Sunday, March 2, 2025 Military Aviation » Royal Air Force Luqa » Armament Practice Camps » Lightning  
Armaments Practice Camps – Lightnings

More common and frequent were the detachments of squadrons for the month long Armaments Practice Camps or APCs. During these detachments, the crews fired coloured shells at a banner towed by a Canberra, way out at sea. This page deals with Lightning squadrons, and the table below gives the month and year when visits are known to have occurred. Further details are provided in the individual tables further down. No claim is being made that the list is complete, and for this reason, anyone who can supply additional information is welcome to contact me at

Lightning serial numbers marked with an asterisk (*) need confirmation.

5 10/67, 11/74, 04/76, 04/77  
11 11/70, 08/73, 10/76, 06/78* * Last full squadron strength detachment seen at RAF Luqa, see separate table.
23 05/70, 02/74  
29 05/69  
56 10/65, 10/66 These two detachments were made when the squadron was still based at RAF Wattisham.
56 06/69, 08/70, 01/71, 12/71, 05/73, 06/74 These visits were made when the squadron was based at RAF Akrotiri, Cyprus. The visits weren’t necessarily by the entire squadron, see separate table.
111 08/68, 07/74 111 Squadron is unique amongst Lightning users as having utilised all Lighting variants, no matter for how brief a time, except the F.1, which was only operated by No. 74.


Unlike the other major front-line aircraft of the time (Buccaneer, Jaguar and Phantom), the Lightning’s notorious short range meant that it never came to Malta unless it was with tanker support. There are two known exceptions.

A fellow enthusiast has received a photograph of an F.2 in metal finish at RAF Luqa, exact date unknown, but it should be around 1967/68. This was quite a surprise, as the only visit by an F.2/F.2A variant was always thought to be by a 92 squadron example, XN787/L, between 24-27 October 1975, c/s M-CKLA, piloted by Flt. Lt. Mark Micallef Eynaud, one of only two Maltese-born pilots to have served with the RAF. The other was Dr. C. Grech during WW I.

5 Squadron

Motto: Frangas non flectas - “Thou mayst break but shall not bend me”

Current Status: Following disbandment as a Tornado F.3 squadron at RAF Coningsby in 2003, it reformed the following year at RAF Waddington as No 5 (Army Cooperation) Squadron operating the Sentinel R.1.

Trivia: Longest serving Lightning squadron, operating it from 1965 – 1987. For their visits to Malta, No. 5 always placed a red eight-pointed cross on the fin.

Why they placed the cross on the fin.

I received the following from Toni Busuttil-Reynaud, former Sgt L TechAC on 5 Sqn.

I stumbled across your site a couple of days ago while looking for pictures of 5 Sqn Lightnings with the red cross on the fin. You have a statement on the site “For their visits to Malta, No. 5 always placed a red eight-pointed cross on the fin”. Purely as a matter of interest, I was the person who put them there.

I served on 5 Sqn from 1971 to late 1975 as a radio fitter. As such, my workload was less than most other trades so I often got lumbered with gash jobs. This one was initiated by the Squadron commander (I think it was Wing Commander St Aubin at that time) who decided that as we were to APC in Malta rather than Cyprus, it would be nice to place a Maltese Cross on the fin as a sign of respect. The fact that I have a Maltese based name helped in getting me the task!

I did a little research on the basic shape and cut the sections from the fluorescent orange plastic film used to highlight training aircraft, and over the course of a couple of weeks attached them to all the aircraft. They were not removed on our return home to Binbrook, but left and repaired/replaced as necessary for the next year’s APC.

As I said, this I just out of interest.


(Banker/Theorem) 06-25/26 October 1967

Advance party left RAF Binbrook on the 27 Sept., with the airlifting of ground equipment, aircraft spares and servicing personnel taking place on 5th October.

The squadron’s departure from their UK base was delayed by 4 hours due to weather, finally getting airborne in three waves of four, four, and two aircraft, callsigns being RAFJET 652-661. Originally, departure times were meant to have been at 07.00, 07.30 and 08.00 GMT.

During this deployment, there was a USAF exchange pilot, who flew RAFJET 661 on arrival.

Part of the deployment was dedicated to an ADEX (Air Defence Exercise) divided between 2-day phases and a night phase. No. 50 squadron (Vulcan) were the attacking forces. The squadron achieved 128 “splashes” (i.e. aircraft that would have been destroyed in a real-life environment) over a 12-hour period, being scrambled every 10 minutes, with turnarounds in under 16 minutes.

The squadron departed over two days, in three waves of 2 aircraft each on the 25th, and 2 waves of 2 aircraft on the 26th. However, one of the latter two suffered from a broken refuelling probe, and both aircraft returned to Luqa. They left on the 27th.

The advance party departed Luqa on 24th October on BEA flight 231, direct to Binbrook, the airlifting of ground equipment, aircraft spares and servicing personnel taking place between the 25th till the 27th.

The squadron’s ORB sadly noted that, on their return to the UK, most of the pilots were suffering from a cold.

EE Lightning F.6 XS903/A c/n 95249. f/f 17.8.66, Salmesbury-Warton for storage. 16.3.67 'A' 5 Sqn (June 69 wore Paris Salon code '91'). 10. 69 60 MU overhaul. 10.4.70 seen at Leconfield with black '5' on fin. 4.70 'C' 5 Sqn. 7.1.74 60 MU overhaul. 7.74 returned to 'A' 5 Sqn. 10.76 store. 8.77 'C' 5 Sqn. 4.78 store. 9.79 LTF. 14.9.79 nosewheel up landing at Coningsby (Cat 4 FA). 8.9.80 returned to Binbrook following repairs. 29.10.80 'BC' 11 Sqn. 3.10.81 store. 16.6.82 St Athan for light grey respray, returning on 12.7.82 to 'BC' 11 Sqn. 6.83 store. 21.8.84 5 Sqn to Akrotiri for APC, coded 'AM' 5 Sqn while there. 10.86 store. By 6.87 'AO' 5 Sqn. By 22.7.87 'BE' 11 Sqn. 4.8.87 lost part of rudder in flight and made emergency landing. By 3.9.87 replaced as 'BE', and by late 11.87 became 'BA' 11 Sqn with black fin and spine. 18.5.88 delivered by CO Wg Cdr Jake Jarron to RAF Eivington for preservation by Yorkshire Air Museum.  
EE Lightning F.6 XS926/B c/n 95259. F/f 30.1.67, Salmesbury Warton. 20.3.67 'B' 5 Sqn. 22.9.69 crashed North Sea 51 miles east of Flamborough Head: NO 1 of pair engaged in combat training, when caught in No 2's slipstream, began erratic gyrations, entered spin. USAF pilot ejected safely (703hr 30min.)  
Lightning F.6 XS923/C c/n 95256. f/f 13.12.66, Salmesbury Warton. 11.1.67 'M' 5 Sqn. 2.67 re-coded 'C' 5 Sqn. 29.3.70 60 MU overhaul. 7.70 'A' 5 Sqn. 7.74 60 MU overhaul. 1.11.74 'C' 5 Sqn. 7.76 store. 8.78 'J' 11 Sqn. 1.80 store. 8.82 'BG' 11 Sqn. 4.84 store. 21.1.85 'AA' 5 Sqn. 1.86 store. 2.86 'DF' LTF 20.6.86 'BE' 11 Sqn, placed in store after starter explosion. By 9.87 returned to 'BE' 11 Sqn. 30.6.88 Cranfield for Mr Arnold Glass.  
EE Lightning F.6 XS894/F c/n 95240. f/f 18.3.66, Salmesbury Warton for storage. 3.1.67 'F' 5 Sqn. 8.9.80 crashed North Sea five miles off Flamborough Head. USAF exchange pilot killed. (650hr 45min.)  
EE Lightning F.6 XS899/G c/n 95245. f/f 8.6.66, Salmesbury Warton for storage. 23.1.67 'G' 5 Sqn. 18.10.73 60 MU overhaul. 28.1.74 'E' 23 Sqn. 17.7.75 engine runs, Binbrook. 27.8.75 returned to 'E' 23 Sqn until disbandment 30.10.75. 3.11.75 Binbrook store. 1.76 noted camouflaged, coded 'W' in black. 24.3.77 flying with 5 Sqn, still coded 'W'. 29.3.77 'L' 5 Sqn. 12.77 store. 4.78 'C' 5 Sqn. 12.78 store. 5.79 'C' 11 Sqn (18.7.79 painted in 92 Sqn markings for 25th anniversary). 6.8.79 reverted to 'C' 1 1 Sqn, later coded 'BC' 1 1 Sqn. 10.80 store. 3.81 'BL' 11 Sqn. By 10.81 'AA' 5 Sqn. 3.3.82 St Athan for light grey respray, returning 17.3.82, to 'AA' 5 Sqn. 11.7.83 St Athan for further respray in dark grey, returning by 8.83. 9.83 store. 4.84 'AJ. 5 Sqn. 11.85 store. 1.10.86 'AM' 5 Sqn. 5.87 store. 7.8.87 lost rudder in flight due to strong winds, diverted safely to Coningsby. By 10.87 'AF' 5 Sqn until disbandment 12.87 then 'BL' 11 Sqn. 30.6.88 Cranfield for Mr Arnold Glass.  
EE Lightning F.6 XS922/H c/n 95255. F/f 6.12.66, Salmesbury Warton. 30.12.66 'H' 5 Sqn. 16.9.70 60 MU overhaul. 28.1.71 'H' 5 Sqn. 15.8.75 60 MU overhaul. 8.1.76 'H' 5 Sqn. 3.76 'P' 56 Sqn. 1.7.76 60 MU overhaul. 17.7.76 Binbrook, placed in store. 18.9.76 'L' 11 Sqn. 11.76 store. 18.2.77 'L' 11 Sqn. 6.79 store. 4.80 'C' 5 Sqn. 8.80 replaced, 9.80 reinstated 'C' 5 Sqn, recoded 11.80 as 'AC' 5 Sqn. 2.82 store. 8.82 'AB' 5 Sqn. 4.83 'BH' 11 Sqn. 6.83 store. Late 83 to BAC Warton. 17.12.83 Binbrook. 9.10.84 St Athan for dark grey respray, returning 26.10.84 into store. 11.84 'AG' 5 Sqn. 5.12.85 nosewheel collapsed on landing at Gfitersloh. 19.12.85 returned Binbrook and stored. 7.10.86 'AF' 5 Sqn. Store by 9.87. By 3.88 'BJ' 11 Sqn 5.88 Wattisham BDR.  
EE Lightning F.6 XS902/J c/n 95248. f/f 14.7.66, Salmesbury Warton for storage. 1.3.67 'J' 5 Sqn. 25.11.70 60 MU overhaul. 20.5.71 returned to 'J' 5 Sqn. 26.5.71 crashed into North Sea nine miles east of Spurn Head, after reheat fire warnings. (1,051hr.) Pilot ejected safely from 10,00Oft.  
EE Lightning F.6 XS925/L c/n 95258. F/f 26.1.67, Salmesbury Warton. 1.3.67 'L' 5 Sqn. 14.9.68 Cat 4 barrier engagement on landing, Binbrook, during Battle of Britain display. 18.11.68 rebuilt by BAc, 24.2.70 f/f after repair. 3.70 'L' 5 Sqn. 28.6.72 60 MU overhaul. 24.10.72 'L' 5 Sqn. 14.8.74 60 MU overhaul. 17.10.74 'L' 5 Sqn. 16.4.75 60 MU overhaul. 21.8.75. 'H' 11 Sqn. 18.9.75 re-coded 'J' 11 Sqn. 10.75 'L' 5 Sqn. 22.4.76 Leconfield. 3.77 Binbrook store. 20.7.79 'D' 5 Sqn. 3.9.80 ex-APC coded 'B' 5 Sqn, but reverted to 'D' 5 Sqn by 10.80. 3.81 store. 10.82 'AD' 5 Sqn. 16.7.84 St Athan for dark grey respray, returning 31.7.84 into store. 21.8.84 coded 'BA' 11 Sqn, port side only, then stored. 2.85 Mod 9 completed to add 400hr to airframe. 5.6.85'BA' 11 Sqn, re-coded'BD' 11 Sqn by end 6.85. 3.4.86 lent 5 Sqn for APC, coded 'AP' 5 Sqn. 29.7.87 store. 9.87 withdrawn from use, stripped for spares. 25.4.88 to RAF Museum, Hendon, for display purposes, painted as 'BA', 11 Sqn.  
EE Lightning F.6 XS927/N c/n 95260. F/f 15.2.67, Salmesbury Warton. 3.4.67 'N' 74 Sqn. 14.9.71 60 MU overhaul. 25.5.72 'M' 11 Sqn. 9.72 'O' 23 Sqn. 4.11.75 Binbrook store. 3.76 'G' 5 Sqn. 7.8.76 store. 7.9.79 'H' 11 Sqn, later 'BH' 11 Sqn. 7.11.80 store. 28.10.81 St Athan for respray. 9.12.81 at Binbrook, unmarked, then 'BH' 11 Sqn. 2.83 store. 18.2.85 'BB' 11 Sqn. 26.2.86 returned to Binbrook following diversion to RAF Swinderby a few days earlier. Last flown 10.86; scrapped by 4.88 (3,575.35hr).  
EE Lightning T.5 XS451/T c/n BI/95011. f/f 3.6.65. 7.65 AFDS (uncoded). 18.11.65 'T' 5 Sqn (dayglo ‘T’ bands). 6.71 60 MU. 24.11.71 '451' 226 OCU. 22.8.74 'X' 11 Sqn ('C' Flt). 5.11.75 LTF. 25.11.76 St Athan ground instructional airframe, allocated 8503M. 6.78 RAF Newton missile instruction. 88 removed for restoration. Re-reg ZU-BEX Mike Beachy-Head, South Africa. Aircraft destroyed after crashing into ground on 14.11.09 during airshow at Overberg AFB, Bredasdorp, Western Cape. Pilot reported hydraulic failure and attempted to land. One fatality, possibly as a result of ejection seat failure.  


Exercise Nimble, 01-09 August 1968

EE Lightning F.6 _____/B    
EE Lightning F.6 _____/G    
EE Lightning F.6 _____/L    
EE Lightning F.6 XR726/N c/n 95209. f/f 26.2.65 as F3 Salmesbury-Warton. Stored and conv to F6 12.7.67 60 MU, used by Stn Flt. 14.11.67 first noted with 'Golden Arrow' markings. 1.2.68 loaned 23 Sqn (unmarked). 29.2.68 'N' 5 Sqn. 24.10.72 60 MU overhaul. 10.1.73 'N' 5 Sqn. 19.10.73 damaged by No 2 engine starter fire Binbrook (1,693hr 15min). 7.8.76 stored. 23.2.68 'K' 5 Sqn. 3.8.79 painted 'K' 23 Sqn for 25th anniversary. 15.8.79 lost rudder in flight, landed safely. 7.80 stored. 12.80 'AE' 5 Sqn. 5.81 stored. 8.12.81 St Athan respray, returned 11.2.82 light grey scheme, stored/used LAF with whom coded 'F' in red dayglo. 3.83 'DF' LTF. 12.83 stored. 15.4.85 air tested following 30 week mod programme Binbrook by BAe to extend fatigue life by 400hr. 'BE' 11 Sqn same month. 6.86 stored then 'DF' LTF until 'BM' 11 Sqn. 7.87. Withdrawn from use, stripped for spares. (3,976.25hr.)  
EE Lightning F.6 XS898 c/n 95244. f/f 20.5.66, Salmesbury Warton for storage. 9.1.67 'K' 5 Sqn. 30.1.73 60 MU overhaul, returned approx 4.73. 17.7.76 store. 6.78 'J' 5 Sqn with experimental unit markings. 2.80 store. 8.80 declared Cat 3 for wing cracks, fuel leaks and u/c mounting bracket. Airframe severely overstressed (1OG-14G) following pilot disorientation causing dive at Mach 1.3, but aircraft safely recovered to Binbrook, where stripped down and repaired with reinforcing plates! 27.3.81 'BC' 11 Sqn. 3.83 'AK' 5 Sqn. Storage with periodic air tests until 14.5.86 'BM' 11 Sqn. 7.5.87 store. 29.7.87 'BD' 11 Sqn. 30.6.88 Cranfield for Mr Arnold Glass.  
EE Lightning F.6 XS902/J c/n 95248. f/f 14.7.66, Salmesbury Warton for storage. 1.3.67 'J' 5 Sqn. 25.11.70 60 MU overhaul. 20.5.71 returned to 'J' 5 Sqn. 26.5.71 crashed into North Sea nine miles east of Spurn Head, after reheat fire warnings. (1,051hr.) Pilot ejected safely from 10,00Oft.  
EE Lightning F.6 XS903/A c/n 95249. f/f 17.8.66, Salmesbury-Warton for storage. 16.3.67 'A' 5 Sqn (June 69 wore Paris Salon code '91'). 10. 69 60 MU overhaul. 10.4.70 seen at Leconfield with black '5' on fin. 4.70 'C' 5 Sqn. 7.1.74 60 MU overhaul. 7.74 returned to 'A' 5 Sqn. 10.76 store. 8.77 'C' 5 Sqn. 4.78 store. 9.79 LTF. 14.9.79 nosewheel up landing at Coningsby (Cat 4 FA). 8.9.80 returned to Binbrook following repairs. 29.10.80 'BC' 11 Sqn. 3.10.81 store. 16.6.82 St Athan for light grey respray, returning on 12.7.82 to 'BC' 11 Sqn. 6.83 store. 21.8.84 5 Sqn to Akrotiri for APC, coded 'AM' 5 Sqn while there. 10.86 store. By 6.87 'AO' 5 Sqn. By 22.7.87 'BE' 11 Sqn. 4.8.87 lost part of rudder in flight and made emergency landing. By 3.9.87 replaced as 'BE', and by late 11.87 became 'BA' 11 Sqn with black fin and spine. 18.5.88 delivered by CO Wg Cdr Jake Jarron to RAF Eivington for preservation by Yorkshire Air Museum.  
EE Lightning F.6 XS922 c/n 95255. F/f 6.12.66, Salmesbury Warton. 30.12.66 'H' 5 Sqn. 16.9.70 60 MU overhaul. 28.1.71 'H' 5 Sqn. 15.8.75 60 MU overhaul. 8.1.76 'H' 5 Sqn. 3.76 'P' 56 Sqn. 1.7.76 60 MU overhaul. 17.7.76 Binbrook, placed in store. 18.9.76 'L' 11 Sqn. 11.76 store. 18.2.77 'L' 11 Sqn. 6.79 store. 4.80 'C' 5 Sqn. 8.80 replaced, 9.80 reinstated 'C' 5 Sqn, recoded 11.80 as 'AC' 5 Sqn. 2.82 store. 8.82 'AB' 5 Sqn. 4.83 'BH' 11 Sqn. 6.83 store. Late 83 to BAC Warton. 17.12.83 Binbrook. 9.10.84 St Athan for dark grey respray, returning 26.10.84 into store. 11.84 'AG' 5 Sqn. 5.12.85 nosewheel collapsed on landing at Gfitersloh. 19.12.85 returned Binbrook and stored. 7.10.86'AF'5 Sqn. Store by 9.87. By 3.88 'BJ' 11 Sqn 5.88 Wattisham BDR.  
EE Lightning F.6 XS923/C c/n 95256. f/f 13.12.66, Salmesbury Warton. 11.1.67 'M' 5 Sqn. 2.67 re-coded 'C' 5 Sqn. 29.3.70 60 MU overhaul. 7.70 'A' 5 Sqn. 7.74 60 MU overhaul. 1.11.74 'C' 5 Sqn. 7.76 store. 8.78 'J' 11 Sqn. 1.80 store. 8.82 'BG' 11 Sqn. 4.84 store. 21.1.85 'AA' 5 Sqn. 1.86 store. 2.86'DF'LTF 20.6.86 'BE' 11 Sqn, placed in store after starter explosion. By 9.87 returned to 'BE' 11 Sqn. 30.6.88 Cranfield for Mr Arnold Glass. c/n 95256. f/f 13.12.66, Salmesbury Warton. 11.1.67 'M' 5 Sqn. 2.67 re-coded 'C' 5 Sqn. 29.3.70 60 MU overhaul. 7.70 'A' 5 Sqn. 7.74 60 MU overhaul. 1.11.74 'C' 5 Sqn. 7.76 store. 8.78 'J' 11 Sqn. 1.80 store. 8.82 'BG' 11 Sqn. 4.84 store. 21.1.85 'AA' 5 Sqn. 1.86 store. 2.86 'DF' LTF 20.6.86 'BE' 11 Sqn, placed in store after starter explosion. By 9.87 returned to 'BE' 11 Sqn. 30.6.88 Cranfield for Mr Arnold Glass.  
EE Lightning T.5 XS451/T c/n BI/95011. f/f 3.6.65. 7.65 AFDS (uncoded). 18.11.65 'T' 5 Sqn (dayglo ‘T’ bands). 6.71 60 MU. 24.11.71 '451' 226 OCU. 22.8.74 'X' 11 Sqn ('C' Flt). 5.11.75 LTF. 25.11.76 St Athan ground instructional airframe, allocated 8503M. 6.78 RAF Newton missile instruction. 88 removed for restoration. Re-reg ZU-BEX Mike Beachy-Head, South Africa. Cr during airshow at Overberg Air Force Base, Bredasdorp, Western Cape, South Africa, apparently the result of hydraulic failure.  

Exercise Sunfinder, 18/19 Nov – 12/13 Dec 74

For this detachment, No. 5 brought a mixture of F.3s and F.6s, as well as the obligatory two-seat T.5. Some of the aircraft had already been previously seen at RAF Luqa with other squadrons.

85 Canberras also kept up a busy schedule. Not only did they fly 80 banner sorties, they also flew navigational exercises to Cyprus, and the low-level Sicilian routes. Two other sorties were to provide missile acquisition practice and intercept for HMS Norfolk sailing off Gozo.

In early December, two Shackleton AEW.2 aircraft arrived to provide their crews with experience in operating within the Mediterranean theatre. When no Lightning or RN ships were available for exercises, the Shackleton crews conductng normal crew training.

8 squadron ground support was transported by a VC-10 of 10 Squadron, but the departure didn’t take place until the 16th, leaving the ground crews in Malta for three days.

