12 March 2025 Civil/General Aviation » Accidents - Civil » 2010 - 2019  


07.01.10 B.757-200 First Choice G-OOBI Night flight. Departure delay caused by severe weather conditions in the UK at the time. Left Malta at around 15.30 local time.
21.01.10 MD-11 Saudi HZ-AND Night-landing. Aircraft got stuck in soil after wandering off taxi-way Echo on vacating runway 31, effectively blocking entry into/departure from Park 9 via taxiways Echo & Foxtrot. Cargo off loaded onto two Saudi B.747s, HZ-AIU (Saudi 936) and HZ-AIP (Saudi 9040) which arrived on the 22nd. MD-11 departed on the 23rd.
16.02.10 Bombardier CRJ-900ER L.A.A. 5A-LAC Flight LAA107, diverted to Malta at around 17.45 local, cause unknown. Departed 90 minutes later.
17.04.10 Diamond DA-20-C1 Eclipse Diamond Flight Traning 9H-AGB Aircraft suffered a blown tyre, spending a few hours on taxi way Charlie, blocking access to/from park 9 via taxiways Charlie and Delta in the early afternoon.
17.04.10 Raytheon Hawker 800XP   CS-DRK Aircraft aborted take-off run (runway 13), and entered Park 9. Continued taxying back to threshold 13, and departed without any further problems. Cause of aborted take-off unknown.

Icelandic volcanic eruption.

On 14 April 2010, volcano Eyjafjallajokull in Iceland erupted, sending a seemingly never-ending cloud of ash into the atmosphere. The cloud, which slowly travelled towards Europe, effectively brought both civil and military flying to a halt in a large part of the continent.

As a result, a number of Evergreen International flights diverted to Malta, as listed below.

17.04.10 B.747-2 Evergreen International N487EV Departed on the 18th.
18.04.10 B.747-2 Evergreen International N486EV Departed on the 19th.
19.04.10 B.747-2 Evergreen International N486EV Departed on the 20th.
20.04.10 B.747-2 Evergreen International N482EV Departed on the 23rd.
20.04.10 B.747-2 Evergreen International N490EV Departed on the 23rd.

12.05.10 A320-214 Afriqiyah 5A-ONJ Afrqiyah 913. Diverted due to bad weather over Tripoli. This was on the same day that an Afriqiyah A.330 crashed short of Tripoli airport, with just one child surviving.
30.07.10 ? Air Malta ? Vehicle carrying mobile steps hit an aircraft that had just arrived from Budapest, denting the aircraft slightly. Flights to Vienna, Gatwick, Kiev and Paris Charles De Gaulle were subsequently delayed.
14.08.10 B.737 Rynair EI-EKB Aircraft damaged after being hit by an ambu-lift vehicle, used to help disabled people onto aircraft. Aircraft grounded, but damage believed to be “very light”.
08.09.10 B.737-800 Rynair EI-DAD Aircraft was on a Malta Venice-Traviso flight (RYR3875), when it encountered severe turbulence, 120 nm SSW of Bologna, resulting in injuries to two flight attendants and one passenger. Captain diverted to Bologna.
12.09.10 B.747 Corsair F-HKIS Aircraft diverted to Malta due to a medical emergency on board.
28.09.10 Israel IAI-1126 Galaxy   LZ-FIB BGH9005. Diversion due to bad weather over Libya.
09.10.10 A.320 Easyjet G-EZFS Departure delayed by up to 25 minutes due to heavy rains.
09.10.10 ? Easyjet ? Inbound to Malta. Diverted to Catania due to severe weather over Malta.
09.10.10 ? Ryanair ? Inbound to Malta. Diverted to Trapani due to severe weather over Malta.
09.10.10 A.321 Lufthansa D-AISK Inbound to Malta. Diverted to Sicily due to severe weather over Malta.
13.10.10 A320 Lufthansa D-AIQL Diversion due to bad weather over Tripoli, Libya.
13.10.10 A319 Alitalia I-BIML Diversion due to bad weather over Tripoli, Libya.
13.10.10 A340-500 Emirates A6-ERC Callsign EK745. Diversion due to bad weather over Tripoli, Libya.
23.10.10 A.320-211 SmartLynx A/Ls YL-LCD Aircraft on flight ART245 (from Tenerife, Spain to Antalaya, Turkey). Captain diverted to Malta after experiencing a loss of cabin pressure at around 00.35 local. Exact departure date/time unknown, but gone by morning of the 24th.
09.11.10 BAe ATP Westlax LX-WAT Aircraft blew a tyre after landing, departed on the following day.
02.12.10 Gulfstream V Algerian Govt. 7T-VPS Aircraft departed with Algerian Defence Minister after attending the 5 + 5 meeting in Malta. Starboard wheel retracted, with the nose/port wheels remaining down. Pilot decided to return to MIA, departing later in the evening.
04.12.10 B.737-800 Sky TC-SKH Diversion due to Spanish air traffic controller strike.
17.12.10 Ga. Learjet   D-____ Aircraft on flight JTI171, diverted to Malta due to a sick passenger. Also developed technical fault when starting up, and stayed for repairs. Departed late evening of the 22nd.
21.12.10 A.320 Afriqiyah 5A-ONB Aircraft on an Amsterdam-Tripoli flight (AAW953). Diverted to Malta due to engine problems. A second A.320, 5A-ONA, flew in on flight AAW1953, possibly to pick up stranded passengers. Spare engine brought on board Libyan Air Cargo L-100-300 Hercules, 5A-DOM, on 29.12.10, (the Hercules) departing the following day. Performed engine runs on 02.03.11. Aircraft remained in Malta due to Libyan civil unrest crisis. Eventually departed on 01.11.11 at approx 21.30hrs.
26.01.11 Embraer ERJ-135BJ Legacy   CN-MBP Diversion because of situation in Tunis. c/n 14501117, ex-PT-TKU. Made another diversion on 12.02.11 for the same reason.
31.01.11 Embraer E135   A6-VVV Arrived as GSH705, cause of diversion unknown.
12.05.11 B. Baron   N55AE Aircraft made a normal landing, but veered onto the grass area after port undercarriage leg collapsed. No injuries.
24.05.11 A. 320 EasyJet G-EZTF Aircraft was on a flight to Malta, but diverted to Lyons due to a medical emergency. c/s EZY8823.

25.05.11 P. PA-28-161 Warrior II   9H-AEZ Emergency landing due to a “rough running” engine. No injuries. (see video below.)

