B22Apr71 - R H Bentley, San Antonio, TX, B26Apr71 - M J A Schekaiban, Beirut, Lebanon & Mexico, DF B21 May71 - Dee Howard Aircraft Sales Inc, San Antonio, TX, B17 Aug73 - Wells Acft Inc, Hutchinson, KS B17Aug73 - Kearney & Trecker Corp, Milwaukee, WI B050ct73 – Basler Flt Svce Inc, Oshkosh, WI, B16Nov83 - Dexter D Caffin Jr, Hobe Sound, Fl B060ct88 - Fleming Corp, Nashua, NH [V] B11Jun92 - Legend Airways Inc. Nashua, NH, R13Jan99 - Jack Rickard, Denver, COB May99 - Legend AW of Colorado LLC, Morrison, CO R 29Sep00. arr 24.07
N33644 4123 DC-3A-197E   NC33644 United 14Apr41 - Western 02Jun42 - Hil-Drown Venture 31Mar58 - G-APKO Shaikh Duaij Salman A Sabah, t/a Trans Arabian R Mar58 ntu - N33644 Catalina Pacific (1958) - Standard AJW Inc, Burbank, CA- Calif Alm Corp, Hollywood, CA - Zantop Air Tpt, L24Jun64 - J Sorthun, Sun Valley, CA R19Sep69 - PL Wilson Jr, N Hollywood, CAAug71 - Golden State All Inc, (1972) - Frontier Pacific Acft, LGB, CA R17 Jan79 - Air Tours (LNov79) - Sthn Nevada Lsg Corp, Las Vegas, NV R13Jun80 - R E Ginsberg, Beverley Hills - Rep 21 Nov84 - Std at Van Nuys, CAApr85 to May90 -A Minorini, Crestling, CA, B03Jun87 - John J Schell, Puyallup, WA B06Apr92 - Michael G Kimbrell, Oakville, WA, R08Jan93 - In Western All c/s "Mary Linda II" '102' Jul94 to Apr04+. arr 24.07
N47060 19066 R4D-5   42-100603 - 39095 R4D-5 San Diego 12Nov43 - VR-3 Aug44 - VR-13 Jan45 - VMR-153 Jan46 - Alameda Apr46 - BAR Columbus Jun47 - Lit. Pk Apr48 - El Toro 040ct51 - Santa Ana 30Jan52 - SOS-1 El Toro Feb52 - NASWFAdm Kirtland 16Nov52 - Lit. Pk 010ct53 - H&MS-32 Cherry Pt 07Jul55 - H&MS-14 Edenton 02Apr56 - Fasron-109 Jacksonville 03Feb58 - Adv Base Pt Lyautey 22Apr58 - 6 ND Sanford 24Jan61 - NAATC Chase 170ct61 - NavTechTrau Lakehurst 29Apr62 - C-47H 18Sep62 - VT-28 Corpus C. 09Nov62 - NAATC Kingsville 01Apr63 - SO&ES El Toro 03Aug63 - 12 ND Alameda 28Jan64 - SO&ES El Toro 27Mar64 - Lit. Pk 28Dec64 - Dept of Interior 04May65 - Lit. Pk 18Nov65 - D Monthan 01Apr66 - SOC 30Apr66 - 43-9095 US Army Missile Cmd (Apr72) - N47060 State of Florida, Tallahassee, FL B09May75/R19Aug75 - World Acft Museum Inc, Calhoun, GA R210ct81 ('43-9095' Aug01) - Nthn Illinois Aviation Museum, Gilberts, IL Aug01. Present at Rock Falls on 23.07, remained after formation’s departure.
N74589 * 9926 C-47-DL   42-24064 D26Jul43 - 8 AF 180ct43 - 9 AF 81 TCS - Hunter 06Jul45 -San Bernardino 14Jul45 - RFC Walnut Ridge 19Nov45 - NC74589 National Air Transportation Service - W Coast A/L '106' B23Jun49 -Air West Aug67 - Aerodyne Corp, Renton, WA B18Jun68 - Wfu Renton (May74 to Jan80) – Saber Aviation R May84 - Jurmie E Watkins Jr, B06Aug92 - Dodson International Air - Carolina Shuttle, Greensboro, NC Std Jun99. Landed at Oshkosh on 28.07