Annoyingly for their crews, the Shackletons were stationed in Park 5, on the opposite side of the ATC, meaning Flight Planning, Met and Operations could only be reached by transport.

Lightning F.3 XR76_/_    
Lightning F.3 XR713/S c/n 95196. f/f 21.10.64. 8.1.65 'C' 111 Sqn. 10.69 60 MU. 6.70 'B' 111 Sqn. 9.2.71 60 MU. 25.11.71 'A' 111 Sqn. 29.8.74 Binbrook. 31.10.74 'S' 5 Sqn. 3.76 LTF. 8.78 'C' LTF. 10.78 'C' 11 Sqn. 7.80 store. 5.5.82 'AR' 5 Sqn. Store 10.4.83-8.85. 9.85 'DD' LTF. 31.10.85 'DC' LTF. 5.3.87 Lossiemouth. 11.3.87 Leuchars. Allocated 8935M, restored as 'C' 111 Sqn c65 for display purposes at 111 Sqn HQ.  
Lightning F.6 XR726/N c/n 95209. f/f 26.2.65 as F3 Salmesbury-Warton. Stored and conv to F6 12.7.67 60 MU, used by Stn Flt. 14.11.67 first noted with 'Golden Arrow' markings. 1.2.68 loaned 23 Sqn (unmarked). 29.2.68 'N' 5 Sqn. 24.10.72 60 MU overhaul. 10.1.73 'N' 5 Sqn. 19.10.73 damaged by No 2 engine starter fire Binbrook (1,693hr 15min). 7.8.76 stored. 23.2.68 'K' 5 Sqn. 3.8.79 painted 'K' 23 Sqn for 25th anniversary. 15.8.79 lost rudder in flight, landed safely. 7.80 stored. 12.80 'AE' 5 Sqn. 5.81 stored. 8.12.81 St Athan respray, returned 11.2.82 light grey scheme, stored/used LAF with whom coded'F' in red dayglo. 3.83 'DF' LTF. 12.83 stored. 15.4.85 air tested following 30 week mod programme Binbrook by BAe to extend fatigue life by 400hr. 'BE' 1 1 Sqn same month. 6.86 stored then 'DF' LTF until 'BM' 11 Sqn. 7.87. Withdrawn from use, stripped for spares. (3,976.25hr.)  
Lightning F.6 XR747/P c/n 95212. f/f 2.4.65 as F3, Salmesbury Warton for store and conv to F6. Late 67 to 60 MU storage. 4.1.68 'K' 23 Sqn. 4.6.73 60 MU overhaul. 20.9.73 'K' 23 Sqn. 15.5.74 'X' 111 Sqn. 30.9.74 Binbrook. 11.74 'P' Sqn. 2.76 first 5 Sqn to receive grey/green camouflage scheme. 16.2.77 re-coded 'E' 5 Sqn. 9.77 Cat 3 with persistent fuel leaks, placed in store until 10.1.78 when returned to service as 'E' 5 sqn. 4.79 stored. 5.6.81 due to be placed on fire dump, Binbrook but fell off low loader and left on belly ('5' Sqn marks), and used as 'photo mount' for 'Families Day' 6.6.81. Repaired, 18.5.82 air tested and transferred to LAF as 'X' 8.82 'BF' 11 Sqn. 2.85, Mod, 9 to give 400 more flying hours. 23.8.85 air tested. 24.9.85 'AL' 5 Sqn. 7.8.87 Lost part of rudder in flight, made emergency landing, Coningsby. 22.8.87 (last flight) to Binbrook. Scrapped 4.88. (3,650.40hr.) Seen coded ‘K’ w/23 sqdn during 04.74, and ‘X’ w/111 sqdn during 07.74.
Lightning F.6 XR752/B c/n 95217. f/f 16.6.65 as F3A, Salmesbury Warton for store. 26.11.65 'V' AFDS. 6.67'U' 23 Sqn, later re coded 'C' 23 Sqn. 20.10.67 BAC, Warton conv full F6. 24.10.68 Leuchars pool coded 'W'. 1.7.70 'G' 23 Sqn. 7.73 60 MU overhaul. 17.8.73 'G' 23 Sqn. 15.5.74 'Y' 111 Sqn. 15.10.74 'B' 5 Sqn. 16.12.75 store. 3.76 'H' 5 Sqn. 22.4.76 60 MU overhaul. 11.76 Binbrook store. 9.77 'H' 5 Sqn. 29.9.77 Cat 2 wheels up landing Binbrook (first F6 to do so), cost £99,000 to repair. 25.1.78 air tested. 6.78 'D' 11 Sqn. 9.80 'E' 5 Sqn then 'BH' 11 Sqn by 11.80. 3.82 store. 1.4.82 St Athan light grey respray, returning 21.4.82, stored. Temporarily used 5 Sqn without codes, periodically 83 and 84. 5,84 'BL' 11 Sqn. 11.85 stored after suffering fire on landing. 22.4.87 decoy, scrapped by 9.87.  
Lightning F.6 XR755/O c/n 95220. f/f 15.7.65 as F3A SalmesburyWarton for storage. 10.12.65 33 MU store, issued soon afterwards as 'G' 5 Sqn. 3.66 re-coded 'A' 5 Sqn. 7.4.67 BAC, Warton mod, to full F6. (321hr 35min). 3.5.68 flf as F6. 25.5.68 'C' 5 Sqn. mid 71 60 MU overhaul. 11.7.72 returned 5 Sqn, later coded '0'. 8.73 BAC Warton. 1.74 'O' 5 Sqn. 17.7.75 re coded 'D' 5 Sqn. 13.2.76 60 MU overhaul. 15.6.76 5 sqn, coded 'F' 5 Sqn by 11.76. By 9.78 stored. By 1.80 'J' Sqn. By 11.80'BJ' 11 Sqn. 11.81 store. 12.83 'BF' 11 Sqn. (f/f as such 2.2.84). 3.84 store 5.84 'BF' 11 Sqn by 6.85 store. 3.86 'BN' 11 Sqn. 1.87 store. By 8.87 'BN'111 Sqn. Last flown 12.87. Salvaged 4.88 (4,093.30hr). 24.6.88 Castle Air, Cornwall.  
Lightning F.6 XS903/A c/n 95249. flf 17.8.66, Salmesbury-Warton for storage. 16.3.67 'A' 5 Sqn (June 69 wore Paris Salon code '9 1'). 10. 69 60 MU overhaul. 10.4.70 seen at Leconfield with black '5' on fin. 4.70 'C' 5 Sqn. 7.1.74 60 MU overhaul. 7.74 returned to 'A' 5 Sqn. 10.76 store. 8.77 'C' 5 Sqn. 4.78 store. 9.79 LTF. 14.9.79 nosewheel up landing at Coningsby (Cat 4 FA). 8.9.80 returned to Binbrook following repairs. 29.10.80 'BC' 11 Sqn. 3.10.81 store. 16.6.82 St Athan for light grey respray, returning on 12.7.82 to 'BC' 11 Sqn. 6.83 store. 21.8.84 5 Sqn to Akrotiri for APC, coded 'AM' 5 Sqn while there. 10.86 store. By 6.87 'AO' 5 Sqn. By 22.7.87 'BE' 11 Sqn. 4.8.87 lost part of rudder in flight and made emergency landing. By 3.9.87 replaced as 'BE', and by late 11.87 became 'BA' 11 Sqn with black fin and spine. 18.5.88 delivered by CO Wg Cdr Jake Jarron to RAF Eivington for preservation by Yorkshire Air Museum.  
Lightning F.6 XS923/C c/n 95256. f/f 13.12.66, Salmesbury Warton. 11.1.67 'M' 5 Sqn. 2.67 re-coded 'C' 5 Sqn. 29.3.70 60 MU overhaul. 7.70 'A' 5 Sqn. 7.74 60 MU overhaul. 1.11.74 'C' 5 Sqn. 7.76 store. 8.78 'J' 11 Sqn. 1.80 store. 8.82 'BG' 11 Sqn. 4.84 store. 21.1.85 'AA' 5 Sqn. 1.86 store. 2.86'DF'LTF 20.6.86 'BE' 11 Sqn, placed in store after starter explosion. By 9.87 returned to 'BE' 11 Sqn. 30.6.88 Cranfield for Mr Arnold Glass.  
Lightning F.6 XS925/L c/n 95258. F/f 26.1.67, Salmesbury Warton. 1.3.67 'L' 5 Sqn. 14.9.68 Cat 4 barrier engagement on landing, Binbrook, during Battle of Britain display. 18.11.68 rebuilt by BAc, 24.2.70 f/f after repair. 3.70 'L' 5 Sqn. 28.6.72 60 MU overhaul. 24.10.72 'L' 5 Sqn. 14.8.74 60 MU overhaul. 17.10.74 'L' 5 Sqn. 16.4.75 60 MU overhaul. 21.8.75. 'H' 11 Sqn. 18.9.75 re-coded 'J' 11 Sqn. 10.75 'L' 5 Sqn. 22.4.76 Leconfield. 3.77 Binbrook store. 20.7.79 'D' 5 Sqn. 3.9.80 ex-APC coded 'B' 5 Sqn, but reverted to 'D' 5 Sqn by 10.80. 3.81 store. 10.82 'AD' 5 Sqn. 16.7.84 St Athan for dark grey respray, returning 31.7.84 into store. 21.8.84 coded 'BA' 11 Sqn, port side only, then stored. 2.85 Mod 9 completed to add 400hr to airframe. 5.6.85'BA' 11 Sqn, re-coded'BD' 11 Sqn by end 6.85. 3.4.86 lent 5 Sqn for APC, coded 'AP' 5 Sqn. 29.7.87 store. 9.87 withdrawn from use, stripped for spares. 25.4.88 to RAF Museum, Hendon, for display purposes, painted as 'BA', 11 Sqn.  
Lightning T.5 XS450/450 c/n BI/95010. f/f 25.5.65. 6.9.65 'T' ll1 Sqn. 7.70 60 MU. 9.70 '450' 226 OCU. 2.9.74 Binbrook store. 1.1.75 5 Sqn (unmarked). 3.11.75 open store. 8.11.75 decoy, camouflaged 10.77, allocated 8534M, scrapped late 87. Coded ‘T’ w/111 sqdn in 1968.
Canberra B.2 WD948/E d/d 17/10/1951, loaned to RNZAF 07/58 to 01/62, to 8530M, perished Manston Fire School 1981. 85 squadron.
Canberra B.2 WJ603/G To 8664M at Wattisham, sold as scrap to Hanningfield Metals, Stock 10/1991. 85 squadron.
Canberra B.2 WJ640   85 squadron.
Canberra B.2 WP515 ex Welshpool, Oswestry, sold to Gatow, Germany 02/2005. 85 squadron.
Shackleton AEW.2 WL745 First flown 22.1.53 and A/Cn 27.2.53. To 23MU 11.3.53 and issued to 220 Sqn 30.3.53. Coded T-O. Transferred to 42 Sqn 1.7.54 and coded A-E. Modified 6 - 22.9.55 and suffered Cat.3 flying accident 20.6.56 when it landed heavily in poor visibility, resulting in the collapse of the tailwheel assembly and a fire in the rear fuselage. Repaired by Avro CWP 26.6.56 - 18.10.56. Transferred to 120 Sqn 5.11.56 and coded B. Allocated to Avro 18.7.58 for Phase I modification, completed 23.7.59. Issued to 204 Sqn 23.7.59 and coded M. To DH Chester (Hawarden) for Phase II update 18.5.61, the work being completed 9.1.62. Allocated to 205 Sqn, arriving Changi 24.2.62 and coded A. Cat.3 damage in flying accident 24.1.63. Repair completed 22.5.63. Further Cat.3 damage 6.10.65 was patched up and aircraft returned to UK 25.10.65 and allocated to HSA 4.11.65 for Phase II1 conversion. On completion issued to 204 Sqn 4.2.67, immediately transferred to Ballykelly Wing strength as O. Declared Cat.3 1.6.67, the damage repaired by HSA CWP 8.6.67-27.7.67, On 18.3.70 WL745 was flown to Woodford for performance checks to establish a base against which to measure the effect of the proposed AN/APS 20 radar fitment. Trials completed 25.3.70 and aircraft stored at Woodford pending decision. Allotted to MoA Air Fleet 12.8.70 for TI of Mod 1493 (AEW conversion), the first flight in the new configuration 30.9.71 (still coded O). To Boscombe Down 5.4.72 for official CA Release clearance, which was completed 26.2.73. To HSA Bitteswell 2.3.73 for completion to production standard, the aircraft being delivered as an AEW.2 to 5MU Kemble 30.7.73 for repainting. To 8 Sqn, Lossiemouth,17.9.73 and subsequently named 'Sage'. To HSA Bitteswell 10.10.77 for major overhaul, returning to 8 Sqn 28.9.78. Withdrawn from use 1981 and allocated to the RAF Fire Fighting and Safety School, Catterick. Flown to Catterick 13.7.81 and allotted the maintenance serial 8698M. Burnt 1983. Arrived on 2nd December, c/s MTOLB. Should have left on the 12th, but delayed by 24-hours due to bad weather over the UK. Had to land and refuel at RAF Leuchars due to strong headwinds.
Shackleton AEW.2 WR963 First flown 11.3.54 and A/Cn 31.3.54. To 38MU 8.4.54 for storage. Allocated to 224 Sqn, but probably ferried from Llandow to St Mawgan 22.7.54. Mods completed by CCMC 27.7.54 - 5.10.54 when delivered to Gibraltar and issued to 224 Sqn the following day. Coded B-M. 'Special fitment' installations made l0.2.55 and 15.6.55 - 6.7.55. To 49MU Colerne 28.9.56 for mods, completed 11.10.56, when WR963 returned to Gibraltar. Recoded M in 1956. More mods 19.10.57 - 11.11.57. To Avro 9.3.59 for Phase I modernization, completed 18.2.60. To 210 Sqn 23.2.60 and coded Z. Allocated to DH Chester (Hawarden) 15.3.61 for Phase II update, completed 16.11.61. Delivered to 38 Sqn 23.11.61 and coded X. To 205 Sqn 14.1.66 and coded A. Allocated to HSA Langar 7.66 for Phase III modification, completed 19.7.67. Returned to 205 Sqn 1.8.67 and coded H. To 5 MU 17.12.70 for storage until delivered to HSA Bitteswell 30.6.71 for AEW.2 conversion. To 5MU 2.6.72 for repainting. To Lossiemouth 18.7.72 for radar installation and ToC 8 Sqn the following day. To Kinloss 1.8.72, where named 'Ermintrude' . Back to Lossiemouth with unit 16.8.73. Renamed 'Parsley'. To 60MU for mods 10 - 19.3.75 and HSA Bitteswell 1.3.76 for major servicing and wing re-spar. Returned to 8 Sqn 13.5.77. Cat.3 damage sustained 10.8.79 repaired by HSA CWP, WR963 returning to 8 Sqn charge 29.10.79. Currently with Air Atlantique at Bagington Airport, Coventry - (14,957hrs at 9.3.89). Arrived on 2nd December, c/s MCZBA. Should have left on the 12th, but delayed by 24-hours due to bad weather over the UK. Had to land and refuel at RAF Wattisham due to strong headwinds.


5 April – 6/7 May 76

For this detachment, the squadron had to borrow a T.5, XS452, from the Lightning Training Flight, as the squadron’s own trainer, XV328, had developed a fuel leak.

Damage suffered by aircraft were XR747 scrapping the tail on landing, which damaged the frame to the No. 1 jet compartment floor, repaired by the Aircraft Servicing Flight at Luqa.

On departure day, XR723 had to return to Luqa as it was unable to take on fuel in the air. XS452 also developed a fault on its No.2 engine starter motor, both aircraft staying in Malta until their return on the 17th.

EE Lightning F.6 XR722/E   This could be a typo for XR772, which did serve as ‘E’ with 5 squadron in 1976. XR722 was an F.3 converted to an F.53 variant.
EE Lightning F.6 XR723/D c/n 95206. f/f 2.2.65, as F3, Salmesbury Warton. Stored, conv to F6 9.6.67 to 'L' 11 Sqn. 29.11.67 endurance flight 8hr 15min with five AARS, pilot Flt Lt W. D. E. Eggleton. 22.3.72 60 MU overhaul and store. 6.73 to 'K' 23 Sqn. 9.73 re coded 'F' 23 Sqn 7.74 re-coded 'A' 23 Sqn 9.8.74 60 MU overhaul. late 74 to 'F' 23 sqn. 3.11.75 Binbrook. 3.76 'D' 5 Sqn; in and out of store, camouflaged. 9.78 'A' 5 Sqn. 18.9.79 crashed into sea 15 miles south of RAF Akrotiri after engine fire. Pilot (Gp Capt P. Carter) ejected safely, returned to dry land within 1/2hr.  
EE Lightning F.6 XR726/N c/n 95209. f/f 26.2.65 as F3 Salmesbury-Warton. Stored and conv to F6 12.7.67 60 MU, used by Stn Flt. 14.11.67 first noted with 'Golden Arrow' markings. 1.2.68 loaned 23 Sqn (unmarked). 29.2.68 'N' 5 Sqn. 24.10.72 60 MU overhaul. 10.1.73 'N' 5 Sqn. 19.10.73 damaged by No 2 engine starter fire Binbrook (1,693hr 15min). 7.8.76 stored. 23.2.68 'K' 5 Sqn. 3.8.79 painted 'K' 23 Sqn for 25th anniversary. 15.8.79 lost rudder in flight, landed safely. 7.80 stored. 12.80 'AE' 5 Sqn. 5.81 stored. 8.12.81 St Athan respray, returned 11.2.82 light grey scheme, stored/used LAF with whom coded'F' in red dayglo. 3.83 'DF' LTF. 12.83 stored. 15.4.85 air tested following 30 week mod programme Binbrook by BAe to extend fatigue life by 400hr. 'BE' 11 Sqn same month. 6.86 stored then 'DF' LTF until 26.3.87. 30.4.87 'BM' 11 Sqn. 7.87. Withdrawn from use, stripped for spares. (3,976.25hr.)  
EE Lightning F.6 XR452/ c/n BI/95012. f/f 30.6.65. 20.9.65 '452' 226 OCU. 3.2.71 60 MU. 11.11.71 'T' 111 Sqn. 12.71 re coded 'X' 111 Sqn. 2.74 'X' 56 Sqn. 1.75 Akrotiri Station Flight (Flamingo on pink fin, pink blue nose markings), used APC-detached UK Lightning squadrons. 21.5.75 Binbrook, store. 7.75 'Y' 11 Sqn (‘C' Flt). First flight in dark green experimental camouflage 18.7.75. 11.75 LTF. 5.4.76 lent 5 Sqn. 10.76 store. 7.77 'T' 11 Sqn. 7.80 'Z' LTF. 11.80 'DZ' LTF. 15.2.83 St Athan returning 2.3.83 in light grey scheme, and stored. 1.4.85 'BT' 11 Sqn. 30.6.88 Cranfield, purchased by Mr Arnold Glass. Re-reg ZU-BBD, Mike Beachy-Head, South Africa. There is no Lightning serial XR452, so this is probably a typo for XS452. The aircraft’s history shows that an XS452 served with 5 squaron during its time in Malta in 1976.
EE Lightning F.6 XR753/F c/n 95218. f/f 23.6.65 as F3A, Salmesbury Warton for store. 16.11.65. 33 MU store. 26.11.65. 'T' AFDS. 2.66 re coded 'U' FCTU 10.8.67 23 SqD becoming 'V' 23 Sqn. 21.3.68 BAC Warton mod to full F6. 18.7.69 60 MU. 9.69 'B' 5 Sqn. 3.71 60 MU overhaul. 16.8.71 Leuchars. 21.8.71 'A' 23 Sqn mid-74 60 MU overhaul. 9.8.74 'A' 23 sqn. 3.11.75 Coningsby. 12.11.75 'F' 5 Sqn (Binbrook). 15.6.76 60 MU overhaul early 10.76 'A' 5 Sqn, during 1980 used by LTF. 6.81 'BA' 11 Sqn. 4.83'AG' 5 Sqn. 11.84 store. 28.3.85 'AC' 5 Sqn. 2.86 uncoded 5 Sqn, by 10.86 'BP' 11 sqn. 24.5.88 Leeming for BDR (3,487.20hr).  
EE Lightning F.6 XS898/K c/n 95244. f/f 20.5.66, Salmesbury Warton for storage. 9.1.67 'K' 5 Sqn. 30.1.73 60 MU overhaul, returned approx 4.73. 17.7.76 store. 6.78 'J' 5 Sqn with experimental unit markings. 2.80 store. 8.80 declared Cat 3 for wing cracks, fuel leaks and u/c mounting bracket. Airframe severely overstressed (IOG-14G) following pilot disorientation causing dive at Mach 1.3, but aircraft safely recovered to Binbrook, where stripped down and repaired with reinforcing plates! 27.3.81 'BC' 11 Sqn. 3.83 'AK' 5 Sqn. Storage with periodic air tests until 14.5.86 'BM' 11 Sqn. 7.5.87 store. 29.7.87 'BD' 11 Sqn. 30.6.88 Cranfield for Mr Arnold Glass.  
EE Lightning F.6 XS903/A c/n 95249. flf 17.8.66, Salmesbury-Warton for storage. 16.3.67 'A' 5 Sqn (June 69 wore Paris Salon code '91'). 10. 69 60 MU overhaul. 10.4.70 seen at Leconfield with black '5' on fin. 4.70 'C' 5 Sqn. 7.1.74 60 MU overhaul. 7.74 returned to 'A' 5 Sqn. 10.76 store. 8.77 'C' 5 Sqn. 4.78 store. 9.79 LTF. 14.9.79 nosewheel up landing at Coningsby (Cat 4 FA). 8.9.80 returned to Binbrook following repairs. 29.10.80 'BC' 11 Sqn. 3.10.81 store. 16.6.82 St Athan for light grey respray, returning on 12.7.82 to 'BC' 11 Sqn. 6.83 store. 21.8.84 5 Sqn to Akrotiri for APC, coded 'AM' 5 Sqn while there. 10.86 store. By 6.87 'AO' 5 Sqn. By 22.7.87 'BE' 11 Sqn. 4.8.87 lost part of rudder in flight and made emergency landing. By 3.9.87 replaced as 'BE', and by late 11.87 became 'BA' 11 Sqn with black fin and spine. 18.5.88 delivered by CO Wg Cdr Jake Jarron to RAF Eivington for preservation by Yorkshire Air Museum.  
EE Lightning F.6 XS923/C c/n 95256. f/f 13.12.66, Salmesbury Warton. 11.1.67 'M' 5 Sqn. 2.67 re-coded 'C' 5 Sqn. 29.3.70 60 MU overhaul. 7.70 'A' 5 Sqn. 7.74 60 MU overhaul. 1.11.74 'C' 5 Sqn. 7.76 store. 8.78 'J' 11 Sqn. 1.80 store. 8.82 'BG' 11 Sqn. 4.84 store. 21.1.85 'AA' 5 Sqn. 1.86 store. 2.86'DF'LTF 20.6.86 'BE' 11 Sqn, placed in store after starter explosion. By 9.87 returned to 'BE' 11 Sqn. 30.6.88 Cranfield for Mr Arnold Glass.  
EE Lightning F.6 XS927/G c/n 95260. F/f 15.2.67, Salmesbury Warton. 3.4.67 'N' 74 Sqn. 14.9.71 60 MU overhaul. 25.5.72 'M' 11 Sqn. 9.72 'O' 23 Sqn. 4.11.75 Binbrook store. 3.76 'G' 5 Sqn. 7.8.76 store. 7.9.79 'H' 11 Sqn, later 'BH' 11 Sqn. 7.11.80 store. 28.10.81 St Athan for respray. 9.12.81 at Binbrook, unmarked, then 'BH' 11 Sqn. 2.83 store. 18.2.85 'BB' 11 Sqn. 26.2.86 returned to Binbrook following diversion to RAF Swinderby a few days earlier. Last flown 10.86; scrapped by 4.88 (3,575.35hr).  
EE Lightning F.6 _____/O?    
EE Lightning T.5 XS452/T c/n BI/95012. f/f 30.6.65. 20.9.65 '452' 226 OCU. 3.2.71 60 MU. 11.11.71 'T' 111 Sqn. 12.71 re coded 'X' 111 Sqn. 2.74 'X' 56 Sqn. 1.75 Akrotiri Station Flight (Flamingo on pink fin, pink blue nose markings), used APC-detached UK Lightning squadrons. 21.5.75 Binbrook, store. 7.75 'Y' 11 Sqn ('C' Flt). First flight in dark green experimental camouflage 18.7.75. 11.75 LTF. 5.4.76 lent 5 Sqn. 10.76 store. 7.77 'T' 11 Sqn. 7.80 'Z' LTF. 11.80 'DZ' LTF. 15.2.83 St Athan returning 2.3.83 in light grey scheme, and stored. 1.4.85 'BT' 11 Sqn. 30.6.88 Cranfield, purchased by Mr Arnold Glass. Re-reg ZU-BBD, Mike Beachy-Head, South Africa. This T.5 was on loan from the Lightning Training Flight, as the squadron’s own trainer, XV328, had developed a fuel leak.
EE Canberra B.2 WE116/E   100 Sqdn.
EE Canberra B.2 WJ678/K   100 Sqdn.
EE Canberra TT.18 WJ574 d/d 09/06/1953, sold to BAC 05/12/1969, to G-27-182, to TT18 standard, to Melbourne, Florida, USA as N77844  
HP Victor XL160   55 Sqdn. Refuelled Lightnings back to the UK on 7th May.
HP Victor XL190   55 Sqdn. Arrived on 5th April.
HP Victor XL191   55 Sqdn. Refuelled Lightnings back to the UK on 7th May.
HP Victor XL232   55 Sqdn. Refuelled Lightnings back to the UK on 6th May.
HP Victor XL511   55 Sqdn. Participated in “MALTA EDEX” exercise on 3rd May. Refuelled Lightnings back to the UK on 6th May.
HP Victor XL512   55 Sqdn. Arrived on 05 April, again seen on 6th May. Participated in “MALTA EDEX” exercise on 3rd May.
HP Victor XM715   55 Sqdn. Participated in “MALTA EDEX” exercise between 3-. Refuelled Lightnings back to the UK on 7th May.
HP Victor WL756   Arrived on 26th April, departed on 6th May. c/s MTHBB.
A. Shackleton AEW.2 WR960 First flown 5.2.54 and A/Cn 25.2.54. To 23MU 8.3.54 and issued to CAPMF St Mawgan 24.6.54 for mods. To 228 Sqn 22.7.54 and coded L-P. Autolycus 'special fitment' at 49 MU 1.6.55 - 17.6.55, the aircraft visiting CCMC St Mawgan for completion of mod before redelivery to 228 Sqn. More mods at 49MU 5.2.57 - 12.3.57 and in 8.58 WR960 was recoded X. Transferred from 228 Sqn to 42 Sqn 9.3.59 and coded B until allocated to Avro 8.9.59 for Phase I modernization, completed 3.7.60. Ferried from Langar to 49MU Colerne 4.8.60 for further mods, completed 9.12.60. To St Mawgan 18.12.60, but reallocated to 210 Sqn the following day and coded U on arrival at Ballykelly. To Avro 28.3.62 for Phase II update and retained at Langar on completion 30.1.63 , when handed over to the MoA Air Fleet for Tl of Phase III modifications against Contracts KD/L/091 and 092/CB6(a). To A&AEE Boscombe Down 15.12.65 for official trials of Phase III armament by 'B' Squadron. On completion allotted to HSA Langar 14.6.67 for a minor servicing and preparation for servicer arriving 16.6.67. Despatched to FEAF via St Mawgan 2.2.68 and issued to 205 Sqn as A. Ferried to the UK, arriving St Mawgan 8.11.70, and on to 5MU Kemble the next day for storage. Delivered to HSA Bitteswell 27.5.71 for conversion to AEW.2, on completion returning to 5MU for repainting. To Lossiemouth for radar installation 7.6.72 and ToC by 8 Sqn the following day, initially as 'Dougal'. Transferred to Kinloss 21.6.72. To Lossiemouth with unit 16.8.73. To 60MU for mods 2.12.74, returning to 8 Sqn 11.12.74. Cat.3 damage sustained 23.2.77 was repaired, WR960 returning to 8 Sqn 24.3.77. To HSA Bitteswell 17.3.78 for wing re-sparring and major inspection, completed 12.3.79, when the aircraft returned to 8 Sqn. Despatched to Cosford 22.11.82 and allotted maintenance serial 8772M. Subsequently dismantled for transport to the Air & Space Gallery of Greater Manchester Museum of Science and Industry, arriving 27.1.83. Reassembled by 3.2.83 and currently exhibited. Total flying time 9712 hrs. Arrived on 26th April, departed on 6th May. c/s MTMYA.