11.07.11 Tecnam P92 European Flight Academy 9H-ADU Crashed over Gozo, two injured. According to newspaper reports, cause of the crash may have been turbulence due to high temperatures.
22.07.11 Tecnam P92-JS   9H-EPA Blew a tyre on r/w 23-05.
12.08.11 Piper Schafer Comanchero Maps Geosystems Inc N900TB The pilot shutdown the engines on the runway and waited for the fire engines to arrive. Newspaper reports gave the cause of accident as a possible bird strike, as part of a propeller blade was missing. This aircraft is the last surviving type of a total of six converted in the early eighties, and is now used for aerial survey work in the Middle East and Africa.
07.09.11 B. 747-4   TF-AMX Forced to divert due to medical emergency on board aircraft, when doing flight Saudia 2335. Full Saudi colours.
10.09.11   Air Malta 9H-___ Flight KM560 to Domodedovo had to return to Malta following hydraulic problems. Flight performed using another aircraft but incident affected 12 other flights, delays ranging from 15 minutes to 5.5hrs.
11.09.11   Air Malta 9H-___ KM437 from Marseille delayed by an hour after airport cleaner reported an aerosol cleaning can had gone missing from his trolley. Passengers were taken off the plane for another security check.
16.09.11       Biz-jet aborted take-off, forcing Air Malta flight KM479, from Paris, to go around.
28.09.11 B. 737-400 British Airways G-DOCG Late night diversion, probably from CTA, departed on the 29th.
09.11.11 A. 320 Royal Jordanian JY-AYR c/s Royal Jordanian 552. Diversion due to medical emergency on board.
10.11.11 Casa 212   N4399T Aircraft had arrived the previous day. Departed, but had to return due to an avionics problem. Left on the 15th.
20.11.11 DC-3 (Basler BT-67) US Dept. of State N707BA Aircraft blew s/board tire during a touch & go, blocking r/w 13/31 for a couple hours.
25.11.11 A.321 Royal Air Maroc CN-RNY Diversion for unknown reasons, possibly medical. Left later in the morning. c/s RAM1651.
25.11.11 Socata TB-20 Trinidad   N123XX Ditched in the sea, five miles off Malta’s west coast. Pilot rescued by AFM Alouette AS9315, c/s Rescue 15. This was the second incident for this aircraft, see date 17.11.08.
30.10.11 B. 737-8 Egyptair SU-GCN Cause of diversion unknown. Aircraft in old livery.
31.10.11       NOTAM advises the closure of 23/05 due to “large bird activity”.
22.11.11 A.321 Lufthansa D-AISX Regular scheduled flt, taxied to LH Tech w/problems. Same day departure as LH1277.
09.12.11 A.320 Tunisair TS-IMP Diverted on a Cairo – Tunis flight due to sick passenger on board, who died before landing.
04.01.12 Ce. 172   9H-ACL Skidded of runway.
18.01.12 Embraer EMB-505 Phenom Royal Oman Police A40-CY Diversion to refuel.
19.01.12 Cessna 525B CitationJet CJ3 Air Hamburg   Diverted due to a rowdy passenger on board. Pilot requested police presence.
22.02.12 A.340-500 TAM PT-MSN Aircraft, attached by tow bar to tractor, started moving forward, bending the tow bar, and pushing the tractor through 180 degrees.
29.02.12 B.747-400 Air Atlanta Icelandic TF-AMS Diversion, cause unknown.
20.03.12 B.737-8 Ryanair EI-DYR Inbound to Malta, with sick passenger.
18.03.12 A.310-308F ULS Cargo TC-LER Operating for Turkish A/Ls. Diverted from Tripoli, cause unknown.
29.03.12 B. 747-428 Air France F-GISD c/s AFR3591, diversion due to sick passenger.
11.04.12 A. 321-231 Lufthansa D-AISF Diverted to Palermo due to temporary closure of MIA, arrived later.
19.06.12 B. 767-39H Thomson Airways G-OOAN Forced to divert to Malta on a London Gatwick- Mombasa, Kenya flight because of a row between a young English couple. Girl informed passengers her boyfriend was carrying drugs. The couple was handed over to the police after landing, who charged them in court with possession. Man was conditionally discharged for three years.
19.07.12 B. 757 DHL D-ALEC Aircraft left as Eurotrans 7921. Suffered a failure in one of its hydraulic systems, and returned for a landing on runway 31, shutting down on the runway. R/w 31 closed for two hours between 18.30 - 20.37hrs.
09.08.12 A. 320-232 Royal Jordanian JY-AYU Diversion on a Tripoli flight. Same day arrival/departure.
09.08.12 B. 747-4 Corsair F-HSUN Diversion.
12.08.12 A. 319-132 Wind Jet EI-ECX Aircraft had arrived for maintenance at Lufthansa Technic (LTM) on 1st August, but repossessed by lessor on the 12th, departing Malta on the 27th.
12.08.12 A. 320-211 Wind Jet EI-DFN Aircraft was being stored/maintained at LTM. Repossessed by lessor on this date, departed Malta on the 23rd.
12.08.12 A. 320-211 Wind Jet EI-DFO Aircraft had arrived for maintenance at LTM on 04.08.12, but repossessed by lessor on the 12th.
12.08.12 A. 320-212 Wind Jet EI-DNP Aircraft was being stored/maintained at LTM. Repossessed by lessor on this date.
12.08.12 A. 320-211 Wind Jet EI-DOE Aircraft had arrived for maintenance at LTM on the 6th, repossessed by lessor on then 12th, re-registered as N25AR to Wells Fargo Bank Northwest NA Trustee on the 29th, departing Malta on the 30th.
02.09.12 B.737-8 Ryanair EI-EVA RYR4VL. Requested priority landing due to problems with pregnant woman on board.
27.09.12 A. 319-112 Austrian A/Ls OE-LDE Diversion on Vienna – Tripoli route, same day arrival/departure.
27.09.12 A. 319 Air Malta 9H-AEJ Aircraft was meant to depart Heathrow at 08.30hrs local. Dealing with the paper works relating to a medical emergency caused a three-hour delay. Webmaster was on board the flight.
29.09.12 A. 321-131 Lufthansa D-AIRM Diverted on FRA-CAI flight same day arrival/departure.
03.10.12 A. 340-313X Emirates A6-ERS Aircraft went u/s a MIA, departed on 05.10 as a ferry flight.
07.10.12 A. 319-111 Air France F-GRHI Returned after departure due to tech problem, departed later in the morning.
13.10.12 A. 319-111 Air France F-GRHB Aircraft went u/s at MIA. Departed on the 14th.
15.10.12 B.737-8AS/W Rynair EI-DYD RYR7794. Aircraft was on scheduled Bolonga-Malta flight. Diverted to Trapani due to bad weather over Malta. Continued to Malta later on.
24.11.12 Do.228-202 Ten Barrel Inc. C-GTBN Diversion due to engine shutdown, landed on one engine. Departed on 05.12
26.11.12 B.737-8 Rynair   Flight FR3901, Birmingham-Malta, had to divert to Stansted due to a technical fault.
29.11.12 Il-76 Yuzmashavia UK-78785 UMK2401, diverted after being denied entry into Tunisian airspace. Departed later in the evening.
20.12.12 A. 320 L.A.A. TS-INP Aircraft, on flt Libyan 193, diverted to refuel, then continued to Tripoli.
21.01.13 A. 320-214 EasyJet G-EZTF Dep on flt to Gatwick but returned with No. 1 engine shut down. Departed later same day as a “ferry” flight. A. 320 G-EZTH was replacement a/c.
28.01.13 BAe ATP(F) West Air Europe LX-WAT Aircraft went u/s, eventually departing on the 30th. Freight flights on the 29th and 30th operated by Air Contractors ATR-72-202F EI-SLK.
12.02.13 A. 320-214 Thomas Cook A/Ls G-DHJZ Restart of scheduled flights. Aircraft u/s at Malta, departed on the 13th.
15.02.13 B.747-422 Corsair F-HLOV Diverted to Malta following an in flight medical emergency. Same day departure.
07.03.13 A.320-211 Tunisair TS-IMP Diversion due to bad weather over Benghazi, Libya.
31.03.13 A.340-313X Air Madagascar TF-EAB Diversion due to medical emergency.
09.04.13 B.737-8 Ryanair EI-DWP Departed on MIA-Luton scheduled flight but had to return after scrapping tail during rotation. Flight operated by EI-EGD. ‘DWP departed as ferry flight on the 10th.
16.04.13 An 124-100 Volga-Dnepr A/Ls RA-82043 Arrived on 15.04.13, dep for Tripoli on the 16th but had to return due to lack of parking space. Departed later in the night of 16/17.04.13.
20.04.13 A.320-216 Alitalia EI-DSJ Diverted on Fiumicino-Tripoli fligt due to low visibility at Tripoli.
29.04.13 A.320-214 Nouvelair Tunisie TS-INB Return flight to Tripoli delayed by sandstorm, left on the 30th.
22.05.13 F.100 Austrian Arrows OE-LVN Flight 891. Diversion due to sand storm over Tripoli.
23.05.13 F.100 Austrian OE-LVI Aircraft on flight 892 (Tripoli-Vienna) diverted due to sick child on board.
24.05.13 Raytheon Premier 1   M-FROG Departed, but returned with pressurization problems.
__.06.13 A.320 Windjet EI-DOP One of six aircraft caught in Malta after the collapse of the airline. Serviceable parts being removed at the old LTM Hangar, prior to scrapping.
27.06.13 A. 320 Air Malta   Aircraft was on a Brussels-Malta flt (KM421). Egyptair A. 320 came within 500 feet of Air Malta Airbus. No injuries.
12.08.13 B.737-900ER Turkish Airlines TC-JYA Diverted due to a sick passenger on board, departing shortly afterwards to Niger.
13.08.13 Tecnam P92-JS   9H-EPA Crashed in a field outside Catania airport due to a technical fault. According to press reports, the plane was not heavily damaged, and the pilot (sole occupant) was not injured.
07.09.13 B. 737-500 Tunisair TS-IOJ Diversion due to a medical emergency. Same day departure.