N87745 6315 DC-3-454   [no reg allotted] American - 43-1975 C-49J 18Nov42 - Continental 30Jan43 - Burbank 23Apr43 - Atlanta 11 Jul43 - Delta 30Aug43 - NC30083 Chicago & Sthn "City of Little Rock" 'C-30' R24Jun44 - Delta - C & S 01May53 - LB Smith Acft Corp Aug54 - N41N Union Carbide & Carbon R25Jun54 - N412P General Foods Corp (1961) - N2989 Rr 31Jan62 - N2988 Rr 270ct67 - Concare Acft Lsg Corp, Tulsa, OK Nov67 - Westernair of Albuquerque, NM Jan68 - XC-FAB Comision Federal de Electricidad B14Feb69/=90-R24Sep69 - N87745 Westernair of Albuquerque, NM [V] Feb75 - J Silberman, Sherborn, MA R28Feb75 - G R Kabeller, Chambersburg, PA R01 Nov80 "Southern Cross" title (Jan83) - Jack B Hinton Jr, Locust Grove, GA, Aug93 - Southern Cross Avn Inc, Wilmington, DE, R03Feb95 - ifs Mar97 - Robert J Metz, Valley Springs, CA R21 May03 - Patrick Terry, Cleburne, TX R23Jun05. Present at Rock Falls on 23.07.
N92578 9028 C-47-DL Airborne Imaging Inc 42-32802 D10Feb43 – Alliance 22Feb43 – Wright 21Jun43 – Sedalia 24Jul43 – Lawson 07Aug43 – George 29Aug44 – Baer 23Mar45- Bowman 14Apr45 - RFC Bush 110ct45 - NC9562H National Air Transport Co, Detroit, Ml, 17Sep46 - N13875 Natl Automotive Fibres Inc, Detroit, MI "The Administrator" (Nov53) - N75C Detroit Steel Corp, Detroit, MI (1963) - N7503 Rr - Ohio Univ Inc, Athens, OH Nov68 - N1800U Rr Oct69 (DC-3C-S3C4G) - N1800D Rr - Jungle Avn & Radio Svce Inc, Waxhaw, NC (Nov71) - CP-1020 Instituto Linguistico de Verano R 23Mar73 - N92578 Jungle Avn & Radio Svce Inc [V] 27Aug81 - Missionary Aviation Fellowship, Redland, CA May84 - California Air Tours Inc, CA B03Aug89 - Asher Ward, Van Nuys, CA, B29Jun90 for Nostalgia Air Tours, Hawaii - DC-3 Inc, Nantucket, MA, BO? Jun91 - Std Hyannis, MA, 29May94 - Santa Barbara Aerospace Inc, Sta Barbara, CA R Sep97 painted in USAF c/s - Island A/l, Nantucket, MA - Richard Brown, Rockwall, TX, R30Jul01 -Airborne Imaging Inc, Wilmington, DE R29Jan04. arr 24.07

There are two pairs of aircraft with consecutive c/ns 2053 (N41HQ) and 2054 (Nl43D) & c/ns 9058 (N5106X) and 9059 (N25641).

At least three of the DC-3s have a Malta connection. Nl50D (when registered as N155JM) and N47SJ were delivered to the US via Malta. N5106X was in Malta during July 1943 in preparation for Operation Husky, the invasion of Sicily.

N5106X is also the only aircraft to have participated in two DC-3 Gatherings - The Last Time and Expo 86 Airmada, at Abbottsford. British Columbia, in June 1986.

At least three DC-3s have been used in films. When still registered to Aces High in the UK as G-AKNB, N59NA was used for “The Dirty Dozen: The next mission”, appearing as “FD789”. C-GPNR appeared/appears regularly on the reality show “Ice Pilots”, whilst N28AA had a starring role in “Lonely Hearts”.

N5106X is the only aircraft to be mentioned more than once. It gets a mention in three of the four points raised in this trivia.
Air Malta Miaco Non-Miaco DC-3s Military C-47s/C-117s 50th Anniversary - Europe 50th Anniversary - Canada Odyssey 86 1997 Gathering in Sweden The Last Time DC-3s abroad Avion Barbara Airkenya ends DC-3 services Project DST
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