31 March – 05 May 77

This was to be no. 5's last full-squadron visit to Malta.

Two aircraft suffered damage which forced them to remain behind after the squadrons’ departure.

XR747 scrapped its tail during a landing, damaging the frame for the No. 1 jet pipe compartment floor.

XR755 received damage to the ECU, which necessitated an engine change.

Shackleton callsigns were MTMYB and MTHBA.

EE Lightning F.6 XR725/J c/n 95208. f/f 19.2.65 as F3, Salmesbury Warton. Stored, conv to F6. 15.8.67 60 MU. 16.8.67 Warton, then 'A' 23 Sqn same day. 26.10.67 taxying accident (port u/c sank through concrete) while detached to Sola, Norway, flown 60 MU for repair, then 'A' 28.8.68 Toronto 7hr 20min for air show returning 3.9.68. 1.70 store (60 MU?). 7.70 'A' 74 Sqn. 14.9.71 60 MU, overhaul. 25.4.72 'Y' 56 Sqn delivered via 23 Sqn. 4.75 re-coded 'P' 56 Sqn 13.1.76 60 MU overhaul. 25.5.76 'J' 5 Sqn. 7.78 stored. 6.5.80'F' LTF, 11.80 re-coded 'DF' LTF. 3.81 stored. 5.82 St Athan light grey re-spray, returning 27.5.82 as 'DF' LTF. 8.82 store. 9.82 LAF. 15.10.85 'BA' 11 Sqn. 11.5.87 black fin, soon extended to spine. 12.87 store. Scrapped 4.88. (3,870.20hr.)  
EE Lightning F.6 XR747/E c/n 95212. f/f 2.4.65 as F3, Salmesbury Warton for store and conv to F6. Late 67 to 60 MU storage. 4.1.68 'K' 23 Sqn. 4.6.73 60 MU overhaul. 20.9.73 'K' 23 Sqn. 15.5.74 'X' 111 Sqn. 30.9.74 Binbrook. 11.74 'P' Sqn. 2.76 first 5 Sqn to receive grey/green camouflage scheme. 16.2.77 re^coded'E' 5 Sqn. 9.77 Cat 3 with persistent fuel leaks, placed in store until 10178 when returned to service as 'E' 5 sqn. 4.79 stored. 5.6.81 due to be placed on fire dump, Binbrook but fell off low loader and left on belly ('5' Sqn marks), and used as 'photo mount' for 'Families Day' 6.6.81. Repaired, 18.5.82 air tested and transferred to LAF as 'X' 8.82 'BF' 11 Sqn. 2.85, Mod, 9 to give 400 more flying hours. 23.8.85 air tested. 24.9.85 'AL' 5 Sqn. 7.8.87 Lost part of rudder in flight, made emergency landing, Coningsby. 22.8.87 (last flight) to Binbrook. Scrapped 4.88. (3,650.40hr.)  
EE Lightning F.6 XR753/A c/n 95218. f/f 23.6.65 as F3A, Salmesbury Warton for store. 16.11.65. 33 MU store. 26.11.65. 'T' AFDS. 2.66 re coded 'U' FCTU 10.8.67 23 SqD becoming 'V' 23 Sqn. 21.3.68 BAC Warton mod to full F6. 18.7.69 60 MU. 9.69 'B' 5 Sqn. 3.71 60 MU overhaul. 16.8.71 Leuchars. 21.8.71 'A' 23 Sqn mid-74 60 MU overhaul. 9.8.74 'A' 23 sqn. 3.11.75 Coningsby. 12.11.75 'F' 5 Sqn (Binbrook). 15.6.76 60 MU overhaul early 10.76 'A' 5 Sqn, during 1980 used by LTF. 6.81 'BA' 11 Sqn. 4.83'AG' 5 Sqn. 11.84 store. 28.3.85 'AC' 5 Sqn. 2.86 uncoded 5 Sqn, by 10.86 'BP' 11 sqn. 24.5.88 Leeming for BDR (3,487.20hr).  
EE Lightning F.6 XR755/F c/n 95220. f/f 15.7.65 as F3A SalmesburyWarton for storage. 10.12.65 33 MU store, issued soon afterwards as 'G' 5 Sqn. 3.66 re-coded 'A' 5 Sqn. 7.4.67 BAC, Warton mod, to full F6. (321hr 35min). 3.5.68 flf as F6. 25.5.68 'C' 5 Sqn. mid 71 60 MU overhaul. 11.7.72 returned 5 Sqn, later coded '0'. 8.73 BAC Warton. 1.74 'O' 5 Sqn. 17.7.75 re coded 'D' 5 Sqn. 13.2.76 60 MU overhaul. 15.6.76 5 sqn, coded 'F' 5 Sqn by 11.76. By 9.78 stored. By 1.80 'J' Sqn. By 11.80'BJ' 1 1 Sqn. 11.81 store. 12.83 'BF' 1 1 Sqn. (f/f as such 2.2.84). 3.84 store 5.84 'BF' 1 1 Sqn by 6.85 store. 3.86 'BN' 1 1 Sqn. 1.87 store. By 8.87 'BN'111 Sqn. Last flown 12.87. Salvaged 4.88 (4,093.30hr). 24.6.88 Castle Air, Cornwall.  
EE Lightning F.6 XR760/G c/n 95225. f/f 20.9.65 as F3A, Salrnesbury Warton for storage. 27.1.66 'F' 5 Sqn. 9.1.67 BAC Warton mod to F6. (297hr 40min.) 9.10.67 60 MU store. 28.11.67 'H' 23 Sqn. 25.9.70 60 MU overhaul. 3.3.71 'H' 23 Sqn. 9.10.73 undershot and hit approach lights, Luqa, Malta (1,846hr 55min). 3.11.75 Binbrook store. 8.3.76 60 MU overhaul. 7.76 5 Sqn coded 'G' 5 Sqn by 8.76. 7.77 re coded 'B' 5 Sqn. 6.78 store. 4.81 5 Sqn (uncoded). 27.4.81 St Athan respray (in light grey scheme.) by 7.81, with 5 Sqn (uncoded). 3.82 'AA' 5 Sqn. 27.4.82 'K' LAF, later stored. 3.83 'Z' LAF. 7.83 'BD' 11 Sqn, then stored by 12.83. Active 'BD' 11 Sqn 1.84. 22.1.85 St Athan dark grey respray, returned as 'BD' 11 Sqn by 3.85 along with XR773 also coded 'BD', which it replaced 4.85, then stored 5.85. 1.86 'BL' 11 Sqn. 15.7.86 crashed into North Sea seven miles north of Whitby after rear fuselage fire believed caused by fuel leak. Pilot ejected, rescued by 22 Sqn Wessex from Leconfield.  
EE Lightning F.6 XS899/L c/n 95245. f/f 8.6.66, Salmesbury Warton for storage. 23.1.67 'G' 5 Sqn. 18.10.73 60 MU overhaul. 28.1.74 'E' 23 Sqn. 17.7.75 engine runs, Binbrook. 27.8.75 returned to 'E' 23 Sqn until disbandment 30.10.75. 3.11.75 Binbrook store. 1.76 noted camouflaged, coded 'W' in black. 24.3.77 flying with 5 Sqn, still coded'W'. 29.3.77 'L' 5 Sqn. 12.77 store. 4.78 'C' 5 Sqn. 12.78 store. 5.79 'C' 11 Sqn (18.7.79 painted in 92 Sqn markings for 25th anniversary). 6.8.79 reverted to 'C' 11 Sqn, later coded 'BC' 11 Sqn. 10.80 store. 3.81 'BL' 11 Sqn. By 10.81 'AA' 5 Sqn. 3.3.82 St Athan for light grey respray, returning 17.3.82, to 'AA' 5 Sqn. 11.7.83 St Athan for further respray in dark grey, returning by 8.83. 9.83 store. 4.84 'AJ. 5 Sqn. 11.85 store. 1.10.86 'AM' 5 Sqn. 5.87 store. 7.8.87 lost rudder in flight due to strong winds, diverted safely to Coningsby. By 10.87 'AF' 5 Sqn until disbandment 12.87 then 'BL' 11 Sqn. 30.6.88 Cranfield for Mr Arnold Glass.  
EE Lightning F.6 XS919/C c/n 95252. flf 28.9.66, Salmesbury-Warton for over-wing tank trials. 14.4.67 'C' 11 Sqn. 2.72 60 MU overhaul. 29.6.72 'R' 56 Sqn. Late 75 60 MU overhaul. 7.76 'C' 5 Sqn. 7.77 re coded 'A' 5 Sqn. 8.87 re-coded 'F' 5 Sqn. 4.79 store. 13.3.81 'AD' 5 Sqn. Late 82 store. 5.84 'AL' 5 Sqn 3.5.84 St Athan for dark grey respray, returning 30.5.84. 8.6.84 temporarily coded 'AL' 5 Sqn. 11.6.84 stored, then 'BN' 11 Sqn same month. 7.84 store. 2.85 'BN' 11 Sqn. By 20.11.86 'BB' 11 Sqn, last flown 2.88. Salvaged 4.88 (3,987.25hr).  
EE Lightning F.6 XS928/K c/n 95261. f/f 28.2.67, Salmesbury- Warton. 4.4.67 'D' 11 Sqn. 1.70. L' 74 Sqn. 6.4.70 Cat 4 damage caused by ground fire at Tengah when fuel vented on to wing. 3.11.70 airlifted by Belfast freighter to BAC Warton for repair - new wings fitted (old wings appeared at Gutersloh!). 14.7.72 loaned to 23 Sqn, Leuchars. 16.8.72 'E' 56 Sqn. 4.76 re-coded 'R' 56 Sqn. 1.7.76 60 MU overhaul. 17.7.76 Binbrook store. 9.76 'K' 5 Sqn. By 12.77 'L' 5 Sqn, and by 2.80 'F' 5 Sqn. 10.80 store. 20.10.81 'AJ' 5 Sqn. 6.82 'AU' 5 Sqn. 16.8.82 St Athan for dark grey respray, returning 3.9.82. 5.83 St Athan for further respray, returning 25.5.83 in revised dark grey scheme. 6.83 'BB' 11 Sqn. 5.84 re-coded 'BJ' 11 Sqn. 2.85 Mod 9 completed, adding 400hr to airframe. 2.85 store. 8.85 'AH' 5 Sqn. 7.86 store. 3.87 'AD' 5 Sqn. In use until unit disbanded 12.87 then fitted with over wing tanks and used in BAe Tornado F3 radar trials. By 4.88 delivered Warton for continuation of trials.  
EE Lightning F.6 XS935/B c/n 95268. f/f 29.5.67, Salmesbury Warton. 18.7.67 60 MU store. 1.9.67 Wattisham store. 5.1.68 'J' 23 Sqn. 9.72. 60 MU overhaul. 10.72 'J' 23 Sqn. 22.10.75 Binbrook store. 1.76 'B' 5 Sqn. 7.77 store. 8.80 'J' 5 Sqn. 25.9.80 re-coded 'AB' 5 Sqn. 7.81 store. 9.81 'AB' 5 Sqn. 21.4.82 St Athan for light grey respray, returning 10.5.82 into store. 9.83 'BE' 11 Sqn. 31.7.85 'AK' 5 Sqn. 9.87. Stored. Scrapped 4.88 (3,602.30hr).  
EE Lightning T.5 XV328/T c/n B 1/9502 1. f/f 22.12.66. 31.1.67 60 MU. 3.67 'Z' 29 Sqn. 10.69 badly damaged Coltishall while on detachment. 2.70'Z'29 Sqn. 8.3.72 60 MU. 19.1.73 'T' 5 Sqn. 3.80 'Y' LTF. 11.80 'DY' LTF. 9.12.82 St Athan, returning 6.1.83 in light grey scheme, stored. 10.83 'DU' LTF. 4.87 'BZ' 11 Sqn. 30.6.88 Cranfield, purchased by Mr Arnold Glass.  
HP Victor K.2 XL160 To 8910M All Victors from 55 Sqdn. Refuelled Lightnings to Luqa, departing on 1 April.
HP Victor K.2 XL163 To 8916M, scr. Hanningfield Metals. Nose section owned by the HP Victor Association, it resides with the Blyth Valley Aviation Collection  
HP Victor K.2 XL188 To 9100M, scr. Kinloss 1997.  
HP Victor K.2 XL511 f/f 04/05/1962, scr. Manston 08/1993.  
EE Canberra B.2 WE113/H Cockpit preserved, Woodhurst, Cambs. 100 Sqdn, arrived on 31 Mar 77 for target towing duties.
EE Canberra B.2 WJ567/C Broken up Wyton 12/1991. 100 Sqdn, arrived on 31 Mar 77 for target towing duties.
Avro Shackleton AEW.2 WL757 First flown 10.4.53 and A/Cn 30.4.53. To Hawarden 7.5.53, continuing to 23MU Aldergrove the next day. Allocated to MEAF 28.7.53 and delivered by the Overseas Ferry Unit, Benson. To 37 Sqn 5.8.53 and coded D. To CAPMF St Mawgan 19.2.53 for mods, returning to Luqa 3.3.53. To 137MU Safi 20.5.54 for Cat.3 repair, completed 3.6.54, and to Avro Langar 18.9.54 - 6.11.54 for a major servicing. A 'special fitment' installed 22.6.55 - 11.7.55 followed by further mods at Safi 9.1.56 23.2.56, the aircraft returning to 37 Sqn three days later still as D. On 8.7.57 WL757 went into temporary storage with 137MU until issued to 38 Sqn and probably coded U. To Avro 29.9.58 for Phase I modifications, completed 29.10.59. To 210 Sqn the following day and coded W. To DH Chester (Hawarden) 27.3.61 for Phase II update, completed 5.12.61. Issued to Z24 Sqn 15.12.61 and coded C, remaining until allocated to HSA Langar 30.3.66 for Phase III modifications. On completion allotted to FEAF and delivered to 205 Sqn 25.5.67. Coded K on arrival. Ferried back to the UK, arriving St Mawgan 12.12.70 for customs clearance before delivery to 5MU Kemble two days later. To HSA Bitteswell 26.8.71 for AEW.2 conversion, first flying in the revised configuration 6.72. To 5MU for repainting 3.7.72 and delivered to Lossiemouth 25.8.72 for radar installation. ToC 8 Sqn 29.8.72 and named 'Brian', moving over to Kinloss 6.9.72. To 60MU 2.5.73 for mods, returning to 8 Sqn and moved to Lossiemouth with the unit 17.8.73. Loaned to MoD (PE) 7.12.73 for service trials and CA clearance of SRIM 3825 (AMTI facility for AN/APS 20F radar) by 'B' Squadron, A&AEE Boscombe Down. Part of trial conducted at Lossiemouth 18 - 20.12.73 and aircraft returned to 8 Sqn 1.3.74. To HSA Bitteswell 25.10.79 for re-sparring and major servicing, returning to 8 Sqn 1981. Current (13,932 hrs at 9.3.89) at Paphos Airport, Cyprus. Arrived on 25 April, departing on 3rd May.
Avro Shackleton AEW.2 WL790 First flown 23.6.53 and A/Cn 17.7.53. To 38MU Llandow 7.8.53 and stored. Prepared for issue to 240 Sqn 6.10.53. Uncoded. Port wing damaged when aircraft struck hangar while taxying at St Eval 31.3.54. Cat.3 damage repaired by Avro CWP and on completion aircraft transferred to 204 Sqn 9.8.54, nominally coded T-T, but probably only carried unit marking T. Autolycus installed at 49MU Coleme 18.5.55 - 7.6.55 and completed by CCMC St Mawgan, Wl,790 returning to 204 Sqn 10.7.55. Suffered Cat.3 damage when the aircraft was landed heavily in the undershoot at Aston Down 9.8.57. Repaired on site by Avro CWP 23.8.57 - 30.1.58. WL790 returned to 204 Sqn 10.2.58, but was again damaged 31.7.58 when the tailwheel assembly broke off during landing at Ballykelly, causing Cat.3 damage. Repaired by Avro CWP 27.8.58 - 6.11.58 and transferred to 269 Sqn I I .11.58 and to 210 Sqn 1.12.58 still uncoded. To 49MU 7.1.59 for Phase I modification, completed 16.4.59. Returned to 210 Sqn 12.5.59 and coded X. To Avro Langar 10.1.61 for Phase II update, completed 28.5.62, and allocated to FEAF. Issued to 205 Sqn 21.6.62 coded E. Allotted to HSA 29.8.66 for Phase III modification, arriving Langar 10.66. On completion 8.67 the aircraft was returned to 205 Sqn and recoded D. Cat.3 repair 21.3.68 - 16.5.68, WL790 remaining with 205 Sqn until allocated to 5MU, arriving Kemble 4.1.71 for temporary storage. Delivered to HSA Bitteswell 30.9.71 for AEW.2 conversion, flying in the new configuration 7.72. To 5MU 3.8.72 for repainting and delivered to Lossiemouth 19.9.72 for radar installation. ToC 8 Sqn Kinloss 20.9.72. To RRE Pershore 2.1.73 for flight trials of Marconi (AMTI), which commenced 1.3.73 and were completed 11.5.73, when the aircraft returned to Kinloss and named 'Mr MacHenry'. To Lossiemouth 15.8.73 with unit on transfer. To 60MU for mods 19.3.75 - 10.4.75, returning to 8 Sqn until sent to HSA Bitteswell 1980 for re-sparring and refurbishing. Returned to 8 Sqn Lossiemouth 28.7.81 (the last on contract). Current (13,891 hrs at 9.3.89). Sold at Auction and currently at Blaine in the Usof A operated by Amjet. Arrived on 25 April, departing on 3rd May.