19.09.13 B. 757-200 Ethiopian A/Ls ET-ALZ Diversion due to technical problems in no. 2 engine. Same day arrival/departure.
26.09.13 DC-8-63CF Expo Air 4R-EXJ Departed, but returned due to pressurization problems. Departed two days later on the 28th. Aircraft had arrived in Malta on 28.01.13.
30.09.13 B. 737-300 Jordan Aviation JY-JAX Charter for Petra Aviation. Went technical at MIA.
14.12.13 AT-8     Arrived on the 12th. Entered and departed Med-Avia for unknown reason on the 13th, departing on the 14th, but returned shortly afterwards with an oil leak problem. Finally departed on the 19th.
14.12.13 B. 777-200 Emirates   Aircraft went u/s on a regular scheduled flight. Departed on the 15th.
14.12.13 A. 319 Air France F-GRHT Flight AFR4370 returned to Toulouse when still over France. Flight to Malta cancelled.
20.01.14 Ce. F2TH   I-SEAE c/s SNM042. Diverted due to weather.
01.02.14 Ce. 206B Bonair Aviation 9H-ADW Severely damaged by strong winds.
01.02.14 P. PA-28-161 Warrior II European Pilot Academy Co. Ltd. 9H-AEZ Turned upside down by strong winds.
01.02.14 P. PA-28-161 Cherokee Micah International 9H-FLY Turned upside down by strong winds. Performed a test flight on 12.12.14.
06.02.14 Falcon 900EX   5A-DCN Diverted to refuel as it was unable to land at Tripoli. Aircraft was carrying the Libyan Prime Minister.
26.02.14 B.737-9 Turkish A/Ls TC-JYF c/s Turkish 629. Diverted due to medical emergency.
11.03.14 DA Falcon 50 L.A.A. 5A-DCM Diverted to Malta due to technical problems. Departure date unknown.
12.03.14 Tecnam P2002 JF Sky People Aviation Training Ltd 9H-SKY Blew tire on r/w 23/05. Runway temporarily closed.
21.03.14 B.777 Air France F-GSQR Aircraft on flight AFR643. Diverted between 04:14 – 06:05 due to a medical emergency.
05.05.14 A.320 EasyJet G-EZWM Operating flight EZY1997, from Manchester to Malta. Aircraft forced to divert to Lyons, France.
06.05.14 B.777-300 Emirates A6-EMS Aircraft forced to return to Malta with open panel.
15.05.14 A.321 Lufthansa D-AISE Aircraft stopped and disembarked passengers on the runway, after a fire warning, possibly a false alarm. Aircraft later towed to park 8. Runway 31/13 was temporary closed during this episode.
04.06.14 Hawker 800   OD-LEA Diverted to re-fuel whilst enroute to Casablanca due to headwinds.
14.06.14 A.330-200 Turkish A/Ls TC-JDO Flight THY6733 diverted to Malta due to bad weather over Misurata, Libya. Early morning landing (approx 06:50), departed around 08:30.
15.06.14 A.320-214 Air Berlin D-ABDQ 35-minute diversion due to bad weather over Catania.
13.07.14 B.737-400F Solinair S5-ABZ Diverted to Malta en-route to Tripoli, as Libyan airport was closed. Departed later.
26.07.14   Smart Wings   Technical problems. Aircraft remained grounded, replacement aircraft, A.320 OK-LEF c/s TVS103P, sent on the 27th. Departure date of grounded aircraft unknown.
27.07.14 CRJ900 Eurowings   Arrived as GWT 5118. Technical problems with no. 1 engine. Later relocated to Park 4. Departure date unknown.
07.08.14 B.737-8AS Ryanair EI-ENP Performing the Madrid-Malta flight (RYR44DN/5382). Captain diverted to Trapani due to a medical emergency on board.
26.08.14       Rome ATC lost surveillance systems for around 45 minutes, and didn’t accept flights that weren’t already airborne. 2-3 flights delayed at MIA.
27.08.14 A.320 Wizz Air HA-LWJ Captain performed missed approach prior to landing. SR Tech personnel were seen working/checking undercarriage.
09.09.14 Beech 1900 Med-Avia 9H-AFI Aircraft had to return to Malta as it didn’t have a permit to land in Tunisia.
11.09.14 A.300 Tristar Air SU-BMZ c/s TSY503. Aircraft landing delayed by over 40 minutes due to problems with landing permit.
22.09.14 A. 310 ULS Cargo Airlines TC-LER Diverted from Misurata, Libya, landing at approx 07.42, departing after 2 hours.
05.10.14       A number of flights, including Lufthansa, Rynanair and Air Malta diverted due to inclement weather over Malta. Tunisair Express turned back towards Tunis.
06.10.14 A. 320-232 Wizz Air HA-LYA Departed for Gdansk as WZZ339, but returned to MIA for unknown reasons.
10.10.14 Fokker 100 Ghadames Air Transport YR-CRY Aircraft arrived as SXI1430. Departure delayed by waiting for a different crew to continue ferry flight. Carries “HO” on nose wheel door, from the previous registration, 9Q-CHO. Aircraft turned by high winds on cause by cyclone which Malta on 07.11.14. Taken to Park 4 in late July ’15, probably as a result of construction works in Park 2 where the aircraft previously was. Following checks by Dutch engineers, the aircraft departed Malta on 24.09.15.
17.10.14 B. 737 Ryanair EI-EPC Aircraft experienced undercarriage problems, orbiting 25 miles from the approach of runway 31. Landed safely later. c/s RYR37TD.
21.10.14 An-12   UR-CCP Inbound c/s CVK7071. Departure delayed by 2 hours due to problems with No. 2 engine. Aircraft in the light blue/white livery of Aeroviz, but without titles. Believed delivered to Cavok airlines, as evident by the flight number.
28.10.14 A. 321 Turkish A/Ls TC-JRG Unspecified fault forced aircraft to depart from Malta 90 minutes late.
02.11.14 A. 330 Emirates A6-EAD Aborted take-off run, departed after three hours.
04.11.14 A. 3__ Air Malta 9H-AE_ Aircraft departed on flight KM116 to Gatwick, but had to return due to technical difficulties.
06.11.14 A. 320-232 British A/Ws G-MEDK Evening flight BA2644 diverted to Rome due to bad weather over Malta. Returned after three hours.
07.11.14       Airport closed after 16:00 hrs due to a cyclone which hit Malta. The flights listed below were all affected.
07.11.14 A. 321 AtlasJet TC-ATR Aircraft arrived as KKK6014 for a refueling stop, departing as KKK103. Departure delayed by cyclone which hit Malta in the afternoon.
07.11.14   British A/Ws   Evening flight again diverted to Rome due to bad weather over Malta, winds gusting up to 60 knots.
07.11.14 B. 737-400 Hermes Aviation Ltd. 9H-HER Aircraft turned by high winds, nose wheel ending up in earth.
07.11.14 Bo. BD-700-1A10 Global Express   PR-VDR Aircraft diverted to Catania due to Malta’s airport being closed. Continued to its destination without landing here.
28.11.14 A. 321-231 Turkish A/Ls TC-JRE Orbited over Misurata, Libya, before diverting to Malta, c/s THY 645. Aircraft taxied out for take-off after three hours, but returned to its parking slot. Departed 70 minutes later.
09.12.14 B. 737-8F2 Turkish A/Ls TC-JGY Aircraft departed on a normal scheduled flight, but returned shortly afterwards. Left after 90 minutes.
17.12.14 A. 320 Afriqijah EI-ONJ Aircraft departed using an Air Contractors flight number, but had to return due to an EU ban on Libyan-registered aircraft flying within the EU.
20.12.14 A. 310 Kuzu Cargo TC-VEL c/s Kuzu 452. Diverted with engine problems, landed with one engine shut down. In Malta until at least the 29th.
27.12.14 Ce.560   OK-SLS c/s SUA 571, diverted to Malta on a flight to Mitiga Libya, for unknown reasons. No known problems at Mitiga. Departed later in the day.
30.12.14 A. 320 Air Malta 9H-AEL Aircraft hit by lightning en-route to Charles De Gaulle. 9H-AEP was sent to pick up the stranded Malta-bound passengers.
03.01.15 A. 319-111 Air Malta 9H-AEL Departure for UK delayed by a combination of poor weather and traffic over LHR.
08.01.15 Storch CL   9H-UMK Aircraft made an emergency landing on a taxi-way at the airport following an engine failure.
29.01.15 A. 330-243 Emirates A6-EAG Aircraft had arrived on a scheduled flight the previous days’ afternoon. Departure delayed by a sick crew member, departed at around 02:00.
30.01.15 Beech 1900D Med-Avia 9H-AFI Aircraft departed for Mitiga, Libya, but had to return due to poor visibility at the airport.
31.01.15 Bo. CL-604   N901SG Diverted to Malta due to fuel shortage.
01.02.15 Falcon 900   I-SEAS Diverted to Malta due to a medical emergency. c/s SNM041.
18.02.15 A.319-111 Air Malta 9H-AEH Aircraft was on flight KM116 to Gatwick. Diverted to Lyons, France due to medical emergency, when SW of Dijon.
16.03.15   Air Malta   Aircraft was on flight AMC146. Forced to return due to cracked passenger window.
22.05.15 Ce.206   N115EL Aircraft arrived on delivery, but had to remain here due to engine problem. A new engine arrived on 18.08.15, to be fitted to this aircraft. Test flight on 10th October, the aircraft departing shortly afterwards. Exact date unknown.
26.05.15 Tecnam P.2002-J European Flight Academy 9H-PPL r/w closed due to pilot reporting smoke in the cockpit.
23.06.15 A.330 M.E.A. OD-MEB Diverted to Malta due to a medical emergency. Landed at around 20:20, departed at 22:50.
08.07.15 Tecnam P.2002-J European Flight Academy 9H-PPL Aircraft came down near Vizzini, Sicily under unknown circumstances. 1 pob, no known injuries.
14.07.15 Bo. Global 5000   5A-UAB From The Times (of Malta).