11 Squadron

Motto: Ociores acrierosquaquilis - Swifter and keener than eagles

Current Status: Reformed on the BAe Typhoon at RAF Coningsby in 2007.

Trivia: After no. 5 squadron, no. 11 is the only other unit to have been equipped with the Lightning for more than two decades, 1967 – 1988.

Exercise Belted Flier, 16/17 July - 16/18 August 73

For this detachment, 85 squadron Canberras towed 66 banners over 125 hours of sorties.

On 07 August a one-day, 12-hour ADEX was held, code-named Exercise Eager Watcher, simulating attacks against Malta.

The squadron also conducted 2 days of intensive operations, flying 70 sorties. But as was noted in the squadron’s ORB: “The aircraft stood up to the trail well and throughout the exercise we maintained an in-commission rate of 75%. However, towards the end of the period we were getting short of spares and whether or not we could have maintained this rate for 6 days without an exclusive airlift from our UK base is questionable.”

Another notable achievement was by Flt. Lt. J K Vickers who clocked 1000 hours on Lightnings.

EE Lightning F.3 XR720/M c/n 95203. f/f 24.12.64. 29.3.65 33 MU. 8.4.65 'E' 56 Sqn. 9.68 60 MU. 14.7.69 'E' 56 Sqn. 5.10.71 60 MU. 8.10.71 'L' 29 Sqn. 13.10.71 60 MU store. 8.2.73 'M' 11 Sqn., 16.2.76 LTF, 26.3.76 'M' 11 Sqn, 9.12.77 store, 29.4.81 'DC' LTF, 11.2,82 'BN' 11 Sqn, 16.9.82 'DA' LTF, 2.85 store, 4.87 allocated 8930M. 9.87 Decoy, scrapped late 87. Arrived on the 17th.
EE Lightning F.3 XP761 c/n 95189. f/f 26.8.64. 27.10.64 'N' 23 Sqn. 10.67 'Z' 111 Sqn. 16.9.72 'C' 11 Sqn. 25.7.74 'Q' 11 Sqn. 14.10.74 last flight, when time expired. Allocated 8438M and issued to Lightning Servicing School, Binbrook, until 82 when used as decoy. 10.11.86 burnt. Arrived on the 17th.
EE Lightning F.6 XR724 c/n 95207. f/f 10.2.65 as F3, SalmesburyWarton. Stored, conv to F6. 16.6.67 to 'M' 11 Sqn. 4.3.72 60 MU overhaul. 5.72 'M' 11 Sqn 11.8.72 re coded 'K' 11 Sqn. 3.76 Cat 3 damage when starter exploded, Binbrook. 17.7.76 Leconfield (temp base for 11 Sqn) as 'K' 11 Sqn 1.6.79 Binbrook display a/c, 5 Sqn marks one side, 11 Sqn the other. 12.79 'K' LTF. 13.1.81 'AG' 5 Sqn. 14.7.82 re-code 'AV', later reverted to 'AG'. 19.10.82 St Athan light grey respray. 9.11.82 returned from St Athan with transposed serial XR742(!) as 'AG' 5. 11.83 'BC' 11 Sqn. Intermittent storage until 2.4.86. 17.4.86 'AE' 5 Sqn. 3.6.86 St Athan dark grey respray, returning 19.6.86, rejoining as 'AE' 5 Sqn. 5.87 stored Binbrook. 8.87 'AE' 5 Sqn remained in use until disbandment 12.87, then fitted with over-wing tanks and used for BAe Tornado F3 radar trials (still as 'AE' 29.3.88). 11.4.88 to BAe Warton for continuation of trials. Arrived on the 16th.
EE Lightning F.6 XR762 c/n 95227. f/f 9.10.65 as F3A, Salmesbury Warton for storage. 22.2.66 'K' 5 Sqn. 16.1.67 BAC Warton mod to F6 (256hr 29min). 29.12.67 'L' 23 Sqn. 18.2.71 60 MU overhaul. 8.7.71 'H' 11 Sqn. 7.4.75 crashed into sea off Cyprus. Arrived on the 17th.
EE Lightning F.6 XR763/B c/n 95228. f/f 15.10.65 as F3A, Salmesbury Warton for storage. 11.2.66 'H' 5 Sqn. 3.1.67 BAC, Warton mod to F6. 1.11.67 'G' 23 Sqn. 7.70 'B' 11 Sqn. 14.10.71 60 MU overhaul. 5.72 'B' 11 Sqn . 5.77 store (19.7.79 painted as 'E' 56 Sqn for 25th anniversary). 8.8.79 'E' 11 Sqn. 10.80 re coded 'BE' 11 Sqn. 4.81 store. 9.11.82 St Athan light grey respray, returning 25.11.82, then 12.82 'AL' 5 Sqn. 1.83 re coded 'AE' 5 Sqn. 8.84 store. 31.1.85 'AN' 5 Sqn. 2.86 store. By 7.5.87 'AP' 5 Sqn. 1.7.87 crashed on approach to Akrotiri during APC after engine flame-out following ingestion of part of target banner. Pilot ejected safely. Arrived on the 16th.
EE Lightning F.6 XR765 c/n 95230. f/f 10.11.65 as F3A, Salmesbury Warton for storage. 8.3.66 'M' 5 Sqn. 24.2.67 BAC Warton for mod to F6. 25.3.68 23 Sqn (301hr 41min). 9.8.68 'S' Leuchars Pool (Command Reserve). 2.70 'A' 23 Sqn. 16.8.71 60 MU overhaul. 28.1.72 'C' 11 Sqn (loan). 14.2.72 23 Sqn (uncoded). 23.3.73 RAE Bedford (unmarked). 9.10.75 60 MU overhaul. 12.2.76 'C' 11 Sqn. 10.77 store. 11.12.79 'J' 5 Sqn. 8.80 APC Akrotiri, returning as 'E' 5 Sqn, then stored 3.9.80. 11.80 'AJ' 5 Sqn. 23.7.81 crashed North Sea 50 miles northeast of Binbrook and 30 miles east of Spurn Head after double reheat fire during Exercise 'Priory', pilot ejected safely, Wreckage recovered by Dutch trawler. Arrived on the 16th.
EE Lightning F.6 XR769 c/n 95234. f/f 1.12.65, Salmesbury Warton for storage. 12.9.66 A&AEE. 2.11.66 'B' 74 Sqn. 7.2.70 returned to UK from Tengah. 3.70 'S' 5 Sqn mid 70. 60 MU overhaul. 5.71 'J' Sqn. 8.75 store. 9.75 loaned 5 Sqn. 10.75 'J' 11 Sqn. 17.7.76 store. 28.3.78 noted in 5 Sqn marks (uncoded). 7.4.78 'B' 11 Sqn (10.7.79 painted as 'B' 19 Sqn for 25th anniversary). 3.8.79 reverted to 'B' 11 Sqn. 10.79 store. 21.7.81 'BB' 11 Sqn. 8.81 re coded 'BD' 11 Sqn. 7.83 store. 4.84 'BG' 11 Sqn. 2.86 store. 8.86 'BE' 11 Sqn. By 22.7.87 in store. 15.9.87 'AM' 5 Sqn, remained in use until disbandment 12.87, then operated, unmarked, by 11 Sqn until 11.4.88 when it crashed off Humber Estuary following engine fire; pilot Flt Lt Dick Coleman, Royal Australian AF, ejected safely. Arrived on the 16th.
EE Lightning F.6 XS904/A c/n 95250. f/f 26.8.66, Salmesbury Warton for storage. 18.4.67 'A' 11 Sqn. 11.8.67 60 MU overhaul. 21.12.70 'A' 11 Sqn. 12.70 loaned to 5 Sqn until early 71. 19.8.74 60 MU overhaul. 9.1.75 'A' 11 Sqn, by 7.77 recoded 'B' 11 Sqn. 17.4.78 store. 2.80 'D' 11 Sqn, later 'BD' 11 Sqn. 8.81 store. 5.9.84 'BM' 11 Sqn. 2.1.85 skidded off taxi way on snow/ice, shearing off nosewheel oleo. Repaired and returned to service as 'BM' by 5.86, when stored. 16.3.87 'BQ' 11 Sqn. By 12.87 fitted with over wing tanks and involved in BAe Tortnado F3 radar development trials (flown by 11 Sqn). 11.4.88 delivered to Warton for BAe continuation of trials. Camouflaged, unmarked. Current 6.88.  
EE Lightning F.6 XS920 c/n 95253. f/f 25.10.66, Salmesbury Warton. 5.12.66 'L' 74 Sqn. 7.70 60 MU overhaul. 11.8.70 'F' 11 Sqn. 19.12.73 60 MU overhaul. 7.74 'E' 11 Sqn, store. 17.7.76 60 MU overhaul. 9.76 Binbrook. 9.77 'E' 11 Sqn. 12.77 store. 21.9.79 'B' 11 Sqn. 10.80 re coded 'BB' 11 Sqn. 7.81 store. 6.83 St Athan for respray, returning same month, put into store. 11.83 'AF' 5 Sqn. 13.7.84 crashed Heuslingen, 25 miles east of Bremmen, West Germany, while following USAF A-10 at 20Oft, hit power cables; pilot killed. Arrived on the 16th.
EE Lightning F.6 XS929/E c/n 95262. f/f 1.3.67, Salmesbury Warton. 26.4.67 'E' 11 Sqn. 12.1.73 60 MU overhaul. 20.2.73 'E' 11 Sqn. 12.8.73 'L' 56 Sqn. 1.7.76 60 MU overhaul. 17.7.76 Binbrook store. 10.77 'E' 11 Sqn. 8.79 store. 22.1.81 'BF' 11 Sqn, re-coded 'BB' 11 Sqn later. 10.82 'BC' 11 Sqn. 2.83 store. 21.8.85 uncoded with LTF, becoming 'DG' LTF by 6.9.85. 10.4.86 'BG' 11 Sqn. 20.5.88 Akrotiri, gate guardian.  
EE Lightning F.6 XS931/G c/n 95264. f/f 31.3.67, Salmesbury-Warton. 31.5.67 'G' 11 Sqn. 11.8.72 60 MU overhaul. 6.11.72 'G' 11 Sqn. 17.7.76 store. By 12.77 'D' 5 Sqn. 25.5.79 crashed North Sea off Hornsea following control problems. Pilot ejected safely.  
EE Lightning T.5 XS416/T c/n BI/95001. f/f 20.8.64. Retained by BAC and A&AEE. 26.7.65 '416' 226 OCU. By 11.65 to 74 Sqn, becoming 'T'. 1.67 'T' 11 Sqn. 8.72 first T5 to exceed 1,000 flying hours. 19.4.74 60 MU. 12.74 'Z' 11 Sqn. 28.10.74 'T' 11 Sqn. 5.77 store. 26.4.78 'V' LTF. 2.81 'DU' LTF. 6.83 store. 31.10.83 St Athan, returning 11.11.83 in light grey scheme, stored. 4.84 'AT' 5 Sqn. 19.7.84 starboard u/c collapsed on landing, causing all T5s to fly with u/c down for some weeks until problem solved. 2.7.85 after repair 'AZ' 5 Sqn. Active until 12.87. In store 29.3.88. Scrapped 4.88. (3,088hr.) Also carried 23 sqdn badge. Arrived on the 17th.
A. Shackleton WL741 First flown 18.12.52 and A/Cn 30.1.53. To 23MU 4.2.53 and prepared for issue. To 224 Sqn 20.5.53 and coded B-O. To CAPMF St Mawgan 1-11.3.54 for mods and underwent further mods 25.5.55 - 13.6.55, 21.7.56 - 13.8.56 and 25.2.5 - 15.4.57. To Avro 4.12.58 for PhaseI update 19.12.58, completed 4.12.59. Issued to 42 Sqn 7.12.59 and coded D. Cat.3 damage at Brawdy 9.7.60 was repaired by 49 MU 13.7.60-13.9.60 and WL741 returned to 42 Sqn. Transferred to 224 Sqn 11.60 and coded C until allocated to DH Chester (Hawarden) 12.61 for PhaseII conversion. Completed 26.7.62, the aircraft was prepared for despatch to 205 Sqn Changi, arriving 13.9.62 and subsequently coded H. To HSA Langar for Phase Ill modification 29.8.66 and on completion was reissued to 205 Sqn 20.11.67 and recoded F. Despatched to the UK on disbandment of unit, arriving 5MU Kemble 2.2.71 for storage. To HSA Bitteswell for AEW.2 conversion 4.72, first delivery to 8 Sqn 4.4.73. Subsequently named 'PC Knapweed'. Transferred with unit from Kinloss to Lossiemouth 17.8.73. To 60MU for mods 19.12.74, returning to 8 Sqn 13.1.75. Withdrawn from use early 1981 and allocated to the Central Training Establishment, Manston. Flown to Manston 29.5.81 and allotted maintenance serial 8692M. Stripped of engines and other equipment during 6.81 and then quickly cremated. 8


Exercise Frosty Broad, 5 Oct – 2 Nov 76

No. 11 (a tenth aircraft had to return to Binbrook with engine trouble) arrived on a rather dull Tuesday, with a fine drizzle throughout the morning.

During their stay, two Royal Navy Hunters (XE685/861 & XL689/864) were also conducting a separate exercise with Navy ships, whilst three F-4 Phantoms (two being XT897 and XT901), bearing the markings of 64 shadow squadron, also arrived mid-way through the month.

Apart from air-to-air gunnery, no. 11 also engaged in intensive flying and other exercises.

Between 7-14 October, a minimum of 26 sorties per day were flown. On the 8th, two Lightnings and a 101 squadron Vulcan carried out an “attack” on a carrier task force north of Malta, whilst on the 25th, 6 sorties were flown, to provide air cover for HMS Fearless.

Apart from the usual banner-towing duties, the 100 squadron Canberra crews were also kept busy with continuation training low-level sorties along the Sicilian routes, and high level calibration runs for the Malta Air Defence Radar.

EE Lightning F.6 XR727/F c/n 95210. f/f 8.3.65 as F3 Salmesbury Warton. Stored, conv F6. 15.9.67 'L' 23 Sqn, re-coded 'F' 23 sqn by 11.67. 10.8.73 60 MU overhaul 4.12.73 air tested, brakes failed on landing and ran off Leconfield runway sustaining Cat 3 damage (1,480hr 5min). 13.12.73 'F' 11Sqn. 11.78 stored. 9.80 'G' 11 Sqn, re coded 'BG' 11 sqn by 12.80. 6.81 stored. 12.6.82 St Athan light grey respray returning 2.8.82 when used LAF. 10.3.84 'AB' 5 Sqn. 15.1.86 loaned 11 Sqn. 22.1.86 stored 25.9.86 'AB' 5 Sqn. 9.87 'BH' 11 Sqn. 5.88 Wildenrath BDR.  
EE Lightning F.6 XR756/J c/n 95221. f/f 11.8.65 as F3A, SalmesburyWarton, for storage. 10. 12.65 'B' 5 Sqn. 19.4.67 BAC Warton mod to F6. 13.6.68 Leuchars (401hr min). 14.9.68 Leuchars pool as 'U', flying with 11 Sqn. 23.2.70 60 MU overhaul and storage 14.12.70 'H' 23 Sqn. 1.71 re coded 'M' 23 Sqn, 20.8.73 damaged when venting fuel from No 1 engine caused flash fire on ground (1,722hr 5min). 20.9.74 60 MU overhaul. 6.2.75 'M' 23 Sqn. 3.11.75 Binbrook, store. 3.76 used by both 5 and 11 Sqns. 21.4.76 60 MU and became 'M' of Leconfield Pool. 21.6.76 11 Sqn (Coningsby) coded 'J' by 8.76. 28.1.77 store. 5.79 'G' Sqn. By 10.79 re coded 'AG' 5 Sqn. 1.81 store. LAF (coded 'F') by 29.7.82. 11.1.83 LTF. 2.83 'BB' 11 Sqn. 3.85 store. 26.9.85 'BH' 11 Sqn. Last flown 6.87. Salvaged 4.88 (3,889.50hr).  
EE Lightning F.6 XR765/C c/n 95230. f/f 10.11.65 as F3A, Salmesbury Warton for storage. 8.3.66 'M' 5 Sqn. 24.2.67 BAC Warton for mod to F6. 25.3.68 23 Sqn (301hr 41min). 9.8.68 'S' Leuchars Pool (Command Reserve). 2.70 'A' 23 Sqn. 16.8.71 60 MU overhaul. 28.1.72 'C' 11 Sqn (loan). 14.2.72 23 Sqn (uncoded). 23.3.73 RAE Bedford (unmarked). 9.10.75 60 MU overhaul. 12.2.76 'C' 11 Sqn. 10.77 store. 11.12.79 'J' 5 Sqn. 8.80 APC Akrotiri, returning as 'E' 5 Sqn, then stored 3.9.80. 11.80 'AJ' 5 Sqn. 23.7.81 crashed North Sea 50 miles northeast of Binbrook and 30 miles east of Spurn Head after double reheat fire during Exercise 'Priory', pilot ejected safely, Wreckage recovered by Dutch trawler.  
EE Lightning F.6 XR759/H c/n 95224. f/f 9.9.65 as F3A, Salmesbury Warton for storage. 18.1.66 'E' 5 Sqn. 27.2.67 replaced and to 60 MU overhaul. 18.7.67 BAC Warton for mod to full F6. (274hr 45min.) 2.8.68 60 MU store. 1.11.68 'R' 5 Sqn. 6.70 'A' 5 Sqn. 6.71 'G' 74 Sqn at Leuchars. 30.8.71 'P' 56 Sqn.9.6.72 60 MU overhaul. 26.10.72 'P' 56 Sqn. 26.6.75 Binbrook store. 14.7.75 'P' 11 Sqn. 8.12.75 re coded 'H' 11 Sqn. 9.77 store. 8.8.78 'H' 5 Sqn. 3.10. 79 lent to 11 Sqn for APC, Akrotiri with dayglo red code 'B'. 8.11.79 returned to 'H' 5 Sqn, later 'AH' 5 Sqn, then stored late 81. 11.2.82 St Athan light grey respray, returning 3.3.82. 14.5.82 LAF. 6.82 used as 11 Sqn display aircraft. 8.82 returned to 'AH' 5 Sqn. 31.1.84 St Athan respray in dark grey scheme, returning 29.2.84 into store. 15.5.85 'BJ' 11 Sqn. Active 24.9.87, withdrawn end 8.87 for spares ' Scrapped 4.88. (3,748.35hr.)  
EE Lightning F.6 XR763/B c/n 95224. f/f 9.9.65 as F3A, Salmesbury Warton for storage. 18.1.66 'E' 5 Sqn. 27.2.67 replaced and to 60 MU overhaul. 18.7.67 BAC Warton for mod to full F6. (274hr 45min.) 2.8.68 60 MU store. 1.11.68 'R' 5 Sqn. 6.70 'A' 5 Sqn. 6.71 'G' 74 Sqn at Leuchars. 30.8.71 'P' 56 Sqn.9.6.72 60 MU overhaul. 26.10.72 'P' 56 Sqn. 26.6.75 Binbrook store. 14.7.75 'P' 11 Sqn. 8.12.75 re coded 'H' 11 Sqn. 9.77 store. 8.8.78 'H' 5 Sqn. 3.10. 79 lent to 11 Sqn for APC, Akrotiri with dayglo red code 'B'. 8.11.79 returned to 'H' 5 Sqn, later 'AH' 5 Sqn, then stored late 81. 11.2.82 St Athan light grey respray, returning 3.3.82. 14.5.82 LAF. 6.82 used as 11 Sqn display aircraft. 8.82 returned to 'AH' 5 Sqn. 31.1.84 St Athan respray in dark grey scheme, returning 29.2.84 into store. 15.5.85 'BJ' 11 Sqn. Active 24.9.87, withdrawn end 8.87 for spares. Scrapped 4.88. (3,748.35hr.)  
EE Lightning F.6 XR773/D c/n 95238. f/f 28.2.66, Salmesbury Warton for storage. 7.11.66 'F' 74 Sqn. 9.71 'N' 56 Sqn. 13.8.73 60 MU overhaul. 28.1.74 Binbrook. 2.74 returned to 'N' 56 Sqn. 7.75 Binbrook. 2.9.75 'A' 5 Sqn. 16.12.75 recoded 'B' 5 Sqn. 1.76 store. 7.76 'D' 11 Sqn. 11.76 store. 17.1.78 'D' 11 Sqn. 10.78 store. 6.81 'AH' 5 Sqn. 8.82 store. 3.83 'AF' 5 Sqn. 12.83 store. 13.9.84 St Athan for dark grey respray, returning 9.10.84, into store. 11.84'BD' 11 Sqn. 3.85 store. 15.5.85 'DF' LTF. 9.1.86 withdrawn from LTF 22.1.86 'AB' 5 Sqn. 9.86 store. By 7.8.87 'BR' 11 Sqn. Early 88 employed for BAe Tornado F3 radar development (by 11 Sqn) with over wing tanks. 27.6.88 Boscombe Down for BAe as spare Tornado trials a/c. Re-reg ZU-BEW with Mike Beachy Head, South Africa.  
EE Lightning F.6 XS904/A c/n 95250. f/f 26.8.66, Salmesbury Warton for storage. 18.4.67 'A' 11 Sqn. 11.8.67 60 MU overhaul. 21.12.70 'A' 11 Sqn. 12.70 loaned to 5 Sqn until early 71. 19.8.74 60 MU overhaul. 9.1.75 'A' 11 Sqn, by 7.77 recoded 'B' 11 Sqn. 17.4.78 store. 2.80 'D' 11 Sqn, later 'BD' 11 Sqn. 8.81 store. 5.9.84 'BM' 11 Sqn. 2.1.85 skidded off taxi way on snow/ice, shearing off nosewheel oleo. Repaired and returned to service as 'BM' by 5.86, when stored. 16.3.87 'BQ' 11 Sqn. By 12.87 fitted with over wing tanks and involved in BAe Tortnado F3 radar development trials (flown by 11 Sqn). 11.4.88 delivered to Warton for BAe continuation of trials. Camouflaged, unmarked. Current 6.88.  
EE Lightning F.6 XS920/E c/n 95253. f/f 25.10.66, Salmesbury Warton. 5.12.66 'L' 74 Sqn. 7.70 60 MU overhaul. 11.8.70 'F' 11 Sqn. 19.12.73 60 MU overhaul. 7.74 'E' 11 Sqn, store. 17.7.76 60 MU overhaul. 9.76 Binbrook. 9.77 'E' 11 Sqn. 12.77 store. 21.9.79 'B' 11 Sqn. 10.80 re coded 'BB' 11 Sqn. 7.81 store. 6.83 St Athan for respray, returning same month, put into store. 11.83 'AF' 5 Sqn. 13.7.84 crashed Heuslingen, 25 miles east of Bremmen, West Germany, while following USAF A-10 at 20Oft, hit power cables; pilot killed.  
EE Lightning F.6 XS922/L c/n 95255. F/f 6.12.66, Salmesbury Warton. 30.12.66 'H' 5 Sqn. 16.9.70 60 MU overhaul. 28.1.71 'H' 5 Sqn. 15.8.75 60 MU overhaul. 8.1.76 'H' 5 Sqn. 3.76 'P' 56 Sqn. 1.7.76 60 MU overhaul. 17.7.76 Binbrook, placed in store. 18.9.76 'L' 11 Sqn. 11.76 store. 18.2.77 'L' 11 Sqn. 6.79 store. 4.80 'C' 5 Sqn. 8.80 replaced, 9.80 reinstated 'C' 5 Sqn, recoded 11.80 as 'AC' 5 Sqn. 2.82 store. 8.82 'AB' 5 Sqn. 4.83 'BH' 11 Sqn. 6.83 store. Late 83 to BAC Warton. 17.12.83 Binbrook. 9.10.84 St Athan for dark grey respray, returning 26.10.84 into store. 11.84 'AG' 5 Sqn. 5.12.85 nosewheel collapsed on landing at Gfitersloh. 19.12.85 returned Binbrook and stored. 7.10.86 'AF'5 Sqn. Store by 9.87. By 3.88 'BJ' 11 Sqn 5.88 Wattisham BDR.  
EE Canberra B.2 WE753/L   100 Sqdn.
EE Canberra B.2 WP515 to Welshpool, sold to Gatow Museum, Germany 02/2005 100 Sqdn.
EE Canberra TT.18 WH718/18    
A. Shackleton AEW.2 WR960 First flown 5.2.54 and A/Cn 25.2.54. To 23MU 8.3.54 and issued to CAPMF St Mawgan 24.6.54 for mods. To 228 Sqn 22.7.54 and coded L-P. Autolycus 'special fitment' at 49 MU 1.6.55 - 17.6.55, the aircraft visiting CCMC St Mawgan for completion of mod before redelivery to 228 Sqn. More mods at 49MU 5.2.57 - 12.3.57 and in 8.58 WR960 was recoded X. Transferred from 228 Sqn to 42 Sqn 9.3.59 and coded B until allocated to Avro 8.9.59 for Phase I modernization, completed 3.7.60. Ferried from Langar to 49MU Colerne 4.8.60 for further mods, completed 9.12.60. To St Mawgan 18.12.60, but reallocated to 210 Sqn the following day and coded U on arrival at Ballykelly. To Avro 28.3.62 for Phase II update and retained at Langar on completion 30.1.63 , when handed over to the MoA Air Fleet for Tl of Phase III modifications against Contracts KD/L/091 and 092/CB6(a). To A&AEE Boscombe Down 15.12.65 for official trials of Phase III armament by 'B' Squadron. On completion allotted to HSA Langar 14.6.67 for a minor servicing and preparation for servicer arriving 16.6.67. Despatched to FEAF via St Mawgan 2.2.68 and issued to 205 Sqn as A. Ferried to the UK, arriving St Mawgan 8.11.70, and on to 5MU Kemble the next day for storage. Delivered to HSA Bitteswell 27.5.71 for conversion to AEW.2, on completion returning to 5MU for repainting. To Lossiemouth for radar installation 7.6.72 and ToC by 8 Sqn the following day, initially as 'Dougal'. Transferred to Kinloss 21.6.72. To Lossiemouth with unit 16.8.73. To 60MU for mods 2.12.74, returning to 8 Sqn 11.12.74. Cat.3 damage sustained 23.2.77 was repaired, WR960 returning to 8 Sqn 24.3.77. To HSA Bitteswell 17.3.78 for wing re-sparring and major inspection, completed 12.3.79, when the aircraft returned to 8 Sqn. Despatched to Cosford 22.11.82 and allotted maintenance serial 8772M. Subsequently dismantled for transport to the Air & Space Gallery of Greater Manchester Museum of Science and Industry, arriving 27.1.83. Reassembled by 3.2.83 and currently exhibited. Total flying time 9712 hrs. Aircraft arrived on 25th October, but went u/s after landing. Departed Luqa on 2nd November.
HP Victor K1A XA937   214
HP Victor K1A XH651    
HP Victor K2 XL158    
HP Victor K1A XL512    
HP Victor XL160   Seen on departure day, 02.11.76. Had arrived on 29.10.76. This and the following three aircraft were all 55 squadron machines.
HP Victor XL188   Seen on departure day, 02.11.76. As above.
HP Victor XL232   Seen on departure day, 02.11.76. As above.
HP Victor XL671   Seen on departure day, 02.11.76. Had arrived on 29.10.76