A legal battle has started in court over two Libyan executive jets which were seized in Malta two weeks ago.

The €35m Global 5000 Bombardier jets are being held at Malta International Airport. The issue is part of a struggle between the two governments in Libya over control of the country’s assets abroad.

The seizure followed an injunction filed by United Aviation Company (UAC), which was set up by the former Libyan government under Muammar Gaddafi. A new company, Executive Authority for Air Cargo and Special Flights, was formed following the uprising in order to take over its assets.

The internationally recognised Libyan government in Tobruk wants to take over the planes but UAC claims it still owns them. Lawyer Mario de Marco, assisting UAC, argued yesterday that although the Tobruk government passed a resolution to liquidate the company and pass its assets on to the new company, the liquidation never materialised and UAC was still in operation according to law.

Pio Valletta, representing the new company, said UAC had ceased to exist in terms of the government resolution and the injunction was not valid according to law.

The court, said it would not decide on the ownership of the two planes but only on whether the injunction was valid or not.

14.07.15 Bo. Global 5000   5A-UAC As above. Both aircraft are still in Malta as of December 2019.
10.08.15 Tecnam P2002-JF Falcon Ltd. 9H-SEP Aircraft’s nose wheel collapsed on landing during a training session. Runway 31 closed for a few minutes. No injuries. Aircraft delivered in June as HA-TEA. c/n 161.
10.08.15 A.320 Veuling EC-LZM Night flight, c/s VLG6263. Aborted take-off and returned to parking slot. Departed as VLG999P on the 12th.
18.08.15 An-12 UR-CAK Aircraft departure delayed by approx. 2 hours, necessitated by the need to change tires on the starboard main wheel bogey.
10.09.15 A. 319 German Wings D-AGWL Aircraft diverted to Catania due to bad weather ove Catania, but arrived later. Went u/s on start up, and towed over to Lufthansa Tecnic, departing on the 11th.
10.09.15 B.777-21H(LR) Emirates A6-EWC c/s Emirates 753. Diverted on a Dubai-Casablanca flight due to a medical emergency.
13.09.15 P. PA-28-161 Cherokee Micah International 9H-FLY Aircraft was on a local flight, when the pilot declared an engine-related emergency. Safe landing, no injuries.
16.09.15 B.737-4 TNT OE-IAQ Aircraft was on a normal scheduled cargo flight. Smoke indications in cockpit forced the return of the aircraft to Malta at around 19:36, departing at approx 20:55.
17.09.15 A. 320 Air Malta 9H-AEK Aircraft was returning from Frankfurt on KM329, when it was forced to divert to Fumicino airport, Rome due to a sick passenger at approx 22:10. Departed Rome for Malta at 23:12.
19.09.15 Cessna C25B   OO-LIE Aircraft diverted for unknown reasons, landing at approx. 07:55, departing for LICD at 08:36.
01.11.15 A.319-131 B.A. G-DBCE Diverted to Malta, probably due to weather. c/s BA2594. Departed after two hours.
01.11.15 A.330-243 Emirates A6-EAH Lined up for take-off, but returned to parking slot. Left some time later.
24.11.15 Bae ATP West Air Sweden SE-MAJ ? Returned for unknown reasons. Departed the following day. Reg needs confirming.
28.11.15   Air Malta   Aircraft departed for Hamburg as AMC368. Returned to Malta for unknown reasons.
10.12.15 A. 330-200 Turkish A/Ls TC-JIV Aircraft diverted both for fuel and because of a medical emergency.
24.12.15 P. PA-28-161 Cherokee Micah International 9H-FLY Aircraft suffered unknown technical difficulties on r/w 31 for approx. twenty minutes.
06.01.15 A.330-200 Emirates A6-EKR Aircraft remained in Malta due to hydraulic problems. Departed on the 7th.
29.01.16 B. 737 TNT OO-TNP Unspecified undercarriage-related problems. parts brought over by Learjet 45 D-CNMB, c/s TAY045J, on the 30th, departing the same day. B.737 departed on the 31st.
22.02.16       Maltese light aircraft lost radio contact near Comiso, Sicily. Intercepted by two Trapani-based Italian AF Typhoons.
26.02.16 Tecnam P2002JF European Flight Academy 9H-SEP Unspecified mishap.
01.03.16 B.737-8 Thomson Airways G-TAWH Diverted to Lyons Saint Exupery airport on flight TOM2206 to Malta due to a medical emergency.
05.03.16 A.319 A.M. 9H-AEM Diverted to Orly on a Malta-Manchester (AMC146) service due to a sick passenger.
09.03.16 B.777-F1H Emirates A6-EFO c/s EK9919, diverted to re-fuel.
22.03.16       Following the bombings at Brussels and Metro station, Air Malta suspended its afternoon flight to Brussels.
22.03.16 A.320-214 Afriqiyah 5A-ONB Diverted to Malta during an Istanbul-Mitiga flight due to bad weather over Libya. c/s AAW971. Departed for Libya the following day.
18.04.16 A. 320 A.M. 9H-AEQ Performing the evening KM102 flight to Heathrow. Approaching Gozo, the captain reported pressurization problems, opting to returning to Malta. Flight left two hours later. To the concertation of enthusiasts on the approach of r/w 13 (the r/w in use) an incoming Genex Ltd An-26, EW-259TG, was redirected to r/w 05.
04.05.16   EasyJet   Aircraft was returning to Manchester when it was forced to divert to Malpenso Airport, Milan in Italy, after both the First Officer and a passenger fell ill.
05.05.16 Tecnam P2002JF European Flight Academy 9H-SEP Suffered nose wheel collapse on taxiway Sierra.
11.05.16 P-180 Compania Aeronautica Italiana I-DARC Arrived as CPI 112 from Ciampino, diverted due to bad weather at Lampedusa. Re-fueled and returned to Ciampino.
22.05.16 B.737-4C9 Enter Air SP-ENF Aircraft had departed Katowice Airport for Malta. Orbited at 10,000 ft, before returning to the airport. Flight to Malta delayed by 24-hours, flight ENT523P being carried out by SP-ENQ.
18.06.16 Beech F33A Bonanza   F-GBDR Photographed surrounded by fire engines, cause of difficulty unknown.
21.06.16 Savannah ICP Amphibian   I-8856 Aircraft had left Italian airspace without filing a flight plan. Crashed in Xlendi Bay, Gozo, after apparent engine problems. No injuries/fatalities. Media photos showed aircraft upside down in the water.
24.06.16       Low visibility and lashing rain causes closure of airport for some time. A number of flights are delayed in their arrival or departure until the storm had cleared.
24.06.16 A.320-214 Air Malta 9H-AEP c/s AMC117. Diverted to Catania due to storm over the Maltese islands.
24.06.16 A.321-231 Lufthansa D-AISJ c/s LH1310. Diverted to Tunis, due to storm over the Maltese islands.
24.06.16 B.737-8AS Ryanair EI-EVR c/s RYR77LF orbited prior to landing due to storm.
24.06.16 A.319-111 A.M. 9H-AEM c/s KM625, orbited prior to landing.
24.06.16 A.320 Wizzair HA-LYQ c/s WZZ728, landing delayed due to weather.
24.06.16 A.320-214 A.M. 9H-AEI c/s KM466, departure delayed due to weather.
24.06.16 A.319-111 A.M. 9H-AEL c/s KM328, departure delayed by 75 minutes due to weather.
24.06.16 A.320-214 A.M. 9H-AEO AMC420, 50-minute delay due to weather.
24.06.16 A.320-214 A.M. 9H-AEQ c/s KM106, 80-minute delay due to weather.
24.06.16 A.319-111 Alitalia EI-IMN Departure delayed by weather.
24.06.16 B.777-31H Emirates A6-EMM c/s EK749 departure delayed by 65 minutes due to weather.
24.06.16 B.737-8AS Ryanair EI-EFR c/s FR5210/RYR66MM. Departure for Manchester delayed by 65 minutes.
24.06.16 B.737-8AS Ryanair EI-EVR c/s FR3883. 80-minute delay to London.
05.07.16 P. PA-28-161 Cherokee Warrior II European Flight Academy G-SLYN Collided with fuel truck at Park 1.
11.07.16 BAe ATP Air Sweden SE-LPR c/s SWN671. Returned shortly after take-off. Departed the following day, but again returned. Test flight on the 13th. Cause of problem undercarriage not locking up. Departed Malta in the morning of the 22nd.
12.07.16 A. 320SL Vueling EC-LVU Diverted from Lampedusa at around 21:20.
19.08.16 B.737-377 Jet2 G-CELX Arrived as EXS931 but experienced problems on departure. Towed to Ltm on the 20th. Passengers returned to the UK on B.737-3Y5 G-GDFH as EXS044A.
24.08.16 B.737 TNT OE-IAJ Announced undercarriage problems prior to landing, but made a safe landing. Departure date unknown, but was seen again on the 26th.
09.10.16 PA-28-161 Cherokee Warrior II Falcon Ltd. 9H-GYN Burst tyre on r/w 13, forcing Emirates to orbit over Gozo for a few minutes.
02.11.16 ATP West Atlantic SE-LPS Departed as c/s SWN671, but returned to Malta for unknown reasons.
16.11.16 A. 321-231 Lufthansa D-AIDV c/s LH1276, diverted to Sicily due to weather.
16.11.16 B. 737-8AS Ryanair EI-DHP c/s FR7794. As above.
16.11.16 B. 737-8AS Ryanair EI-DHP c/s FR7794, as above.
17.12.16 A. 321 Alitalia   Aircraft made two attempts to land, hampered by high winds, being forced to divert to Palermo.
23.12.16 A.320-214 Afriqiyah A/Ws 5A-ONB c/s AAW209. Aircraft was on internal flight in Libya, when it was hi-jacked by two pro-Gaddafi men with fake weapons/explosives. Forced to divert to Malta, with a total of 118 passengers and crew. Landed at around 11:35, with the hi-jackers promising to release passengers if their demands were met. At one point, one of the hi-jackers stood briefly in the doorway waving a green flag. At around 13:50 the first 3 passengers were released. The hi-jackers later surrendered without pressing home their demands, and were off the aircraft by 15:40.