29 June – 3 Aug 78

This was to be both the last visit by No. 11, and the last Armaments Practice Camp conducted by a squadron before the de-commissioning of RAF Luqa as a Royal Air Force station.

In the afternoon of 27 July, the nine F.6s and T.5 took-off for a photo session over Malta. The squadron then passed over the airfield in an “XI” formation, before proceeding to land.

The Victors and the first two Canberras B.2s arrived on the same day. A third B.2 arrived in mid-July.

EE Lightning F.6 XR727/F c/n 95210. f/f 8.3.65 as F3 Salmesbury Warton. Stored, conv F6. 15.9.67 'L' 23 Sqn, re coded 'F' 23 sqn by 11.67. 10.8.73 60 MU overhaul 4.12.73 air tested, brakes failed on landing and ran off Leconfield runway sustaining Cat 3 damage (1,480hr 5min). 13.12.73 'F' 11Sqn. 11.78 stored. 9.80 'G' 11 Sqn, re coded 'BG' 11 sqn by 12.80. 6.81 stored. 12.6.82 St Athan light grey respray returning 2.8.82 when used LAF. 10.3.84 'AB' 5 Sqn. 15.1.86 loaned 11 Sqn. 22.1.86 stored 25.9.86 'AB' 5 Sqn. 9.87 'BH' 11 Sqn. 5.88 Wildenrath BDR.  
EE Lightning F.6 XR754/A c/n 25219. f/f 8.7.65 as F3A Salmesbury Warton for storage. 3.12.65 Handling Sqn/A&AEE. 2.2.66 'G' 5 Sqn. 31.1.67 BAC Warton mod to full F6 (296hr 7min). 29.2.68 'M' 23 Sqn. 13.11.70 60 MU overhaul. 5.71 'M' 23 Sqn 7.71 re coded 'D' 23 Sqn. 3.11.75 Binbrook. 21.4.76 'E' 11 Sqn. 17.7.76 'D' 5 Sqn. By 7.77 'A' 11 Sqn. By 4.81 'AE' 5 Sqn. 6.1.83 St Athan light grey respray, returning 25.1.83, placed in store. 20.8.84 'AE' 5 Sqn. (21.8.84 departed APC Akrotiri, when 'sharksteeth' mark ings applied). 3.86 stored. 10.12.86 'BC' 11 Sqn. Reinstated 'BC' 11 Sqn by 8.87. 24.6.88 Wattisham for BDR.  
EE Lightning F.6 XR758/J c/n 95223. f/f 30.8.65 as F3A Salmesbury Warton, for store. 11.1.66 'D' 5 Sqn. 10.66 'U' 23 Sun. 16.3.67 BAC Warton mod to F6. 24.4.68 11 Sqn, but allocated to Leuchars Pool (Command Reserve) coded 'V'. 1.69 'J' 74 Sqn. 11.69 Cat 4 starter explosion Darwin, Australia. 16.1.70 air lifted RAF Belfast transport aircraft BAC Warton for repair. 26.4.71 'E' 23 Sqn. 26.9.73 60 MU overhaul. 18.12.73 Binbrook, and 'B' 5 Sqn next day. 9.10.74 Cat 3R after low landing at Binbrook which scraped off after-burner unit. 7.1.77 f/f since 11.74. 28.1.77 'J' 11 Sqn. 8.78 store. 4.79 'E' 5 Sqn. 8.80 re-coded 'AE' 5 Sqn then 'F' 5 Sqn. 12,80 store. 27.4.81 'AF' 5 Sqn, 6.81 store. 6.12.83 'M' 5 Sqn. 1.84. 'AH' 5 Sqn. 8.85 store. 6.86 'BF' 11 Sqn. 26.3.87 'DF' LTF, returned store few days later. 5.87 'BF' 11 Sqn. 9.87 Current. 12.5.88 Laarbruch BDR, as 8964 M.  
EE Lightning F.6 XR769/B c/n 95234. f/f 1.12.65, Salmesbury Warton for storage. 12.9.66 A&AEE. 2.11.66 'B' 74 Sqn. 7.2.70 returned to UK from Tengah. 3.70 'S' 5 Sqn mid 70. 60 MU overhaul. 5.71 'J' Sqn. 8.75 store. 9.75 loaned 5 Sqn. 10.75 'J' 11 Sqn. 17.7.76 store. 28.3.78 noted in 5 Sqn marks (uncoded). 7.4.78 'B' 11 Sqn (10.7.79 painted as 'B' 19 Sqn for 25th anniversary). 3.8.79 reverted to 'B' 11 Sqn. 10.79 store. 21.7.81 'BB' 1 1 Sqn. 8.81 re coded 'BD' 11 Sqn. 7.83 store. 4.84 'BG' 11 Sqn. 2.86 store. 8.86 'BE' 11 Sqn. By 22.7.87 in store. 15.9.87 'AM' 5 Sqn, remained in use until disbandment 12.87, then operated, unmarked, by 11 Sqn until 11.4.88 when it crashed off Humber Estuary following engine fire; pilot Flt Lt Dick Coleman, Royal Australian AF, ejected safely.  
EE Lightning F.6 XR772/C c/n 95237. f/f 10.2.66, Salmesbury-Warton for storage. 21.10.66 'E' 74 Sqn. 21.1.70 60 MU overhaul. 3.71 'E' 5 Sqn. 1.11.74 60 MU overhaul. 12.76 'E' 5 Sqn. 1.77 store. 3.10.77 'C' 11 Sqn. 8.78 store. 22.1.81 A&AEE trials, at Binbrook. 3.81 'LTF' in dayglo on fin. 6.6.81 store, transferred LTF next day. 8.81 'BB' 11 Sqn. 25.1.83 St Athan for light grey respray returning 15.2.83, into store. 8.83 'BA' 11 Sqn. 7.84'AD' 5 Sqn. 6.3.85 crashed North Sea 20 miles northeast of Skegness entered spin from 11,00Oft, possible structural failure. Pilot ejected safely but was killed when parachute failed to deploy.  
EE Lightning F.6 XR773/D c/n 95238. f/f 28.2.66, Salmesbury Warton for storage. 7.11.66 'F' 74 Sqn. 9.71 'N' 56 Sqn. 13.8.73 60 MU overhaul. 28.1.74 Binbrook. 2.74 returned to 'N' 56 Sqn. 7.75 Binbrook. 2.9.75 'A' 5 Sqn. 16.12.75 recoded 'B' 5 Sqn. 1.76 store. 7.76 'D' 11 Sqn. 11.76 store. 17.1.78 'D' 11 Sqn. 10.78 store. 6.81 'AH' 5 Sqn. 8.82 store. 3.83 'AF' 5 Sqn. 12.83 store. 13.9.84 St Athan for dark grey respray, returning 9.10.84, into store. 11.84'BD' 11 Sqn. 3.85 store. 15.5.85 'DF' LTF. 9.1.86 withdrawn from LTF 22.1.86 'AB' 5 Sqn. 9.86 store. By 7.8.87 'BR' 11 Sqn. Early 88 employed for BAe Tornado F3 radar development (by 1 1 Sqn) with over wing tanks. 27.6.88 Boscombe Down for BAe as spare Tornado trials a/c. Re-reg ZU-BEW with Mike Beachy Head, South Africa.  
EE Lightning F.6 XS897/H c/n 95243. F/f 10.5.66, Salmesbury Warton for storage. 21.12.66 'K' 74 Sqn. 30.8.71 'S' 56 Sqn. 6.9.72 60 MU overhaul. 29.1.73 'S' 56 Sqn via Binbrook. 7.76 'K' 5 Sqn. 11.76 store. 10.77 'H' 11 Sqn. 3.79 store. 10.4.81 'BE' 11 Sqn. 6.9.81 St Athan for re-spray, returning 12.10.81. 8.82 store. 2.83 re coded 'BC' 11 Sqn. 12.83 re-coded 'BD' 11 Sqn. 1.84 store. 2.84 'BC' 11 Sqn. 12.84 store. 13.2.86 'AC' 5 Sqn. 10.10.86 old style camouflage and 'D' roundels, original 5 Sqn markings as part of squadron's 21st anniversary of Lightning operations. Remained in this scheme until 5 Sqn disbanded 12.87 when put into store. Scrapped 4.88. 3,391.55hr.)  
EE Lightning F.6 XS901/G c/n 95247. f/f 1.7.66, Salmesbury-Warton for storage. 20.2.67 'D' 5 Sqn. 19.5.70 60 MU overhaul, returned by 6.70. 2.72 'T' 56 Sqn. 1.7.76 60 MU overhaul final aircraft to pass through 60 MU. 16.11.76 Coningsby store. 5.77 'G' 11 Sqn. 3.79 store. 4.81 'BJ' 11 Sqn. 5.8.81 St Athan for grey/ green respray, returning to 'BJ' 11 Sqn by 9.81. 6.83 store. 1.84 'BH' 11 Sqn. 25.9.85 store. 31.7.86 'AI-I' 5 Sqn, remaining as such until disbanded 12.87. Operated by 11 Sqn coded 'BK' 4.88. 12.5.88 Brdggen, BDR as 8965 M.  
EE Lightning F.6 XS929/E c/n 95262. f/f 1.3.67, Salmesbury Warton. 26.4.67 'E' 11 Sqn. 12.1.73 60 MU overhaul. 20.2.73 'E' 11 Sqn. 12.8.73 'L' 56 Sqn. 1.7.76 60 MU overhaul. 17.7.76 Binbrook store. 10.77 'E' 11 Sqn. 8.79 store. 22.1.81 'BF' 11 Sqn, re-coded 'BB' 11 Sqn later. 10.82 'BC' 11 Sqn. 2.83 store. 21.8.85 uncoded with LTF, becoming 'DG' LTF by 6.9.85. 10.4.86 'BG' 11 Sqn. 20.5.88 Akrotiri, gate guardian.  
EE Lightning T.5 XS452/T c/n BI/95012. f/f 30.6.65. 20.9.65 '452' 226 OCU. 3.2.71 60 MU. 11.11.71 'T' 111 Sqn. 12.71 re coded 'X' 111 Sqn. 2.74 'X' 56 Sqn. 1.75 Akrotiri Station Flight (Flamingo on pink fin, pink blue nose markings), used APC-detached UK Lightning squadrons. 21.5.75 Binbrook, store. 7.75 'Y' 11 Sqn ('C' Flt). First flight in dark green experimental camouflage 18.7.75. 11.75 LTF. 5.4.76 lent 5 Sqn. 10.76 store. 7.77 'T' 11 Sqn. 7.80 'Z' LTF. 11.80 'DZ' LTF. 15.2.83 St Athan returning 2.3.83 in light grey scheme, and stored. 1.4.85 'BT' 11 Sqn. 30.6.88 Cranfield, purchased by Mr Arnold Glass. Re-reg ZU-BBD, Mike Beachy-Head, South Africa. Aircraft lost its braking parachute when landing on runway 24 on 14.07. Pilot abandoned landing, and asked for permission to land on the longer runway 32.
HP Victor K.2 XH671 d/d 04/05/1960, w/o 15/03/1993, scr. Marham. Re-fuelled Lightnings to Malta.
HP Victor K.2 XH673 d/d 01/09/1960, to 8911M. Re-fuelled Lightnings to Malta.
HP Victor K.2 XL231 Aircraft purchased by Andre Tempest, ('Lusty Lindy'/'Spirit of Godfrey Lee'), and based at Elvington, North Yorkshire. In running order, and regularly taxied. Re-fuelled Lightnings to Malta.
HP Victor K.2 XH671 d/d 04/05/1960, w/o 15/03/1993, scr. Marham. 57 Sqdn, arrived on 2 Aug as Rafair 803, to re-fuel Lightnings on their return to Binbrook.
HP Victor K.2 XL164 To 9215M. 57 Sqdn, arrived on 2 Aug as Rafair 802, to re-fuel Lightnings on their return to Binbrook.
HP Victor K.2 XL192 To 9024M, scr. Marham 02/1996. 57 Sqdn, arrived on 2 Aug as Rafair 801, to re-fuel Lightnings on their return to Binbrook.
HP Victor K.2 XH672 d/d 25/06/1960, to 9242M. 57 Sqdn, arrived on 2 Aug as Rafair 804, to re-fuel Lightnings on their return to Binbrook.
EE Canberra B.2 WH666/F   100 Sqdn, target towing duties. arr on 29 Jun.
EE Canberra B.2 WH667/J d/d 02/02/1953, w/o 07/11/1980. 100 Sqdn, target towing duties. arr on 14 Jul.
EE Canberra B.2 WJ603/G To 8664M at Wattisham, sold as scrap to Hanningfield Metals, Stock 10/1991. 100 Sqdn, target towing duties. arr on 29 Jun.
Shackleton AEW.2 WL793   Seen at RAF Luqa on 01.08.78, as M-SPRB.
Shackleton AEW.2 WL963   Seen at RAF Luqa on 01.08.78, as M-SPRA.

23 Squadron

Motto: Aggressus - Having always attacked

Current Status: Disbanded on 02 October 2009.

Trivia: Spent a few months in WWII based in Malta equipped with DH Mosquito aircraft.

29 Apr – 2 June 1970

Callsigns during the inbound flight to Malta were Rafair 588 – 597.

Amongst the exercises the squadron engaged in was a one day ADEX on 20 May, in which Canberras from 13, 39, 85 & 360 squadrons, along with Vulcans from Akrotiri posed as hostile forces. 23 squadron Lightnings flew 24 sorties, claiming 30 interceptions against aprox 56 raid tracks. It was written in the squadrons’ ORB that the majority of targets were at low level, which would have been engaged by SAMs had they been deployed.

Six aircraft (XS937, XR727, XS935, XS938, XR728, XR747) also operated with HMS Hermes on 7 May, whilst on 29 May in a different “operation”, three Lightnings (XR727, XR760, XS936) were photographed against Mount Etna.

During this detachment, the squadron was hosting a US Marine Corps pilot.

Aircraft details for this detachment courtesy of the Lightning Pilots

EE Lightning F.6 XR725/A c/n 95208. f/f 19.2.65 as F3, Salmesbury Warton. Stored, conv to F6. 15.8.67 60 MU. 16.8.67 Warton, then 'A' 23 Sqn same day. 26.10.67 taxying accident (port u/c sank through concrete) while detached to Sola, Norway, flown 60 MU for repair, then 'A' 28.8.68 Toronto 7hr 20min for air show returning 3.9.68. 1.70 store (60 MU?). 7.70 'A' 74 Sqn. 14.9.71 60 MU, overhaul. 25.4.72 'Y' 56 Sqn delivered via 23 Sqn. 4.75 re-coded 'P' 56 Sqn 13.1.76 60 MU overhaul. 25.5.76 'J' 5 Sqn. 7.78 stored. 6.5.80'F' LTF, 11.80 re-coded 'DF' LTF. 3.81 stored. 5.82 St Athan light grey re-spray, returning 27.5.82 as 'DF' LTF. 8.82 store. 9.82 LAF. 15.10.85 'BA' 11 Sqn. 11.5.87 black fin, soon extended to spine. 12.87 store. Scrapped 4.88. (3,870.20hr.)
EE Lightning F.6 XR727/F c/n 95210. f/f 8.3.65 as F3 Salmesbury Warton. Stored, conv F6. 15.9.67 'L' 23 Sqn, re-coded 'F' 23 sqn by 11.67. 10.8.73 60 MU overhaul 4.12.73 air tested, brakes failed on landing and ran off Leconfield runway sustaining Cat 3 damage (1,480hr 5min). 13.12.73 'F' 11Sqn. 11.78 stored. 9.80 'G' 11 Sqn, re coded 'BG' 11 sqn by 12.80. 6.81 stored. 12.6.82 St Athan light grey respray returning 2.8.82 when used LAF. 10.3.84 'AB' 5 Sqn. 15.1.86 loaned 11 Sqn. 22.1.86 stored 25.9.86 'AB' 5 Sqn. 9.87 'BH' 11 Sqn. 5.88 Wildenrath BDR.
EE Lightning F.6 XR747/K c/n 95212. f/f 2.4.65 as F3, Salmesbury Warton for store and conv to F6. Late 67 to 60 MU storage. 4.1.68 'K' 23 Sqn. 4.6.73 60 MU overhaul. 20.9.73 'K' 23 Sqn. 15.5.74 'X' 111 Sqn. 30.9.74 Binbrook. 11.74 'P' Sqn. 2.76 first 5 Sqn to receive grey/green camouflage scheme. 16.2.77 re-coded 'E' 5 Sqn. 9.77 Cat 3 with persistent fuel leaks, placed in store until 10.1.78 when returned to service as 'E' 5 sqn. 4.79 stored. 5.6.81 due to be placed on fire dump, Binbrook but fell off low loader and left on belly ('5' Sqn marks), and used as 'photo mount' for 'Families Day' 6.6.81. Repaired, 18.5.82 air tested and transferred to LAF as 'X' 8.82 'BF' 11 Sqn. 2.85, Mod, 9 to give 400 more flying hours. 23.8.85 air tested. 24.9.85 'AL' 5 Sqn. 7.8.87 Lost part of rudder in flight, made emergency landing, Coningsby. 22.8.87 (last flight) to Binbrook. Scrapped 4.88. (3,650.40hr.)
EE Lightning F.6 XR752/W c/n 95217. f/f 16.6.65 as F3A, Salmesbury Warton for store. 26.11.65 'V' AFDS. 6.67 'U' 23 Sqn, later re coded 'C' 23 Sqn. 20.10.67 BAC, Warton conv full F6. 24.10.68 Leuchars pool coded 'W'. 1.7.70 'G' 23 Sqn. 7.73 60 MU overhaul. 17.8.73 'G' 23 Sqn. 15.5.74 'Y' 111 Sqn. 15.10.74 'B' 5 Sqn. 16.12.75 store. 3.76 'H' 5 Sqn. 22.4.76 60 MU overhaul. 11.76 Binbrook store. 9.77 'H' 5 Sqn. 29.9.77 Cat 2 wheels up landing Binbrook (first F6 to do so), cost £99,000 to repair. 25.1.78 air tested. 6.78 'D' 11 Sqn. 9.80 'E' 5 Sqn then 'BH' 11 Sqn by 11.80. 3.82 store. 1.4.82 St Athan light grey respray, returning 21.4.82, stored.Temporarily used 5 Sqn without codes, periodically 83 and 84. 5,84 'BL' 11 Sqn. 11.85 stored after suffering fire on landing. 22.4.87 decoy, scrapped by 9.87. ”Pool” aircraft, did not carry squadron badge. Equipped with overwing fuel tanks.
EE Lightning F.6 XR760/H c/n 95225. f/f 20.9.65 as F3A, Salrnesbury Warton for storage. 27.1.66 'F' 5 Sqn. 9.1.67 BAC Warton mod to F6. (297hr 40min.) 9.10.67 60 MU store. 28.11.67 'H' 23 Sqn. 25.9.70 60 MU overhaul. 3.3.71 'H' 23 Sqn. 9.10.73 undershot and hit approach lights, Luqa, Malta (1,846hr 55min). 3.11.75 Binbrook store. 8.3.76 60 MU overhaul. 7.76 5 Sqn coded 'G' 5 Sqn by 8.76. 7.77 re coded 'B' 5 Sqn. 6.78 store. 4.81 5 Sqn (uncoded). 27.4.81 St Athan respray (in light grey scheme.) by 7.81, with 5 Sqn (uncoded). 3.82 'AA' 5 Sqn. 27.4.82 'K' LAF, later stored. 3.83 'Z' LAF. 7.83 'BD' 11 Sqn, then stored by 12.83. Active 'BD' 11 Sqn 1.84. 22.1.85 St Athan dark grey respray, returned as 'BD' 11 Sqn by 3.85 along with XR773 also coded 'BD', which it replaced 4.85, then stored 5.85. 1.86 'BL' 11 Sqn. 15.7.86 crashed into North Sea seven miles north of Whitby after rear fuselage fire believed caused by fuel leak. Pilot ejected, rescued by 22 Sqn Wessex from Leconfield.
EE Lightning F.6 XR762/L c/n 95227. f/f 9.10.65 as F3A, Salmesbury Warton for storage. 22.2.66 'K' 5 Sqn. 16.1.67 BAC Warton mod to F6 (256hr 29min). 29.12.67 'L' 23 Sqn. 18.2.71 60 MU overhaul. 8.7.71 'H' 11 Sqn. 7.4.75 crashed into sea off Cyprus. Equipped with overwing fuel tanks.
EE Lightning F.6 XS935/J c/n 95268. f/f 29.5.67, Salmesbury Warton. 18.7.67 60 MU store. 1.9.67 Wattisham store. 5.1.68 'J' 23 Sqn. 9.72. 60 MU overhaul. 10.72 'J' 23 Sqn. 22.10.75 Binbrook store. 1.76 'B' 5 Sqn. 7.77 store. 8.80 'J' 5 Sqn. 25.9.80 re-coded 'AB' 5 Sqn. 7.81 store. 9.81 'AB' 5 Sqn. 21.4.82 St Athan for light grey respray, returning 10.5.82 into store. 9.83 'BE' 11 Sqn. 31.7.85 'AK' 5 Sqn. 9.87. Stored. Scrapped 4.88 (3,602.30hr).
EE Lightning F.6 XS936/B c/n 95269. F/f 31.5.67, Salmesbury-Warton. 27.7.67 60 MU. 18.8.67 'B' 23 Sqn. 28.8.68 to Toronto Air Show in 7hr 20min non-stop. 3.9.68 returned. 26.5.72 60 MU overhaul. 4.9.72 'B' 23 Sqn. 3.11.75 Binbrook store. 21.4.76 60 MU. 7.76 'G' 11 Sqn. 8.77 store. 2.79 'G' 11 Sqn. 9.80 store. 29.4.81 'AK' 5 Sqn. 10.81 'AL' 5 Sqn. 17.3.82 St Athan for light grey respray, returning 1.4.82 into store. 8.82 'DF' LTF. 7.4.83 'Pool' aircraft. 5.83 'L' 5 Sqn. 12.83 'DF' LTF, replaced by 4.84. 17.5.85 'AS' 5 Sqn. By 25.9.87 'AB' 5 Sqn. Last flown 10.87. Scrapped 4.88 (3,961.50hr).
EE Lightning F.6 XS937/C c/n 95270. F/f 26.6.67, Salmesbury Warton. 21.7.67 60 MU 21.8.67 'C' 23 Sqn. 4.9.72 60 MU overhaul. 6.6.73 'C' 23 Sqn. 12.75 loaned 56 Sqn, then returned Binbrook. 2.76 'M' 11 Sqn. 4.76 re-coded 'K' 11 Sqn. 30.7.76 crashed off Flamborough Head when starboard u/c failed to lower, trailed at 20'. Pilot ejected safely at 7,00Oft and 300kt.
EE Lightning F.6 XS938/E c/n 95271. f/f 30.6.67, Salmesbury- Warton. 28.8.67 'E' 23 Sqn. 28.4.71 crashed in River Tay estuary following re-heat fire. Pilot ejected safely. (1,233hr 45min.) Last Lightning built.


11-12 Feb. 74

The Victor tankers that arrived on the 12 departed for Akrotiri on the 13th, to assist the return to Wattisham of 111 Lightnings.

EE Lightning F.6 XR753/A c/n 95218. f/f 23.6.65 as F3A, SalmesburyWarton for store. 16.11.65. 33 MU store. 26.11.65. 'T' AFDS. 2.66 re coded 'U' FCTU 10.8.67 23 SqD becoming 'V' 23 Sqn. 21.3.68 BAC Warton mod to full F6. 18.7.69 60 MU. 9.69 'B' 5 Sqn. 3.71 60 MU overhaul. 16.8.71 Leuchars. 21.8.71 'A' 23 Sqn mid-74 60 MU overhaul. 9.8.74 'A' 23 sqn. 3.11.75 Coningsby. 12.11.75 'F' 5 Sqn (Binbrook). 15.6.76 60 MU overhaul early 10.76 'A' 5 Sqn, during 1980 used by LTF. 6.81 'BA' 11 Sqn. 4.83'AG' 5 Sqn. 11.84 store. 28.3.85 'AC' 5 Sqn. 2.86 uncoded 5 Sqn, by 10.86 'BP' 11 sqn. 24.5.88 Leeming for BDR (3,487.20hr). The following F.6s arrived on 11 Feb 74. This Lightning also had a small Canadian flag on the nose, next to squadron colours. It was also the first Lightning to be seen in the two-tone camouflage.
EE Lightning F.6 XR754/D c/n 25219. f/f 8.7.65 as F3A Salmesbury Warton for storage. 3.12.65 Handling Sqn/A&AEE. 2.2.66 'G' 5 Sqn. 31.1.67 BAC Warton mod to full F6 (296hr 7min). 29.2.68 'M' 23 Sqn. 13.11.70 60 MU overhaul. 5.71 'M' 23 Sqn 7.71 re coded 'D' 23 Sqn. 3.11.75 Binbrook. 21.4.76 'E' 11 Sqn. 17.7.76 'D' 5 Sqn. By 7.77 'A' 11 Sqn. By 4.81 'AE' 5 Sqn. 6.1.83 St Athan light grey respray, returning 25.1.83, placed in store. 20.8.84 'AE' 5 Sqn. (21.8.84 departed APC Akrotiri, when 'sharksteeth' mark ings applied). 3.86 stored. 10.12.86 'BC' 11 Sqn. Reinstated 'BC' 11 Sqn by 8.87. 24.6.88 Wattisham for BDR.
EE Lightning F.6 XR770/L c/n 95235. f/f 16.12.65, Salmesbury- Warton for storage. 9.66 shown SBAC Farnborough in RSAF marks as '53- 770' and flew 10 flights at show. 26.9.66 'C' 74 Sqn. 14.9.71 60 MU overhaul. 5.72 'L' 23 Sqn. 4.3.75 60 MU overhaul. 6.75 'L' 23 Sqn. 9.75 'D' 56 Sqn. 28.6.76 stripped down at Wattisham. 10.76 moved to Binbrook, and placed in storage 6.78 'B' 5 Sqn. 3.79 store. 12.79 'A' 5 Sqn. 8.80'C' 5 Sqn. 9.80'A'5 Sqn. 26.11.80 re-coded 'AA' 5 Sqn. 4.81 uncoded. 6.6.81 'AA' 5 Sqn. 15.7.81 St Athan for light grey respray, returning 5.8.81 as first Lightning in new scheme and over- size pink/pale blue roundels. 'AA' 5 Sqn. Cat 4 10.81 after u/c damaged in bad landing. 3.83 'X' LAF (roundels now reduced in size), loaned to 5 Sqn. 7.3.83 for APC, Cyprus. 13.4.83 Binbrook. 7.83 'AA' 5 Sqn. 20.8.84 APC during which 'shark's mouth' markings applied. 21.1.85 uncoded, placed in store. 11.85 'AJ' 5 Sqn. 1.86 re-coded 'AA' 5 Sqn. 1.10.86 received smaller nose marks, and all red fin and maple leaf emblem for 5 Sqn's 21st anniversary with Lightnings. By 5.10.87 red extended to spine and wing leading edges. 12.87 following disbandment of 5 Sqn all unit marks removed, fin and wings painted light grey. By 2.88 fitted with over wing tanks and operated (by 11 Sqn) for BAe Tornado F3 radar development trials from Binbrook. Coded 'BN' 11 Sqn early 4.88, last flight 29.4.88 re coded 'JS' LTF mid 6.88 for display in Grimsby. Dismantled.
EE Lightning F.6 XR747/K c/n 95212. f/f 2.4.65 as F3, Salmesbury Warton for store and conv to F6. Late 67 to 60 MU storage. 4.1.68 'K' 23 Sqn. 4.6.73 60 MU overhaul. 20.9.73 'K' 23 Sqn. 15.5.74 'X' 111 Sqn. 30.9.74 Binbrook. 11.74 'P' Sqn. 2.76 first 5 Sqn to receive grey/green camouflage scheme. 16.2.77 recoded 'E' 5 Sqn. 9.77 Cat 3 with persistent fuel leaks, placed in store until 10.1.78 when returned to service as 'E' 5 sqn. 4.79 stored. 5.6.81 due to be placed on fire dump, Binbrook but fell off low loader and left on belly ('5' Sqn marks), and used as 'photo mount' for 'Families Day' 6.6.81. Repaired, 18.5.82 air tested and transferred to LAF as 'X' 8.82 'BF' 11 Sqn. 2.85, Mod, 9 to give 400 more flying hours. 23.8.85 air tested. 24.9.85 'AL' 5 Sqn. 7.8.87 Lost part of rudder in flight, made emergency landing, Coningsby. 22.8.87 (last flight) to Binbrook. Scrapped 4.88. (3,650.40hr.)
EE Lightning F.6 XS899/E c/n 95245. f/f 8.6.66, Salmesbury Warton for storage. 23.1.67 'G' 5 Sqn. 18.10.73 60 MU overhaul. 28.1.74 'E' 23 Sqn. 17.7.75 engine runs, Binbrook. 27.8.75 returned to 'E' 23 Sqn until disbandment 30.10.75. 3.11.75 Binbrook store. 1.76 noted camouflaged, coded 'W' in black. 24.3.77 flying with 5 Sqn, still coded 'W'. 29.3.77 'L' 5 Sqn. 12.77 store. 4.78 'C' 5 Sqn. 12.78 store. 5.79 'C' 11 Sqn (18.7.79 painted in 92 Sqn markings for 25th anniversary). 6.8.79 reverted to 'C' 11 Sqn, later coded 'BC' 11 Sqn. 10.80 store. 3.81 'BL' 11 Sqn. By 10.81 'AA' 5 Sqn. 3.3.82 St Athan for light grey respray, returning 17.3.82, to 'AA' 5 Sqn. 11.7.83 St Athan for further respray in dark grey, returning by 8.83. 9.83 store. 4.84 'AJ’. 5 Sqn. 11.85 store. 1.10.86 'AM' 5 Sqn. 5.87 store. 7.8.87 lost rudder in flight due to strong winds, diverted safely to Coningsby. By 10.87 'AF' 5 Sqn until disbandment 12.87 then 'BL' 11 Sqn. 30.6.88 Cranfield for Mr Arnold Glass.
EE Lightning F.6 XS936/B c/n 95269. F/f 31.5.67, Salmesbury- Warton. 27.7.67 60 MU. 18.8.67 'B' 23 Sqn. 28.8.68 to Toronto Air Show in 7hr 20min non-stop. 3.9.68 returned. 26.5.72 60 MU overhaul. 4.9.72 'B' 23 Sqn. 3.11.75 Binbrook store. 21.4.76 60 MU. 7.76 'G' 11 Sqn. 8.77 store. 2.79 'G' 11 Sqn. 9.80 store. 29.4.81 'AK' 5 Sqn. 10.81 'AL' 5 Sqn. 17.3.82 St Athan for light grey respray, returning 1.4.82 into store. 8.82 'DF' LTF. 7.4.83 'Pool' aircraft. 5.83 'L' 5 Sqn. 12.83 'DF' LTF, replaced by 4.84. 17.5.85 'AS' 5 Sqn. By 25.9.87 'AB' 5 Sqn. Last flown 10.87. Scrapped 4.88 (3,961.50hr).
HP Victor K.1A XH588 XH589 XH614 All three 55 Sqdn, arr 11 Feb.
EE Lightning F.6 XR752/G c/n 95217. f/f 16.6.65 as F3A, Salmesbury Warton for store. 26.11.65 'V' AFDS. 6.67'U' 23 Sqn, later re coded 'C' 23 Sqn. 20.10.67 BAC, Warton conv full F6. 24.10.68 Leuchars pool coded 'W'. 1.7.70 'G' 23 Sqn. 7.73 60 MU overhaul. 17.8.73 'G' 23 Sqn. 15.5.74 'Y' 111 Sqn. 15.10.74 'B' 5 Sqn. 16.12.75 store. 3.76 'H' 5 Sqn. 22.4.76 60 MU overhaul. 11.76 Binbrook store. 9.77 'H' 5 Sqn. 29.9.77 Cat 2 wheels up landing Binbrook (first F6 to do so), cost £99,000 to repair. 25.1.78 air tested. 6.78 'D' 11 Sqn. 9.80 'E' 5 Sqn then 'BH' 11 Sqn by 11.80. 3.82 store. 1.4.82 St Athan light grey respray, returning 21.4.82, stored. Temporarily used 5 Sqn without codes, periodically 83 and 84. 5,84 'BL' 11 Sqn. 11.85 stored after suffering fire on landing. 22.4.87 decoy, scrapped by 9.87. Following F.6s arrived on 12 Feb.
EE Lightning F.6 XR756/M c/n 95221. f/f 11.8.65 as F3A, SalmesburyWarton, for storage. 10. 12.65 'B' 5 Sqn. 19.4.67 BAC Warton mod to F6. 13.6.68 Leuchars (401hr gmin). 14.9.68 Leuchars pool as 'U', flying with 11 Sqn. 23.2.70 60 MU overhaul and storage 14.12.70 'H' 23 Sqn. 1.71 re coded 'M' 23 Sqn, 20.8.73 damaged when venting fuel from No 1 engine caused flash fire on ground (1,722hr 5min). 20.9.74 60 MU overhaul. 6.2.75 'M' 23 Sqn. 3.11.75 Binbrook, store. 3.76 used by both 5 and 11 Sqns. 21.4.76 60 MU and became 'M' of Leconfield Pool. 21.6.76 11 Sqn (Coningsby) coded 'J' by 8.76. 28.1.77 store. 5.79 'G' Sqn. By 10.79 re coded 'AG' 5 Sqn. 1.81 store. LAF (coded 'F') by 29.7.82. 11.1.83 LTF. 2.83 'BB' 11 Sqn. 3.85 store. 26.9.85 'BH' 11 Sqn. Last flown 6.87. Salvaged 4.88 (3,889.50hr).
EE Lightning F.6 XR760/H c/n 95225. f/f 20.9.65 as F3A, Salrnesbury Warton for storage. 27.1.66 'F' 5 Sqn. 9.1.67 BAC Warton mod to F6. (297hr 40min.) 9.10.67 60 MU store. 28.11.67 'H' 23 Sqn. 25.9.70 60 MU overhaul. 3.3.71 'H' 23 Sqn. 9.10.73 undershot and hit approach lights, Luqa, Malta (1,846hr 55min). 3.11.75 Binbrook store. 8.3.76 60 MU overhaul. 7.76 5 Sqn coded 'G' 5 Sqn by 8.76. 7.77 re coded 'B' 5 Sqn. 6.78 store. 4.81 5 Sqn (uncoded). 27.4.81 St Athan respray (in light grey scheme.) by 7.81, with 5 Sqn (uncoded). 3.82 'AA' 5 Sqn. 27.4.82 'K' LAF, later stored. 3.83 'Z' LAF. 7.83 'BD' 11 Sqn, then stored by 12.83. Active 'BD' 11 Sqn 1.84. 22.1.85 St Athan dark grey respray, returned as 'BD' 11 Sqn by 3.85 along with XR773 also coded 'BD', which it replaced 4.85, then stored 5.85. 1.86 'BL' 11 Sqn. 15.7.86 crashed into North Sea seven miles north of Whitby after rear fuselage fire believed caused by fuel leak. Pilot ejected, rescued by 22 Sqn Wessex from Leconfield. Remained in Malta for repairs after heavy landing (See history).
EE Lightning F.6 XS895/N c/n 95241. f/f 6.4.66, Salmesbury Warton for storage. 5.12.66 'H' 74 Sqn. 8.71 'J' 5 Sqn. 11.71 60 MU overhaul. 24.3.72 'J' 5 Sqn. 24.6.72 re coded , B' 5 Sqn. 12.72 'N' 23 Sqn. 15.5.74 'Z' 111 Sqn. 14.10.74 Leuchars Station Flight (operated by 23 Sqn). 11.74 grounded until 2.76. 3.2.76 to Binbrook, specially decorated in Scottish markings similar to those of Leuchars TFF. Store. 16.1.79 first flight for three years. 2.79 'B' 5 Sqn. 9.80 'AL' 5 Sqn. 10.81 'AK' 5 Sqn. 6.83 store. 4.84 'DF' LTF. 20.8.84 loaned to 5 Sqn for APC, Cyprus. 29.4.85 on loan to 11 Sqn. 10.5.85 St Athan for dark grey respray, returning later same month, into store. 7.85 'BC' 11 Sqn. 15.1.86 slightly damaged after running off runway. 10.12.86 store. 9.7.87 noted during overhaul. By 22.8.87 'AO' 5 Sqn, remained active until disbanded 12.87. Scrapped 4.88. (3,275hr.)
HP Victor K.1A XA926 d/d 17/03/58, scr. St. Athan 22/11/76. 57 Sqdn, arr on 12 Feb.
HP Victor K.1A XH616 d/d 24/04/1959, to Manston Fire School 20/01/1976, perished 1988. 57 Sqdn, arr on 12 Feb.
Avro Shackleton AEW.2 WL741 First flown 22.1.53 and A/Cn 27.2.53. To 23MU 11.3.53 and issued to 220 Sqn 30.3.53. Coded T-O. Transferred to 42 Sqn 1.7.54 and coded A-E. Modified 6 - 22.9.55 and suffered Cat.3 flying accident 20.6.56 when it landed heavily in poor visibility, resulting in the collapse of the tailwheel assembly and a fire in the rear fuselage. Repaired by Avro CWP 26.6.56 - 18.10.56. Transferred to 120 Sqn 5.11.56 and coded B. Allocated to Avro 18.7.58 for Phase I modification, completed 23.7.59. Issued to 204 Sqn 23.7.59 and coded M. To DH Chester (Hawarden) for Phase II update 18.5.61, the work being completed 9.1.62. Allocated to 205 Sqn, arriving Changi 24.2.62 and coded A. Cat.3 damage in flying accident 24.1.63. Repair completed 22.5.63. Further Cat.3 damage 6.10.65 was patched up and aircraft returned to UK 25.10.65 and allocated to HSA 4.11.65 for Phase III conversion. On completion issued to 204 Sqn 4.2.67, immediately transferred to Ballykelly Wing strength as O. Declared Cat.3 1.6.67, the damage repaired by HSA CWP 8.6.67-27.7.67, On 18.3.70 WL745 was flown to Woodford for performance checks to establish a base against which to measure the effect of the proposed AN/APS 20 radar fitment. Trials completed 25.3.70 and aircraft stored at Woodford pending decision. Allotted to MoA Air Fleet 12.8.70 for TI of Mod 1493 (AEW conversion), the first flight in the new configuration 30.9.71 (still coded O). To Boscombe Down 5.4.72 for official CA Release clearance, which was completed 26.2.73. To HSA Bitteswell 2.3.73 for completion to production standard, the aircraft being delivered as an AEW.2 to 5MU Kemble 30.7.73 for repainting. To 8 Sqn, Lossiemouth,17.9.73 and subsequently named 'Sage'. To HSA Bitteswell 10.10.77 for major overhaul, returning to 8 Sqn 28.9.78. Withdrawn from use 1981 and allocated to the RAF Fire Fighting and Safety School, Catterick. Flown to Catterick 13.7.81 and allotted the maintenance serial 8698M. Burnt 1983. 8 Sqdn, arr on 12 Feb.
Avro Shackleton AEW.2 WR965 First flown 7.4.54 and A/Cn 30.4.54. To Kinloss 11.5.54 and on to 23MU Aldergrove 13.5.54 for storage. Allocated to MEAF 3.11.54 and on delivery issued to 37 Sqn 5.11.54 coded B. To 49MU Colerne for Autolycus 'special fitment' 9-23.7.55, the mod being completed by CCMC St Mawgan before WR965 returned to 37 Sqn. To Safi/Avro Langar for major servicing 13.6.55, returning to 37 Sqn 4.11.56. Transferred to 38 Sqn 8.7.57 and coded S. To 49MU for 'special fitment' 5.6.58 - 23.7.58, but remained on 38 Sqn charge until allocated to Avro Langar 23.5.59 for Phase I modification, completed 31.3.60. To 224 Sqn 6.4.60 and coded T. To DH Chester 28.8.61 for Phase II update, completed 29.3.62. Immediately despatched to the A&AEE Boscombe Down on loan to the MoA for trials on redesigned flame-float launching chute (mod 1013). Released 5.4.62 and allocated to Ballykelly, WR965 being ToC by 203 Sqn 9.4.62 and coded K. Cat.3 damage 9.6.64 repaired by 23MU and aircraft returned to 203 Sqn 23.6.64. Again sustained Cat.3 damage 12.8.65, repaired by 60MU 20.8.65 - 21.9.65, and WR965 was back with 203 Sqn the following day. To HSA Langar 17.3.66 for Phase III modernisation, and on completion despatched to 205 Sqn, arriving 24.5.67, when coded L. Recoded E specially for a formation display 8.11.68 to record the retirement of WL759, the last Phase II aircraft on the Squadron. WR965 was also soon to leave Singapore, transferring to the Ballykelly Wing 2.12.68, when recoded Q. Allocated to HSA 18.12.68 and fitted with revised tailplane de-icing panels. Loaned to MinTech 24.3.69 for flight trials from Bitteswell to determine optimum flow rate, completed 9.5.69. Returned to Ballykelly Wing 15.5.69, transferring to 204 Sqn 10.70 still as Q. To 5MU Kemble 2.4.71 for storage. Delivered to HSA Bitteswell for AEW.2 conversion 28.4.72. First flight in revised configuration 15.11.72. To 5MU 28.11.72 for repainting before delivery to Lossiemouth 18.1.73 for radar installation. To Kinloss 31.1.73, returning to Lossiemouth 17.8.73 with unit. Named 'Dill'. To HSA 16.4.74 (after standing in open storage 1.74 - 4.74) for refurbishing. Returned to 8 Sqn, but to 60MU on 29.4.75 for mods and to HSA Bitteswell 1.9.76 for major servicing and re-sparring (2nd in contract). First flight after mods 12.10.77, WR965 returning to Lossiemouth 19.10.77 and 8 Sqn charge two days later. Crashed near Northton, South Harris, Outer Hebrides. Ten killed. 8 Sqdn, arr on 12 Feb.
EE Canberra B.2 WH739/S d/d 24/07/1953, s.o.c. 27/07/1976 as CAT 5S at No.19 MU St. Athan, cockpit to 2475 Sqn ATC, Ammanford, Carmathenshire, Wales, remainder scr. 100 Sqdn, arr on 13 Feb.
EE Canberra B.2 WK116/Q w/o 25.02.82. 100 Sqdn, arr on 13 Feb. in “new” trainer colours.