A second Afriqiyah A.320, 5A-OND, c/s AWW555, arrived on the 24th at 02:20 to take the passengers to Libya, departing at 04:55.
04.02.17 Tecnam P2002JF European Flight Academy 9H-SEP Landing accident on r/w 23.
11.03.17 A.319 Germanwings D-AKNM Diverted on a Stuttgart to Catania flight, c/s GWI2818, due to high winds at Catania airport. Departed later in the afternoon.
12.03.17 A. 320-214 A.M. 9H-AEP Taxied out for departure as KM 466 to Paris Orly, but returned to the terminal at 16:05. Departed later at 17:15.
23.03.17 A.320-214 Air Malta 9H-AEQ Departed for Amsterdam at 07:20, but forced to divert to Malpensa-Milan airport. Returned to Malta at 18:45 as AMC999A. Relief aircraft 9H-AEN sent as KM998 to continue flight to AMS.
24.03.17 A.320-214 Air Malta 9H-AEK Departed for Sicily at 22:30 as KM642, but forced to return to Malta at 23:45 due to fog over Catania. Left again at 06:55 on the 25th.
25.04.17 A.320-214 EasyJet G-EZOG Aircraft should have arrived from Gatwick on at 20:55 local as EZY8825, but was forced to divert to Lyons due to a medical emergency. Eventually landed at MIA on the 26th at 01:22.
26.04.17 A.319-132 Royal Jordanian JY-AYM c/s RJ552. Diverted due to a medical emergency. Continued on its journey sometime later.
01.05.17 BRM Citius   9H-UDR Nose wheel broke off during landing. No injuries.
10.05.17 Mi-8MT SKOL RA-22440 Helicopter arrived on the 9th at the end of a lease to the United Nations. Departure on this day delayed by technical problems. Left on the 11th.
12.05.17 Bo. CS3000 Air Baltic YL-CSB Diverted to Sicily due to high wind at Malta’s airport. Pilot, along with others, reported winds of 60 kts at 700 feet, whilst wind speed on the ground was 35 kts, indicting high probability of wind shear.
21.05.17 A.319-131 B.A. G-DBCG Diverted to Malta on a Gatwick-Catania flight due to high winds at Sicily. c/s BA2592.
04.09.17 Tecnam P2002 JF Sky People Aviation Training Ltd. 9H-SKY Burst tyre on r/w 05.
08.09.17 MD-87 Tunisair ZS-TRJ Captain diverted back to Tunis due to weather over Malta.
08.09.17 Il-76 Volga RA-76951 c/s VDA404. Diverted to Palermo due to weather over Malta.
08.09.17 A.320 Alitalia I-BIKA From Rome, c/s AZA1VZ. Diverted to Palermo due to weather over Malta.
14.09.17 P. PA-34-200 Seneca II European Pilot Academy Co. Ltd. 9H-AEB Made a wheels-up landing on r/w 23. No fatalities or injuries.
14.09.17 Tecnam P2002JF Sierra European Pilot Academy Co. Ltd. 9H-PIC A minor problem which caused a momentary runway blockage.
24.09.17 A.321-231 Lufthansa D-AISN Diverted to Catania due to weather at approx. 22:00, returning at 00:25 local of the 25th.
02.10.17 B.737-8AS Ryanair EI-DHY c/s FR7591/RYR68LX. From Rome, diverted to Palermo due to weather over Malta. Returned at 10:30 as RYR 719. Other delays to KM116 (9H-AEI, A.320-214 to Gatwick), AM306 (9H-AEQ, A.320-214 to Munich) and WZ22HA (HA-LYH, A.320-232 Wizz to Hungary).
03.10.17 A.320-232 Air Malta 9H-AHR Arrived from Catania as AMC643 but forced to return there due to weather. (all diversion on this date and the 4th due to weather over Malta.)
04.10.17 B.757-236(SF) Eurotrans D-ALEH c/s BSC7922. Diverted to Palermo at 08:00 local, returning to Malta after 22:00 the same day.
04.10.17 B.737-8K2 Transavia PH-HZI c/s HV5773. Diverted to Palermo returning as TRA3F.
04.10.17 B.737-8AS Ryanair EI-FZA c/s RYR6GM, diverted to Sicily, returning as RYR534.
04.10.17 Embraer EMJ-195LR LOT SP-LNA c/s LOT7455, diverted to Sicily, returning later.
04.10.17 B.737-4Q8(SF) ALS A/Ls OE-IAE c/s TAY857, inbound from Tunis. Several orbits to the north-west prior to landing.
04.10.17 A.319-111 EasyJet G-EZGA c/s EZY15AP, diverted to Palermo, returning later as EZY1997.
06.10.17 Bo. CL605 Challenger   T7-AOO Diverted for fuel.
12.10.17 B.737-8AS Ryanair EI-DWZ c/s FR3775/RYR28ZL. Burst tyre on take-off for Bristol forced the captain to Luqa at 08:22. Replaced by EI-DPZ, c/s RYR3776 which departed at 13:32.
24.10.17 B.737-8AS Ryanair EI-DYF Departed fifty minutes late from Berlin. Approach to MIA then diverted to Catania for unknown reasons at 21:20 local, returning at 23:12.
01.11.17 Beech 1900D   N840CA Diverted due to weather conditions and to refuel.
10.11.17 B.737-8AS Ryanair EI-FRW Inbound from East Midlands Airport as RYR1FV. Forced to divert to Catania * because of weather over Malta, returning as RYR241 at 15:00. * (All diversions on this date due to weather over Malta.)
10.11.17 A.320 SAS SE-DOZ Inbound as SAS1845 at 11:30, forced to divert to Palermo, returning at 17:00.
10.11.17 A.320 B.A. G-GATL Inbound from Gatwick as BAW44ML, diverted to Catania.
10.11.17 B.737-8AS Rynair EI-DYF Arriving from Marseilles as RYR7796, diverted to Catania, returning as RYR779.
20.11.17 An-12   UR-CGV Departure delayed by 80 minutes due to a technicality at engine start-up.
11.12.17 A.320-214 EasyJet G-EZWA Medical condition on board the aircraft, forcing the captain to orbit over Gozo prior to landing in Malta.
27.12.17 Dassault Falcon 7X   VP-BZE Aircraft was in Park 4, which slopes towards the perimeter road. Blown by strong wings during the night over the chocks, through the perimeter fence, across the road, and into a building. No known injuries.

Aircraft remained blocking the road until the necessary air accident investigations had been carried out, being pushed back onto airport grounds by the night of the 28/29. Towed over to the MCM company for repairs in the morning of the 29th.

Dassault 900B, F-GOFX, c/s DSO28FX, which arrived in the afternoon of the 28th, brought a technical team to do the repairs. Towed from the MCM company hanger to Safi on 31.07.18.

According to media reports, aircraft belongs to Lord Michael Ashcroft a former deputy chairman of the UK Conservative party.

High power engine runs on 11.04.19. Aircraft taxied out of Safi on 29.04.19, finally departing from Malta on 09.05.19.
17.01.18 AN-12 Aero Viz UR-CBF Arrived on the 12th. Night departure as c/s VIZ210F aborted due to a technicality. Departed early afternoon of the 18th.
20.02.18 B.737-8K5 TUI A/Ws G-TAWF Arrived from Gatwick as BYA4266 but was forced to divert to Catania due to bad weather over Malta.
20.02.18 B. 737-8AS Ryanair EI-INK Arrived from Krakow as FR8812. Diverted to Catania.
20.02.18 A.320-232 B.A. G-GATK Arrived from Gatwick as BAW44ML, but diverted to Rome Fuimicino.
23.02.18 A.320-232 Wizz Air HA-LWI c/s WZZ3CE, returned 20 minutes after departure due to a lightning strike at approx. 09:30 local. Departed later at 17:30.
05.03.18 Beech 200 Skyeinvest Administration (PTY) ZS-PPZ Diverted for re-fuelling on a Benghazi – Tunis flight.
18.03.18 A.320-216 Vueling EC-KJD Arrived as VLG4000 on a scheduled flight. Suffered from unknown technical problems, not departing Malta until the 22nd as VLG909P. c/n 3237.