29 Squadron

Motto: Impiger et acer - Energetic and keen

Current Status: Operating the BAe Typhoon from RAF Coningsby.

April - May 1969

So far, the only known visit by 29 with Lightnings. These two aircraft were identified from photographs which appeared in TAKE-OFF and Malta Flypast magazines.

Interestingly (unusually?) the aircraft were not equipped with a refueling probe.

EE Lightning F.3 XP694/D c/n 95117. f/f 1.5.63. Retained Warton for trials. 1.8.63 A&AEE. Used in A123B development. 4.65 to full F3 standard. 26.1.67 60 MU. 18.5.67 'D' 29 Sqn. After 29 Sqn disbanded late 74 retained Wattisham until 1.75 when issued as 'V' 56 Sqn. 26.7.76 Binbrook, becoming 'A' LTF. 8.77 store. 2.78 final RAF 'silver' Lightning to receive green/grey camouflage. 2.78 'R' 5 Sqn. Painted as 'R' 29 Sqn for 25th anniversary 8.79. 1.3.82 'A' LTF. By 13.7.82 'BO' 1 1 Sqn. 21.11.84 stored. Scrapped late 87.  
EE Lightning F.3 XP756/E c/n 95184. f/f 22.6.64. 24.8.64 'C' 23 sqn. 8.67 Wattisham becoming 'K' 29 Sqn. 27.5.68 60 MU. 8.69 'E' 29 Sqn. 7.4.70 Cat 4 after engine fire, repaired on site by 60 MU by 7.70. 25.1.71 crashed off Yarmouth after reheat fire 1,149.15hr).  
EE Lightning F.3 XP700/K c/n 95154. f/f 6.6.63. 14.4.64 'A' 74 Sqn. 4.66 Warton for possible conv to F6 (not undertaken). 8.66 Wattisham store. 11.66 'P' 56 Sqn. 17.4.67 'Z' 111 Sqn. 22.6.67 60 MU. 5.68 'K' 29 Sqn. 7.8.72 crashed Gt Waldingfield, Suffolk, following engine fire caused by tail bumper striking runway and rupturing ventral tank; pilot ejected safely (1,653.15hr).  

56 Squadron

Motto: Quid si coelum ruat - 'What if the heavens fall?'

Current Status: The 56 Squadron nameplate was transferred to the Air Warfare Centre at RAF Waddington as 56(R) in 2008.

Trivia: Was Fighter Command’s choice to act as the official demonstration team, flying specially painted Lightnings. Based in Cyprus between 1967-75.

Oct 1965

      This detachment was made when squadron was still based at Wattisham.

Oct 1966

Squadron was participating in an exercise about the air defence of Malta. See Major Exercises page for a brief write-up.

EE Lightning F.3 XP743/K c/n 95171. F/f 18.02.64,. Used by, or served with, 33 Maintenance Unit (MU) 18.02.64, 56 Sqdn ‘G’ 04.65, 60 MU 28.03.68, returned to 56 Sqdn 11.69, 60 MU 09.11.71, 29 Sqdn ‘B’ 21.08.72, store Wattisham 09.01.75. To 60 MU for storage and disposal. SoC 29.01.75, sold for scrap.  
EE Lightning F.3 XP746/K c/n 95174. F/f 26.03.64, Used by, or served with, 33 Maintenance Unit (MU) 03.65, 56 Sqdn ‘K’ 15.04.65, 60 MU 12.11.69, 111 Sqdn ‘J’ 04.08.70, stored Wattisham 04.74. SoC 04.75, PEE Shoeburyness 10.76.  
EE Lightning F.3 XP748/M c/n 95176. F/f 04.05.64. Used by, or served with, 33 Maintenance Unit (MU) early 65, Warton 06.65, 56 Sqdn ‘M’ 04.08.65, 60 MU 08.69, 111 Sqdn ‘G’ 05.05.70, 11 Sqdn ‘P’ 20.12.74, storeD Binbrook. Allocated 8446M 19.05.75. Mounted on a plinth on 29.05.77 at RAF Binbrook gate in 5 & 11 Sqdn markings. Scrapped late summer 1988.  
EE Lightning F.3 XP717 c/n 95200. F/f 19.11.64, 56 Sqdn ‘B’ 26.03.65, 60 MU 14.01.69, 56Sqdn ‘B’ 10.70, 60 MU 11.71, A&AEE 29.03.72, Stored 08.74 Boscombe Down, 09.74 Scrapped.  
EE Lightning F.3 XR719/D c/n 95202. F/f 18.12.64, 56 Sqdn ‘D’ 16.04.65, 60 MU 09.68, 56 Sqdn ‘D’ 16.04.69, 60 MU 09.11.71, 226 OCU ‘719’ 12.71. Crashed Coltishall, SoC 07.06.73. Arr 08 Oct.
EE Lightning T.5 XS456/A c/n B1/95016. F/f 26.10.65, 56 Sqdn ‘A’ 20.12.65, ‘X’ 08.69, 60 MU 23.02.73, 11 Sqdn ‘T’ 16.04.74, ‘Z’ ‘C’ Flt, 11 Sqdn .74, Open Storage 10.76, LTF 02.77, ‘T’ BY 05.77, ‘DT’ LTF 11.80, Stored 08.85, LTF ‘DX’ 02.86, stored 05.87. Scrapped early 1988, 2,314 hours. Arr 08 Oct.
Victor BK.1A XH667 d/d 03/02/1961, to Hal Far dump, Malta 23/09/1975, perished. Provided in flight refuelling support for Lightnings. 55 Squadron. Arr 09 Oct.

January 68

This, and the following visits, were made when 56 squadron had relocated to RAF Akrotiri, Cyprus.

Aircraft noted between at least on 15 - 17.

EE Lightning F.6 XP747/L c/n 95175. f/f 8.5.64. Early 65 33 MU. 25.6.65'L' 56 Sqn. 11 @5.66 Cat 4R damage after port main u/c broke when a/c ran off Wattisham runway. Repaired by 60 MU. 11.69 60 MU. 22.7.69 29 Sqn, later coded 'S' 29 Sqn. 16.2.72 collided with XP698 at night over North Sea (1,320hr).  
EE Lightning F.6 XP748/M c/n 95176. f/f 4.5.64. 33 MU early 65. 6.65 Warton. 4.8.65 'M' 56 Sqn. 8.69 60 MU. 5.5.70 'G' 111 Sqn. 3.11.72 'P' 11 Sqn. 20.12.74 Binbrook store. 19.5.75 allocated 8446M. 29.5.77 mounted on plinth at Binbrook gate in both 5 and 11 Sqn marks. Scrapped late summer 88.  

Exercise Island Litex, 11-20 July 68


EE Lightning F.3 XR743/G c/n 95171. f/f 18.2.64. 18.2.64 33 MU. 4.65 'G' 56 Sqn. 7.1.69 60 MU. 11.69 returned 56 Sqn. 9.11.71 60 MU. 21.8.72 'B' 29 Sqn. 12.74 Wattisham store. 9.1.75 60 MU store and disposal. 29.1.75 SOC and sold for scrap.  
EE Lightning F.3 XR748/P c/n 95176. f/f 4.5.64. 33 MU early 65. 6.65 Warton. 4.8.65 'M' 56 Sqn. 8.69 60 MU. 5.5.70 'G' 111 Sqn. 3.11.72 'P' 11 Sqn. 20.12.74 Binbrook store. 19.5.75 allocated 8446M. 29.5.77 mounted on plinth at Binbrook gate in both 5 and 11 Sqn marks. Scrapped late summer 88.  
EE Lightning F.6 XS932/J c/n 95265. f/f 9.4.67, Salmesbury Warton. 21.6.67 'H' 11 Sqn. 14.5.71 60 MU overhaul. 25.10.71 'J' 56 Sqn 25.9.75 60 MU overhaul. 25.2.76 'R' 56 Sqn. 1.7.76 60 MU overhaul. 17.7.76 Binbrook store. By 8.77 Coningsby, stored in BBMF hangar. 4.79 'F' 5 Sqn. 2.80 store. 25.8.83 St Athan for respray in dark grey scheme, returning 12.9.83. 29.9.83 'AM' 5 Sqn. 10.83 re coded 'AC' 5 Sqn. 4.85 store. 15.1.86 'AG' 5 Sqn. Last flown 10.86 (3,655.30hr). Salvaged 4.88.  
EE Lightning F.6 XS933/K c/n 95266. f/f 27.4.67, Salmesbury Warton. Loaned to Saudi Training School, Warton. 23.6.67 'J' 11 Sqn. 13.5.71 60 MU overhaul. 14.10.71 'K' 56 Sqn. 7.76 Binbrook store. 28.10.76 transferred to Coningsby store. 5.77 Binbrook store. 9.77 'G' 5 Sqn. 1.78 withdrawn from use. 17.5.78 BAC Warton for instructional use for Saudi Arabian contract. 17.12.82 Binbrook, stored. 6.6.83 St Athan for light grey respray, returning 11.7.83. 9.83 'BE' 11 Sqn. 1.5.85 store. 6.12.85 reported seen as 'BB' 11 Sqn. 15.1.86 'AJ' 5 Sqn, in use until 10.87 then scrapped by 4.88 (3,663.50hr).  
HP Victor K1A XH650   55 squadron. Arrived from RAF Marham on the 18th. Made a Luqa-Akrotiri-Luqa flight on the 19th, departing for Akrotiri again on the 20th, staying there until the 24th, when it returned to RAF Marham.
HP Victor K1A XH591   55 squadron. Flew from RAF Marham to Akrotiri on the 11th. Flew a sortie from/to Akrotiri on the 15th, flying to Malta on the 16th, returning to the UK on the 20th.

11-20 December 71

Detachment of four Lightnings F.6s from RAF Akrotiri. Exercises included scrambles, night flying, and in-flight re-fuelling with the Victor.

This, and the following visits were made when 56 squadron had relocated to RAF Akrotiri, Cyprus.

EE Lightning F.6 XR759/P c/n 95224. f/f 9.9.65 as F3A, Salmesbury Warton for storage. 18.1.66 'E' 5 Sqn. 27.2.67 replaced and to 60 MU overhaul. 18.7.67 BAC Warton for mod to full F6. (274hr 45min.) 2.8.68 60 MU store. 1.11.68 'R' 5 Sqn. 6.70 'A' 5 Sqn. 6.71 'G' 74 Sqn at Leuchars. 30.8.71 'P' 56 Sqn.9.6.72 60 MU overhaul. 26.10.72 'P' 56 Sqn. 26.6.75 Binbrook store. 14.7.75 'P' 11 Sqn. 8.12.75 re coded 'H' 11 Sqn. 9.77 store. 8.8.78 'H' 5 Sqn. 3.10. 79 lent to 11 Sqn for APC, Akrotiri with dayglo red code 'B'. 8.11.79 returned to 'H' 5 Sqn, later 'AH' 5 Sqn, then stored late 81. 11.2.82 St Athan light grey respray, returning 3.3.82. 14.5.82 LAF. 6.82 used as 11 Sqn display aircraft. 8.82 returned to 'AH' 5 Sqn. 31.1.84 St Athan respray in dark grey scheme, returning 29.2.84 into store. 15.5.85 'BJ' 11 Sqn. Active 24.9.87, withdrawn end 8.87 for spares. Scrapped 4.88. (3,748.35hr.) All Lightnings & Victor arr on 11 Dec 71 & dep on 20 Dec, except for this aircraft, which remained behind due to engine trouble. Left on 4 Jan 72.
EE Lightning F.6 XR761/A c/n 95226. f/f 30.9.65 as F3A, Salmesbury Warton for storage. 15.2.66 'J' 5 Sqn. 23.3.67 60 MU. 5.67 'P' 23 Sqn. 19.1.68 BAC Warton mod to F6. By 10.69 60 MU. 23.10.69 'A' 5 Sqn. 6.70 'B' 74 Sqn. 9.71 'A' 56 Sqn. 6.2.73 60 MU overhaul. 8.6.73 'A' 56 Sqn. 1.7.76 60 MU overhaul. 17.7.76 Binbrook store (26.6.79 painted in 74 Sqn marks for 25th anniversary). 15.8.79 'F' 11 Sqn. 11.80 re-coded 'BF' 11 Sqn. 8.81 St Athan light grey respray. 18.10.81 returned. 2.82 'AC' 5 Sqn. 10.10.83 St Athan dark grey respray returning 8.11.83, into store. 8.11.84 crashed North Sea seven miles east of Spurn Head, after pitch trimmer failure after take off and then Nos 1 and 2 re heat fire warning lights came on while pilot burned off fuel preparatory to landing. Smoke and fire caused him to eject being rescued after 25min in sea.  
EE Lightning F.6 XS897/S c/n 95243. flf 10.5.66, Salmesbury Warton for storage. 21.12.66 'K' 74 Sqn. 30.8.71 'S' 56 Sqn. 6.9.72 60 MU overhaul. 29.1.73 'S' 56 Sqn via Binbrook. 7.76 'K' 5 Sqn. 11.76 store. 10.77 'H' 11 Sqn. 3.79 store. 10.4.81 'BE' 11 Sqn. 6.9.81 St Athan for respray, returning 12.10.81. 8.82 store. 2.83 re coded 'BC' 11 Sqn. 12.83 re-coded 'BD' 11 Sqn. 1.84 store. 2.84 'BC' 11 Sqn. 12.84 store. 13.2.86 'AC' 5 Sqn. 10.10.86 old style camouflage and 'D' roundels, original 5 Sqn markings as part of squadron's 21st anniversary of Lightning operations. Remained in this scheme until 5 Sqn disbanded 12.87 when put into store. Scrapped 4.88. (3,391.55hr.)  
EE Lightning F.6 XS932/J c/n 95265. f/f 9.4.67, Salmesbury Warton. 21.6.67 'H' 11 Sqn. 14.5.71 60 MU overhaul. 25.10.71 'J' 56 Sqn 25.9.75 60 MU overhaul. 25.2.76 'R' 56 Sqn. 01.07.76 60 MU overhaul. 17.7.76 Binbrook store. By 8.77 Coningsby, stored in BBMF hangar. 4.79 'F' 5 Sqn. 2.80 store. 25.8.83 St Athan for respray in dark grey scheme, returning 12.9.83. 29.9.83 'AM' 5 Sqn. 10.83 re coded 'AC' 5 Sqn. 4.85 store. 15.1.86 'AG' 5 Sqn. Last flown 10.86 (3,655.30hr). Salvaged 4.88. Seen as “H” with 11 Sqdn during Lime Jug 70.
Victor K.1A XH651 d/d 01/04/1960, scr. St. Athan 1978. 57 Sqdn provided tanker support. Worked with Lightnings during their stay.

May 73

Four F.6s arrived on the 1st, for a ten-day detachment.