Replacement aircraft, A.320-232, EC-MBT, was sent to pick up the passengers. Arrived as VLG905P, departing as VLG4002.
05.04.18 B. 737-8AS Ryanair EI-EMH c/s FR4653, suffered bird strike accident prior to arrival.
08.04.18 A.321-214 A.M. 9H-AEI Departed for Charles de Gaulle as KM478. On the return flight (KM479) captain was forced to divert to Rome’s Fiumicino airport due to a medical emergency on board.
08.04.18 B.737-4S3 GetJet LY-GTW Departed as KM662 for Palermo at 14:48 local. Technical problems forced the aircraft to remain at Palermo until the 11th, landing at Malta after midnight. Passengers were picked up by Air Malta A.319-112 9H-AEJ, which first landed at Catania as KM997, then onward to Palermo (still as KM997), returning to Malta as AMC663A in the early morning of the 9th.
08.04.18 A.320-214 A.M. 9H-AEQ Flew as KM658 to Comiso, Sicily, in the evening. Suffered technical problems, remaining there until the 9th, a fourteen-hour delay.
11.04.18 Tecnam P92 Echo JS MSOF 9H-MLT Hit wing on landing, probably exacerbated by a blown tyre.
14.04.18 Beech 200 Skyeinvest Administration (PTY) ZS-PPZ Cancelled flight to Benghazi, and again diverted for re-fuelling. Departed for Tunis afterwards.
01.05.18 A.320-214 A.M. 9H-AEK Passenger tried to open a door as the aircraft was on the approach to Schiphol Airport, but was restrained by passengers. c/s AMC394.
13.05.18 B.777-31H(ER) Emirates A6-EGB Arrived at 14:00 as UAE109. Nine-hour delay due to engine problems, departing at 23:15.
14.05.18 L. C-130 Gulf Air Group N3796B Arrived the previous day. Technical problems delayed departure until the 19th.
14.06.18 Tecnam P2006T Malta School of Flying 9H-PAT Burst tire upon landing.
01.07.18 Raj Hamsa X-Air   9H-UMP Crashed outside airfield boundaries on approach to r/w 23.
28.07.18 Dash-8-Q400 FlyBe G-JECP Flying to Malta for maintenance and re-spray, but diverted to Rome for unknown reasons. Arrived in Malta on the 30th.
05.08.18 A.320-214 Air France F-GKXP Arrived as AF1290, having diverted from Catania due to bad weather. Departed after one hour.
15.08.18 A.319-111 Air France F-GRHV Another diversion from Catania. AF129062PK Departed after one hour.
31.08.18 B.747-4F6 Magma Aviation TF-AMN Landed at 00:55 c/s ABD345P. Went u/s on the ground, parts arriving on the KM101 flight. Departed at 21:40, after several hours delay.
31.08.18 Fly Synthesis Catalina VG   9H-UTA Emergency landing on runway 23.
04.09.18 B.737-300WL Maleth Aero 9H-ZAK First visit during the night. Departed but forced to return due to a technicality, towed to Park 4, departed on the 5th. B.737-548, 9H-MAC, brought over as relief aircraft later in day (4th). Performed flight on the 5th.
10.09.18 Tecnam P92-JS Malta School of Flying 9H-MSF Left wheel seems to have collapsed during taxying.
19.09.18 A.320-232 Titan A/Ws G-POWK Operated British A/Ws BAW44ML flight, landing at 10:34. Remained grounded for unknown technical reasons, departing on the 20th at 13:55 as AWC320W. c/n 4701.
20.09.18 ATR 72 Danish Air Transport OY-RUG c/s DTR1843. Diverted for unknown reasons at approx. 00:15, departed as DTR1845 at 02:10. This aircraft makes daily flights between Catania and Lampedusa.
25.09.18 A.320-214 EasyJet G-EZUW Arrived on a normal flight as EZY34ZQ, developing a fault on the ground. Eventually departed on the 30th as EXY9007. Replaced by A.320-214 G-EZUL on the 26th, which arrived as EZY9006.
28.09.18 ATR 72-202 SwiftAir EC-LSN c/s SWT7273. Returned to MIA shortly after take-off for unknown reasons, probably technical. Departed later in the evening.
27.09.18 B.757-256 Privilege Style EC-HDS c/s PVG7184. Arrived with pressurisation problems. Departed on the 28th.
02.10.18 A.320-232 B.A. G-EUYM c/s BAW44ML. Diverted to Catania due to weather.
02.10.18 A.320-232 A.M. 9H-AHR c/s AMC613. Diverted to Catania due to weather.
29.10.18 B.777-31H(ER) Emirates A6-ECT Arrived as EK109. 24-hour delay, possibly caused by a technical problem. Departed on the 30th as EK110D.
09.11.18 B.737-4MO(SF) ASL A/Ls OE-IAU c/s TAY857. Flew direct to Malta, bypassing Tunis, due to a cracked windscreen. Parts brought over by C25A OO-ACC. Departed on the 10th.
20.11.18 A.330-343 Turkish A/Ls TC-JNM Diverted from a Turkey to Lagos flight, c/s TK625.
02.12.18 B.777-200 Saudi Arabian HZ-AKQ c/s SV9385. Diverted for technical reasons. Departed on the 3rd.
07.12.18 Diamond DA-62MPP   G-WKTN Diverted for unknown technical reasons, c/s Osprey 01. Departed on the 9th as WKT30.
14.12.18 A.320-251N Air Malta 9H-NEO Early morning flight to Palermo as AMC662. Orbited over Palermo, before diverting to Catania airport for unknown reasons.
11.01.19       Rynair flights from Malta to Milan, Rome, Catania, Bologna and Treviso cancelled due to Italian ATC strike.
11.01.19 A.320-216 Alitalia EI-DSL Diverted to Malta due to a Rome ATC strike. Departed later in the evening. Arrived as AZ884, leaving as AZ887.
14.01.19 A.320-232 Veuling EC-LRM Diverted to Palermo due to weather over Malta, returned after 2.5 hours. c/n 1349.
15.01.19 Tecnam P2002JF/font> E.P.A. 9H-PIC Unknown accident on r/w 05, aircraft ending partially on the grass.
16.01.19 B.737-4Q8(SF) ASL A/Ls OE-IAZ Returned to airport after take-off for unknown reasons, departing Malta in the evening of the 17th.
17.01.19 B.737-8FS Turkish A/Ls TC-JHM Aircraft was holding on t/w Delta to allow a Rynair flight to vacate r/w 13 after landing, prior to backtracking 13 for departure. Rynair flight vacated via t/w Charlie, but its wing hit the tail of the Turkish A/Ls plane. TC-JHM was towed to Park 8 on the 19th, and finally left Malta on the 21st.
17.01.19 B.737-8AS Ryanair EI-DHW Collided with Turkish A/Ls B.737 when taxying into Park 9 at night. Its first flight after this incident was on the 20th.
24.01.19 B.737-8B6 Royal Air Maroc CN-ROE c/s RAM572, diverted on a Casablanca-Tunis flight, due to weather over Tunis. Departed after 2.5 hours.
30.01.19 PC-24   LX-PCA c/s JFA51F. First visit by this type, but went u/s on the ground. Parts brought over by PC-12 HB-FXM on the 31st.
05.02.19 A.320-214 A.M. 9H-AEO Returning to Malta from Heathrow on flight KM101. Forced to divert to Geneva due to a medical emergency on board.
13.02.19       Flights KM421 & FR2956 to Brussels were cancelled, due to a strike at Brussels.
24.02.19 EC-135 P2 Helicopter Services Malta Ltd. 9H-VIP Damaged when tent, under which helicopter was parked, was uprooted by strong winds during the night OF 23rd-24th.
24.02.19     Emirates Strong North-easterly winds forced aircraft to use runway 05 for all inbound/outgoing flights. Emirates cancelled their flight, as it was too risky to use the longer 31/13.
26.02.19 A.320-211 Tunisair TS-IMM Night time diversion for medical reasons. c/n 0975.
05.03.19 A.320-214 Eurowings D-ABNU c/s EW2818, diverted because of high winds at Catania
05.03.19 B.737-8AS Ryanair EI-DHY c/s FR2537. Departed Malta for Catania, but forced to return due to the high winds at the airport.
06.03.19 B.777-31H(ER) Emirates A6-ECV APU main oil seal failure lead to smoke appearing from APU exhaust. Aircraft departure delayed by several hours.
19.03.19 Ga. CL-60   9H-VVP Departure delayed by a flat tire.
22.03.19 A.320-214 Air Malta 9H-AEN Aircraft was performing flight AMC 560 to Moscow. At a point roughly due east of Catania, flight returned to Malta. AMC560 was later undertaken by A.320 9H-AEI.
30.03.19 Dash-8 Med-Avia 9H-AFH In UN livery. Aircraft was en route from St. Gallen–Altenrhein Airport to Monastir Habib Bourguiba International Airport. Diverted to Malta due to a technicality. Departed on 02.04.19.
05.04.19 Bo. BD-700-1A10 Global 6000   T7-RSP From Indira Gandhi International Airport to Faro International Airport, forced to divert due to strong headwinds.
08.04.19 Gulfstream V   M-THOR Arrived on 01.04.19. Should have departed on this date, but crew didn’t show up, and further delayed without notification. Aircraft moved to Safi for parking as Ltm needed the parking slot for its own operations. c/n 514.
14.04.19 A.320-214 Air Malta 9H-AHS Aircraft rendered unserviceable at Munich on flight AMC 306/7, and forced to remain there overnight. Returned to Malta in the morning of the 15th.
14.04.19 B.737-33V FIY Jordan JY-SOA Diverted for a refuelling stop. Same day departure.
15.04.19 A.320-214 A.M. 9H-AEO Suffered a bird strike at Lyon. Aircraft returned to Malta on the same day.
30.04.19       NOTAM a/c departing from Tripoli, Zuwarah, Misrata, Sirte & Sabha denied landing at Malta. Malta registered aircraft prohibited to operate to these airports and within certain parts of Tripoli FIR.
09.05.19 LET 410   3B-NBR Aircraft was on a ferry flight and went u/s on starting for departure. Eventually departed on the 14th.
14.05.19 B.737-9F2(ER) Turkish A/Ls TC-JYE Diverted on flight TK629. Flight to Accra was continued by relief aircraft B.737-8F2 TC-JHC.
16.05.19 B.737-86J Eurowings D-ABMQ c/n 37780. Diverted to Malta due to weather over Catania.
08.06.19 A.320-214 A.M. 9H-AEQ Performing KM106 to Heathrow. Forced to divert to Orly due to medical emergency.
23.06.19 Grumman AA-5B   N889DA Aircraft was meant to participate in the Malta Air Rally, but was refused entry into the Malta FIR by ATC due to a transponder failure and returned to Comiso, Sicily.
20.07.19 B.747-412(BDSF) Aerotranscargo ER-JAI c/n 26562. Diverted with gear door problems, departed on the 22nd.
31.07.19 B.737-4MO(SF) ASL A/Ls OE-IAD Returned due to technical reasons.
06.08.19 Bo. BD-700-1A10 Global 6000 Vista Jet 9H-VJK c/s VJT836, diverted to Malta due to unknown technical problems.
02.09.19 A.320-214 A.M. 9H-AEQ On Malta Vienna cargo flight, but forced to return due to technical reasons.
07.09.19 A.320-214 Air France F-GKXV c/s AF1290 on a France to Catania flight, but diverted due to bad weather. Departed Malta after approx. 2.75 hrs.
07.09.19 Dash-8-400 Olympic SX-OBE c/n 4314. Flight from Athens delayed because of unruly passenger on flight.
08.09.19 A.320N Vueling EC-NAZ Late night arrival. Departed after 24-hours, no known reason for the delay.
09.09.19   British Airways   Flight BA2644 cancelled due to airline’s pilot strike.
22.09.19 A.320-215N easyJet G-UZHW c/n 8759. Aircraft arrived on a normal scheduled flight. Taxied out for take-off, but returned to parking bay with a technicality. Eventually departed on the 24th.
23.09.19 B.757-2 Titan A/Ws G-POWH c/s AWC1187, arrived to pick stranded Thomas Cook passengers.
25.09.19 A.320-215 A.M. 9H-NEO Unknown accident at Gatwick airport, ferried back to Malta as KM997 on the 27th.
27.09.19 A.320-214 A.M. 9H-AEP Departing as KM662 to Palermo. Take-off aborted due to a bird strike, resulting in engine damage.
09.10.19 B.737-3Q8(SF) Swiftair EC-KLR c/s WT7272 diverted to Catania due to bad weather over Malta, landing in Malta after almost a five-hour delay.
03.11.19 R/Cessna 172 M.S.O.F. 9H-AEX Aircraft ended on the grass area, forcing closure of r/w 31 for some time.
24.11.19 Ryanair Four flights, (FR1722 to Naples, FR2538 to Catania, FR7794 to Bolognia and FR8299 to Perugia) are cancelled.
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