EE Lightning F.6 XR773/N c/n 95238. f/f 28.2.66, Salmesbury Warton for storage. 7.11.66 'F' 74 Sqn. 9.71 'N' 56 Sqn. 13.8.73 60 MU overhaul. 28.1.74 Binbrook. 2.74 returned to 'N' 56 Sqn. 7.75 Binbrook. 2.9.75 'A' 5 Sqn. 16.12.75 recoded 'B' 5 Sqn. 1.76 store. 7.76 'D' 11 Sqn. 11.76 store. 17.1.78 'D' 11 Sqn. 10.78 store. 6.81 'AH' 5 Sqn. 8.82 store. 3.83 'AF' 5 Sqn. 12.83 store. 13.9.84 St Athan for dark grey respray, returning 9.10.84, into store. 11.84'BD' 11 Sqn. 3.85 store. 15.5.85 'DF' LTF. 9.1.86 withdrawn from LTF 22.1.86 'AB' 5 Sqn. 9.86 store. By 7.8.87 'BR' 11 Sqn. Early 88 employed for BAe Tornado F3 radar development (by 11 Sqn) with over wing tanks. 27.6.88 Boscombe Down for BAe as spare Tornado trials a/c. Re-reg ZU-BEW with Mike Beachy Head, South Africa.  
EE Lightning F.6 XS897/S c/n 95243. F/f 10.5.66, Salmesbury Warton for storage. 21.12.66 'K' 74 Sqn. 30.8.71 'S' 56 Sqn. 6.9.72 60 MU overhaul. 29.1.73 'S' 56 Sqn via Binbrook. 7.76 'K' 5 Sqn. 11.76 store. 10.77 'H' 11 Sqn. 3.79 store. 10.4.81 'BE' 11 Sqn. 6.9.81 St Athan for respray, returning 12.10.81. 8.82 store. 2.83 re coded 'BC' 11 Sqn. 12.83 recoded 'BD' 11 Sqn. 1.84 store. 2.84 'BC' 11 Sqn. 12.84 store. 13.2.86 'AC' 5 Sqn. 10.10.86 old style camouflage and 'D' roundels, original 5 Sqn markings as part of squadron's 21st anniversary of Lightning operations. Remained in this scheme until 5 Sqn disbanded 12.87 when put into store. Scrapped 4.88. (3,391.55hr.)  
EE Lightning F.6 XS928/E c/n 95261. f/f 28.2.67, Salmesbury-Warton. 4.4.67 'D' 11 Sqn. 1.70. L' 74 Sqn. 6.4.70 Cat 4 damage caused by ground fire at Tengah when fuel vented on to wing. 3.11.70 airlifted by Belfast freighter to BAC Warton for repair - new wings fitted (old wings appeared at Gutersloh!). 14.7.72 loaned to 23 Sqn, Leuchars. 16.8.72 'E' 56 Sqn. 4.76 re-coded 'R' 56 Sqn. 1.7.76 60 MU overhaul. 17.7.76 Binbrook store. 9.76 'K' 5 Sqn. By 12.77 'L' 5 Sqn, and by 2.80 'F' 5 Sqn. 10.80 store. 20.10.81 'AJ' 5 Sqn. 6.82 'AU' 5 Sqn. 16.8.82 St Athan for dark grey respray, returning 3.9.82. 5.83 St Athan for further respray, returning 25.5.83 in revised dark grey scheme. 6.83 'BB' 11 Sqn. 5.84 re-coded 'BJ' 11 Sqn. 2.85 Mod 9 completed, adding 400hr to airframe. 2.85 store. 8.85 'AH' 5 Sqn. 7.86 store. 3.87 'AD' 5 Sqn. In use until unit disbanded 12.87 then fitted with over wing tanks and used in BAe Tornado F3 radar trials. By 4.88 delivered Warton for continuation of trials.  
EE Lightning F.6 XS933/K c/n 95266. f/f27.4.67, Salmesbury Warton. Loaned to Saudi Training School, Warton. 23.6.67 'J' 11 Sqn. 13.5.71 60 MU overhaul. 14.10.71 'K' 56 Sqn. 7.76 Binbrook store. 28.10.76 transferred to Coningsby store. 5.77 Binbrook store. 9.77 'G' 5 Sqn. 1.78 withdrawn from use. 17.5.78 BAC Warton for instructional use for Saudi Arabian contract. 17.12.82 Binbrook, stored. 6.6.83 St Athan for light grey respray, returning 11.7.83. 9.83 'BE' 11 Sqn. 1.5.85 store. 6.12.85 reported seen as 'BB' 11 Sqn. 15.1.86 'AJ' 5 Sqn, in use until 10.87 then scrapped by 4.88 (3,663.50hr).  
Victor K.1 XH651 aw/cn 31.03.60, d/d 01.04.60, to Handley Page Ltd 13.02.64 for converstion to B1A standard, returned to service 10.08.64, to Handley Page Ltd 09.10.64 for conversin to K1A standard, returned to service 13.07.66, s.o.c. 26.01.77 as CAT5(S) at No. 19 MU St. Athan and scrappe. 57 squadron, arrived on the 1st.
Victor K.1 XH667 aw/cn 31.03.60, remained at Handley Page Ltd for conversion to B1A standard, d/d 03.02.61, to Handley Page Ltd 11.02.65 for re-conversion to K1A(K2P) standard, returned to service 30.04.65. to Hal-Far 23.09.75 for use by fire section. Seen on the 11th.
Shackleton AEW.2 WL754 First flown 18.3.52 and A/Cn 24.4.53. To Hawarden 7.5.53 and on to 23MU Aldergrove the following day. Allocated to MEAF and prepared for delivery by the Overseas Ferry Unit, Benson, 26.8.53. ToC by 137MU Safi 1.9.53 and issued to 37 Sqn 4.9.53 coded A. Suffered a Cat.3 flying accident 7.9.53 when the pilot touched down heavily short of the Luqa runway, damaged the tailwheels, overshot and made a successful landing on the mainwheels. To 137MU 8.9.53 for repair and reissue to 37 Sqn 14.12.53 still coded A. To CAPMF St Mawgan 1 1.3.54 for mods, returning 31.3.54. To 137MU Safi 8.1 1.54 for major servicing (probably at Langar) Tssued to 38 Sqn 27.1.55 and coded Z. Underwent mods 10.2.55 - 24.3.55. Another Cat.3 flying accident occurred 14.11.55 when the pilot made a heavy landing and detached the tailwheels. WL754 was transferred to Safi 21.11.55 for repair and on completion the aircraft was reallocated to 37 Sqn 13.10.56 as G. Mods and Cat.3 repairs by Avro CWP 7.1.57 - 15.3.57, the aircraft being transferred to 38 Sqn 25.6.57 and recoded V. To 37 Sqn 1.8.57 for move to Khommaksar, remaining until allocated to Avro 15.10.59 for Phase I modification, the work commencing 22.10.59. Completed 15.9.60, WL754 was delivered to 42 Sqn the following day and coded F. Damage caused 22.11.61 by Cat.3 flying accident was repaired on site and the aircraft transferred to Avro Langar for Phase II update. This was completed 15.6.62, the aircraft returning to 42 Sqn 18.6.62 still as F. Underwent further Cat.3 repair 6-25.11.63 and allocated to HSA Langar 25.2.66 for Phase II1 conversion. On completion was despatched to 205 Sqn 30.4.67 and coded J. Allocated to the Ballykelly Wing 6.1.69, but the move cancelled and WL754 ferried to HSA Bitteswell 17.1.69 on loan for TI of the Ferranti airstream direction detector (ADD) equipment (improved stall warning). Transferred to MinTech loan 7.7.69 for flight trials, WL754 arriving Woodford 13.8.69. On completion of trials 30.9.69 the aircraft was despatched to the Ballykelly Wing 13.10.69 and recoded H. To 204 Sqn 10.70, still as H, but ferried to 5MU for storage 2.4.71. Delivered to HSA Bitteswell 22.3.72 for AEW.2 conversion. First flew as such 9.72 and sent to 5MU 18.10.72 for repainting prior to delivery to Lossiemouth 21.11.72 for radar installation. To 8 Sqn 29.11.72 and named 'Paul '. To Kinloss 20.12.72, but returned to Lossiemouth the next day and was finally delivered 5.1.73. To Lossiemouth with unit 14.8.73. Withdrawn 1.81 and allocated to Valley for crash rescue/fire practice. Flown from Lossiemouth to Valley 22.1.81 and allotted maintenance serial 8665M, but retained by unit following a local 'Save the Shack' campaign, and put on display.  

June 74

These four F.6s arrived on 11 June, departing on the 21st. No other details available.

EE Lightning F.6 XR771/C c/n 95236. f/f 20.1.66, Salmesbury Warton for storage. 20.10.66 'D' 74 Sqn. 9.71 'C' 56 Sqn. 17.5.73 60 MU overhaul. 10.73 Leuchars by 1.75 'C' 56 Sqn. By 11.76 store, Binbrook. 20.11.78 'C' 5 Sqn. 4.80 store. 17.11.80 'AK' 5 Sqn. 3.5.81 store. 1.3.83 'Y' LAF. 8.83 'BA' 11 Sqn. 25.11.83 went u/s Gdtersloh. 15.12.83 returned Binbrook. 4.85 store. 21.3.86 'AN' 5 Sqn. XR771. 23.3.88 last flown. (3,553.55hr.). Salvaged 5.88. 7.88 Midland Air Museum, Coventry.  
EE Lightning F.6 XR773/N c/n 95238. f/f 28.2.66, Salmesbury Warton for storage. 7.11.66 'F' 74 Sqn. 9.71 'N' 56 Sqn. 13.8.73 60 MU overhaul. 28.1.74 Binbrook. 2.74 returned to 'N' 56 Sqn. 7.75 Binbrook. 2.9.75 'A' 5 Sqn. 16.12.75 recoded 'B' 5 Sqn. 1.76 store. 7.76 'D' 11 Sqn. 11.76 store. 17.1.78 'D' 11 Sqn. 10.78 store. 6.81 'AH' 5 Sqn. 8.82 store. 3.83 'AF' 5 Sqn. 12.83 store. 13.9.84 St Athan for dark grey respray, returning 9.10.84, into store. 11.84'BD' 11 Sqn. 3.85 store. 15.5.85 'DF' LTF. 9.1.86 withdrawn from LTF 22.1.86 'AB' 5 Sqn. 9.86 store. By 7.8.87 'BR' 11 Sqn. Early 88 employed for BAe Tornado F3 radar development (by 11 Sqn) with over wing tanks. 27.6.88 Boscombe Down for BAe as spare Tornado trials a/c. Re-reg ZU-BEW with Mike Beachy Head, South Africa.  
EE Lightning F.6 XS919/R c/n 95252. F/f 28.9.66, Salmesbury-Warton for over-wing tank trials. 14.4.67 'C' 11 Sqn. 2.72 60 MU overhaul. 29.6.72 'R' 56 Sqn. Late 75 60 MU overhaul. 7.76 'C' 5 Sqn. 7.77 re coded 'A' 5 Sqn. 8.87 re-coded 'F' 5 Sqn. 4.79 store. 13.3.81 'AD' 5 Sqn. Late 82 store. 5.84 'AL' 5 Sqn 3.5.84 St Athan for dark grey respray, returning 30.5.84. 8.6.84 temporarily coded 'AL' 5 Sqn. 11.6.84 stored, then 'BN' 11 Sqn same month. 7.84 store. 2.85 'BN' 11 Sqn. By 20.11.86 'BB' 11 Sqn, last flown 2.88. Salvaged 4.88 (3,987.25hr).  
EE Lightning F.6 XS932/J c/n 95265. f/f 9.4.67, Salmesbury Warton. 21.6.67 'H' 11 Sqn. 14.5.71 60 MU overhaul. 25.10.71 'J' 56 Sqn 25.9.75 60 MU overhaul. 25.2.76 'R' 56 Sqn. 01.07.76 60 MU overhaul. 17.7.76 Binbrook store. By 8.77 Coningsby, stored in BBMF hangar. 4.79 'F' 5 Sqn. 2.80 store. 25.8.83 St Athan for respray in dark grey scheme, returning 12.9.83. 29.9.83 'AM' 5 Sqn. 10.83 re coded 'AC' 5 Sqn. 4.85 store. 15.1.86 'AG' 5 Sqn. Last flown 10.86 (3,655.30hr). Salvaged 4.88. Seen as “H” with 11 Sqdn during Lime Jug 70.

111 Squadron

Motto: Adstantes - Standing by (them)

Current Status: Disbanded at RAF Leuchars on 22 March 2011.

Trivia: First RAF squadron to convert to the monoplane Hurricane in 1938. In WWII, spent a few weeks based in Malta equipped with Spitfires to assist in Operation Husky, the invasion of Sicily. Chosen as RAF’s official aerobatic team in 1957, flying the Hunter. During 1958 Farnborough Air Show, looped the loop with 22 Hunters (with some aircraft borrowed from 56 Squadron), a record which still stands. Last squadron to operate the Tornado F.3 version.

14 Aug – 13 Sept 1968

The following aircraft appeared in a photograph which was published in Malta Flypast No.7, but at least one aircraft couldn’t be properly identified.

This is not necessarily a complete list, as other aircraft may have airborne on a sortie.

F.3 XR711/A c/n 95194. f/f 6.10.64. 2.12.64 'A' 111 Sqn. 24.8.67 60 MU. 4.3.68 'A' 111 Sqn. 29.10.71 crashed Wattisham after failing to get airborne following reheat fire during take off. Airframe cannibalised for spares (1,667.25hr).  
F.3 _____/J    
F.3 _____/M    
F.3 _____/G    
F.3 _____/E    
F.3 _____/F    
F.3 _____/D    
F.3 XP700/K c/n 95154. f/f 6.6.63. 14.4.64 'A' 74 Sqn. 4.66 Warton for possible conv to F6 (not undertaken). 8.66 Wattisham store. 11.66 'P' 56 Sqn. 17.4.67 'Z' 111 Sqn. 22.6.67 60 MU. 5.68 'K' 29 Sqn. 7.8.72 crashed Gt Waldingfield, Suffolk, following engine fire caused by tail bumper striking runway and rupturing ventral tank; pilot ejected safely (1,653.15hr).  
T.5 XS450/T c/n BI/95010. f/f 25.5.65. 6.9.65 'T' ll1 Sqn. 7.70 60 MU. 9.70 '450' 226 OCU. 2.9.74 Binbrook store. 1.1.75 5 Sqn (unmarked). 3.11.75 open store. 8.11.75 decoy, camouflaged 10.77, allocated 8534M, scrapped late 87.  

26 June – 17/18 July 74

This was 111’s last visit with Lightnings. F.3s arr on 26 Jun 74. Departure dates have been listed as 17 & 18 July.

EE Lightning F.3 XP740/B c/n 95168. f/f 1.2.64. 30.12.64 'J' 111 Sqn. 1.70 rear fuselage fire at Binbrook, 60 MU for repairs. 7.70 '740' 226 OCU. 12.70 60 MU. 2.71 'B' 111 Sqn. 30.9.74 Wattisham store. 19.4.75 dumped after being SOC. 10.75 PEE Shoeburyness. Had small-style badges and normal fin flash.
EE Lightning F.3 XP746/J c/n 95174. f/f 26.3.64. 3.65 33 MU. 15.4.65 'K' 56 Sqn. 12.11.69 60 MU. 4.8.70 'J' 111 Sqn. 10.74 Wattisham store. 4.75 SOC. 10.76 PEE Shoeburyness.  
EE Lightning F.3 XP754/R c/n 95182. f/f 5.6.64. 31.7.64 'M' 74 Sqn. 9.66 Wattisham. 1.67 'X' 5 Sqn. 2.67 'X' 111 Sqn. Between 18/29.9.67 re-coded 'A' 111 Sqn. By 18.3.68 'H' 111 Sqn. 13.6.68 60 MU. 9.68 'R' 111 Sqn. 30.9.74 SOC and scrapped.  
EE Lightning F.3 XP759/F c/n 95187. f/f 14.8.64. 1.10.64 'J' 23 Sqn (6.67 Paris Salon, coded 'I 16'). Late 67 to 60 MU. 28.3.68 'T' 56 Sqn, by 1.70 'C' 56 Sqn. 29.2.72 60 MU. 4.5.73 'S' 29 Sqn. 29.8.73 damaged by engine fire in flight, but repaired (1,846.55hr). 10.73 'G' 111 Sqn. 15.5.74 'R' 23 Sqn. 8.74 'F' 111 Sqn. 10.74 Wattisham store. 4.75 SOC and scrapped, parts to Binbrook.  
EE Lightning F.3 XP762/C c/n 951 90. f/f 3.9.64. 26.1.65 'M' 111 Sqn. 3.69 60 MU. 11.69 'C' 111 Sqn. 7.74 noted as 'D' 111 Sqn, by 8.8.74 reverted to 'C' 111 Sqn. 9.74 'A' 29 Sqn. 9.1.75 60 MU for disposal. 25.6.75 SOC and scrapped.  
EE Lightning F.3 XR713/A c/n 95196. f/f 21.10.64. 8.1.65 'C' 111 Sqn. 10.69 60 MU. 6.70 'B' 111 Sqn. 9.2.71 60 MU. 25.11.71 'A' 111 Sqn. 29.8.74 Binbrook. 31.10.74 'S' 5 Sqn. 3.76 LTF. 8.78 'C' LTF. 10.78 'C' 11 Sqn. 7.80 store. 5.5.82 'AR' 5 Sqn. Store 10.4.83-8.85. 9.85 'DD' LTF. 31.10.85 'DC' LTF. 5.3.87 Lossiemouth. 11.3.87 Leuchars. Allocated 8935M, restored as 'C' 111 Sqn c65 for display purposes at 111 Sqn HQ.  
EE Lightning F.6 XR747/X c/n 95212. f/f 2.4.65 as F3, Salmesbury Warton for store and conv to F6. Late 67 to 60 MU storage. 4.1.68 'K' 23 Sqn. 4.6.73 60 MU overhaul. 20.9.73 'K' 23 Sqn. 15.5.74 'X' 111 Sqn. 30.9.74 Binbrook. 11.74 'P' Sqn. 2.76 first 5 Sqn to receive grey/green camouflage scheme. 16.2.77 re-coded 'E' 5 Sqn. 9.77 Cat 3 with persistent fuel leaks, placed in store until 10.78 when returned to service as 'E' 5 sqn. 4.79 stored. 5.6.81 due to be placed on fire dump, Binbrook but fell off low loader and left on belly ('5' Sqn marks), and used as 'photo mount' for 'Families Day' 6.6.81. Repaired, 18.5.82 air tested and transferred to LAF as 'X' 8.82 'BF' 11 Sqn. 2.85, Mod, 9 to give 400 more flying hours. 23.8.85 air tested. 24.9.85 'AL' 5 Sqn. 7.8.87 Lost part of rudder in flight, made emergency landing, Coningsby. 22.8.87 (last flight) to Binbrook. Scrapped 4.88. (3,650.40hr.) The F.6s had a bigger badge and swept fin flash.
EE Lightning F.6 XR752/Y c/n 95217. f/f 16.6.65 as F3A, Salmesbury Warton for store. 26.11.65 'V' AFDS. 6.67'U' 23 Sqn, later re coded 'C' 23 Sqn. 20.10.67 BAC, Warton conv full F6. 24.10.68 Leuchars pool coded 'W'. 1.7.70 'G' 23 Sqn. 7.73 60 MU overhaul. 17.8.73 'G' 23 Sqn. 15.5.74 'Y' 111 Sqn. 15.10.74 'B' 5 Sqn. 16.12.75 store. 3.76 'H' 5 Sqn. 22.4.76 60 MU overhaul. 11.76 Binbrook store. 9.77 'H' 5 Sqn. 29.9.77 Cat 2 wheels up landing Binbrook (first F6 to do so), cost £99,000 to repair. 25.1.78 air tested. 6.78 'D' 11 Sqn. 9.80 'E' 5 Sqn then 'BH' 11 Sqn by 11.80. 3.82 store. 1-4.82 St Athan light grey respray, returning 21.4.82, stored. Temporarily used 5 Sqn without codes, periodically 83 and 84. 5,84 'BL' 11 Sqn. 11.85 stored after suffering fire on landing. 22.4.87 decoy, scrapped by 9.87.  
EE Lightning F.6 XS895/Z c/n 95241. f/f 6.4.66, Salmesbury Warton for storage. 5.12.66 'H' 74 Sqn. 8.71 'J' 5 Sqn. 11.71 60 MU overhaul. 24.3.72 'J' 5 Sqn. 24.6.72 re coded ‘B' 5 Sqn. 12.72 'N' 23 Sqn. 15.5.74 'Z' 111 Sqn. 14.10.74 Leuchars Station Flight (operated by 23 Sqn). 11.74 grounded until 2.76. 3.2.76 to Binbrook, specially decorated in Scottish markings similar to those of Leuchars TFF. Store. 16.1.79 first flight for three years. 2.79 'B' 5 Sqn. 9.80 'AL' 5 Sqn. 10.81 'AK' 5 Sqn. 6.83 store. 4.84 'DF' LTF. 20.8.84 loaned to 5 Sqn for APC, Cyprus. 29.4.85 on loan to 11 Sqn. 10.5.85 St Athan for dark grey respray, returning later same month, into store. 7.85 'BC' 11 Sqn. 15.1.86 slightly damaged after running off runway. 10.12.86 store. 9.7.87 noted during overhaul. By 22.8.87 'AO' 5 Sqn, remained active until disbanded 12.87. Scrapped 4.88. (3,275hr.)  
EE Lightning T.5 XS421/T c/n B 1/95006. f/f 25.2.65. 11.5.65 '42 1' 226 OCU. 4.5.71 'T' 111 Sqn. 23.11.71 60 MU. 9.72 'T' 111 Sqn. 11.74 'S' 23 Sqn. 23.4.75 60 MU. 5.75 'S' 23 Sqn. 22.10.75 Binbrook, open store, then decoy. 24.9.76 wingless airframe to Boscombe Down by road for FOD injection tests (allocated 8503M). 27.9.76 P&EE/AWRE Foulness. Carried markings similar to F.3s.
Avro Shackleton AEW.2 WR965 First flown 7.4.54 and A/Cn 30.4.54. To Kinloss 11.5.54 and on to 23MU Aldergrove 13.5.54 for storage. Allocated to MEAF 3.11.54 and on delivery issued to 37 Sqn 5.11.54 coded B. To 49MU Colerne for Autolycus 'special fitment' 9-23.7.55, the mod being completed by CCMC St Mawgan before WR965 returned to 37 Sqn. To Safi/Avro Langar for major servicing 13.6.55, returning to 37 Sqn 4.11.56. Transferred to 38 Sqn 8.7.57 and coded S. To 49MU for 'special fitment' 5.6.58 - 23.7.58, but remained on 38 Sqn charge until allocated to Avro Langar 23.5.59 for Phase I modification, completed 31.3.60. To 224 Sqn 6.4.60 and coded T. To DH Chester 28.8.61 for Phase II update, completed 29.3.62. Immediately despatched to the A&AEE Boscombe Down on loan to the MoA for trials on redesigned flame-float launching chute (mod 1013). Released 5.4.62 and allocated to Ballykelly, WR965 being ToC by 203 Sqn 9.4.62 and coded K. Cat.3 damage 9.6.64 repaired by 23MU and aircraft returned to 203 Sqn 23.6.64. Again sustained Cat.3 damage 12.8.65, repaired by 60MU 20.8.65 - 21.9.65, and WR965 was back with 203 Sqn the following day. To HSA Langar 17.3.66 for Phase III modernisation, and on completion despatched to 205 Sqn, arriving 24.5.67, when coded L. Recoded E specially for a formation display 8.11.68 to record the retirement of WL759, the last Phase II aircraft on the Squadron. WR965 was also soon to leave Singapore, transferring to the Ballykelly Wing 2.12.68, when recoded Q. Allocated to HSA 18.12.68 and fitted with revised tailplane de-icing panels. Loaned to MinTech 24.3.69 for flight trials from Bitteswell to determine optimum flow rate, completed 9.5.69. Returned to Ballykelly Wing 15.5.69, transferring to 204 Sqn 10.70 still as Q. To 5MU Kemble 2.4.71 for storage. Delivered to HSA Bitteswell for AEW.2 conversion 28.4.72. First flight in revised configuration 15.11.72. To 5MU 28.11.72 for repainting before delivery to Lossiemouth 18.1.73 for radar installation. To Kinloss 31.1.73, returning to Lossiemouth 17.8.73 with unit. Named 'Dill'. To HSA 16.4.74 (after standing in open storage 1.74 - 4.74) for refurbishing. Returned to 8 Sqn, but to 60MU on 29.4.75 for mods and to HSA Bitteswell 1.9.76 for major servicing and re-sparring (2nd in contract). First flight after mods 12.10.77, WR965 returning to Lossiemouth 19.10.77 and 8 Sqn charge two days later. Crashed near Northton, South Harris, Outer Hebrides. Ten killed. Arr on 01.07.74
Avro Shackleton AEW.2 ?   Arr on 01.07.
Hunter Javelin Lightning Phantom
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